How hard were the Chinese Imperial examinations?
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
Just one of many Chinese civil service hopefuls striving to gain a place in the supreme imperial bureaucracy of the ruling Qing Dynasty. And like most people who took the notoriously hard and infamous imperial examinations, Hong was actually quite intelligent. Possessing a seemingly innate aptitude for the scholarly pursuits and administrative capabilities demanded by the esteemed imperial court. However, also like most people, he failed the exams (which had a passing rate of a little over 1%) time and time again, until he had exhausted both his own (and family’s) finances.
Upon receiving his failed exam results for a fourth and final time, Hong reportedly suffered a full-blown mental breakdown. During which he came under the influence of American Protestant-Christian missionaries preaching in his locality, and subsequently became intensely religious. In the following weeks, Hong grew even more mentally unstable and delirious. Eventually claiming that he was the younger Chinese brother of Jesus Christ, and that God the father had appeared to him in a dream. Where he was supposedly tasked with overthrowing the ruling pagan Qing dynasty in China, purging the world of “demon-worshippers”, and establishing a Christian kingdom of heavenly peace on Earth.
Hong then converted to Christianity, and would ultimately go on to start the Taiping Rebellion, which plunged China into a decade-long civil war that culminated in the deaths of 20–30 million people.
Lincoln Cheng (鄭博軒), Citizen of the Middle Kingdom
upxed May 28 · Upvoted by Lyonel Perabo, B.A. in History. M.A in related field (Folkloristics)
In 19th century China, there lived a relatively unknown and obscure man named Hóng Xiùquán (洪秀全).
In 19th century China, there lived a relatively unknown and obscure man named Hóng Xiùquán (洪秀全).
Just one of many Chinese civil service hopefuls striving to gain a place in the supreme imperial bureaucracy of the ruling Qing Dynasty. And like most people who took the notoriously hard and infamous imperial examinations, Hong was actually quite intelligent. Possessing a seemingly innate aptitude for the scholarly pursuits and administrative capabilities demanded by the esteemed imperial court. However, also like most people, he failed the exams (which had a passing rate of a little over 1%) time and time again, until he had exhausted both his own (and family’s) finances.
Upon receiving his failed exam results for a fourth and final time, Hong reportedly suffered a full-blown mental breakdown. During which he came under the influence of American Protestant-Christian missionaries preaching in his locality, and subsequently became intensely religious. In the following weeks, Hong grew even more mentally unstable and delirious. Eventually claiming that he was the younger Chinese brother of Jesus Christ, and that God the father had appeared to him in a dream. Where he was supposedly tasked with overthrowing the ruling pagan Qing dynasty in China, purging the world of “demon-worshippers”, and establishing a Christian kingdom of heavenly peace on Earth.
Hong then converted to Christianity, and would ultimately go on to start the Taiping Rebellion, which plunged China into a decade-long civil war that culminated in the deaths of 20–30 million people.
That’s how hard the imperial examinations were.
(Almost makes me feel sorry for Hong.)
(译注:洪秀全(1814年1月1日—1864年6月1日 [1] ),曾用名火秀 ,族名仁坤,后来为了避上帝名讳而改为洪秀全 ,广东花县(今广东省广州市花都区)新华镇官禄村人 。清末农民起义领袖。
道光年间,屡应科举不中,遂吸取基督教教义中的平等思想,撰写《原道救世歌》。咸丰元年(1851年)1月11日,洪秀全领导发动金田起义, 建国号太平天国,号天王。咸丰三年(1853年),定都江宁(今南京),改称天京。建都之后,洪秀全分兵占领长江各省,派兵北伐、西征 ,并摧毁江南、江北大营。咸丰六年(1856年),洪秀全诛杨秀清、韦昌辉,史称“天京事变”,随后,他迅速启用陈玉成、李秀成等新将领;并以洪仁玕为军师,推行新政。 同治三年(1864年),洪秀全在天京病逝,享年51岁。其逝世后太平天国运动在中外反动势力的联合绞杀下失败。在政治上,洪秀全完善职官制度,修建王府,确立五军主将;在经济上,颁布《天朝田亩制度》,力求废除封建土地所有制;在文化上,他焚烧四书五经,推崇拜上帝教;在主权原则上,对清政府签订的不平等条约一概不予承认,并积极抗击帝国主义侵略。
洪秀全领导的太平天国运动席卷了大半个中国,历时十四年,给中外反动势力沉重的打击,在中国近代历史上留下深远的影响。洪秀全为太平天国运动做出了巨大贡献,乃至孙中山也自诩“洪秀全第二” [8] 。但洪秀全对伦理和儒家社会的破坏举措,奉行的盲目排外政策和不切实际的纲领,以及他后期腐化的生活作风等,都具有负面影响)
(Almost makes me feel sorry for Hong.)
