我们第一次尝试.臭.豆.腐 剧透预警:它是臭的
2022-12-28 兰陵笑笑生 11188
We tried STINKY TOFU for the first time.... spoiler alx: it's stinky

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is something I've been putting off for a long time but the time has come to finally try stinky tofu for the first time. Did it smell? Yes. Would I eat it again? Also yes. Intrigued? Watch and see what happens.


Blondie’s Mum(UP主妈)

I was honestly very nervous about this particular food adventure. Very worried that the tofu would make a return appearance after I swallowed it! Turns out it was actually quite tasty, much to my surprise


Tracy Ongg
Stinky tofu is one of my favourite. Good on you, Blondie and Blondie’s dad for giving it a go. It’s the first thing I go for whenever I’m back in Taiwan, can honestly eat it for days. Loving your food adventures


Banja 1
Haha it looks fun and delicious


Y Sim
Its amazing that our 5 sense can mislead us. Your adventures visit to varies shop makes me plan for future trip to Australia. Thanks for all your video. Good job!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Chia MengChau
Glad to see you guys in love with the stinky tofu. By the way, speaking from vegan point of view. There is one dish maybe I can recommend to your vegan daughter that is call "Lui Char" it is rated as one of the healthy food in the world where it made up with 8 diff types of vegetables & rice. The best part of it is the soup which made up of chinese tea .... this food either you love it or hate it. It is a Hakka dish maybe you can also google. I am not sure whether it is available in Australia but we do have it here in Malaysia

很高兴看到你们爱上了臭豆腐。对了,从素食的角度来说。有一道菜也许我可以推荐给你的素食者女儿,那就是 "Lui Char",它被评为世界上最健康的食品之一,它由8种不同类型的蔬菜和米饭组成。它最好的部分是由中国茶叶组成的汤....这种食物要么你会爱它,要么你会很讨厌它。这是一个客家菜也许你也可以谷歌一下。我不知道它是否在澳大利亚有得卖,但在我们马来西亚这里有。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I love your words of wisdom in the end! so cute


Sebastian Barthez
Not all stinky tofu are OK even after you put in your mouth. Some of them will still makes your mouth smells like poo even after eating them.


Roger Faint
The first time I tried stinky tofu was in Taiwan and loved it and every time when I was in China, I'd look for it. My daughter loves it, too, but my son was turned off by the smell and never tried it.


Christian Iannelli
Youre all so lucky to have a huge chinatown! I wish I could try My bf and I were going to china in february but had to be cancelled, so for me watching blondies videos with you all as a family trying these foods makes me so excited until I can finally go and try! My list to try keeps getting longer Until next time! stay safe

你们都很幸运,那里有一个巨大的唐人街!我希望我能尝试一下。我希望我也可以尝试一下,我和我的男朋友本来打算二月份去中国,但不得不被取消了,所以对我来说,看blondies的视频与你所有家庭成员尝试这些食物,让我很兴奋,直到我终于可以去尝试! 我的尝试清单越来越长了!保持安全。

Chae In Park
I think someone says this in every video, but you guys are such lovely people. Thank you to blondie’s family for being so open minded!!!


Bugs Bunny
Who would have thought - stinky tofu would teach us a lesson in life - don’t pass judgment without giving it a try.


jimmy choi
I can’t wrap my head around why there are people disliking this video...


Wayne Madison
I love how honest and forthcoming they are about what they thought of the food they try, not hiding any opinion in case some people interpret it as offensive.

Wei M 法般 Khoo
When I smell it, I turn into a sniffer dog looking for the substance hidden somewhere on the street, and chanting “好臭,哇,好臭” along the way till I find it.
当我闻到它的味道时,我就会变成一只嗅觉灵敏的狗,一边在路上念叨着 "好臭,哇,好臭"一边在大街上寻找藏在某处的摊位,直到找到它。

Andy Roid
I actually got hooked to it. When I was in Beijing in winter, I would be guided by the smell to the store. Yes, the smellier it was, the greater the kick I got.out of it.
To answer your question, do I enjoy the smell? It's not the smell I enjoy although I am not put off by it.
Perhaps cheese is a good analogy. I love cheese that have pungent smell. I won't just sit there to enjoy the smell. The enjoyment is tasting it. The more pungent the smell, the greater the taste of cheese to me.


