2022-07-22 bluebit 7408
What screams "I''m not American" in the United States?


Mel Noonan
1. Wearing cameras around their neck. Most Americans just carry cellphones, unless you are a vlogger or an old person.


2. Wearing business attire outside of work. Americans like being comfortable, (or in cases of skinny jeans), ‘comfortable.’ Many Americans will choose something more relaxed on days they do not work. Also dress shoes are a dead giveaway. Dress shoes are more for special events, work, and dates. Most men outside of work wear tennis shoes or sandals. Most women will wear boots, flats, heels, wedges, and tennis shoes.


3. Asking where to eat the best American food. Then they get confused when you ask what kind of food they are interested in. Like describe to me what American food means to you because I can either point you to a burger place, Mexican, Chinese, Greek, chain resturants…I lived in America all my life and I still don''t know what American food is except for apple pie, root beer, recess cany, butterfinger, hot dogs, and burgers.


4. Using only cash. Cash is still ok but most Americans use debit cards/credit card. The reason? If you get your card stolen, it''s easy to report, cancel your card, and get refunded if somebody used your cards. If you get cash stolen, you are out of luck. Also, going to banks to pull out cash takes time and it just makes sense to use your debit card than go to the bank.


5. Commenting on clothing style. Yes, if you come from a modest country, sorry. Women walk around with low cut shirts and their legs and arms showing. Men walk around in shorts and can have tattoos and long hair. We really don''t care what people dress like as long as privates are covered. Note: some people will care but we just ignore them.


6. Complaining about taxes/tips. No American unless a cheapskate or someone brand new to buying things (usually kids) complain because we are used to it. So if I hear a complaint, it''s usually a foreigner. Although I hear less complaints so I think foreigners got word about this.


7. Expecting good public transportation to go from my city to Los Angeles. We are four hours drive time away and separated by mountains which the train can’t go over due to the steepness or something like that. To go from my city to LA, you must drive 20 minutes to another city to the train station which will take you to Bakersfield. From then, you get off of the train, go on a bus and go over the mountain, and get back on the train to continue to Los Angeles. Honestly, just rent a car. It''ll be cheaper and far easier because the train only leaves and comes back from LA once a day. Just rent a car.


8. Insulting ranch and root beer. Damn it, you foreigners just don''t understand these two great products. Chicken tenders only go with ranch. Root beer is a delicious soft drink. Root beer floats are lovely. Also don''t forget to have our apple pies and pecan pies.


9. Not knowing laws. Yes, in your country, the legal age is 16. Here it is 18. If you get arrested for sleeping or courting a underage, you will face criminal charges. If you are under 21, drinking is illegal. If caught, you will face our criminal system even if it is legal to drink at 16 in your country. Playing na?ve will not prevent you from getting arrested or tickets. Always look up laws for USA and for the state you are visiting. FYI: in some states marijuana is legal and other states it''s still illegal.


10. Going to dangerous areas. I think most Americans know there are places off limits or to severely limit exposure to, or places safe during the day but not at night. Examples (please don''t get mad) Detroit. Certain areas are safe but other areas are either daytime only or considered at your own risk. Lots of foreigners don''t know these places. Look at the worst cities of America and avoid these places. Remember, if the police won’t step in a neighborhood or part of town at night, you shouldn''t either. Always look up crime rates.


11. If a person gets overwhelmed at a grocery store they are foreigners. We have over 30 cereals, 20 brands of cat food, and 10 different types of refried beans. It can be overwhelming but it also can be the time to experiment with new food. Spicy jalape?o red refried beans sound gross but don''t knock it until you try it.


12. Complaining about the smell of cows. If you come to the central valley of California it''s mostly cities separated by large farms. We have a lot of cows. Over the years, we can tell if cows are healthy or sick just by the smell of the land surrounding the cows. It sucks. We know. But most of the time you will only smell it within a mile of a diary farm.

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13. Finally, not smiling back when somebody smiles at you. It''s so insulting. It makes a person seem off-putting, grumpy, and rude. If somebody says ‘how do you do’ just smile back and say good or whatever you want to reply. But we Americans typically do some sort of exchange. It’s rude to ignore a person.
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Jennifer Quail
Regarding #9, “legal age” varies by state. It’s 17 in many places and rules when one partner is 17+ and one is 16 can vary (quite a few states don’t consider it statutory rape if one person is 17 and one is 16 even if one is technically ‘under age.’)


