2022-10-30 兰陵笑笑生 11648
Why didn't the China utilize gunpowder?


China had invented a way to synthesize and create gunpowder which would have given them a severe warfare advantage if they had found a way to utilize and create cannons. Europe saw the potential that gunpowder had and developed cannons, a way to launch a solid projectile across the battlefield quickly with little effort, ushering more technological developments such as explosives and muskets that would later come. Why didn't China further develop ways to utilize and use gunpowder in warfare?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They did, extensively, and were in the business of gunpowder warfare centuries before Europeans -- see the Song dynasty: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_and_technology_of_the_Song_dynasty#Gunpowder_warfare


They did, hand grenades were widely used and they had hand cannons and rockets, even before the Europeans, and they quickly adopted the arquebus and European style cannons once they got them.


They did more than anyone, with Rockets, fire lance, handgonne, European/native/vietnamese/ottoman/Japanese muskets, native and European cannons, bombs, smoke screen, sea and land mines, cart and even a working da Vinci like tank. Everything is on this blog : http://greatmingmilitary.blogspot.com/?m=0


Why didn't China further develop ways to utilize and use gunpowder in warfare?
As other have mentioned, they did. But the development of firearms in China was inconsistent, and by the 1500s had fell behind that of Europe and the Middle East.
And for good reasons. Early gunpowder weapons were only practical for a few specific roles, mostly as siege or naval armament. During periods when China was fighting a lot of siege or naval battles, use of weapons like firelances and gunpowder bombs were made worthwhile. As was the case when the Song and Jurchens - and later on, Yuan and Ming - were squaring off to dominate the heartland of China with its many fortified cities and strategic waterways. Gunpowder ordnance was useful for attacking and defending fortifications. The same applied to fighting ships on the Yangtze and Yellow rivers. In these roles, the slow rate of fire and bulkiness of these weapons were not too much of an issue relatively to their effectiveness.


But when the main military threat came from highly mobile, nomadic steppe armies like the Mongols, early firearms weren't all that useful for the Chinese and their development slowed or stalled. The Mongols and other steppe polities possessed no cities to besiege or ships to destroy, so what the Chinese could deploy against them offensively was limited. While gunpowder weapons were frighteningly loud and flashy, the nomadic warriors of the steppe soon realized how pathetically short-ranged, slow, and inaccurate most of them were compare to their composite bows, and soon devise effective tactics against them.

但是,当主要的军事威胁来自高度机动的,游牧的草原军队(如蒙古人)时,早期的枪支对中国人来说并没有多大用处,导致其发展速度减慢或停滞。 蒙古和其他草原政权没有城市可以包围,也没有船只可以摧毁,所以中国人对他们的进攻是有限的。虽然火药武器有着可怕的噪音和绚丽的效果,但草原的游牧战士很快意识到,与它们的复合弓相比,它们中的大多数是可悲的短距离,缓慢且不准确的,并且很快制定了有效的战术来对付它们。

When these same steppe entities manage to conquer and takeover China, their cavalry-based military had little long-term need or want for clumsy, unreliable weapons that couldn't be used on horseback. At least, not when all the cities and ports of their conquered foes were already firmly in their hands. As was the case during the dynastic rule of the Mongolian Yuan and Manchurian Qing who were partial to their traditional cavalry tactics/organization; both generally paid little attention in developing or acquiring better firearms after their initial conquest of China.
Europe on the other hand, had military conflicts that were fraught with large-scale siege warfare and naval engagements that provided many opportunities for early guns to make their mark, nurturing steady improvement and innovation. By the 1400s, the Europeans developed corning, which made their gunpowder more powerful and suitable for use in small caliber weapons like arquebuses and pistols.
By the mid 1500s, the Chinese openly acknowledged the superiority of European and even Ottoman guns, and were eager to acquire them through trade. A cannon foundry was even setup in the Portuguese outpost of Macau to cater to Chinese demand for good guns.


This is not entirely correct, Chinese did consider firearms to be highly effective against the nomads, and sought to have more of them, although instead of making powerful castle-breakers, the development of firearms in China took a different path, one that focused on mobility to keep up with the fast moving cavalry, i.e. smaller, more mobile guns.
That is not to say by using guns they had a definite edge over horse archers (you need at least revolver for that), but it's still a lot better than shooting the nomad horsemen with bows or crossbows.


