I always knew the USA mostly did this and until a few years ago I thought Europeans never did that, I grew up in Belgium and I know no one, literally no one who has taken the name of their husband. But then I moved to Switzerland and noticed women do take their husbands‘ last names. My boyfriend (who is from Slovakia) told me the women there also take their husbands‘ names. How is it in your country? (Generally speaking)
1、No, they don't. Following Spanish naming customs (and similarly in Catalan and Basque naming systems), no one changes their surnames after marrying. Everyone keeps their surnames, which are generally two, one coming from the father and another from the mother, in either order (traditionally father comes first though).
In consequence children also bear both surnames.
(回复1)I really like this. In the USA there’s been a shift towards women not talking the man’s name (I agree with the shift), but it’s lead to awkwardness with children’s names.
(回复2)In consequence children also bear both surnames.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
In consequence children also bear both surnames.
(回复1)I really like this. In the USA there’s been a shift towards women not talking the man’s name (I agree with the shift), but it’s lead to awkwardness with children’s names.
(回复2)In consequence children also bear both surnames.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
This may also be the case in former Spanish colonies.
In the Philippines, it's often the case that everyone has two surnames, and that the mother's surname/maiden name becomes your middle name.
In the Philippines, it's often the case that everyone has two surnames, and that the mother's surname/maiden name becomes your middle name.
2、I looked up the numbers because I was curious:
75% of married couples take the husband's name
6% take the wife's name
in 12% of cases each keeps their own
8% combine them to a double name
75% of married couples take the husband's name
6% take the wife's name
in 12% of cases each keeps their own
8% combine them to a double name
3、It's normal for women to keep their last names. I've never met anyone with their husband's last name.
(回复1)Sometimes you may find Maria Rossi in Bianchi (meaning that her surname is Rossi and has married Mr. Bianchi), but it's only used on funeral posters and graves.
(意)有时候你可能会看到“Maria Rossi in Bianchi”这种形式(意思是她的姓是Rossi,而她嫁给了Bianchi先生),但这种形式只会用在葬礼的海报和墓碑上。
(回复1)Sometimes you may find Maria Rossi in Bianchi (meaning that her surname is Rossi and has married Mr. Bianchi), but it's only used on funeral posters and graves.
(意)有时候你可能会看到“Maria Rossi in Bianchi”这种形式(意思是她的姓是Rossi,而她嫁给了Bianchi先生),但这种形式只会用在葬礼的海报和墓碑上。
4、You have a few different options. Let’s say there’re Kiss Ferenc (male) and Varga Ilona (female) who just got married.
(匈牙利)你有几种不同的选择。我们就以刚刚结婚的Kiss Ferenc (男) 和Varga Ilona (女)为例。
(匈牙利)你有几种不同的选择。我们就以刚刚结婚的Kiss Ferenc (男) 和Varga Ilona (女)为例。
First of all in Hungary your surname comes first () and your given name comes second (Ferenc, Ilona).
首先,在匈牙利,你的姓是居前(Kiss,Varga)的,而名居后(Ferenc, Ilona)。
首先,在匈牙利,你的姓是居前(Kiss,Varga)的,而名居后(Ferenc, Ilona)。
The wife can take their spouse’s full name + né. Né means someone’s wife. So Varga Ilona becomes Kiss Ferencné. This is very old fashioned but it was popular in my grandparents generation. It’s fading out.
妻子可以采用配偶的全名,后面再缀上né。Né的意思是“某某某的妻子”。所以Varga Ilona就变成了Kiss Ferencné。这种属于非常老派的做法,但在我爷爷奶奶那一代人中是非常流行的,正在退出历史舞台。
妻子可以采用配偶的全名,后面再缀上né。Né的意思是“某某某的妻子”。所以Varga Ilona就变成了Kiss Ferencné。这种属于非常老派的做法,但在我爷爷奶奶那一代人中是非常流行的,正在退出历史舞台。
The wife can take the husband’s last name + né. So Ilona becomes Kissné Varga Ilona. This is still present today but slowly becoming less and less popular.
妻子可以加冠夫姓,后面再缀上né。所以Ilona就成了Kissné Varga Ilona。这种做法现今依然存在,但正在慢慢变少,也越来越不流行。
妻子可以加冠夫姓,后面再缀上né。所以Ilona就成了Kissné Varga Ilona。这种做法现今依然存在,但正在慢慢变少,也越来越不流行。
The wife can hyphenate her name. So in this case she becomes Kiss-Varga Ilona. This is pretty popular nowadays.
妻子可以在姓名前加上连字符。所以在这种情况下她就成了Kiss-Varga Ilona。现如今相当流行的就是这种做法。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
妻子可以在姓名前加上连字符。所以在这种情况下她就成了Kiss-Varga Ilona。现如今相当流行的就是这种做法。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
The wife can take the husband’s surname. So she’ll be Kiss Ilona. This is gaining popularity.
妻子可以冠夫姓。所以她就成了Kiss Ilona。如今这种做法也挺受欢迎。
妻子可以冠夫姓。所以她就成了Kiss Ilona。如今这种做法也挺受欢迎。
Or lastly she doesn’t change her name at all. This is pretty rare but not unheard of.
