2022-12-12 龟兔赛跑 4740
What foods are good for losing weight?


Mike Ross
As someone who’s fluctuated weight my entire life, I’ve gone through weight loss both the healthy way, and the unhealthy way.
The healthiest (and most blatantly obvious) way to losing weight is through a combination of exercise and healthy eating. But what should you be eating if you want to lose mostly fat?
The answer is surprisingly: fat.


Let’s rewind and consider the unhealthy ways I’ve lost weight. I dropped 30 pounds from simply limiting what I ate, cutting out high fat and high calorie foods without looking at anything except the grams of fat and calories. I barely worked out, and relied on a strict diet that left me hungry, frustrated, and unhappy.
Almost immediately after my ‘diet’, I was so fed up with the lack of food, I reverted back to my old habits. The ugly part is my habits got worse, I ended up gaining more weight than I originally lost, and in half the time it took me to lose it.
The next time around, I did more than look at the macro’s on a nutritional label. I took note of the ingredients and studied how they reacted inside my body.
What I discovered was that naturally occurring healthy fats that come from nuts, fruits, vegetables, beans and meat sources kept me satisfied, so I spent less time filling my body with things it didn’t need.


To get more specific: Avocados, Coconut oil, beans, peas, quinoa, eggs, seeds like chia and hemp hearts, nuts (but watch your portions), and yes even beef, pork, chicken, and definitely fish.
Avoiding sugar, fried foods, and highly processed foods is a huge leap towards losing fat. A lot of times fat doesn’t come from fat, it comes from carbohydrates that you couldn’t convert into fuel (ie calories you didn’t burn).
If you are eating the right foods that easily convert into fuel (healthy natural fats, complex carbs, protein), plus are exercising (burning more fuel than you put into your body, ie taking fuel from your body’s fat stores), you’ll not only see ‘fat weight’ pretty much melt off, but you won’t feel run down and diminished.


Badar Muneer, Google SEO at Mamango (2016-present)
There are several diet plans out there for you to try but which one of them hold true? Here is the question you want a response and you've arrived at the ideal place.
Another notable invention by Mark Hyman who's director of Cleveland Clinic Centre for Functional Medicines is Paleo+Vegan=Pegan Diet.This particular diet program will adhere through 2019 and the tendency will seem to increase in the coming years.


Ketogenic diet was popular during 2018 among the celebrities and popular personalities. It is predicted by experts that it will be a hot fad in this season as well.Primarily it highlights on low carbohydrates.This diet focuses on replacing carbohydrates with fats forcing the body to enter into a state of ketosis in which body uses carbs as a source of vitality.
This specific doctor backed diet program assists in preventing and lowering blood pressure,as its name denotes Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension.This plan is healthy for your heart and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and additionally reduces if any risk sustains.


This diet trend reduces the chance of heart attack or strokes.This diet is distinguished by high high consumption of olive oil and moderate consumption of protein.this type of diet you need to replace butter with canola oil and olive oil.
This diet plans concentrates on a plan of 30 days figuring out how foods affect you physically and mentally.The main assumption is to eat nothing but veggies,meat,nuts and fruits such as 30 days.These 30 times you need to be strict in your diet plan.

WHOLE30 (30天饮食法):
Georgiana White, like cooking 热爱做饭。

1. Beans
Inexpensive, filling, and versatile, beans are a great source of protein. Beans are also high in fiber and slow to digest. That means you feel full longer, which may stop you from eating more.
2. Soup
Start a meal with a cup of soup, and you may end up eating less. It doesn’t matter if the soup is chunky or pureed, as long as it's broth-based. You want to keep the soup to 100 to 150 calories a serving. So skip the dollops of cream and butter.
3. Dark Chocolate
Want to enjoy chocolate between meals? Pick a square or two of dark over the milky version. In one study, chocolate lovers who were given dark chocolate ate 15% less pizza a few hours later than those who had eaten milk chocolate.