Even the most portable guns the Chinese had before the introduction of European wheel-lock or flintlock were ill-suited if not impossible to use while on horseback. Example of Chinese matchlock small arms used during the mid-Ming dynasty. There was little chance that Chinese gun-armed infantry could pursue and catch up with the light cavalry forces of their steppe enemies, especially in the hostile environment of Outer Mongolia.
Of the Yongle (Ming) emperor's five major campaigns against the Mongolians, only the first two, which made extensive use of cavalry troops and Mongolian auxiliaries (with no mention of gun-armed troops), managed to force the Mongolians to engage (and defeat them). The other three campaigns that did use guns extensively were based around large infantry columns that had to be supplied through long chains of supply depots and rendezvous points. In those cases, Ming had great difficult in intercepting the Mongolians except in Manchuria where their supply situation was more secure.
The campaigns of later Ming emperors against the Mongolians fared no better. The Tumu Crisis outline that in most cases, the Mongolians simply had to avoid battle and wait for Chinese troops to run out of supplies before attacking them. The only effective use of guns in these cases were defensive, and even then they didn't prevent the Mongols from wiping out debilitated Chinese troops as they were retreating from the steppes. In the end the Ming had to abandon the Ordos portion of the Yellow River to the Mongolians, and relied on border fortification to contain the threat from the steppe. No doubt firearms were used to defend these fortification, but offensively they were of little use against the nomads. At least, not until better firearms from the West became available.



It was a hopeless endeavor to pursue better firearms for use on horseback - until the era of reliable revolver, horseback firearms was simply no match for horse archery. Lighter guns did found plenty of use in wagon fort though, which was the actual answer to steppe horse archer, that otherwise had no effective counter. (I mean to say in my previous answer "keep up with enemy cavalry", in which wagon-mounted guns did an better job compared to heavier artillery trains)
Yongle did employ his firearm regiment to great effect since his very first Mongolian campaign (Ming Shilu). In fact, firearm troops were his vanguard and played a crucial role during his first and second campaign. Firearm troops did fare pretty well against the nomads, given proper support.
OTOH, Tumu crisis was a gigantic disaster of monumentally stupid leadership. The blow was so heavy that a good chunk of Ming military decline, policy shift, and subsequent shrinking of territories can be attributed to the lost of most of its elite troops and military might during that crisis. Thus it should be viewed as a highly unusual incident that drastically shaped the development of Ming military, rather than being shaped by it.

永乐第一次蒙古战役(明实录)以来,永乐确实雇佣了自己的火器兵团。事实上,火器部队就是他的先锋队,在他的第一次和第二次战役中发挥了关键作用。 在适当的支持下,火器部队对游牧民的表现相当不错。

Thats not entirely true. To put some things into perspective. People often talk about the China being regressive in terms of military technology and shunned gunpowder, but this is not true. In fact, research shows that it might actually be the opposite. At least until the 18th century, Chinese cannons were superior to European ones and their muskets were comparable.

For example, according to the 清朝文献通考 (which lists 85 different kinds of artillery), The Wei Yuan Jiangjun Pao (威遠將軍炮), weighed 280-330 jin (1 jin = ~500 grams), fired ball canisters weighing 20-30 jin, and had a range of 200 paces to 3 li, or around 400 meters to 1.7 km.

If fired [at a distance of] two hundred to two hundred fifty paces, it would require three jin of gunpowder. Three hundred paces would require two additional liang of gunpowder, and two to three li would require three jin of gunpowder.

例如,根据清朝文献通考(列出了85种不同的火炮),威远将军炮重达280-330斤(1斤= 500克),发射的炮体重20至30斤,射程有200步到3英里的范围,或大约400米到1.7公里。
The Zi-Mu cannon (子母炮) weighs 85-95 jin, mounted on 4 wheels and fires balls weighing 8 jin at a distance of around 500 meters. This piece of artillery was advanced because of its high rate of fire due to its nature of having fixed ammunition, though it sacrificed range. It was much lighter than contemporary European cannons which fired similar weights.

Furthermore, Qing artillery was incredibly mobile. With an emphasis on light artillery, the Qing could easily disassemble their cannons and carry them on mules, horses, and even camels. Heavier cannons would be melted and recast near the battlefield. See Kai Filipiak's Civil-Military Relations in Chinese History.
This mobility meant that Qing armies had much more cannons per soldier compared to contemporary European armies. Each banner was recorded to have 9 Zi-Mu cannons, 2 Wei Yuan Jiangjun cannons, and one Dragon cannon. The size of an average banner was around 7,500. In larger campaigns, there were even more cannons. During the Siege of Albazin (1686), the Qing mobilized 15,000 soldiers equipped with 150 cannons against the Russians. In the battle of Jaomodo in 1696, Emperor Kangxi mobilized 80,000 soldiers with 300 cannons. This soldier:cannon ratio was unseen in Europe at the time.

