2019-12-30 吕洞宾! 19634
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Do soldiers get sad when they kill another person, even if they were an enemy?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:吕洞宾! 转载请注明出处

Roland Bartetzko, former German Army Paratrooper, Croatian Defense Council, Kosovo Liberation Army
I’ve never seen a soldier who was feeling bad after a kill. Many soldiers feel great, especially when it was their first time, others don’t feel anything at all.
On the other hand, I’ve seen soldiers that were full of regret, because they had missed an opportunity to kill the enemy.

罗兰·巴尔特佐科 前德国陆军伞兵,克罗地亚国防委员会,科索沃解放军

There was an incident during the Kosovo War where my squad had set up an ambush on a very busy road. One of our soldiers went further up the road to tell us over the radio what kind of vehicles were approaching.
It was almost dark when our radio crackled:”One large bus!”. Unfortunately, we didn’t know whether it was a military or a civilian one, and therefore we decided not to attack it. I was hiding behind a bush when the bus passed by. I stood up to take a look inside and almost couldn’t believe what I saw:


You might be surprised but when someone is actively trying to dexe you, you have little regard for them or their well-being. That said a soldier or marine may feel differently later on or later in life about what they did or whatnot, everyone is different. I know a guy who served in Vietnam and even back when i saw him a lot in the 1990s he was not at all remorseful for those he killed over there. It was war and they wanted him dead as well as anyone else next to him, so to protect himself and the men next to him (some he loved and some he absolutely hated) he killed the enemy. Some on the other hand do feel guilt over it. Some only feel guilt for those they lost. If i recall right, Chris Kyle, in the first few pages of his memoirs said something to the tune of his only regret was that he couldn’t kill more of them.


If you’re asking if a soldier or marine feels differently for a woman they engage, the answer again lies in the fact that each is a different person but a female combatant is just as capable of pulling a trigger as a male.


Larry Sarvis, Sgt in USMC (''''''''66-''''''''69)...Two PUCs/Two PHs
I was a Marine grunt in Vietnam. And I can’t remember feeling bad about killing the enemy. After all he is trying to kill me so if I didn’t kill him I would be dead…or my buddy by my side would die which in a way would be even worse if it was because I failed to act.


Mercs fighting for money hardly will feel anything when killing the enemy; actually most relish it, and will take any opportunity presenting itself to do the most killing possible. That is why they are being paid for and would do it happily…that is why they joined.


Those who enlisted out of love for their country, to defend it.
Those who needed a job
Those happy to further their country’s pursue of conquest.


Those who view it as a way to kill people legally, because that is what they like. These have arguably that in common with mercenaries.
Mercenaries have sold their service to kill and destroy historically to the best bidder. One of many old examples is Xenophon and his Greek contingent who was hired by prince Cyrus the Younger to fight against his brother the Persian king Artaxerxes II. Another historical example is the greek mercenary Memnon of Rhodes fighting for Darius against Alexander of Macedonia in the battle of Granicus.


The Swiss were famous, and not the only ones.
During the American Revolution, the British government, hired German mercenary soldiers coming -not only- from Hesse-Kassel.


In more modern times, there are many cases of european mercenaries fighting in foreign wars like Yugoslavia, Bosnia, etc.


And how can we forget Blackwater and its mercs (euphemistically called “Contractors”) fighting in Iraq? These -as any mercenary worth his salt- would relish killing the enemy, because that is what they know how to do and like, apart of the fact that by killing the enemy, they would have accomplished the reason they were hired in the first place, and an opportunity to move up the ladder.


As an aside, I will mention I went once and participated in a shooting test (not as a merc!) of various new weapons and ammunition at Blackwater’s facilities many years ago .


Mercenaries make good money with their killing abilities. According to some reports, Blackwater mercs made from $500 to $1,500 per day… not too shabby, eh?


Normal people -for lack of a better word- do not enjoy killing others, especially just because they are the enemy. In war, however many do it because it is their job, but that doesn’t mean they liked it. We know a great number of examples of soldiers shooting the enemy and missing…. in purpose. During the Korean War, for example, there are reports of machine gunners shooting over the enemies’ heads in purpose.


Of course, there are times in which “normal people” will be merciless against the enemy due to “pay back” reasons.


If you see anyone who is being honest and they don’t have any negative feelings about having killed someone, They are either too young, to immature, to inexperienced, or the worst, the ones you don’t want as fellow soldiers. They are the type that get you killed.

如果你看到任何诚实的说他们对杀人没有任何负面感觉的人,他们要么太年轻,不成熟没经验,要么情况更糟 ,(他们是)那种你不想成为他们战友的人。他们是那种会让你被杀的人。
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