2019-12-31 后羿A射日 30384
原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:后羿A射日 转载请注明出处

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

China is building new faster prototype maglev train line. China existing high-speed trains are almost all faster versions of conventional steel wheels on steel rail trains. China only has one 19-mile long high-speed maglev train line from Pudong to the Shanghai International Airport.


China has the longest network of conventional high-speed rail in the world. They have 29,000 kilometers of high speed rail.


China has completed a feasibility study for a new network of double to triple speed maglev from Guangzhou to Beijing on which trains could travel at between 600km/h and 1,000km/h. The higher speed would require building a lower pressure tube (partially evacuated of air) to enable higher speed.


A 600km/h maglev train prototype will be ready for trial runs in 2020. Hubei will start work on a 200-km section made of vacuum tubes to conduct experiments to verify the cutting-edge, high-temperature superconducting maglev theory and ultimately push the speed limit to 1,000km/h.


In May, 2019, China revealed the body of the new maglev train. The construction of a train body with ultra-lightweight, high-strength materials was a challenge, Ding said. Complex physical problems created by high speeds also needed to be solved in new ways if the Qingdao prototype was to reach peak performance.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

The faster maglev would eliminate the advantages jet passenger planes had over a distance of 1,500km (900 miles).


Traveling from Beijing-to-Shanghai takes about four-and-a-half hours by including preparation time for the journey. It takes about five-and-a-half hours by China’s existing high-speed rail. It would take about three-and-a-half hours by 600kph maglev. It would take 2 hours with 1000 km/hr maglev with partial vacuum tube.


China might build a lot more maglev lines in the next one to two decades between the affluent Yangtze River Delta (Shanghai area) and the Pearl River Delta (Hong Kong-Guangzhou area). Business travelers may choose to hop on maglev trains instead of planes if they can travel from one major city to another within an hour.


More maglevs would join the development project in the coming months, the team leader was quoted as saying, while mass production of the technology was likely by 2021.


原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:后羿A射日 转载请注明出处

China continues building new stuff while the US keeps bombing 3rd world countries.


Trump isn’t really a war dog... he just likes Looking powerful...military parades...Etc...

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Derek AshLeader
The US being the worlds police is slowly coming to an end, and as it continues, expect far more bombs to drop, with very few coming from US aircraft. The US has also slowly begun the de-coupling form China, this will stretch out over awhile, and will hurt China very badly. They will likely enter another war amongst themselves before they have a maglev network.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Derek Ash
The U.S. hasn''''t been the world''''s police sind 1954. It''''s been a global schoolyard bully instead. Every single instance of cruise missile diplomacy is illegal under several international treaties and under U.S. law - the U.S. is breaking international law, not enforcing it.


Milo Ogemon
Yep. A lot more wars in third world hell holes without outside interference except both sides bought cheap sino weapons. A new era.

是的。除非对战双方都购买了廉价的中国武器,那么在没有外界干涉的情况下,第三世界的地狱之洞 将会发生更多战争。这是一个新的时代。

Jan Jansson
I suspect that this tech - whether in China, in the USA or in Europe - would be bogged down with securit protocols, i.e. it would be just as time consuming to check the passengers before boarding the train as it is now boarding a plane. So they should include security clearance times for the train in the travel time. After all, blowing up a bomb in a high-speed train in vacuum would most likely kill everybody on the train (1000 people?) and cause enormous economic damage. If you blow up a small bomb in a (slow) train you basically "only" kill the people in the car. The tracks are most likely not damaged... Evacuation is easy, just stop the train and people can get out through the doors and windows. Not so much a 1000 km/h train in a vacuum tube...


They could solve those issues if they wanted to. For example, they can isolate incidents by having a large spacing between cars and having crumple zones on either side. As for the vacuum .. as astronaut Jim Leblanc found out in 1966 .. humans can survive in total vacuum for at least 30 seconds. They could probably save most people if they can work out emergency repressurization to occur in 15 seconds (they dont need it to get to one bar in 15 seconds .. if they get it to mount everest level pressure by 15 seconds that may be sufficient.) They can have giant doors that close to isolate 100 meter sections to enable re[ressurization.


