2023-09-01 yzy86 3765

1、What’s the point of a tree growing or the sun shining? It just is.

(回复1)Beautiful! Enjoying the 'Isness' of now

2、There's no "purpose" per se. We're just part of a cycle, but there's beauty in how it works, IMO.

(回复1)Also, outside of a psychedelic expirience, I know there is no “purpose”, but I can still follow my passion. You can enjoy things even if there is no ultimate goal. Maybe a bit more Camus, but you can even enjoy them more KNOWING that, in the end, it doesn’t matter. Memento mori.

3、You are not a being outside of time, so what matters to them is irrelevant.


Life is innately without purpose or meaning. Existentialist thought, in essence acknowledges this, but then goes a step further to note that as subjective, perceiving entities, we create meaning and purpose for ourselves by our thoughts and actions, and that our various subjective meanings and purposes are valid to ourselves.


To some extent, we have no choice in the matter, because our brains function by drawing connections and creating narratives. In other ways, we are able to exercise our will and decide what has purpose in our lives.

(回复1)I understand what you're saying, where I trip up is not creating meaning in my own little life. If this happens, is it an exploration problem? Like you just haven't found something that grabs you yet?

I guess I feel like my work needs to progress something to not be useless. I cannot force myself to feel meaning through activity x


4、It’s quite liberating when you realise there is no point and you make your own meaning in life, find your own purpose. But at the same time it can be scary to realise you have total responsibility for your own life and there is no grand plan.


5、It’s meaning less not pointless


6、Technically there is no point in life at this moment we haven’t reached this point in the human intelligence to figure this out but the only thing we could do to add some sense in our lives is do something that could help lets say society or people in general. Try to do something that can help others


7、You feel your current body's best interpretation of what your brain imagines death to be. That's a shitty feeling.


Like anything, you'll understand it better when you get there. Live in the moment, and you'll never have to think about or even experience death. Do good work with your time so you'll feel good leaving.

(回复1)Thinking about what death looks and feels like could drive a man insane if he dwells too much.

8、The point of life is simply to live you're right it essentially has no point

(回复1)It has no meaning. Death is the ultimate point. Making differences for future generations is a point. But it’s not the meaning.

9、Thanks goodness life is pointless.
Arguments have points. Characters in stories have points. Tools have points.
We are free from having a point. We are free to not be a means to anything.


10、I mean yes but funnily enough, at the moment I'm pretty unhappy with my life and it's in moments like this where I find life seems less pointless because I want to change things and that gives me a "point" , granted 2 years ago it would have probably made me feel pretty suicidal. Life doesn't exist for any reason in particular, especially human life but more a consequence. But why not just experience it and see where it goes.


11、Victor Frankl suggested we pose a different question: “Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather must recognize that it is he who is asked. In a word, each man is questioned by life; and he can only answer to life by answering for his own life; to life he can only respond by being responsible.” Maybe this perspective can help.


12、Dont think about it. Do drugs and have lots of sex just please dont think about its pointless


13、Yes there's no point in life but i completely disagree with the reasoning u gave to arrive at this conclusion.


14、Life is pointless, so its up to you to find the point.


15、As I've come to understand it, Nihilism is just the word used for the realization that the universe at large is indifferent. That there is no meaning beyond that which we make. That outside the context of minds, beauty becomes pointless, as does pain, as does love. Any of it. It only matters if you exist as a mind capable of saying it does. Capable of experience, of thought.


To the universe at large, meaning is absent. To us, to minds having thoughts, it is everything.


To live is to suffer. To lose people, to know hunger, disease, heartache. Despite all the good in life, the bad outweighs and persists. Most alive unfortunately struggle to live. But there are aspects of life, for many of them, that make it worthwhile. We find meaning in the aspects of life that are so good as to seemingly overshadow the bad, and for as long as that is the case, we continue to live, and find purpose. At least, for those of them not suffering through the worst life has to offer.


A life worth living is a life wherein the mind in question enjoys more in life than they dread. If life is dread, and there is no escape, death is the better option. If life is great, and dread is kept at bay, death becomes the worse option. It all comes down to the individual minds and the sums of their experiences and thoughts.


The struggle to find meaning in an inherently indifferent and meaningless universe is a worthwhile one. Appreciation, respect, love, beauty, these are all ways meaning exist. But only within the context of minds. We cannot fall into the trap of asserting that the universe cares, or is keeping tabs, or in any way serves as the root of things like morality or any purpose we generate.


It's hard for people to get it, but all nihilism is acknowledging the subjectivity of meaning, and highlighting the human pursuit of meaning in contrast to the indifferent universe at large.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

People take this and run with it as if the lack of an obxtive grounds for purpose or meaning makes nil the pursuit of subjective meaning. Those people look at the word "nihilism" and have a gut reaction misinterpretation.


Nihilism is knowing there's no obxtive meaning, yet living on to make your own meaning anyway. Acknowledging the pointlessness, but making a point nonetheless, making many.


16、I think humans are like children in the grand scheme of existence. There are things that we just can't possibly understand or know, but we love to make big sweeping declarations like "The meaning of life is X" or "Life is pointless"


17、No, life is the point.


18、Why do you need a point?
Make your own point.
Live to spite the irrationality of life.


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