2022-12-02 龟兔赛跑 11452
How does it feel to live in a third world country?


Ray Djufril, lives in Germany住在德国

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

I’m Indonesian. If you are educated or have a small business and live as a middle class, it is very comfortable to live in a third world country that is still a developing country. You can have a vehicle and a house. Yes, you own house. Even though it's small, it's yours. For the upper middle class you can have a bigger house. While the middle class in Europe rarely have their own property. In the third world, especially as i know in my country Indonesia. Once people have worked and have a salary of 500$, people will try to get vehicle loans and home loans. As much as possible people will have home loan from a young age so that when they have a family, they can be in a safe zone. In developing countries, people prefer to have their own home rather than rent because the house is a symbol of the family. Your children and grandchildren will come to visit you. We don't like to move places too often. In developed countries, what can you get for 500$?


In developing countries it is very easy for you to start a small business. Whether it's in your yard, using a cart or selling online. There are no complicated regulations or high taxes like in developed countries.
And if you live as an upper class, the third world is heaven for you. Rich people from developing countries can be very crazy, more like in the movie Crazy Rich Asians.


If you have low education and poor, then it's hard to live in a developing country because we don't get any help from the government. But even beggars in big cities like Jakarta can earn like office workers. Because everyone gives money to them. Usually they have house in their villages. They look poor but they are not. That is the phenomenon of developing countries.
If you look at food vendors on the roadside, they even can earn more than office workers. Don't look only at their appearance. They save money in Jakarta and have houses in their village.
But if you are uneducated and poor in the village, then you are living in hell. You don't have much choice. Many low-educated villagers become blue-collar workers or domestic helpers in other countries. It can bring fortunate because they can lift the family economy, but it could even be a disaster because many of them are experiencing torture from their employers. Return home physically disabled or even in a coffin. Or maybe you have read about people smuggling from China and Vietnam who were found dead in containers in Europe? This is the bitter and dark side of the developing world.


So if you go to a developing country, don't you judge because you think it’s dirty when you seeing someone selling food on a cart. Or you think it’s violating if you see someone riding a motorcycle with three of them, or you see on a motorcycle carrying a lot of goods. Yes, developing countries are very chaotic. Everyone struggled to survive on their own feet. In developing countries, especially developing countries that fall into lower-middle income countries, it is still difficult for people to maintain order, because people have to be creative using various ways to make money. The level of education that is still low makes awareness also low.


Afiq Aziz
I can only speak about my country Malaysia, but judging from the news I read seems like other country had a pretty much similar situation. First of all, it depends on what country are we speaking off. Malaysia is a third world country but it is definitely not poor. So does Turkey for example. Third world countries like Africa has a way worse standard of living, so in terms of poverty, from where I came from, it really isn’t such a big deal. It is a big deal that when my country has not been able to transform itself from a developing to developed economy. It has been forty years or so since Malaysia had been considered a middle income country and had been unable to become a rich a country. Whereas country like Singapore or South Korea was poorer than us 40 years ago, are now much wealthier then we are. Why? Because the country is run by stupid people. First of all there is corruption. Ministers are stealing the taxpayers money and live like queens and kings. Second, the administration is terrible. I met an Australian English teacher working at a private school in Malaysia. He could live and worked in Malaysia for 3 months without a working visa. He said the process and approval are so slow, he does not understand what took them so long to process his application. He said he had once work in Singapore and it only took them a few days. In Malaysia it is already three months and the application is still in process. Also, lets face it. If he is in Singapore, and he already work without a working permit, he would long been kicked out of the country. That is how inefficient our government are. I can give you a lot of other examples. But let us just live it to that for now. Also, our politicians these days are so stupid. Their answers to reporters are so unbelievably stupid that I feel embarrassed if foreigners ever saw their interview. The level of stupidity amazed me so much. It wasn’t like this back in the 80s-90s. Back then our politicians are still ok, lately everything has started to be extremely bad. Furthermore, if you look at other developing countries, you could see how badly the country are managed. For example look at Latin America currently. That is as a result of years and years of poor economic management.

Farnaz Nasrullah, knows Urdu懂得乌尔都语

I am a Pakistani citizen.
Before I answer this question, I wish to question an assumption made within it.
This question seems to assume a label attributed to certain countries as being relevant in today’s world. It is not. Third world, does not apply in today’s world.
Pakistan is a country of 200 million people, of different ethnicities, races, religions and traditions, living across a large country with geographic diversity.


Living in Pakistan, therefore, feels something like this:
1. No matter where you live in the country, you will find yourself interacting with different languages: people in Pakistan speak a number of languages, and most areas of Pakistan are multilingual.
2. You will experience all four seasons of the weather: Pakistan is one of the few countries where all four seasons of the weather are found.
3. You will find multiracial, multi ethnic people: Pakistan is home to a number of people who belong to more than one race, as interracial and inter ethnic marriage has increased over the last few decades.
4. You will experience a love for different professional sports: sports are widely played, especially popular sports such as Cricket, field Hockey, Badminton, Squash, and Table Tennis.
5. You will always find someone to do something with: Pakistan is full of communities at the neighborhood level, street level, school level, university and work level. There is always someone to do something with.
6. You will have a range of foods to try out: Pakistan is home to a wide variety of foods which are made up of different spices, vegetables, meats, pulses, nuts and even fruits.
7. You will experience different kinds of natural environments: Pakistan is home to hills and mountains, rivers and lakes, coastal regions and glaciers, as well as numerous valleys. You will experience different kinds of environments from living in Pakistan.
Pakistan, is a country which offers a unique set of experiences for its’ residents. Residents of Pakistan have access to a diverse range of options in terms of nature, food, people, activities and climate.