(译注:洪秀全(1814年1月1日—1864年6月1日 [1] ),曾用名火秀 ,族名仁坤,后来为了避上帝名讳而改为洪秀全 ,广东花县(今广东省广州市花都区)新华镇官禄村人 。清末农民起义领袖。
道光年间,屡应科举不中,遂吸取基督教教义中的平等思想,撰写《原道救世歌》。咸丰元年(1851年)1月11日,洪秀全领导发动金田起义, 建国号太平天国,号天王。咸丰三年(1853年),定都江宁(今南京),改称天京。建都之后,洪秀全分兵占领长江各省,派兵北伐、西征 ,并摧毁江南、江北大营。咸丰六年(1856年),洪秀全诛杨秀清、韦昌辉,史称“天京事变”,随后,他迅速启用陈玉成、李秀成等新将领;并以洪仁玕为军师,推行新政。 同治三年(1864年),洪秀全在天京病逝,享年51岁。其逝世后太平天国运动在中外反动势力的联合绞杀下失败。在政治上,洪秀全完善职官制度,修建王府,确立五军主将;在经济上,颁布《天朝田亩制度》,力求废除封建土地所有制;在文化上,他焚烧四书五经,推崇拜上帝教;在主权原则上,对清政府签订的不平等条约一概不予承认,并积极抗击帝国主义侵略。
洪秀全领导的太平天国运动席卷了大半个中国,历时十四年,给中外反动势力沉重的打击,在中国近代历史上留下深远的影响。洪秀全为太平天国运动做出了巨大贡献,乃至孙中山也自诩“洪秀全第二” [8] 。但洪秀全对伦理和儒家社会的破坏举措,奉行的盲目排外政策和不切实际的纲领,以及他后期腐化的生活作风等,都具有负面影响)
All joking aside, the Imperial exams were indeed VERY hard.
Candidates were placed in separate isolated cubicles in multiple halls and open-air courtyards under the watchful eyes of exam invigilators. The tests would last for three whole days (72 hours) at a time, during which exam takers would either be given make-shift beds or compelled to sleep on the dirt/floor. Candidates were also required to bring in water, their own precooked meals, bedding, chamber pots (for when nature calls), and writing utensils which would all be thoroughly searched to prevent and deter cheating. Any noisemaking or interruptions were strictly prohibited.
The actual content of the exam required students to write what were called: “Eight-Legged essays” (八股文 ; Bāgǔ wén). Which were basically designed to test a candidate’s knowledge of canonical Chinese Confucian texts, aka; the “Four Books and Five Classics” (四書五經 ; Sìshū Wǔjīng). Any citations and quotations needed to be pulled directly from the assigned texts, and any misquote (even a single character off) would spell a candidate’s failure. In addition to that, there would be other essays on questions such as “Why did Chancellor Cao Cao lose the Battle of the Red Cliffs?” or “How could the An Lushan Rebellion have been better handled by the Tang Dynasty?”
All joking aside, the Imperial exams were indeed VERY hard.
Candidates were placed in separate isolated cubicles in multiple halls and open-air courtyards under the watchful eyes of exam invigilators. The tests would last for three whole days (72 hours) at a time, during which exam takers would either be given make-shift beds or compelled to sleep on the dirt/floor. Candidates were also required to bring in water, their own precooked meals, bedding, chamber pots (for when nature calls), and writing utensils which would all be thoroughly searched to prevent and deter cheating. Any noisemaking or interruptions were strictly prohibited.
