苏州美食: 当地名菜
2022-10-25 超级凉快 8822

一、苏州美食: 当地名菜

Chinese food is popular everywhere. No matter where you go, there’s probably a Chinese restaurant! However, at least in Spain, until very recently it was not easy to find a Chinese restaurant that served things different from the usual fare of fried rice, spring rolls and sweet and sour pork. Which are totally fine, but there’s so much more variety in Chinese food! Savoury, spicy, sweet or sour, every region in China has its own cuisine where one flavour prevails. In Suzhou, in case you were wondering, sweet is king! Let’s see which are some of the most famous local dishes here.


– Sweet and sour fish, a.k.a squirrel fish

- 糖醋鱼,又名松鼠桂鱼

This is the absolute star of any meal with guests. It’s a whole fish cut in a way that resembles the tail of a squirrel (or that’s what Chinese people say), battered, fried and covered in an orange sweet and sour sauce. It’s quite a sight and very tasty, but better make sure that the piece you take is well covered in sauce, you can literally taste it. (I have to say this: fish and seafood is not too good in China, at least for someone who comes from Spain. But nothing that cannot be fixed with a delicious sauce).

这绝对是与客人共进晚餐的亮点菜。这是一整条鱼,切得像松鼠的尾巴(中国人是这么说的) ,搅拌,煎炸,再淋上糖醋酱。这种鱼看起来不错,味道也很好,最好确保你吃的那块上面涂满了酱汁,你可以真正地品尝它的味道。(我不得不说: 鱼和海鲜在中国不太好吃,至少对于来自西班牙的人来说是这样。但没有什么是不能用美味的酱汁来调配的)。

– Eel in oil


There are many lakes around Suzhou, so many of the popular local dishes contain aquatic animals. By the way, if a shrimp from the sea is seafood, a shrimp from the lake is… lakefood? Or is it also called seafood? This dish is made with yellow eel cut longitudinally and covered with a brown sauce. When it’s brought to the table, the waiter pours hot oil on top. I always joke and say this is snake… because it looks like it!

苏州周围有许多湖泊,许多当地的流行菜肴都含有水生动物。顺便说一下,如果从海里来的虾是海鲜,那么从湖里来的虾就是湖鲜吗?还是也叫海鲜?这道菜是把黄鳝纵切,并覆盖一层棕色的酱汁。端上桌后,服务员在上面倒热油。我总是开玩笑说这是蛇, 因为它看起来很像蛇!

– Stir fried shrimp

- 清炒虾仁

This is a very simple dish that Suzhounese love to eat. C. always orders it when we are eating with guests, and it is also served in weddings and New Year dinners. It consists of very small shrimp, peeled and stir fried with a bit of cornstarch, and then eaten with a bit of soy sauce. C. always jokes and says the shrimp are peeled by toothless grandmas who use their gums to do the job.


– Lotus root stuffed with glutinous rice and sprinkled with osmanthus flowers

- 桂花糖藕

I like all kinds of food and I eat my way through this list without any problems, but this is my favourite. The lotus root is crunchy and juicy at the same time, the rice is sticky and the sauce is sweet. Yummy! According to Baidu, this recipe is originally from Zhejiang, but you can find it in all the Suzhounese food restaurants.


– Suzhou-style noodle soup

- 苏式汤面

It is said that northern Chinese eat noodles and southern Chinese eat rice, but even though Suzhou is considered to be south, noodles are very popular here. The local noodles are very long and thin and in their most basic version they are served only with the broth and a bit of chopped chives, but there are many other varieties with toppings added. I was googling Suzhou noodles and came across this article, in which a Shanghai fanboy discovers them. Hehe. It seems he was really impressed: “[…] right here, in Shanghai’s backyard, is a noodle culture that is as sophisticated as Japan, among the most delicious things you can eat in China, and accessible by train in 30 minutes. Suzhou”.