As far as #12 goes, I’ve never heard a foreign visitor complain about things like farm odors, but urban/suburbanite Americans? Yep. Lots. Americans bitch about that ALL the time. Especially when they move to the country and start complaining about their neighbors having animals, guns, dirt roads…Heck, I live in the country and I’ve been known to complain about the pig odor (because NOTHING smells as bad as fertilizing with pig manure.) Nothing to do about it, but some days you just have to gag because the fertilizer’s fresh and the wind’s right.


Mel Noonan
We are close to Sequoias. We get a lot of foreigners and we have close to 50 diary farms around the city. We here it a lot here.

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Larry Kessner
Know the law in your state, is best advice
Age of consent is 16 in a majority (32) of the states
Many also have “close in age” laws


Jim Hollerman
For those who are curious, Ages of consent in the United States - Wikipedia


Carol Katrawitz
Yet you have child mariage in a lot of states. How does that work?


Catherine Markowska
Generally, one can get married with parent’s permission in some states.


Oct 1
Caan they then have sex? Is it legal for a child to have sex if they are married?


Poke Emblem
Yeah, depending on the state.

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Selma Music, Research Assistant at Technical University of Munich
1. Accent.


2. Giving an elaborate reply to "How are you?" and "How''s it going?" questions. Or killing small talk by giving one-word replies.


3. In a store they get very confused when asked "How''s it going?" by a cashier; typically start mumbling something and blush.


4. Not tipping enough or at all, and anxious about who to tip.


5. Confusion about cash, it all looks the same.


6. Confusion about how credit card payments work. When in a restaurant they’d freak out when their credit card is taken away and swiped. And then they''re expected to give a tip... Wait, didn''t they swipe it just now? Should I leave cash? But they gave me a pen so I should probably write it down? Aaarrgghhh!

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7. Standoffish. Not smiling, not making eye contact, not responsive to politeness, and generally being freaked out by mere friendliness.


8. Trying to do city sightseeing on foot.


9. If they want to see more of the US, they''d travel by train. So, you can find them on train stations; NYC, Chicago, and California of course.

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10. Wanting to be left alone by waiters.


11. Looking/asking for deo sprays in stores.


12. Taking offense for getting carded when buying alcohol.


13. day/month/year!


14. That very quiet group of people in a restaurant.


15. Water without ice, please!

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16. Hypocritically talking crap about US culture and food but secretly loving both.


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Lotta Kalla
Lol at number 13…I’m an Australian and we do day/month/year. To me it makes more sense that way, but it could just be the culture I was raised in. My fiancé is from Washington state suburbia, and uses the American date system sometimes, I think he’s totally wrong with the month or the year until I realise.


Sabrina Braun
Giving an elaborate reply to "How are you" and "How''s it going" questions. - That’s me.


Elijah J. Krause
Water without ice is actually a big thing in Minnesota. I have to adjust when visiting my southern family.


Mark Falcoff
American here. I loathe being asked “How is your week going?” by people as an opener. My broker did this the other day. In Germany—where I live most of the time—people do not ask questions for which they don’t really want an answer.


Alind Chandra
Also converting pounds to kilos and miles to kilometers.


Siddhant Singh
Ah yes a hark back to the good old days when I would write the tip on the bill and then pay that amount in cash…


Rick Pace
Accurate list with the exception of item #8. I’m American af and seldom rent a car when exploring one of our cities. There are exceptions such as Miami though but I tend to prefer older cities such as Savannah, NYC, Chicago etc… that were established and developed way before the automobile.


Angela Sene
#15 is so totally me. I enjoyed reading this.


Brandon Donald Richards
Hey, it might be just me, but I’ve always said no ice for yrs, whether soda or water. Yes, the companies def do offer way too much ice.


Joe Roberts
1) Asking “Where’s the nearest train/railway station?” (Answer: Apart from in a very few metropolitan areas, where some people take commuter trains, there isn''t one, not a functional one used for practical purposes, not one that is the easiest solution for getting you to where you need to go.)


2) When staying at a private home, keeping the bathroom door closed when not in use (for hours or all night long; closing it for a bit when it stinks in there is fine).


3) Complaining about having to tip. Or, tipping an astronomical and weird amount.


4) Being amazed by portion sizes.


