2022-04-07 zzz9066 11686
What historical fact blows your mind?


Jon Bourgetti, studied BS Degree in History


The modern clock is based on the Sumerian base-twelve mathematical system.


In Ancient Greece, a man named Arrhichion (died 564 BC) won first place in the wrestling (pankration) competition even though he had died. (It was okay to kill your opponent in the ancient Greek Olympics. His opponent was in the process of choking Arrhichion to death when, in desperation, Arrhichion broke the man’s toe - the pain of that injury caused Arrhichion’s opponent to surrender the match at which time it was discovered that Arrhichion was dead.


Columbus well knew of the existence of a continents on the other side of the Atlantic when he set sale in 1492. Columbus’s “discovery” of the New World is one of the greatest publicity stunts of all time. Prior to 1492, hundreds of of northern European cod fisherman had been visiting the fisheries of of Newfoundland, including among them Christopher Columbus. A letter from an English Duke written to Columbus in 1502 states words t the effect of “Why are you making such a big deal about “discovering the New World when everybody already knew it was there”.


Naturally freeze dried salted cod will remain edible for twenty years.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The average Smartphone has far more computing power than all of the NASA computers used to make the 1969 moon landing.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

After syphilis arrived in Europe, syphilitic victims - often grotesquely disfigured by the disease - were banished from German towns. Grimm’s Fairy Tales about trolls that lived under bridges and witches that lived in remote forest houses - were created to teach children not to trust weird looking strangers that lived in the woods.


The English practice of “drawing and quartering” was unspeakably sadistic. “Drawing” meant dragging the condemned person to the place of execution on a hollow square wooden frx (called a hurdle). At the place of execution, the condemned man was then hanged on a short rope until he was unconscious. He was then revived and castrated. Then he was actually killed by being disemboweled. Then his head was cut off and sent t the King. Then the body was cut into four pieces which were then publicly displayed in nearby towns. Drawing and quartering was removed from English law in 1870.


The reason the British drive on the left side of the road is because knights traveling on the roads used the left side incase they needed to draw their sword with their right hand or, alternatively, shake hands with a friendly knight coming the other way.


Catholic Saint Juan Capistrano was one of the most sadistic and prolific serial killers that ever lived. Father Capistrano made his name as an Inquisitor in Spain. The Inquisition (in fact, a long standing Church practice to eradicate heresy) as we generally understand it in modern times really got rolling with the 1492 Alhambra Decree by the King and Queen of Spain, Ferdinand and Isabella, that banished jews from Spain. Many jews left Spain (often for the Spanish Netherlands) but many stayed and either converted to Catholicism or else pretended that they had converted to Catholicism.

天主教的圣胡安 卡皮斯特拉诺是世界上最残忍、杀害最多的连环杀手之一。卡皮斯特拉诺神父在西班牙以异端审判官而闻名。我们在现代通常所理解的宗教裁判所(实际上是一种长期存在的教会根除异端邪说的做法)实际上是在1492年西班牙国王和王后费迪南德和伊莎贝拉颁布的阿尔罕布拉法令中开始运作的,该法令将犹太人驱逐出西班牙。许多犹太人离开了西班牙(通常是从西班牙前往荷兰),但也有许多人留下来,要么改信天主教,要么假装改信天主教。

The Inquisition as we understand it today was primarily a way to determine if the remaining Spanish Jews had genuinely converted to Catholicism. The Alhambra Decree turned out to be perhaps the stupidest royal act ever. Money lending was banned for Christians by the medi church and very often conducted by Europe's Jews. By unfortunate coincidence for Spain, the Alhambra decree abanished Spain’s best bankers the same year that Columbus discovered the new World and Cortez and Pizarro started pillaging Aztec and Inca gold, silver, and pearls.


Spain became one of the great treasure houses of the world … but had very few competent bankers. As the decades following the Alhambra decree unfolded, the Spanish economy was obliged to frivolously waste its riches on cash purchases. meanwhile, in the tiny and boggy Netherlands, a , world class banking industry flourished. Although the Spanish settled most f the New World, they wasted their riches and the Netherlands became an international trading powerhouse that rivalled Elizabethan England.


