2023-08-12 yzy86 5264

For Brazil I would say:
Disregarding strangers.
Disregarding rules.
Lack of professionalism (including being late).


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

1、Being late to everything.
Half-assing everything, never expecting things to be well done. Living "life slowly". I fucking hate when foreigners talk about this like it's a good thing. Fuck you.
Incuriosity and apathy.


There are worse things for sure.
The hipocresy here is huge. People complain that everything is worse every day, and that no one does shit to change it. And then when people do shit, they complain of those trying to do some change. It has always been like that.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'll add another, the superiority complex we have with other Latin American countries.
To many here "we're above them" and "we're the jewel of Central America". What a load of crap.


2、Another would be the lack of civic consciousness.


3、Viveza criolla basically. Trying to maximise my own interests (and maybe my loved ones) over others wellbeing and rules/law. The fact that this is seen in a positive light, as in street smart, is the absolute worst.
That and romanticizing poverty and ghetto culrure.

(阿根廷)基本上就是Viveza criolla了。以牺牲别人的福祉以及践踏规则和法律为代价,想方设法地攫取个人利益(也许还要加上自己亲人的利益)。事实是,在人们眼中它是正面的,被视为一种江湖智慧,这绝对是最糟糕的。
(译注:Viveza criolla的字面意思是“克里奥尔人的机灵”,一种无视规则和他人、缺乏责任感的生活哲学,盛行于布宜诺斯艾利斯以及南美其他地区)

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I hate those who love romanticizing poverty, idk if catholic church is responsable for this or just another tall poppy syndrome.


4、IMO, Brazil's worst problem is the "jeitinho brasileiro". We like to cut corners everywhere, anywhere. It's reflected in our everyday lives in our gambiarras, and it's the reason our politics suck. Like it or not, corruption isn't something exclusive to Brasília, when everytime we're faced with the right way and the easy way, we tend to go for easy.


5、Conformism: Man, mexicans are conformist as hell. If someone tries to do something for society as a whole, people react apathic and even annoyed. If someone tries to do something not for society but just for himself, they get annoyed and even try to set him/her back, which leaves me to the next point...


Envy: Mexicans are envious. If someone is better looking, if someone is richer, if someone has a better job position, clothing, whatever. Our society is like your typical poisonous "doñita de vecindario", that middle aged woman that watches "Ventaneando" and lives sneaking into other people's lives. Even young mexicans are like that, just change "Ventaneando" for Social Media, and you'll get the same shit (specially on Twitter and Instagram).


Disregarding rules: I must admit that this thing has been useful at times when corrupt governors tried to enforce some tricky laws. But Mexicans aren't rebelious citizens that fight for their rights, they're actually on the other side. Here in Mexico there's just no law, you can't trust even authorities like police officers, judges, etc... because the system is rotten, but even worse, mexican society itself is ridden with mischievous people. There's even a motto "quien no tranza, no avanza" ("who doesn't crook things, doesn't progress").

3)无视规则:我必须承认,当腐败的州长试图强推一些很棘手的法律时,这一点偶尔还是能派上用场的。但墨西哥人并不是那种为了自己的权利而战的叛逆公民,他们其实是站在另一边的。在我们墨西哥,完全是无法无天的,你甚至连警察、法官这种吃公家饭的人士都不能信任......因为这个体制已经烂了,但更糟糕的是,墨西哥社会本来就充斥着顽劣之徒。甚至还存在这样一句格言:"quien no tranza, no avanza"("不偷奸耍滑,就无法前进")。

Nepotism: So the stereotype of Mexicans families being "too close" is somewhat true. I know this is a generalization and that actually most families have some troubles within family members (like most families do). However, Mexicans are soooo selfish regarding family relationships that many act apathetic to all other people that do not belong to their family. Heck, many even protect their family members, even when they've done something illegal or unethical.

4)裙带关系:所以墨西哥家庭给人留下"过于亲密 "的刻板印象,也是有几分真实性的。我知道这么说比较笼统,其实大多数家庭,在家庭成员内部都存在一些烦心事(就跟大多数家庭一样)。然而,墨西哥人在家庭关系方面实在是自私透顶,以至于有很多人,对其他所有不是他们家里的人都表现得漠不关心。该死的,很多人,即使他们的家人做出了一些违法或不道德的事,也会护着家人。

Regionalism, chauvinism and ego: I think that between LatAm, Mexico is the one with the most marked regional divisions. Like people sometimes tend to identify more with their state than with the country (in some cases, this is a generalization). However, on the worldwide events, we're like the Americans of the Hispanosphere. We're so chauvinistic and full of ourselves that we've become unaware of many issues abroad. Some also love being dramatic and stealing the spotlight, even saying things that go from "Mexico is the best country in the region, pinches sudacas wouldn't live without us" to "Mexico is currently worse than Venezuela, we should recieve aid instead of Haiti".


6、Brazil: caring too much about appearances and about what other people thing; having your family, specially your parents, have too much of a say in your life.


7、Selfishness outside your inner circle


8、The incapacity of aknowledge self value.


9、Brazil's worst problem:


Accepting ignorance as the norm.
If you speak Portuguese correctly you are viewed as a snob, that alone says a lot about the people and my first point.
If you provide people with facts you're an idiot.
Using misinformation as factual data
And last but not least, the Mongrel Complex, obviously not exclusive to Brazil.


10、duation of what is Brazilian. we call this mutt syndrome


11、Cubans think they know everything. You can’t argue with us because we are always right and you can’t tell us otherwise


Cubans tend to be extreme extroverts, which is fine but being an introvert sometimes has made me feel like the odd one out during family gatherings. There’s no sense of personal space and everyone feels like they can give you their two cents on everything from dating to your weight (yes, I have gotten fat since the last time you saw me, you jerk)


12、While strong sense of belonging to family is a praised value about Mexico, this generally means a disregard for collective identity. I watch the news of people in countries like Belarus protesting a dictatorship, or the Baltic countries in the past making a singing human chain across their countries during the collapse of the USSR... this kind of stranger to stranger sense of unity feels almost alien, the only reason I reckon Mexicans could unite this way is to celebrate a football win. This explains why our politics are shit.


Catholic stoicism: Será lo que Dios quiera (What God wants will happen). Sure, you as an individual can exert control over a limited amount of things, but expecting things to happen or problems to solve on their own or because a divine intervention is fruitless.


Lack of family planning: Similar to the aforementioned point, Dios proveerá, (God will provide) the mentality when talking about having children. Surely, the typical family is getting smaller (average boomers have like 4-10 siblings, while average millennials have something like 2), but this is still an issue especially within the most impoverished people.


13、When I’ve visited the US I always have to remind myself that it’s okay to just wave at people from a far, and it’s such a relief.


I really dislike the kissing as greeting when it come to strangers.


14、Expecting that the government gives you everything.
praising politicians as messiahs/heroes.
Laziness, lack of motivation.
NO education, at all.
stupid football fanaticism


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