4. Pureed Vegetables
You can add more veggies to your diet, enjoy your "cheat" foods, and cut back on the calories you’re eating, all at the same time. When Penn State researchers added pureed cauliflower and zucchini to mac and cheese, people seemed to like the dish just as much. But they ate 200 to 350 fewer calories. Those healthy vegetables added low-cal bulk to the tasty dish.
5. Eggs and Sausage
A protein-rich breakfast may help you resist snack attacks throughout the day.
In a study of a group of obese young women, those who started the day with 35 grams of protein -- that’s probably way more than you’re eating -- felt fuller right away. The women ate a 350-calorie breakfast that included eggs and a beef sausage patty. The effect of the high-protein breakfast seemed to last into the evening, when the women munched less on fatty, sugary goods than the women who had cereal for breakfast.
6. Nuts
For a great snack on the run, take a small handful of almonds, peanuts, walnuts, or pecans. Research shows that when people munch on nuts, they automatically eat less at later meals.


7. Apples
Skip the apple juice and the applesauce and opt instead for a crunchy apple. Whole fruit blunts appetite in a way that fruit juices and sauces don’t.
One reason is that raw fruit has more fiber. Plus, chewing sends signals to your brain that you’ve eaten something substantial.
8. Yogurt
Whether you prefer Greek or traditional, yogurt can be good for your waistline.
A Harvard study followed more than 120,000 people for a decade or longer. Yogurt, of all the foods that were tracked, was most closely lixed to weight loss. That doesn't prove that yogurt caused weight loss, but it stood out among other foods.
9. Grapefruit
Yes, grapefruit really can help you shed pounds, especially if you are at risk for diabetes.


Researchers at Scripps Clinic in San Diego found that when obese people ate half a grapefruit before each meal, they dropped an average of 3 ½ pounds over 12 weeks. Drinking grapefruit juice had the same results.
But grapefruit juice doesn't have any proven "fat-burning" properties -- it may just have helped people feel full.
Be careful: You cannot have grapefruit or grapefruit juice if you are on certain medications, so check the label on all your prescxtions, or ask your pharmacist or doctor.
Shop Smart
Load your shopping cart with lots of lean protein, fresh veggies, fruit, and whole grains, says food scientist Joy Dubost, PhD, RD. The most important thing, when it comes to lasting weight loss, is the big picture of what you eat, not specific foods.

食品科学家乔伊·杜博斯特(Joy Dubost)博士说,将大量的瘦肉蛋白,新鲜蔬菜,水果和全谷类食品放入购物车中。如果你想要持续健康减肥,最重要的是你吃了什么,而不是仅仅针对特定的食物。

David Clark
like i'm always saying, the biggest secret for get an incredible body and loss the extra unwanted weight, is to know what the right food you should eat, and the perfect time to eat it.
look down to learn some tricks you can use it while preparing your healthy meal,


· Get Used To Coffee
Start your day with a cup of Joe. caffeine may be a natural water pill and a superb supply of antioxidants, that defend your cells from injury.
· Skip The Fizzy Drinks
We just don’t feel full of liquid calories in quite the same way as we do real food. Drinking a juice or caramel coffee drink just isn’t as satisfying as eating a bowl of veggie and protein-packed stir-fry. So monitor your intake of juice, soda, sweetened coffee and tea, and alcoholic beverages. If you consume each of those beverages during the day, you’ll have taken in at least 800 extra calories by nighttime and you’ll still be hungry.
· Don’t You Ever Forget The Breakfast
All meals square measure vital, however, breakfast is what helps you begin your day on the proper track. The best, heartiest breakfasts square measure ones that may fill you up, keep you happy, and deflect cravings later within the day.

Seneca Rapson, Went from 285 pounds to 160 and 10% body fat体重从285磅减到160磅,并且体脂率为10%

For weight loss (not necessarily health or body composition) type of food is largely irrelevant. All non-water weight loss essentially comes down to energy balance - using more calories than you take in. So if the quantity is appropriate, you can lose weight eating anything. Professor Mark Haub demonstrated this following a Twinkie diet of almost nothing but junk food and lost weight. He also improved his cholesterol just by virtue of losing weight. A high school science teacher also did something similar living on only McDonald’s for 60 days.


