2021-09-20 21733
I Don't Understand Asian Self-Hatred At All


Growing up in a small town in the South during late 90s/early 2000s, I faced racism all the time. Got beaten up on the first week of kindergarten, beer bottles thrown at me while I'm mowing, rednecks almost driving my family off the road TWICE, etc. etc.. I'd get into fights so often that I'd bike over to their house and challenge them, because I couldn't wait to fight them at school. I still have a mangled finger, cut eyebrow, visible cut on on skull, two chipped teeth, and other multiple scars and I have proof if wanted. Just plain nasty, hateful, trashy people and bad memories I can't forget. The hardest part was seeing my immigrant dad always coming home from work angry because of workforce discrimination, and it pains me to this day knowing my old man endured so his kids could have a better future.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But because of all this, my dad always pushed us hard to be better than all the American kids. Unlike other Asian parents, he was't narrow-minded and understood intellect wasn't enough to prove the false notion of racial superiority wrong. You have to beat racists in every area that they feel superior, so you need to be well-rounded. Asian men also need masculine physical prowess and social skills to succeed. So he'd tailor our diets, make us work out, allowed us to play with other kids, and stress "inner beauty" over appearance, etc. That's why today, my brothers and I are all relatively successful career-wise, socially, physically, we've all "beat" our dad - we've wrestled, played rugby, and tower over our 5''4" Asian dad at ~5''11" 180lbs. What I'm saying is, all that racism we faced became a constant reminder over our heads to beat racists and prove them wrong. It became fodder for our growth. It made me even more proud of being Asian because I didn't want to be on their side.


This is why I don't understand Asian self-hatred in the slightest bit. If people are racist, why does it make you hate yourself? Why are you doing their bidding? Why are you joining in on your own mockery? Why don't you want to counteract their false belief of racial superiority? Hating yourself is choosing to step on your dignity because you were too much a coward to fight back. You chose to believe the propaganda of your oppressors. And your racist oppressors aren't going to lift their foot off the pedal because you kowtowed to them. In fact, they'll walk over you even more. They'd actually respect you more if you fought back.


I don't see Black people hate being Black because of White racism. In fact, they double-down on Black pride. Why are most Asians such weak-minded, passive pushovers?


Some parents dont teach you to fight against racists. Some try to teach you to ignore them and rise above it, but that can be hard. Some assume that when something bad happens, you did somethjng to provoke them even though that's usually not the case.
I know my parents always preached the mentality of staying out of other people's way and they won't bother you (the asian mentality of keeping harmony/not confronting). I think they were trying their best, but they made it so that my sibling and I felt like we were in the wrong even though we had done nothing - our parents convinced us we must've done something or why else would people be mean to us? And somehow we were the ones in the wrong (no mom, they're just racist)?


Some Asians weren’t fortunate enough to get parents who fights back. I’m glad my parents taught me to always fight back and stand up for others. If someone fucks with you fuck with them back they instilled this to my brothers and I day one.
Growing up we watch our father fight back against racism and discrimination whenever it would be at his workplace or elsewhere. He didn’t take shit from anyone period. He always fought back he was relentless at his aggressors. My brothers and I are grateful for having him in our lives. He taught us a lot of good values for life.


We are in an early stage of colonialism. A lot of AAs today are either first generation or second generation, which means their parents like yours were very uneducated on racism and how to handle it. Most of us didnt learn the lessons that we needed to combat racism and hate, that comes at a later stage, perhaps in the third-generation or fourth.
So we're basically struggling with identity, and we hate how we're treated so we decide to hate our race because everyone else does too. But just because you hate your race, it wont change how you look and it definitely wont help how you get treated.


It's different for asian women though. They can just exist stage left and go to the white stage and perform there when they marry a white dude.


Unfortunately, I believe that we are the minority. Just look at the bobaamerican sub or subtle boba traits. They don't dare to mention anything about having a sense of dignity in oneself, or dare to talk about anything positive about China or Chinese culture, because apparently "china bad".


what can I say, people respond to adversity differently. There's the fight or flight response. you are obviously a fighter, but too many AsAms are runners

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I've always been a believer that self-hating Asians have more to do with the fact that they hate their parents so much and the pressure they put on them that they just hate everything about themselves instead.
But unfortunately there are many Asian children who were pampered and given a good unpressured life that still have this mindset.


It's the "if you can't beat em, join em" mentality self haters have.


I see, fortunately that thought has never crossed my mind.


I think your father is a huge blessing in your story. Kudos to him for showing you the way. Not all of us had that and had to find our own ways through life.


Too many asians raised with the mentality of "being nice". Or trusting in the goodwill of others. My mother tried to raise me to be non confrontational but .... it didnt stick.
Case in point - some limp dick on subtle asian leftovers was questioning himself for recommending his friends for jobs at work fearing he was contributing to taking opportunities from other POC. Cuz he almost always recommends someone Asian. The asian community is filled with pussies like this.
U think whiteys have any qualms about exclusivley promoting their golfing buddies ?

太多的亚洲人在“与人为善 ”的心态中长大。或者轻信他人的善意。我妈妈想把我培养成一个不对抗的人,但…没用。

People in our community really need to grow a pair lol If other communities don't care about us, we should not care about them and thats that. Other communities like black folk do the exact same thing and could care less if people look down on them or call them racist for choosing to put their own people above everyone else at others expense (nothing wrong with that thou tbh) but Asians are reluctant to do this as they know they'll get criticized.
We're generally taught to just go with the flow to avoid trouble which has made more of us willing to comply to many injustices just cause it's effort and troublesome to not do so. The Asian community needs to break out of their desire to want to feel accepted in Western societies as they'll likely turn on any of us with no hesitation even if we were to get accepted.


This..... it's sort of like stockholm syndrome. Where the victims begin associating with their transgressors.


For some reason, their ego believes that by hating on other Asians, these self hating Asians are better than them. Slave to their egos desiring to be better than others.


I believe black people have. The terms uncle tom or house ni**** don't exist for no reason. They just call that shit out while self hate in the Asian community is an epidemic that is supported.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The people like that are just weak in the mind


Good post. There is a significant lack of pride and unity amongst Asians.


For the most part, I've fought back against racism in my life although I do feel like I developed some internalized self hatred. I did not have asian friends and my family were not fighters; they were anti violence and did not want to stir the pot. The thing is even if you continuously fight against it, some aspects of it still gets in. America brainwash you to think white is attractive, white is better, asians are only good for math and kung fu. I think for most of us, after so many years going through it, its hard to not let it affect you....especially if youre learning that in your developing years.


I think asian self hatred is more about trying to fit into a society that doesn't really accept you because of your race. To succeed in a white society, consciously or unconsciously, you have to more or less absorb the implicit and explicit racial biases in the environment.
For example, in my field of software engineering/tech there is this pretty widespread notion that the career ceiling for asians is team lead, and any kind of executive/management position is impossible except at asian companies. If we accept the premise that executive positions lead to better pay because they are better people, then this could lead to a range of unfortunate effects. People might actually believe this on some level and think that asians are not leadership material, and that would be a form of self hatred.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think Asians are lacking in leadership, because I find that they just want to do the job and leave.


That's kind of the symptom though, because rightly or wrongly they don't think they have a shot so they don't even try. Even with people like Andrew Yang who has been in leadership roles you can still see traces of internalised racism with pieces like this.


Good point. I've definitely seen that too.


Catch 22 of our culture being risk adverse and prioritizing academics over being well rounded.


our culture? speak for your self....vv


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