When it comes to stinky tofu, deep fried is always better.


Tbh you guys are quite brave. That smell was horrendous, I couldnt even get close to it.


I grew up eating deep-fried HK-style stinky tofu and I loved the smell and taste. I heard about the steam stinky tofu in Taiwan. When I went to Taipei for biz trip, I ordered it for dinner when I was very very hungry. I found it OK but after dinner when I walked past another stall cooking that steam one, I almost wanted to throw by smelling that!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Annie E
Oh man, my husband LOVES stinky tofu, I give it a try every 6 months/ year thinking my tastebuds will have changed, no change yet, I just find it tastes the way it smells, stinky


Stinky tofu like durian and blue cheese are all acquired taste for each person. I don’t like stinky tofu but I like durian. I should try stinky tofu next time. I like the thick noodle that your dad is having.


Mengying Liu
I am in Melbourne and really miss the stinky smell!!! The smell is not that terrible for me, maybe because our country has a lot of smelly food and I'm used to eating stinky tofu. If I see stinky tofu on the street, its taste will firstly occur in my mind, rather than the smell haha. I think it's just because we have different eating habits, like I don't like the blue cheese. Don't forget to try the more authentic stinky tofu when you go to China, the one sold on the street with strong smell!! (highly recommended from a stinky tofu fan)


Brook C
In fact, few Chinese like to eat this even in China. It's too smelly. I have lived for more than 30 years, and I have never heard a person say that I like this stuff.


Old story: my school friend is Shanghainese and he once said his dad bought some uncooked stinky tofu and left it in the laundry to air it for a few days. The whole house stink! Then he steamed it which made the smell even more potent before eating. I haven't had any for a long time now worrying about it being carcinogenic. Must visit Burwood one of these days.

一个老故事:我的同学是上海人,他曾经说过,他爸爸买了一些没煮熟的臭豆腐,放在洗衣房里晾了几天。结果整个屋子都是臭的! 然后他把它蒸熟了,这样吃之前的味道就更浓了。我已经很久没有吃了,担心会致癌。这几天一定要去伯伍德看看。

Samantha Lee
Your parents are hilarious!! Love watching their expressions and honest reviews!! Can you do a video with them trying out 1000 year eggs? I remembered trying it and I didn't like it very much. The smell, the taste...were both bad for me. Maybe they'll take it better than me.

你的父母很搞笑!喜欢看他们的表情和诚恳的评价! 能不能做个视频,和他们一起试吃皮蛋?我记得我试过,但是我不太喜欢。闻起来的气味和尝起来的味道......对我来说都不好。也许他们会比我更能接受吧。

Michael Mao
Curious fact: we taste with our nose as well. The sensation of taste is a combination of the senses we get from our tongues and the senses we get from our nose, and that is why stinkier stinky tofu tastes better for those who like that taste. Really glad you guys are able to keep an open mind and try things from a different culture, even if it may not seem pleasant at first. We need more people like you and your family in the world.


AnS Episodes
I clicked right away once read STINKY TOFU as love it so much and so excited on where could we get in Sydney! and yes Burwood!! we will visit this shop for sure! we had a lot when we're in Taiwan :) not a fan on my first time trying it but to eat it more and more, starting to love it! haha Do they sell only the fried version or any other variety like grilled and steamed one? Love Wanglaoji too perfect for the drink after the chor tofu!

我一看到“臭豆腐”就马上点进来了,因为我太喜欢它了,对我们在悉尼可以买到也太兴奋了!是的,伯伍德!我们一定会来这家店!我们在台湾的时候吃了很多:) 第一次吃的时候不是很喜欢,但是吃的越来越多,就开始喜欢上它了!哈哈,他们只卖油炸的版本,还是有其他的品种,比如烤的和蒸的?我也很喜欢王老吉,非常适合在吃完臭豆腐后再喝。

Saph's Container Garden
I tried it once in either Taiwan or Canton (can’t remember which- it was over 20 yrs ago) and it tasted like it smelled so I really didn’t like it. I would love to try what you had though!!


