2023-08-04 兰陵笑笑生 9080
What is the longest blood-line dynasty in human history?


I know if you google this, it says the Yamato Dynasty in Japan. This is the longest hereditary dynasty that still exists today, and having lasted 1500 years (or so it is claimed) this has to be a front-runner for one of the longest ever.


Are there any that lasted longer where a bloodline could be traced all they way back? I feel like Egypt or China would have to be contenders since they have both been around for basically all of human history.


They aren't royals but the bloodline of Confucius has been traced until today and has remained as an important and influential family all this time


Every so often one of Confucius' known descendants takes and fails a university entrance exam and it usually gives rise to a few humorous news articles.


William Hung from American Idol way back in the day is currently the 73rd Generation descendant..


I just spat out my drink


Look up Joseph stalin granddaughter or karl Marx great grandson. It's great


The world is such a weird place.


Actually, it may have started as a royal bloodline. Confucious claimed descent from King Tang, who lived over a thousand years before him.


Until recently the eldest male in each generation of Confucious' direct descendants still inherits the royal title of Duke Yansheng. They inherit the official position of "Sacrificial Official to Confucius" in the Republic or China and was paid the same as cabinet ministers
There are similar arrangements for the descendants of the other Four Sages like Mencius and even descendants of Taoist founder Zhang Daoling


Wouldn’t Lao Tzu be considered the founder of Taoism?


What does the position entails in modern society? They're getting paid as a minister, they must be doing something and not just inherited the title, right?


The main duty of Duke Yansheng is to conduct Confucius ceremonies on Confucius' birthday and to continue the lineage. But the last Duke Yansheng , Kung Te-cheng, actually held the position of Education Minister in Republic of China so he earned his pay. After his death in 2008, the family agreed to convert the sacrificial official appointment into an unpaid post


I think the point is that they were influential up until at least 1911, and remain so to some degree still in Taiwan. Even if you only count up until the end of the Qing thats 2,400 years. Sure beats the Hapsburgs.


So they always have at least on male descendant? Incredible.


Polygamy has been traditionally common in China

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My family got confirmed as part of the House of Kong (Confucius’ bloodline). Haven’t talked to my relatives who actually went to China and got it confirmed but I feel like it’s more of a “hey there’s this fee you have to pay to be confirmed...” and anyone with a slight claim to being a descendant can be confirmed. No clue what the actual process is like though, so if anyone can enlighten me on that I’d appreciate it

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It probably depends how you tackle the Egyptian and Sumerian King Lists and their long reigns.


This was my first thought, but some cursory reading shows 31 different dynasties ruling over unified Egypt, with the longest only lasting about 250 years. Im sure there was some crossover in the genrpool, but the Egyptians themselves recorded them as separate linieage dynasties.


Does this include ptolemaic dynasty whom where in fact Macedonian/Greek rulers for over 300 years?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

About 275, and apparently it didn't. The 18th Dynasty which founded the New Kingdom lasted over 250 as well, about 25 years longer than the other pre-Ptolemaic ones.


I was specifically counting "native" dynasties. The main thing I find interesting is that this seems counter to the common narative of Egypt being in stasis for thousands of years. That said, its possible to have ruler change without regime change, as it were.

我特别去计算了其“本土”王朝。 我觉得有趣的是,这似乎与“埃及几千年来一直处于停滞状态”的常见叙述背道而驰。尽管如此,在不改变政权的情况下改变统治者也是可能的。

Oh man, no, Egypt was definitely never in stasis. It had very clear continuity, with one notable exception, but definitely not stasis.


There's a very strong narrative that nothing changed much in pharonic egypt.


Do you mean by the pharaohs themselves, or by modern people who idealize Egyptians as the birthplace of white civilization for some reason? Because narratives really don't mean shit either way.


You can believe that if you want, and the people who control the narrative will go on controlling civilization.


The Egyptian dynasties are historical divisions, not bloodline dynasties. The dynasties were invented later in history, in Ptolemaic (Greek) Egypt, to divide history up according to major events or the perceived power of royal authority during a period.
But you're right, and even within one dynasty the succession is not always by bloodline or even by relation. One famous example is the succession of Ay by Horemheb, a commoner and commander of the army who deposed Ay and ended the by then extremely unpopular 18th dynasty; Horemheb is counted as the last king of that dynasty. Kings are also sometimes succeeded by their brothers, uncles, etc; sometimes within the same dynasty, sometimes introducing a new dynasty, one ruling family sometimes extending through several successive dynasties.
Also, the figure of 31 dynasties is a figure that includes not only those ruling over unified Egypt (which would be 3+4+5+6, 12+13, 18+19+20, and 25 forward, several of the latter being foreign), but also several ruling simultaneously over parts of a fragmented Egypt during the Intermediate Periods plus one probably completely fictitious dynasty (the 7th, described as "70 kings in 70 days" and no names of kings known).