That said, there are certainly foods that make appetite control easier and foods that help with composition: maintaining lean / muscle mass and promoting. For satiety (fullness, reduced appetite) look towards foods that are high in protein and fiber - lean meats, vegetables, various lentils and beans, and to a lesser extent whole (note whole) grains. They’ll also have the benefit of tending to contain nutrients that are important to health. In general, try to eat less calorie dense foods like desserts and a lot of prepackaged foods. Drinks that have calories from sugar / carbohydrates are also poor for fullness so try to replace fruit juices with whole fruits, and soft drinks with diet varieties - milk has liquid calories but most comes from fat or protein, so it doesn’t tend to have the issue that soft drinks and juice does.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Habit wise, try to avoid eating indefinite amounts of foods - like don’t open a large bag of nuts or chips and just eating from it, instead consciously take a definite, reasonable amount portioned out - the just eating continuously from a container while doing something else is sometimes called mindless eating. Also, try to reduce things, but avoid eliminating foods (unless you have a medical or ethical reason to do so). One of the great pitfalls of dieting is creating forbidden foods - this kind of restriction actually increases the desire for them and tends to create the cycles where people break diets rather than bend - they have one cookie, one snack, one treat, think they’ve failed and eat everything they can because suddenly they’re no longer on their diet, so what does it matter? Avoid that kind of rigid thinking. If you have one of something you’ve been avoiding, just think of it is as an enjoyment, not a weakness, and move on.


Finally, while not a food, I would highly recommend finding an exercise you like. Technically, exercise has a poor record for weight loss, however, it appears to be invaluable in terms of maintaining weight for people that have lost weight. Of the NWCR, which tracks habits of people who have successfully kept weight off for a year, 90% report performing regular, purposeful exercise of some kind, even if it is as simple as taking a 20 to 30 minute walk.

Twinkle Bhatt, Project Manger at WebsiteDesignerIndiaWebsiteDesignerIndia项目经理

These are 7 Foods That Help You Shed Pounds
Water works
Ever hear that water can help you lose a few extra pounds? It can—if you eat foods that contain a lot of water, like fruits and veggies. In a University of Tokyo study, women who ate high-water-content foods had lower body mass indexes and smaller waistlines. Researchers speculate that the water in these foods may fill you up so you eat less. Make the strategy work for you by adding more of these in-season fruits and veggies—each is at least 90% water—to your meals.
Did you know broccoli is a great source of fiber and calcium? Try this delicious recipe for Broccoli Salad with Sesame Dressing and Cashews.
Rich in antioxidants like vitamin C, cabbage is a great immune-booster. Enjoy it lightly sautéed in a stir-fry or paired with sweet-tart apples. Or, try this recipe for red cabbage and apple salad with ginger vinaigrette.



Like other cruciferous veggies, cauliflower is full of cancer-fighting phytonutrients and is a great source of vitamin C and folate. Nibble on raw or lightly steamed florets to maximize cauliflower's antioxidant power, or try this potassium-rich recipe for Cauliflower and Yukon Gold Soup.
A powerhouse for heart health, grapefruit contains vitamin C, folic acid, and potassium, along with pectin, a soluble fiber that may be a strong ally against atherosclerosis. Pink and red varieties also have vitamin A and lycopene, a phytochemical that protects arterial walls from oxidative damage. To get the juiciest specimens, sext fruits heavy for their size and make sure to try them in this refreshing salad.


With a mere 60–70 calories per pound, lettuce is high on the list of diet-friendly foods. Romaine lettuce alone is a great source of B vitamins, folic acid, and manganese, which helps regulate blood sugar and is essential for proper immune system function. Choose other dark green or purple varieties such as green or red leaf for the most nutrients, and toss with zesty homemade vinaigrette, or use in this hearty Layered Cobb Salad.
Tender and flavorful, this leafy green is rich in iron, folic acid, and vitamin K. It also contains disease-fighting antioxidants beta-carotene and vitamin C, as well as the phytochemical lutein, which protects eyes against age-related macular degeneration. Use as a substitute for lettuce in salad, lightly sauté with shredded carrot, sliced mushrooms, and garlic for a savory omelet filling, or try this simple Seasoned Spinach recipe for a quick and nutritious side dish.


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