The actual content of the exam required students to write what were called: “Eight-Legged essays” (八股文 ; Bāgǔ wén). Which were basically designed to test a candidate’s knowledge of canonical Chinese Confucian texts, aka; the “Four Books and Five Classics” (四書五經 ; Sìshū Wǔjīng). Any citations and quotations needed to be pulled directly from the assigned texts, and any misquote (even a single character off) would spell a candidate’s failure. In addition to that, there would be other essays on questions such as “Why did Chancellor Cao Cao lose the Battle of the Red Cliffs?” or “How could the An Lushan Rebellion have been better handled by the Tang Dynasty?”
All in all, it was near impossible to pass
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处
Alex Bujorianu
This seems like a very effective way to prevent good civil servants from entering the profession. Being an effective administrator has nothing to do with how well you can memorise Confucius quotes—and a lot more with being able to understand social systems, and come up with imaginative solutions to difficult problems.
This seems like a very effective way to prevent good civil servants from entering the profession. Being an effective administrator has nothing to do with how well you can memorise Confucius quotes—and a lot more with being able to understand social systems, and come up with imaginative solutions to difficult problems.
Steffan R Blanco
Well at least they weren’t US standardize school tests where mostly everyone can pass them. They thought about this and wanted to avoid revolts
Lincoln Cheng (鄭博軒)
Well at least they weren’t US standardize school tests where mostly everyone can pass them. They thought about this and wanted to avoid revolts
Lincoln Cheng (鄭博軒)
Hahaha, I’m just glad I didn’t have to sit the SATs
(译注:(美国)学业能力倾向测验(全写为scholastic aptitude test,是高中生升入大学必须通过的测验) ; (英国)标准课业测评考试(全写为Standard Assessment Task,现称为NCT)
(译注:(美国)学业能力倾向测验(全写为scholastic aptitude test,是高中生升入大学必须通过的测验) ; (英国)标准课业测评考试(全写为Standard Assessment Task,现称为NCT)
Matthew Haywood
I always felt the sheer difficulty of the exam probably ruined any literati’s passion for the Confucian classics, and maybe that’s why so many turned out to be such harsh bastards haha!
I always felt the sheer difficulty of the exam probably ruined any literati’s passion for the Confucian classics, and maybe that’s why so many turned out to be such harsh bastards haha!
Lam Yau-king
Poor Hung, he just wanna be recognized……
Poor Hung, he just wanna be recognized……
Nicholas Chan
This really makes me view my exams (which I just finished earlier this month) in a whole new light. Thanks for the fascinating information! I’ve always been curious about the infamous Imperial Examinations.
This really makes me view my exams (which I just finished earlier this month) in a whole new light. Thanks for the fascinating information! I’ve always been curious about the infamous Imperial Examinations.
Sai Venkatesh
That''s hilarious and horrifying at the same time.
That''s hilarious and horrifying at the same time.
Bill Soo
I have read that once in their cubicles and viewing the test, many candidates realized that they were out of their depth and simply committed suicide right there rather than face their families.
I have read that once in their cubicles and viewing the test, many candidates realized that they were out of their depth and simply committed suicide right there rather than face their families.
They were generally hard but their real intent is for Chinese imperial officials to get bribes from students who want to get passing grades. That’s why bribery and school cheating are common nowadays in China, because such things are common practices in China’s history.
They were generally hard but their real intent is for Chinese imperial officials to get bribes from students who want to get passing grades. That’s why bribery and school cheating are common nowadays in China, because such things are common practices in China’s history.
Frans Vandenbosch, lives in China (2002-present)
Incredibly hard, the imperial exams sexted the elite among the elite.
Compare it with the today’s sextion procedures for Provincial Governors.
Or compare it with the The National College Entrance Examination (NCEE), commonly known as Gāokǎo (高考)
Incredibly hard, the imperial exams sexted the elite among the elite.
Compare it with the today’s sextion procedures for Provincial Governors.
Or compare it with the The National College Entrance Examination (NCEE), commonly known as Gāokǎo (高考)
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