此外,清军火炮的机动性令人难以置信。清朝着重于轻型炮兵,因此可以轻松拆卸其大炮,把它们扛在骡子、马甚至骆驼上。 较重的大炮将被熔化并在战场附近重新铸造。 参见凯菲利帕克的《中国历史上的军民关系》
这种流动性意味着,与当代欧洲军队相比,清军的每名士兵拥有更多的大炮。据记录,每旗(原文为banner,意为横幅,搜不出在军事里有什么特殊含义,暂且翻译为“旗”)有9门子母大炮,2门威远将军炮和1门龙炮。平均每旗约有7500人。 在更大的战役中,会使用更多的大炮。在包围雅克萨(1686年)期间,清朝动员了15000名士兵,装备了150门大炮对付俄罗斯人。在1696年的昭莫多战役中,康熙皇帝动员了8万名士兵用了300门大炮。 这个士兵:大炮的比例在当时在欧洲是看不见的。

The Chinese also reverse engineered a number of European weapons. The early Ming musket, the folanji musket, was reverse-engineered from Portuguese models after the Portuguese were defeated in battle. In their fight against the Manchus, the Ming used Dutch and Portuguese cannons, known as the Hongyipao (literally, "Cannon of the Red Barbarians) to great effect. In fact, these cannons were so effective against the Manchus that the Qing learned to cast them from Ming defectors and started making it themselves.
There were 85 different types of artillery listed during the Qianlong period, some were good and some were bad. Some had equivalents in contemporary European armies, some were exclusive to China. But virtually all Chinese military historians agree that the overall design of Chinese and European cannons followed the same principles and at least in light artillery, the Chinese were ahead due to their cannons' portability, high rate of fire, and the ability to mass manufacture them. Only during the Napoleonic War do we see Europeans fielding armies with a similar soldier to cannon ratio.
For muskets, the Qing Shi Gao noted that in the 18th century, 50% of the infantry stationed in Tibet were muskets.

According to this, out of three thousand troops, for every one thousand troops were five hundred muskets, three hundred archers, and two hundred infantry men armed with swords and spears. This was probably for the Green Standard Army. 鳥槍 is Chinese for muskets.

In 1839, a prefectural gazetteer noted that the middle battalion of Cheng Prefecture had 117 cavalrymen, 394 guard infantry, and 244 muskets. The left battalion had 115 cavalrymen, 368 guard infantry, and 235 musketeers and 32 cannons. Almost forty percent of the infantry were composed of muskets.
So we see that the Qing military actually had a large number of muskets as part of their infantry.
Picture showing Qing musketeers and cannons against the Mongols.
[Qing illustration showing the 1759 Black River Relief Army] (http://i.imgur.com/XS0dZew.jpg). Note the cannons placed on camels.

Zhongguo Jun Shi Tongshi (中国军事通史) --> Chinese
Qing Shi Gao (清史稿) --> Classical Chinese
Da Qing Hui Dian (大清會典) --> Classical Chinese
Qing Chao Xu Wenxian Tongkao (清朝續文獻通考) --> Classical Chinese

Joseph Needham's Science and Civilisation in China (the volume on Chinese military technology) --> English
Peter Perdue's China Marches West --> English
Kai Filipiak's Civil-Military Relations in Chinese History --> English



The Chinese also improved upon almost every technology they got from the Europeans since the arquebus.

For example, Chou Hai Tubian, volume 13, written in 1558, also talked about Chinese arquebuses superior to the Portuguese ones after improvements based on their model. 《筹海图编·鸟咀铳》:“鸟铳之制,自西番流入中国,其来远矣,然造者未尽其妙。嘉靖二十七年,都御史朱纨,遣都指挥卢镗,破双屿,获番酋善铳者,命义士马宪制器,李槐制药,因得其传而造作,比西番犹为精绝云。”

"The arquebus arrived in China from the westerners, from far away, but those who made it did not understand its secret. In the twentieth year of Jiajing, the Duyu Shi Zhu Wan, sent the Du Zhihui Lu Tang, defeated them in the islands, acquired European chiefs who were adapt at making the arquebus, and ordered Ma Xian to make these weapons and Li Gui to make the powder. They attained this skill and made it as a result, which was more sophisticated than those of the westerners."
Even the Ming dynasty are making new weapons consistently in the last decades of its existence with new inventions like Winged Tiger guns and Zhao Shizhen's Chedian Chong.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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