Ram Kumar, former Consultant (2015-2020)前顾问(2015-2020)

I can not help but feel the arrogance in this question. The person who asked is anonymous but we can guess which country he might be from which is why the person is anonymous and that also shows this question is not asked with the best of intentions.
This question is dripping with the assumption that the lives of the people in the THIRD WORLD COUNTRY has to be so different than the one he is living in that he HAS to know that. I am sure he or she must have thought at least once in his life time, “Do THIRD WORLD COUNTRY people also breathe Oxygen as WE do?”. This is like an Earthling asking a Martian, “How is it there?”
Dude, life in any country is different from yours or any other country on the planet as very country has its own culture. You start your day with a burger, in other countries some with an omelet, some with roti, some with bread, some with spaghetti, some with noodle, some with tea, some with rice, so on.


You wear shoes in your bedroom, many don’t.
You never say thank you, some do it every time.
You have better roads, other have clean homes.
You might be proud of being cocky, others take pride in being humble.
You can spend your entire day listening rap, others love classical music and reading books.
You take pride in the tall buildings you have, others have beautiful mountains and valleys to look towards.
You might have less pollution and more crime, many have none of both.
You pay 3$ for a coffee while many pay 10 cents.
The biggest “I did it” moment of your life might have been when you got admission in your university using your parent’s money while others are earning more than you just based on their online MBA.
So to answer your question and more, life in any country is far far , and far different than yours.

Jiwan Pokhrel, I lived in maany countries in the world (extra a was intended)我在世界上许多国家都住过(我故意多加了个“a”)

I have lived more than half of my life in third world countries: Nepal and India. I AM writing all my experiences and feelings here.
Childhood days: I used to wake up early in the morning. Light a kerosene lantern and study. My mum and dad used to wake up, milk buffalo and make tea. We used to have tea at about 7 am and our usual lunch+ breakfast time used to be at 9 am. Then, I used to go to school and return home at 5 PM. There used to be nothing to eat in between. I was the lucky ones and well off for that poor village. Many kids were shephard, or just go hunting birds all day. Some used to help their parents in the farm field by looking after their younger sibling. Some kids used to go to the nearby jungle to fetch firewoods. We also had a shepherd who used to look after our buffaloes and goats. He was few years younger to me. I used to feel sorry about him because he was not able to go to school. I also used to to look after cattles. But that was usually in the weekends. Usually, I used to take books with me. I remember one day I was reading an English story loudly and the fellow kid started giggling by hearing the strange language and sound. He requested me to read again and again. He found that incomprehensible language really funny.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Our plays were limited. Usually, it was a football made from socks or running. We rarely got new clothes or gift.
There was no clean drinking water for 5 years. (Later we had deep well water). My mum use to walk 2 km to reach to the nearest stream and fill the water. We somehow managed to survive with that water. But the incidence of diarrhoea and cholera used to be more frequent in rainy seasons. On top of that, many villagers used to die from Japanese Encephalitis which is transmitted by mosquitoes. The used to be so many communicable diseases like Trachoma, Viral fever, Dysentery, Typhoid, Jaundice (Viral Hepatitis).
I had never imagined that first world countries are so different. I had some ideas that they have big buildings and cars. After coming to the first world countries, now I know how privileged are these I-pad babies.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

It doesn't feel that bad. Infact it feels great sometimes. Life is easy.
I live in a third world country, India. To make things even worse, I live in one of the least developed states of India. And in that “one of the least developed states” I live in a small town.
It feels like as if I am living among losers. Maybe, if I were in some developed country, or even in some Indian metropolitan cities like Mumbai, I would have been a loser there. I meet people from Mumbai, Banglore, Delhi who earn several times more than me, but they live paycheck to paycheck. They don't even own a house and if they have a car they can't drive because the streets are extremely crowded.


But since I live among losers, I feel like a winner. I feel like a king who is smarter and more successful than majority of the people around me. I live better life than majority of people who live in developed countries. I own a house that people in Mumbai, earning similar income as me, can't even think to buy even in their dreams.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

There are however some downsides also.
1. Having so many stupid people around yourself is no fun. Sometimes it can get irritating.
2. In case of medical emergency, you'll need to be transferred to some bigger cities and that increases your medical risks.
3. Very little source of entertainment. If you can spend your evening, sitting idle in your home, browsing Internet or watching TV then it is good. If not then you'll be bored to death.
4. Poor infrastructure can irritate you. Fortunately, I live in a town where Infrastructure is good, but that is not always true for other towns.
5. You won't meet many people who can understand your big dreams of life.
6. If you want to start a business, you won't find competent employees or partners.
7. The whole atmosphere is such that it suppresses big ideas and innovation. To think big and do big, I advise people to be among Intelligent people. Living among stupid people can seriously affect your thinking ability and confidence.
8. As long as your needs are fulfilled by the local economy, you'll enjoy the benefits. But as soon as you want to buy something international, you will start to feel your low purchasing power.
9. All forms of interesting development in the world arrive very late at your place.
10. You'll live a life that is 10 years behind the rest of the world. We have jungles where some people are living lives that is 100 years behind the rest of the world.
11. Very hard to find a girlfriend as there are very few places where you can hang out with opposite gender, and girls always have a guardian with them.
12. Being among stupid people means you'll also be subjected to many of their stupid beliefs. In India, some of the stupid beliefs are caste system, patriarchy, preventing girls from meeting guys etc.
If you are a loser then you'll enjoy your stay in a third world country but if you are a winner, then stay away from third world countries.


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