Not a problem. China is extremely efficient at facial, gait and other recognition and pre-screen train/plane ticket buyers based on criminal background checks and social credit scores (this also includes medical records, e.g., if said citizen is on specific NSAIDs etc). It is a very efficient way of making sure only "good citizens" take the train/plane. The last barrier of defense is, if a pre-approved good citizen suddenly gets a psychotic break, to deploy state of the art backscatter and other detection tech at the "gate". And this security check is also very efficient. The biggest risk are the foreigners. But, even that is pretty well mitigated. China will screen (electronically of course) all your social media posts, bank statements, tax returns, browser histories etc that can be tied to you (you enter your home address passport etc). Most individuals operate like an open book.


Sounds great the faster the better. Planes require petroleum, I wonder if there is any equivalence of fuel consumption vs. km traveled between trains and planes. If the trains were powered by electricity generated by nuclear, wind ,solar, or hydro then the health benefits of clean travel out way the time savings.


The energy requirements for traveling at 1000 kmh is significantly less for the train because it is traveling in vacuum. Depending on the amount of vacuum they achieve.


Improbus LiberLeader
High speed rail won''''t happen in American unless it gets stupid cheap or the population density goes way up.


There''''s plenty of areas in the US that have high population density.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Improbus LiberLeader
If there was a real market it for it someone would build it. In America, you are more likely to get high speed automated vehicles (ground, air and hyper-loop) to take individual parties to individual destinations instead of mass transit.


Sprunk SodaLeader
There is a real market on the Eastern and Western Seaboard, they just don''''t get built because of regulation and land rights. That''''s why the California rail is bogged down, you make one person mad then there is concessions and prices go up. That''''s why they elevated the train onto a huge bridge, because people complain about noise. Sometimes I wish only the smart and educated get a say in America, adding the remaining 90% just stifles innovation. Point being there is a market, there is just too much bureaucracy and people that make money not having these transport networks built.


California''''s high speed rail project is having trouble specifically due to mismanagement through distribution of work to unqualified contractors and lack of a central authority. They actually bought up a bunch of land without paying for it due to the whole left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing kind of deal. There''''s more to it than that. Meanwhile, on the East coast, Northeast Maglev expects to break ground by 2021 pending formal approval on a DC to Baltimore maglev project using SCMaglev. They plan eventual extensions to Philadelphia and NYC and several airports. There''''s a project in Texas which is facing its own brand of trouble. Florida is doing best because it managed to get some higher speed rail going and they''''re already looking toward expanding. It was called Brightline, then get bought by Virgin and is now Virgin Trains USA.
again. steal USA maglev tech.


No one is going to care about highspeed trains when autonomous self driving cars becomes the norm... You could easily take a nap in the back seat and wake up in the morning at your destination if your car can drive for you... It’s only a matter of time before the standard car starts looking like a limo... think about... you get rid of the front seat and stealing put one bench seat facing backwards and one Bench seat facing forwards with a table in the middle... it’s like riding on a train... you remove the table it folds down to becomes a bed... meanwhile your car does the driving for you


Using stolen
German Transrapid maglev tech used to create the Shanghai line, of course. I don''''t think the Germans forgot about China stiffing them on that project...


They not only stiffed the Germans, they also transferred the technology to them for making maglev trains locally in China...because it’s better than making no money at all...


Cry me a river. Chinese scientists and engineers are very capable. These new systems are innovative. Next thing I''''ll be hearing that the concept of a train is copied by the Chinese. The reality is that both industrial and scientific capabilities of the Chinese are now on par or better than that of the competition. Live with it! I am not Chinese, but look around your local high schools and universities, you''''ll find that Chinese students are over represented compared to their numbers in the local population. This is your answer, like it or not.
If only they had “transfer transit” tech...then we could all stay home and float like jello...


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

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