2019-12-28 科科 10840
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:科科 转载请注明出处

TOKYO (AP) — The relocation of a U.S. Marine Corps base to a less-crowded area of the southern Japanese island of Okinawa will take more than twice as much money and time as previously estimated because of the need to stabilize the reclaimed land it will be built on, Japan''s government said Wednesday.


The Defense Ministry said the relocation of U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma from densely populated Ginowan to Henoko on Okinawa''s eastern coast will cost 930 billion yen ($8.5 billion) and take 12 years, pushing its completion into the 2030s. That adds more than a decade to the plan, which has already been delayed by more than 20 years because of local opposition and other reasons.


Under an earlier plan agreed to by Tokyo and Washington in 2013, construction was to cost about 350 billion yen ($3.2 billion) and take five years, with completion expected in about 2022.


Tamaki is expected to also reject a central government application for a local government permit to carry out additional land reinforcement, which is likely to reignite tension and further delay the relocation.


Okinawa''s vice governor, Kichiro Jahana, told reporters that “The construction should be stopped immediately. It''s a good opportunity to rethink the plan, taking into consideration a nationwide debate.”

冲绳县副知事吉郎·水雉(Kichiro Jahana)对记者表示,“机场应该立即停止建设。考虑到全国范围内的争论,这是重新考虑该计划的好机会。”

About half of the 50,000 American troops in Japan are stationed in Okinawa. The 30 U.S. installations on the island account for more than 70% of the area used by the U.S. military in Japan, leading Okinawa to protest that it is shouldering more than its share of the burden.


Opponents also say the relocation plan should be scrapped for environmental reasons because the site is a habitat for dugongs and corals.


U.S. President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe reaffirmed their commitment to pursue the Henoko plan in 2017, calling it the only solution that avoids continued use of Futenma. The plan was developed after the 1995 rape of a schoolgirl, in which three U.S. servicemen were convicted, reigniting simmering Okinawan opposition to the U.S. bases.


Tokyo and Washington have since agreed on the return of the current 1,100-acre (445-hectare) Futenma base to Japanese control after operations are moved to Henoko. The plan requires 1,800-meter (5,900-foot) runways in a V configuration on reclaimed land in Henoko Bay near the U.S. military’s Camp Schwab.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:科科 转载请注明出处

Japanese people want the US military out, and they’ve rioted over it in the past….When Japan surrendered “unconditionally” in 1945, accepting the Potsdam and Cairo declaration terms, it surrendered sovereignty to Okinawa…..For 27 years, until 1972, the United States exercised sovereignty in all respects in Okinawa, establishing on the islands the largest U.S. military bases outside the United States. Some 75 percent of American military facilities in Japan are on Okinawa….What people don’t seem to understand is….Until the early 70’s, MOST of the land in Japan that housed US MILITARY BASES BELONGED TO THE US GOVERNMENT….When the land was given back to the Japanese Government in the 70’s…..The Japanese people wanted them OUT.


Our presence in Okinawa is not to protect the Japanese or okinawans - it’s because the island is strategically located for us to have access to ALL of the Pacific. It is strategically advantageous to the US in the event of conflict. It also serves as a jump off spot for conflict in the Middle East.


We are also there as part of our treaty obligation to the Japanese. As part of the terms of their surrender, we are obligated to defend them in return for them not building a large military force.


Base needs to stay. Our soldiers paid with their lives in WWII to remove Tojo’s Bushito soldiers.


US won Japan lost.


China is slowly buying up land in Okinawa and elsewhere. What''s to stop them from building in these places...Nothing. Not an odd thought that they might try and take islands close to Alaska someday. Half of our country is a sleep...I''m no expert but I live in Okinawa and I see it happening in front of my own eyes. This is a critical point of defense.


Does the Pentagon understand that Americans actually have to go to WORK for this money?


Are you so stupid that you can''t understand that we have treaty obligation over there? That if we don''t make sure that little wars don''t start popping up all over the place all the nice little products that we make over here will have no markets to be sold in? Are you so blind to reality that you can''t grasp the fact that the only way there is world peace and stability is when there is some country who is willing to have a large military, and backbone to use it to enforce peace? Without a country or group of countries that are willing to enforce peace every petty little dictator like the one in North Korea, or the group in Iran would be invading everyone of their neighbors every week. You would have dozens of petty warlord trying to carve Africa and Central America into dozens or hundreds of little countries.


cheryl tobin
We always have money to police the world but we can’t afford to provide healthcare to American citizens.


I say we close and move out all bases from Okinawa and they can handle their defense.


New Yorker
@Anthony Yes I think so because Japan is the third largest economy in the world.

@Anthony 是的,因为日本是世界第三大经济体。

@New Yorker, one of the reasons Japan is a large economy is because they don''t have to pay for a large portion of their defense budget. We can no longer afford to let Japan to have it both ways. They have lived under the US umbrella for 75 years. Perhaps it''s time for them to welcome the US as a partner in the defense of their country or deal with the consequences.

@New Yorker 日本经济规模大的原因之一是他们不需要支付大部分的国防预算。我们不能再让日本坐享其成了。他们在美国的保护伞下生活了75年。也许是时候让他们欢迎美国成为保卫他们国家的伙伴,或者让他们自己去应对一切后果了。

We''re not there for them. We are there for US. The military benefits are first and foremost. I''ve been there. The point is military strategy for the US, not the people of Okinawa.


When the U S liberated the island, it was a very different time. I question whether the U S needs the island any longer for a "jumping off place". Between the US bases on Hawaii, Guam, Korea etc, I would think that the US military would not suffer any problems removing the military presence from the island. The arsenal now afforded to the military is far more advanced that it was in 1945. The US presence on the island has reached a point where the effectiveness MAY be questionable. If the islanders vote by a majority to have the US withdraw, then let us withdraw. The island''s economy would suffer greatly. The only way to recharge the economy would be to be a more friendly tourist attraction. But then there would be a large percentage of non Asian presence among the people, and the islanders would be back to square one. With 15 months in S E Asia, I spent a few months on the island. I loved being there, especially on the north end at Henoko.... In regards to the 3 lowlife military guys that raped a school girl, I think that is tragic and they should have received the death penalty... However, with that said it is a fact that the assault on islanders by members of the US military is very, very low....

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