– Meat mooncakes

- 鲜肉月饼

These are called mooncakes, like the ones eaten during Mid-Autumn Festival, but they have nothing to do with them. They are sold all year round and are actually very good! As their name clearly indicates, the filling is meat and, like most Suzhou food, they are slightly sweet. These are not eaten in restaurants but bought in bakeries and eaten as a snack, but I added them to the list because as far as I know they are only available in the Yangtze river delta area.


You might have noticed that there’s not much “green” in these dishes. Vegetables are ordered during meals and banquets to balance the abundance of sauces and fat in other dishes, but they are usually just stir fried greens that are not considered a local speciality.


Have you tried any of these Suzhou foods? What’s your favourite type of Chinese food?




Last Saturday we went to Luzhi, a nearby water town, for a quick visit because C.’s company had a Women’s Day activity for their female employees there and as C. is the head of that office , we walked around the old town a bit. It was cloudy and the weather forecast had said it was going to rain, so there wasn’t many people. We took a few pictures, saw a few cats, ate a bowl of local noodles and a warm flat bread… We also bought some pickled vegetables, which are a local speciality, and the shop attendants were wondering aloud if C. was Japanese. They were talking in Suzhou dialect but even I could understand them! Chinese people tend to think foreigners cannot speak Chinese so they often talk about you in front of you.

上周六,我们去了甪直古镇,一个苏州附近的水上小镇,进行了一次短暂的参观,因为C.的公司为他们的女性员工举办了一个妇女节活动,而C.是那个办公室的主管,我们在老城区走了一圈。天气多云,天气预报说要下雨,所以人不多。我们拍了几张照片,看到了几只猫,吃了一碗当地的面条和一块热乎乎的扁面包, 我们还买了一些当地特产泡菜,店员们大声问C.是不是日本人。他们在用苏州方言说话,但我都听得懂!中国人认为外国人不会说中文,他们会经常在你面前谈论你。

Thank you for sharing these dishes, they look delicious. It will be interesting to see, as your son grows, what his favorite dishes are. Do you cook any Spanish food or just eat Chinese?


If I cook myself, then it’s Spanish! However these days I rarely cook myself as my mother in law prepares lunch and dinner while I’m working.


Wow, that is a wonderful mother/n/law, then that allows you time with your son.


I love Sweet and sour fish! One of my favorites. I didn’t know it’s from Suzhou. I tried it in Chengdu and Kunming.


It’s very popular so it can be found in many places! But apparently it comes from Suzhou


I am not much for lakefood or seafood (sushi excepted!). I guess I would be eating the lotus root and the noodles!


Don’t bother with lakefood/seafood in China, but if you go to Spain you have to try!


Charmaine Ng
Your post makes me so hungry! Now I feel like Chinese food… (thank God I live in Hong Kong, haha!)


You have lots of options!


Mabel Kwong
I have definitely tried the sweet and sour fish one! It’s quite popular on Malaysian menus and the whole fish, including the head as you said, gets served. Some people also eat the fish head and eyeballs…not my kind of thing but okay for others I guess XD I’ve also had the Suzhou-styl noodle soup at some point. I didn’t like it lol, but I think it was probably that one dish that wasn’t good.
The meat mooncakes sound like meat pastries you get in Asian bakeries – we have something similar here in Australia and they are always sold in Asian bakeries.


Yes, here it’s always the whole fish. There’s no such thing as a fish fillet, haha!


Behind the Story
I’ve had squirrel fish before (probably made with a salt water fish). Very tasty. I don’t think we call lake fish seafood. I’ve never done much fishing, but I think the fishermen around here just call the fish they catch in the lake by their particular names, like trout or bass or perch.The stuffed lotus root looks delicious. I’m sure I’d like it. I enjoyed reading about Suzhou dishes.


Done with a salt water fish must be way better. I’m not a big fan of lake/river fish!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kitty Lai
I have a colleague from Huzhou who prefers fish from lakes than from the sea. He recently asked me if we call it “lakefood” and I honestly had to think about it before realising that it’s called fresh water fish/prawns/snails!