5) Being amazed about the volume of water in a toilet. Calling anything but a toilet a toilet. A toilet is the appliance you sit on to defecate. It is, in the US, nothing else. “The toilets” are two or more specific appliances. “The toilets they sell at Home Depot are pretty nice” is an acceptable sentence.

5、对厕所里的水量感到惊讶。什么的都叫厕所,洗手间也不例外。马桶是专指拉粑粑用的。在美国,马桶是专有名词。“厕所”是指两个或两个以上特定的家用电器。“家得宝(Home Depot)的厕所用具买的很好”还算可以接受。。

6) Being amazed by the big openings between lavatory stalls.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

7) Expecting to be able to walk between places and not automatically assuming that your American host is going to drive to a certain suburban-style place .


8) Wearing too much or any cologne/perfume.


9) Dressing well for mundane activities like going to the supermarket.


10) Being surprised when the waitstaff in a restaurant clears the plates of people at the same table at different times, or being surprised by having one’s own plate cleared the moment one puts one’s fork across a plate.


11) Not understanding how our credit card systems work. No, there’s often no “chip and pin” (I think I finally understand what that means as we use it some places now, but no one in the US calls it that).

11、不了解我们信用卡的工作原理。不,不是那种带“chip and pin(芯片和密码)的卡”(我想我现在终于明白这是什么意思了,因为我们有些地方还有用这种卡的,但美国人不会这么叫它)。

12) Not tipping in a bar for every drink order.


Sabrina Caan
This is the first I''ve read of the door to the bathroom thing. Not questioning you or doubting you, but amused by it! I''ve actually sat here now thinking about what I do here in the UK. Currently I leave the door open - but I live alone and one of the cat litter trays is in there. When I lived with other people I shut the door. This wasn''t out of any feeling that the bathroom was unseemly, moreso because the corridors were narrow and any open door was a hindrance (our average homes are far smaller and our average layouts a bit more old fashioned and cluttered).
Why do you leave the door open?


Michael Woloch, Lived in Arizona for a few years.
Invading someone’s personal space.
North Americans - US & Canada - have a halo of personal space around them which strangers are not welcome to enter unless there’s a very good reason. I don’t know why - certainly we have big crowds in various places - but you definitely have to leave space. Public transit can get crowded, as do entrances and exits, but it is not appropriate to bump another person in the shoulder or push them from behind.


I’ve mentioned this many times but this is one of my own biggest pet peeves of visitors from abroad, not to mention immigrants who have not adjusted to this one aspect of our culture.


1、Keep at least 2 feet away from people, front to back, when walking on the sidewalk and especially in a slow-moving line.


2、Keep your hands away from a person’s backpack or purse while doing so.


3、 Keep your distance from people using an ATM, or who are reaching for their wallet/purse while making a payment. Rule of thumb here is arm’s length.


4、If you need to touch someone to get their attention, you may touch them between the shoulder and elbow. Touch - not grab - unless you are pulling them from immediate danger. And by “touch”, that means don’t let your hand linger.


5、Never touch a person’s hair. Avoid touching children unless invited to do so.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

6、Don’t sit next to a person dining alone in a restaurant. It may happen in some crowded places, but the server will generally ask the person already seated if they mind sharing a table with a stranger. I have experienced this only twice in my life.


7、Don’t sit immediately next to another person in “open seating” if there is a choice - like in a movie theatre or on a train. Yes, the best seats may be in the middle of the theatre, but don’t sit directly in front of someone in an otherwise empty theatre. (Many theatres now have reserved seating, so as long as you take your assigned seat, even if it is beside the only other person there, that is ok.)


All of the above are doubly true for men approaching women - even in a crowd.


I have experienced most of the above situations, and I get particularly anxious with people approaching me at the ATM. This happened once and I confronted the individual, they played dumb and said that they only wanted to learn how to use the machine. When I offered to assist them once I was finished, they walked away and never came back, so I remain suspicious of this situation. I don’t know anyone personally, who was the victim of a pickpocket (rather than a snatch-and-grab), mostly because people tend to keep their distance and get suspicious when they don’t.


Darion James
I had a football coach in high school who did not know what personal space was. He was American born and bread too. Anytime he talked to you he couldn’t have a face to face conversation. He always mozzied over and leaned his shoulder against your shoulder and got real close to your face. To make matters worse he was a dipper so his breath always smelled like skoal.


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