(回复1)Or lastly she doesn’t change her name at all. This is pretty rare but not unheard of.
(回复1)Or lastly she doesn’t change her name at all. This is pretty rare but not unheard of.
This is most common among celebrities since their name is also their brand.
Also among people with doctorates. I'm not sure how to law works with this but I've heard from multiple women friends who have dr. or Dr. before their names that they would lose it if they were to modify their family names.
Also among people with doctorates. I'm not sure how to law works with this but I've heard from multiple women friends who have dr. or Dr. before their names that they would lose it if they were to modify their family names.
5、Some women take their husband's name, others don't, and some hyphenate. Some men take their wife's name. Some couples take/create a new name or dig one up from someone's family history. Some couples use both of their last names and hyphenate. So basically anything you can think of as long as you stick to two last names at most.
Cultural reason? It used to be tradition to take the husband's name as your new family name, but when this was deemed sexist (which it is), things started changing and now everything concerning this is completely voluntary.
(回复1)This also goes for Denmark.
(回复1)This also goes for Denmark.
6、Since 1983 women keep their maiden last names when getting married.
Which I find extremely pratical cause e.g. imagine trying to find an old school friend you lost track of via social media while she got married and changed her last name to something you don't know
7、In Poland the traditional way was always to take the husband's name, more modern approach is what my wife did, i.e. add the husband's name to your own to create a double name. It's also legal for the husband to take on his wife's name, have both partners join their names or take on a completely new name for both of them - but those options are hardly ever used. I tried to convice my wife that we should both take the Skywalker name, but somehow that idea got rejected :/
8、You can keep your name, you can take the spouse's name (regardless of gender), you can hyphenate, you can compromise by taking the spouse's name but not adding the -ova suffix if you're a woman.
Mostly, the woman takes the man's name and -ova's it. I guess so that there's no haggling over the names of the kids if they plan to have them?
9、Used to be standard in Belgium as well, but it became seen as old fashioned and kind of sexist a long time ago. Weird how that evolution didn't happen in a lot of other countries.
(回复1)I've got the feeling that this didn't happen in the Netherlands specifically because to many people here the whole getting married thing is seen as old-fashioned. Many people just live together without getting married. So the women who do get married seem to enjoy making a point of coming across as married, in my opinion. (I'm possibly biased because I'm so grossed out by the girls from my primary school who all changed their married name on facebook to show off their married status :')).
(回复1)I've got the feeling that this didn't happen in the Netherlands specifically because to many people here the whole getting married thing is seen as old-fashioned. Many people just live together without getting married. So the women who do get married seem to enjoy making a point of coming across as married, in my opinion. (I'm possibly biased because I'm so grossed out by the girls from my primary school who all changed their married name on facebook to show off their married status :')).
10、Generally speaking the woman takes the husband's surname, but like this (name) (husband's surname) - (own surname). They don't get rid of their own one completely. But in the recent years more women keep their own surname. When they do take their husband's name it's usually out of tradition or the feeling of wanting to be "part of the family" once children are born (otherwise the mother is the only one with a different surname).
11、In Portugal, you may add you spouse's surname to yours. You never lose any of your already existing surnames. You're not expected to do it nowadays, and no one's gonna care if you don't do it. My mom did it so she has 3 surnames at the moment (her two given ones + my dad's main surname).
(回复1)Be mindful that although Portuguese and Spanish have very similar naming traditions, the mother's surname goes first in Portuguese. So when someone tells you their full name, that first surname is their mother's. That said, that surname is most likely to be your paternal grandfather's, as the father's name is the one that traditionally (not legally) gets passed down. I don't have my maternal grandmother's surname for this reason, only my grandfather's. Also for this reason, in a formal setting, you'll likely only be addressed by your given name + your second surname (your father's).
(回复1)Be mindful that although Portuguese and Spanish have very similar naming traditions, the mother's surname goes first in Portuguese. So when someone tells you their full name, that first surname is their mother's. That said, that surname is most likely to be your paternal grandfather's, as the father's name is the one that traditionally (not legally) gets passed down. I don't have my maternal grandmother's surname for this reason, only my grandfather's. Also for this reason, in a formal setting, you'll likely only be addressed by your given name + your second surname (your father's).
Fun fact, in Portugal you can legally have up to 4 surnames IIRC. Technically, both parents can pass both of their surnames to their children. I've never heard of anyone who's done it, though. Most people have one or two given names + two surnames. And then there's the random person who has their husband's/wife's surname added at the end.
12、We use patronyms and sometimes matronyms. Taking up a spouses patronyn would be pretty weird. So no, everyone keeps their own names.
13、Usually yes, it's a tradition stemming from the traditional family with the husband as the head of the family, and the majority of women still do this. But it is becoming more common not to change the surname. And sometimes a husband takes the wife's surname if he doesn't like his own surname or for some other reason, but it's pretty rare. From the legal standpoint, when you marry, you can either leave your surnames as is, choose one of the two surnames, or create a double surname separated by a hyphen (unless one of the two surnames is already double).
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