Modern private banking and credit markets were invented in Italy in the 14th Century contemporaneously with the perfection of double-entry bookkeeping by the Italians. Prior to the modernization of credit markets in Florence, Italy, anybody in Europe who wanted to borrow money had to go to either the Catholic Church or the local King. Private banking created a very serious loss of revenue for the Holy Church. The Church found financial relief by expanding the practice of “selling indulgences”. In the medi Catholic Church, the purchase of an indulgence offered a way to" way to reduce the amount of punishment one has to undergo for sins"; i.e. the purchase of an indulgence was basically a “get out of Purgatory free” card. (Of course) in a very short time, indulgences became available for any and every manner of sin. The Church made a fortune selling indulgences. In one notable instance, a man approached a deep-pocketed priest and explained that he needed to buy and indulgence but absolutely could not reveal why he needed the indulgence. The priest accommodated the request at which point the man produced a weapon and robbed the priest.


Wikipedia: “Tulip mania was a period in the Dutch Golden Age (the 1600’s) during which prices for some tulip bulbs (fancy multi-colored hybrids) reached extraordinarily high levels and then dramatically collapsed in February 1637.’ it has been historically verified that numerous transactions occurred during Tulip Mania involving tulips bought and sold for three hundred guilders - a fair yearly wage for a master craftsman.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The “South Sea Bubble” was a financial crisis very similar to Tulip Mania that occurred in England in the 1700’s inspired by the extraordinary profits gained by the privately owned South Sea Company.


According to Nazi records, the guillotine was eventually used to execute some 16,500 people in France.between 1933 and 1945, about the same as the number of guillotine executions during the French Reign of Terror (Sep., 1793, to July 1794).

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Annie Hag, studied at Ryerson University


Japanese women blackened their teeth using iron and vinegar. Blackening of teeth indicated a married status of a woman. Before entering her husband’s house, the wife went around seven relatives who gave her iron-containing paint, and then a procedure called “first blackening” began.


Photo: Ohaguro (ohaguro, 御 歯 黒, 鉄 浆) is a Japanese fashion and practice of blackining teeth

In the 14-15th centuries ohaguro was generally seen among adults. Though in the 16-17th centuries when daughters of military commanders were around 9 years old, they would blacken their teeth as a marking of their maturity age to prepare for political marriage of convince. The practice of blackening teeth was a practice among wealthy families and concerned only girls entering adulthood, which at that time began about 9 years old.


Later okhaguro spread among the men of the court aristocracy. This Japanese tradition was borrowed from Korea and existed from ancient times until the beginning of the 20th century. .


Samurai despised this style, but among the representatives of the house of Tyra, it was customary to follow such a rite. At some point, blackening teeth became fashionable for both genders, and finally became widespread among non-noble women. The tradition remained until the Edo era, when all married women shaved their eyebrows and painted their teeth.


Different Reasons for Ohaguro:


1.It was also done to preserve the teeth into old age, as it prevents tooth decay similar to the mechanism of modern dental sealants.


2.It was seen as a sign of maturity, beauty, and of civilization.


3.A common belief is that blackened teeth differentiated humans from animals.


4.Teeth blackening is often done in conjunction with traditions of teeth filing and evulsion, as well as other body modification customs like tattoos.


5.It is said that military commanders who were struck in the head on the battlefield and who did not want to be ugly would wear average women's make-up and would blacken their teeth. These faces imitated the Noh masks of women and young boys.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

6.Its importance was expressed by such a proverb - "Since black always remains black without changing, so will the relationship between husband and wife." Blackened teeth showed that the wife swore eternal allegiance to her husband.


The European Attitude


Teeth blackening and filing were regarded with fascination and disapproval by early European explorers and colonists. The practice survives in some isolated ethnic groups in Southeast Asia and Oceania, but has mostly disappeared after the introduction of Western beauty standards during the colonial era.


Many Westerners, including Engelbert Kaempfer, Philipp Franz von Siebold, and Rutherford Alcock, who visited Edo-era Japan, described ohaguro as an abhorrent custom which disfigured women. Alcock conjectured that the purpose of it is chastity by making the women intentionally unattractive to prevent potential extra-marital relationship.


However, Japanese social scientist Kyouji Watanabe disagrees with this theory. Based on the fact that Japanese girls were allowed a large degree of both social and sexual liberty until the time of Ohaguro when they assume the responsibility of wife and mother, Watanabe thinks that it is a social ritual by which both society and a girl herself confirm the determination of matured women.




1.The case of ohaguro was recorded in the book "The Tale of Genji" in the 11th century


2.Traces of blackened teeth can be seen in the buried bones and haniwa (250 to 538 CE) from the Kofun period.