Agathe A.
God I remember when I was in Taiwan for a month, my Taiwanese friends tried to make eat stinky tofu almost every evening at the market and I always refused! Now I'm super curious about it, I need to go back asap

天啊,我记得我在台湾停留一个月的时候,我的台湾朋友几乎每天晚上都要在市场上让我吃臭豆腐,而我总是拒绝! 现在我对它超级好奇,我要尽快回去
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mark Ma
Amy, regarding your question on smell when cooking that stinky tofu, I would say I love that frying smell. The spicy sauce is the best for fried stinky tofu to me. There are some places in China like Hunan province where people there eat stinky tofu without cooking, I still can not accept that though I am Chinese. But maybe it is good, I don't know. Recalling that when I lived in Paris and friends asked me to try different kinds of cheese and the smells were bad to me. Fromage "Bleu de Gex", "Fourme d'Ambert", "Brie de Nangis" they were all bad to me at that time but I literally found they were good when drinking with red wine. So great combinations, lol.

艾米,关于你问的做那个臭豆腐时的味道问题,我想说我喜欢那种油炸的味道。在我看来,辣酱是最适合炸臭豆腐的。中国有些地方,比如湖南,那里的人吃臭豆腐不煮,我虽然是中国人,但还是不能接受。但也许它是好东西。回想起我在巴黎生活的时候,朋友们让我尝尝不同种类的奶酪,但是这些味道对我来说很难闻。Fromage "Bleu de Gex","Fourme d'Ambert","Brie de Nangis "(都是法国奶酪的名字)这些在当时对我来说都很难接受,但我后来发现它们和红酒一起的时候真的很不错。非常棒的组合。哈哈哈哈

I don’t know if I’ve ever had stinky tofu but man, fried tofu (with sauce) tastes SO GOOD. I’m Chinese American


Danica Maree
Love the reactions of your parents every time they try new food and dishes


Matildas Fest
When i smell the stinky tofu I know I need to buy it because my mouth is watering.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jamie lee Carter
I couldn't! Past couple of years I have become very sensitive to smell! So would definitely be making a reappearance just at the thought! Very very brave!

我不敢试! 过去几年,我对气味变得非常敏感! 所以只要想一想那个味道我就受不了!你们非常非常勇敢!

Hillary Cheah
I LOVE stinky tofu. It's so hard to find good stinky tofu, so I thank you for the recommendation :)


Dave Psk
I've never had stinky tofu before. Suspect there isn't any around here by the way. But that drink, we do have them here. Lot's of them, pretty popular. I'll make sure to try stinky tofu when i come across it. Can't lose to your mom a dad anyways.


Vee Westover
You guys are sooo brave! I tried it once in Canada at a Taiwanese street festival and I did NOT have the same experience as you! I had two pieces, it all tasted like rot and I had to keep drinking 3 WHOLE cups of water melon juice from the festival (which were divine) to keep from tasting it! AhhhhhhhHHHHHH, your video made me want to try it again at an establishment since maybe I had actually rotten tofu rather than fermented Tofu??
Also I lovee your family, such positivity and it makes me love auzzies even more than before! Ahhh I also need lanzhou beef noodles now too, thank youu

你们真是太勇敢了! 我在加拿大的一个台湾街头食物节上尝试过一次,我的体验和你们不一样!我吃了两块,味道就像腐烂一样,我不得不连续地喝了三整杯的西瓜汁(那是上天的打救),才不至于留有它的味道。
另外,我也很喜欢你的家庭,充满了积极性,让我比以前更喜欢澳洲了! 啊啊,我现在也要吃兰州牛肉面,谢谢你。

I love stinky tofu. I was born and raised in Hong Kong. And now lived in US for 34 years. Miss it so much. I really enjoy your videos with your parents. I love to see different cities in China.


I love the open spirit of both your parents. In the U.S., I find it is less common for American White folks to be this open. I think Europeans are also a bit more open than Americans.


很赞 2