但你是对的,即使在一个朝代里,继承也不总是由血统或关系决定的。 一个著名的例子是哈伦海布继承了埃及,他是一位平民和军队指挥官,他推翻了上一个王朝,让当时极不受欢迎的第18王朝结束;哈伦海布被认为是那个王朝的最后一位国王。王位有时也由他们的兄弟、叔叔等继承;有时算作在同一个朝代内,有时则算作是一个新的王朝,一个统治家族有时可能分裂为几个连续的朝代。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The imperial Japanese dynasty claims to go back to 660 BC. Im not an expert in Japanese history, so I dont know if this is a continual line or not. But that would be the oldest.


Many of the claims made by the imperial Japanese dynasty are not taken seriously even among Japanese scholars.
For instance, traditional Japanese historiography claim that the Japanese imperial family has always ruled Japan, and cite examples of Chinese envoys meeting with various rulers of Japan as meetings with the ancestors of the Japanese emperors.
However, Chinese records placed most of these meetings in Kyushu, far from the Imperial family's homeland in central Japan. Traditionally Japanese historians explained this as calculation errors made by Chinese envoys when recording the navigation for their journeys.
However, in 1784, while digging an irrigation ditch, farmers discovered a gold seal which was given as a gift to one of these ancient Japanese kings and mentioned in the Chinese record. It was discovered in Kyushu, right where the navigation records said it was supposed to be.


I'm reminded of a story I read about envoys from Queen Himiko's court petitioned the Cao-Wei dominated Han court for tribute and the Caos thought it so hilarious they elected not to kill the envoys and sent them back to Japan with riches like frayed silk and bronze trinkets. The Japanese took them seriously and sent envoys for "tribute" until the Jin got tired of it in the 240s.


You may be confusing multiple stories together. In the commonly accepted translation (can find an example here), Queen Himiko sent Cao-Wei a tribute of slaves and cloths.
Cao-Wei in turn gifted to her a gold seal acknowledging her as Queen of Wa, as well as a number of bronze mirrors (chosen because the Japanese of the time did not have the metalworking skills needed to make the mirrors).
In doing so, they accepted Himiko and her Wa kingdom's tribute payment, making them a fairly normal Chinese tributary state.


The Japanese imperial line is likely Korean in origin, which makes sense given the trade happening between the two as early as the Jomon period (maybe even earlier). One needs only to look at the concentration of dolmens near Busan and Kyushu to see an early evidence of shared culture or perhaps even immigration.


There is definitely some historical connection between the ancient Japanese aristocracy, including the royal family, and Korea. But the nature of the relationship is not entirely clear, and we do not have enough evidence to confidently say that the Japanese imperial line is likely Korean in origin.
For instance, the early Japanese resettled many craftsman from Korea to Japan, and rewarded some of them with noble titles in exchange for making the crossing. The fact that many craftsmen in Japan had Korean origins is already enough to explain many of the cultural similarities.
That said, many scholars have bought into a popular conspiracy theory that the reason why the Japanese imperial family refuses access to the imperial tombs is that inside there are artifacts that conclusively prove that the imperial family actually originates from Korean immigrants.


First time I've ever heard this described as a "conspiracy theory." I first read about this while in Japan on business 20+ years ago and it was always regarded as fact [IE, IHA did not want research into this early tomb as it would disprove the myth].

我第一次听到说这种说法是“阴谋论。” 我20年前在日本出差时第一次读到这篇文章,它一直被认为是事实[皇室不想对这个早期的坟墓进行研究,因为它会推翻神话理论]。

I wouldn’t be surprised if Japan lied about their history to make them seem more legitimate. They do that now. Or a much nicer term, denial.

如果日本谎称自己的历史,以使看起来更加合法,我不会感到惊讶。他们现在就这么做。 或者有更好的说法,否认。

To be fair, it's not just Japan. Even when they don't directly lie about their own history, most countries tend to interpret unresolved historical questions in the most favorable way possible for their own legitimacy.

公平地说,不仅仅是日本。 即使他们不直接谎报自己的历史,大多数国家也倾向于以最有利的方式解释尚未解决的历史问题,以维护自己的合法性。

Yeah, you're right. Except Germany. They've been on it about apologizing for the holocaust and making amends for the atrocities created by Hitler. They should actually be applauded and be modeled after bc they've basically changed their entire country culturally. That's pretty damn awesome, to me.


I think it definitely deserves some appreciation, but in many ways its the exception that proves the rule.
In the years immediately after World War 2, there were a lot of Germans who refused to acknowledge the crimes of Nazism, just as how there had been the "stabbed in the back" theory after World War 1.
It is the overwhelming evidence and the sheer scale and horror of the Holocaust that forced the German people to acknowledge what they had done and make amends. Even then, the investigation into the Holocaust was led by the occupying forces - plenty of Germans would have been happy to feign ignorance and turn a blind eye, the way that people did in Japan, where occupying forces were rushing to re-militarize Japan and did not think it was valuable to raise awareness of Japanese atrocities.