2.在古坟时期的埋葬的骨头和埴轮(250 - 538年)中可以看到黑色牙齿的痕迹。(埴轮是日本古坟顶部和坟丘四周排列的素陶器的总称)

3.Shōsōin, a treasure house connected to Tōdai-ji in Nara, holds the teachings brought to Japan by Jianzhen in 753.


During the Edo period in the 18-19th centuries, due to the smell and labor required for the coloring process, tradition gradually began to recede into the past. Although married women, unmarried women over 18, prostitutes and geisha still blackened their teeth. In rural areas, the ceremony was performed only during special celebrations, such as Matsuri (holidays), weddings or funerals.


On February 5, 1870, the Japanese government banned ohaguro and the tradition gradually became obsolete. After the Meiji period, it temporarily spread, but it almost entirely died out in the Taishō period (ending in 1927). In contemporary times, the only places where ohaguro can be seen is in plays, hanamachi (geisha districts), some festivals, and movies.


Gunawan Hardi, Government Employee (ASN) in Jakarta


What about these ?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. The question is, how came US forces in Pearl Harbor, I am talking about the battleships parked there that couldn’t detect the Japanese fighter planes. Did those battleships turn off their radars ? or ground based radars in Pearl Harbor were turned off so they couldn’t detect the incoming attack ? We are talking about a big naval base full of many combat worthy ships. I red some books and they blamed on the US intelligence officials that ignored the reports Japan would attack Pearl Harbor.


Hitler decided to invade Soviet unx. I red some historical books and they informed that one of things that made Hitler decided to invade Soviet unx in 1941 was based on intelligence report from German military intelligence telling Hitler that Soviet armed forces were mostly peasants armed with old riffles from WWI and incapable of waging modern warfare. How did German intelligence in 1941 make such stupid report ? Didn’t they send agents to Soviet unx to do some reality checks at the time ? If Hitler knew the facts about Soviet unx’s military, I bet he would not make a decision to invade Soviet unx.


Adolf Hitler was a painter. Knowing the fact Hitler was good at painting really blew my mind. I thought this man was a pure evil who didn’t appreciate any single form of art. Some of his paintings like Vienna State Opera House, Adolf Hitler, 1912 astonished me because the amazing quality and details he made on his painting. If only Hitler didn’t change profession, the world and history would be different.


Waters on our planet originated from Asteroids. Scientists claim our waters on Earth actually came from Asteroids that hit our planet millions years ago. I just wonder how many Asteroids did our planet need to take hit from to get waters we know today like seas, oceans, rivers or even lakes and what were the sizes of the Asteroids so they could have enough liquid materials to flood our planet.


2000 year old Nazca Lines. I keep asking to myself “ why did they make lines that resembled birds or living creatures with that enormous scale in Peru ? The Nazca people at the time couldn’t even see form of the lines they made, unless they saw them from high altitude which was impossible for them at the time.


The lost city of Pompeii. The whole city and its population was buried under the ash of volcanic materials after the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D. I couldn’t imagine how it was like in Pompeii when Vesuvius erupted. The dead bodies of people who lived in Pompeii were preserved in good condition due to being enveloped by volcanic ash - becoming the witnesses of how mother nature could be very deadly and unforgiving.


Borobudur Temple. The largest Buddhist temple in the world built in the 9th-century which is located in region now known as Central Java of Indonesia. Fun fact is, this temple is now located in the country with the biggest Muslim population in the world. The temple itself became a monument which showed, Indonesia in ancient time was not predominantly Muslim society. How it became a country with the biggest Muslim population in the world is another story to tell.


Bermuda Triangle. Also known as the limbo of the lost. Scientists and explorers of modern time have proven that there is nothing special or magical about this zone, however nobody could explain until now why flight 19 which was consisted of five Torpedo bomber planes including 14 airmen disappeared when flying over Bermuda Triangle.


The sphinx in Egypt. Experts said sphinx is much older than Giza pyramid, when the construction of Giza pyramid was complete, the sphinx was already 1000 year old.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Cadaver synod. The already dead Pope Formosus was exhumed and his corpse was brought to trial on January 897 in the Basilica of St. John Lateran. I can’t understand the logic, why the dead man should be exhumed to be tried for mistakes he made during his life ? why don’t they just judge the pope for his mistakes without exhuming his corpse ?


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