1、During World War II, every thing was heavily rationed so, even though many people had jobs, most consumer goods were unavailable at any price. However, my great-grandfather would travel to El Paso, TX every year to help process cotton at a cotton gin. They were right across the border from Juarez, Mexico so they would cross the border and buy enough of everything that was unavailable due to rationing - such as shoes, tires, coffee, and sugar - that they wouldn't need to buy any more for several months.
2、My Mom recently told me a story about her Uncle, who had served a in Vietnam. I don't remember a ton of details, but enough. He was doing foot patrol and his squad were patrolling small villages looking for enemy camps. He was very homesick at the time, feeling very low in spirit, with nothing to lift him up. They had came across a small camp seemingly filled with peaceful families, some of them cooking. One of the families offered him and his soldiers to eat some of the rice dish they were having. They were wary at first, but ended up eating with the locals who seemed beyond grateful to have them...he described it as the best tasting meal he ever had, the rice just perfect...warmed his spirit. The mother figure who served them was kind and warm to them, reminded him of his own home, his mother. Even embraced them as they left. As they continued the patrol they came across a hidden hut built into a cluster of trees...filled with the apparent enemy. Several young men were shot and killed by the soldiers, my second Uncle being one of the shooters. It was common practice to leave the bodies and watch them from afar, to see who claimed them...who would then be questioned/apprehended as enemies as well. After a few hours, family members would appear to see if the dead belonged to them. Well...as you can probably predict, my uncle recognized the crying grieving face of the kind woman who served them rice hours before, sobbing over one of the dead men. I'm not sure what happened to the woman, and my uncle was never sure if the woman was an enemy setting a trap or a generous soul with a son lost in war. It messed with him, along with I'm sure a lot of other things he never said.
Another story...my grandfather served in WW2, he was the radio operator for his crew. He didn't tell many stories, but he did talk a little about the day they marched through Berlin as the Allies began taking control...and how all the street signs were vandalized by the Nazis to confuse invasions, they were pointing in the wrong directions or destroyed, making navigation tough in the city, and they got repeatedly lost.
3、My grandpa, who is korean, tried to defect from south korea to north korea right before the korean war because he was a cigarette smoking socialist intellectual. in all the pictures we have of him he's wearing black turtleneck shirts and dark shades. he got shot as he was trying to cross the dmz and was nursed back to health by a farmer. then he went back home raised a family and had my mom and a bunch of other kids. my mom said she remembered seeing a huge indentation in his shoulder where the bullet hit him when he would bathe. she said you could pour water in it like a bowl.
4、One of my granddads told a story about how he was in a baboon hunting squad because they would wreck the local farms (South Africa)
My other one has more stories. He went to Virginia Tech (VMI at the time) and him and his ROTC buddies pulled a prank by bringing a cow from the local farms into the dormitories and giving it laxatives
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
He was also in the Korean War and has told me about how they were given really shitty beer and a lot of liquor. But the British, they had Heineken. So they traded their liquor for Heineken and somehow used some part of a plane - he was in the Air Force - to make it into a cooler which they put the beer in so they could have ice cold beer
He was then discharged dishonorably from the Air Force for landing a plane belly down...
5、Dont have the details since I'm in bed, but one of my great granpa served on a submarine, became a moonshine gangster during prohibition, and then rejoined the navy
6、My grandpa was drafted into the Army in the late 50s and was stationed in Germany where he served with Elvis. Apparently they would get Elvis to sing when they would go to bars and stuff. He says that even then a lot of Germany was still bombed out and some towns were so bad they just moved the whole village several miles down the road instead of trying to rebuild. Apparently even then a lot of the older Germans still hated Americans, especially ones that had kids die in the war.
7、My grandpa was in the Navy in WW2.
When he was stationed in port somewhere in Africa he paid a rediclous amount money, like half a weeks wages, for a cucumber and tomato salad. He was just so sick of the food on the ship and he wanted something fresh.
He also came across some German POWs when in port in Europe. He traded a chocolate bar for one of their Nazi armbands. He had it in a display case and placed a wooden hand in front of it flipping it off
8、My grandfather worked for Al Capone when he was a child, smuggling alcohol. Soon after that he joined the U.S Navy and was in world war 2, whilst he was there a Japanese submarine attacked the ship he was on and the area that exploded he was right next to. He had hearing problems for the rest of his life but he stayed in the Navy for about 10 years, long enough to be a Korean war vet too.
(译注:阿尔·卡彭(Al Capone,1899年-1947年),系二十世纪二三十年代最有影响力的黑手党领导人,根据地在芝加哥)
(译注:阿尔·卡彭(Al Capone,1899年-1947年),系二十世纪二三十年代最有影响力的黑手党领导人,根据地在芝加哥)
9、I recently learned that my great great grandmother was involved in a family scandal and that we have an entire second family we never knew about.
My mom’s mom was from an Irish family who immigrated to the states after the potato famine. My grandma’s grandmother (my great grandmother) married this guy in Ireland who happened to have the same last name. Nobody thought this unusual since it was a pretty common name in Ireland. They had an son (my great grandfather). However, the marriage was annulled because the church discovered that they were actually first cousins. My great great grandma took the son to the States and remarried and had 4 kids.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
10、My fathers father served in the Navy in the Pacific Theater. Apparently his boat had a homosexuality problem. 2 gay (and apparently quite good looking too) guys apparently convinced a straight guy to try butt stuff. All 3 were dishonorably discharged.
My mother’s father served about 10 years later in West Germany in some sort of engineer role. Basically to rebuild infrastructure I think. His last name is of Polish / German origin. So the locals would pronounce like how it would be pronounced in German. According to him the locals were quite respectful and favorable to him. He says he had a lot of meals and drinks bought for him in his time there. This culminated in one night at the bar. His commanding officer said there’ll be physical punishment if he finds in the morning that someone went to the bar that night. So of course my grandfather and his buddy went to the bar. A guy notices his last name on his uniform, he ends up eating and drinking for free that night. Him and his buddy get back to the barracks perfectly without any issues or disturbances. The next morning goes off without a hitch. However in the afternoon the sergeant tells him, “I know you went out last night” and he’s absolutely dumbfounded as to how he was discovered. Sergeant goes on “I’ve got dinner with the mayor tonight and he said he met you at the bar last night and he requested you join me.” In the end he gets two nights in a row of free food and drink
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