Right! Fresh water! For a moment I was wondering if it was called “sweet water fish”, as in Spanish lakes and rivers are “sweet water”.

对!淡水!有那么一会儿,我还在想它是不是被称为“甜水鱼” ,因为在西班牙,湖泊和河流都叫“甜水”。

Oh god, lately there have been way too many food blog posts about all the great stuff in China. I am currently starving here and this is not good at all to watch all the delicious food


Haha! So when’s your next visit?


15th of April we will fly to China again for one month


Ah, just two more weeks!! Any planned trips?


We had Thailand planned at first but that won’t happen it seems so it will probably turn into a few days in Hong Kong. Besides that we will also visit some friends in wuhan


Jean Knops

For veggies try 香椿 Toona sinesis or Chinese mahogany shoots, they are currently in season in Suzhou

Thank you for the recommendation! I googled it and seeing the pics I don’t think I’ve ever eaten this.


Johannes Knops
Also pea shoots are showing up this week. Sign of spring in Suzhou.


Those I’ve had! I like them.


I LOVE Chinese food (the proper stuff)….I love noodles/eggplant/shredded potato/dry cooked spicy beans and of course jaiozi……


I’m a big fan of eggplant too! And broccoli!


Katie - Hot & Sour Blog
This post made me so hungry! I can’t wait to go back to China and eat more delicious food.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Marta o
Do you come often? Where do you usually go? :)


One of our favorite meals in Suzhou was Jiangsu cuisine. Song Helou Restaurant made it the best. Here are so,e great local place to go to in Suzhou


I’ve been to Song Helou several times, it’s very nice!


Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Haha, I love it when people don’t know you speak the language and talk about you right in front of you! I’m Chinese and I look Chinese, but I was brought up speaking mostly English so people think I don’t understand Chinese… it’s so satisfying when I tell them, “you know, I know what you’re saying”.


This made me smile too, because my mother is Italian. When she was young she worked in Germany. Back then it rare that any Germans would speak or understand Italian. She and her girlfriend were together at a restaurant and they were making comments about some man they had seen. When the man got up to leave, he said in German (my mother and her friend were fluent in German) that he understood everything they said. LOL – my mother and her friend were shocked, of course, and much more careful when speaking in Italian. Luckily, they did not say he had a BIG NOSE or anything like that!


Sometimes I actually pretend I don’t understand Chinese. Like for example in the breastfeeding room of one of the Suzhou malls they don’t allow you to bring the stroller inside and you have to park it outside and carry the baby and the diaper bag. Well, I think this is a stupid policy for a service that is supposed to bring mums some convenience, so I just bring my stroller inside and pretend I don’t notice the employee calling me…


Wonderful photos, and I can see your son has really been growing! I had a brain freeze and thought “Did she have a boy or girl… then I thought, I am sure it was a son.” My daughters are in their 20s now, but I remember fondly when they were little. Thanks for sharing your trip, it’s wonderful for us to explore new places in China through you. Have a good day.


Yes, it’s a boy, hehe. My husband’s aunt said that hats with two pompoms are for girls though, so maybe that’s why you were not sure?


LOL – in America grown men are wearing a hat with a pompom, especially when skiing. It’s all about style, some guys feel comfortable wearing a pompom. I just did a search… sailors wore hats with pompoms, so during a storm fellow sailors could see them. Actually, it’s interesting, a lot of history on why soldiers in different countries wore pompoms, the Scottish did, etc. Thanks for making me smile. NOW, for sure, I will remember you have a son!


Wow! Baby is getting huge — good job.


He’s super tall, but kind of skinny . When I went to his 6 month check up a couple of weeks ago, the doctor said he was too thin and I should give him formula. WTF. I told her why would I do that when he’s perfectly normal and within the growth chart (and besides I know I have more than enough milk myself, it’s just that I couldn’t tell her know many ml he drinks as my boob doesn’t provide that information for now…


WTF, indeed. You only supplement with formula if you have to. Like if he keeps screaming after you nurse him. Glad you stood up to that doctor.