The modern day bagration of Georgia are a millennium old I believe

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

TIL my favorite CK2 byzantine dynasty is still alive and well.


I hope you ported them from ck2 to eu4. Then eu4 to vicky2. Then vicky2 to hoi4. Then hoi4 to stellaris.

我希望你把它们从ck2(十字军之王)移植到eu4(欧陆风云)。 然后从eu4移植到vicky2(维多利亚)。 然后从vicky2到hoi4(钢铁雄心)。然后hoi4到stellaris(群星)。

nah, I'm waiting til I can port it to vicky3


Thats gonna be a long wait


It's not unbroken, but the modern British royal family can trace lineage back to Alfred the Great, so they say.


Is Alfred the Great related to William the Conqueror? It seems like every European monarch can trace themselves to every other country in Europe's royalty somehow.


Not sure about William the Conqueror, but his wife, Matilda of Flanders, was a descendant. Ælfthryth, Alfred the Great’s daughter, married the Count of Flanders.


Also, William's son Henry married the granddaughter of Edward the Exlie who was from the same house as Alfred. Their daughter Matilda sired the Plantagenet dynasty.


Basically. It's a shame that the Norman conquest wiped out Old English, it was a very ancient and unique Germanic language.


He was NOT related to Alfred the Great. William the conqueror was the great great grandson of Duke Richard II of Normandy, whose sister was married to Ethelred II Unraed (who is called "the unready" today, but it really means "the ill adviced". It's a pun since his name mean Noble Advice). Ethelred was the great great grandson of Alfred the Great.
That's one of the reasons why there was this big succession crisis after Edward the Confessor. NONE of the pretenders were directly descended from Alfred the Great. Harorld was Edwards Brother-in-Law, Harald Hardrada was the son of Magnus (who had been the chosen successor of Hardecnut, the king before Edward the Confessor beford Edward usurped the throne as a descendant of the king before Cnut) and William the Conqueror was the first cousin once removed but never in the patrilinear line.

他与阿尔弗雷德大帝无关。征服者威廉是诺曼底公爵理查德二世的玄孙,理查德的姐姐嫁给了“无准备者”埃塞尔雷德二世 (他今天被称为“无准备者”,但它真正的意思是“决策无方者”。这是双关语,因为他的名字的意思是明智的决策)。 埃塞尔雷德是阿尔弗雷德大帝的曾孙。 这就是为什么在忏悔者爱德华之后发生了这场如此之大的继承危机的原因之一(注:爱德华死后,英格兰的哈罗德、挪威的哈拉尔、法国的威廉共同争夺英格兰王位)。这里面没有一个王位觊觎者是阿尔弗雷德大帝的直接后裔。哈罗德是爱德华兹的连襟,哈拉尔·哈德拉达是马格努斯的儿子 (马格努斯是哈得克努特(克努特二世)的继承人,克努特二世是忏悔者爱德华之前的国王,而爱德华作为克努特大帝之前的国王的继承者又篡夺了克努特二世继承者的王位)征服者威廉是曾经被移除但从未出现在父系线上的表亲。

The current windsors are related to Alfred the great though.
Ethelraed had many sons. The two eldest died. The third was king of England (Edmund Ironside) before Cnut drove him away. Edward the Confessor was one of Aethelraeds youngest sons, so when Cnut was dead he summoned his forces and drove off Cnuts successor. Edward the Confessor had no sons, so he summoned back Edmund Ironsides son, Edward the Exile to be his chosen successor. But Edward the Exile died before Edward the Confessor and had no male heirs. He did have a daughter though, Margaret, who married Malcolm the III of Scotland and the Windsors descend from that unx (as do most kings of england since Henry I, one of Williams the Conquerers sons, married Matilda the daughter of Malcolm III of Scotland in order to make sure that they had the blood of Alfred the Great in their veins and as such were "super legitimate".
Are you confused yet?

埃塞尔雷德有很多儿子。长子和次子先去世了。第三个是英格兰国王(埃德蒙·伊伦赛德),然后克努特(丹麦维京入侵者)把他赶走了。忏悔者爱德华是埃塞尔雷德最小的儿子之一,所以当克努特死后,他召集了他的部队,赶走了克努特的继任者()。忏悔者爱德华没有儿子,所以他召集埃德蒙·伊伦赛德斯的儿子,“流亡者”爱德华成为他选定的继承人。但流亡者爱德华死在忏悔者爱德华之前,也没有男性继承人。但他确实有一个女儿,玛格丽特,她嫁给了苏格兰的马尔科姆三世和温莎家族的后裔 (自从威廉斯的儿子亨利一世与苏格兰的马尔科姆三世的女儿马蒂尔达结婚之后,为确保他们的血脉中有阿尔弗雷德大帝的成分,英格兰的大多数国王都与苏格兰王室联姻,以此证明他们是“超级合法的”。

很赞 3