Nice photos and your baby kid is cute. C sounds like a considerate boss. That’s impressive you can understand Suzhou dialect.


I can’t understand much, but “Japanese” is one of the few words I know, haha. Sounds like “saponin”.


George Peng
I’m not native to suzhou, but I think it should sound more like ‘yaponin’ instead of ‘saponin’, right?

我不是苏州本地人,我觉得应该听起来更像‘yaponin’,而不是‘saponin’ ,对吗?

It’s definitely something between an y and an s, haha (more towards an s, or at least I hear it like that). Suzhou dialect (well, I guess all the Wu languages) have A LOT of strange consonant sounds!! There is one that makes me crazy, the one for “we”. It’s like a bug buzzing!


How did you learn this- did you overhear people pointing to a Japanese and saying that? It sounds a little similar to the Japanese word for their country “nippon”, ha.

你是怎么知道这个的——你是不是无意中听到人们指着一个日本人说这个?听起来有点像日语中的“nippon” ,哈哈。

I don’t remember the exact situation, but I’m pretty sure I didn’t learn it from someone pointing at a Japanese, haha. It is indeed similar, and in Mandarin too (Riben).


Not enough clothing layers for the little human!!! Wonder whether the old ladies were also talkign about that


Oh right, I forgot to mention that!!! The lady boss of the restaurant of course said the baby was not wearing enough. Because, you know, babies are cold unless they are wearing 56 layers and covered with a bed blanket on top.


Behind the Story
Baby A is getting so big. Ooo, Aaaah! I love the look of those water towns with their curved stone bridges. It’s such a romantic look.I don’t think they’re plum blossoms. I painted so many of them when I was studying Chinese brush painting, and they didn’t look like that.


They might be apricot blossoms then, there is an apricot tree beside my building and I think the flowers looked similar. (I only know it is an apricot tree because I actually saw the fruits one summer, haha. And Nico wanted to eat them so first I smelled one to confirm it was an apricot).


Looks a chilly but lovely day out Marta at one of the little water towns. It’s always funny when you can understand another language and the people talking about you don’t know…and then when walking away I usually say something in that language – good for laughs. I note a few of your followers say your baby is getting big; I thought exactly the same thing…lovely little boy.


Now with the baby I’m pretending more and more than I don’t understand because I get a bit tired of the “mixed babies are so beautiful” comment, absolutely every Chinese person feels the need to say it! I know they mean well but I’m a bit worried about how quick they are to point out that he’s “different”…


Mmm very good point.


Sean JS Chen
Too cute. I also used to hold and play with baby’s feet like that when they are in the carrier


Haha, right? Hands just seem to end up there naturally


What a lovely little town. But I know EXACTLY what you are talking about when it comes to canal smells…


Haha! I didn’t notice any special smell, but the colour was definitely not right…No! I have never tried the boats! We also have them in the old town in Suzhou city center. I’ve always wanted to, but I haven’t found the right moment yet, haha.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nearly everybody here speaks English so I can’t talk like nobody will understand. Well I can if I use slang and speak super fast! Most of the time I get mistaken for being nearly every Northern European nationality along with American, Canadian and Australian before surprising them I’m British. I don’t mind! It’s a fun game to play!


Oh I enjoyed the visit! The water looks ugly but it didn’t have any offensive smell, hehe.
Here I think I could totally talk shit of people in the subway for example and nobody would understand . But I’m a nice person so I don’t do that! :P Besides, even when you don’t understand a language, it’s very obvious when someone is talking about you, right???


Yes, you just know! If they didn’t look at you while talking about you, they might get away with it. But no human knows how to be subtle talking about someone else in front of them because you usually have to explain to the person you’re talking to about them who hasn’t even noticed. And Russian is nothing like Spanish! Spanish have more excitement when they talk!


Here some people get nervous when they see you coming to talk to them… because they think “Oh, no, a foreigner, I won’t understand anything” (because they assume you can’t speak Chinese), then you start speaking in Chinese and they don’t even listen to you because they still think you are talking in English or whatever hahaha.


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