IMDb影评:《这个男人来自地球》(The Man from Earth)(2007)
2023-07-31 yzy86 7593

导演:Richard Schenkman(美)
主演:David Lee Smith(美)

1、Make absolutely certain you do not miss this film

10星 短评:一定要确保你没有错过这部电影

This is by far the most unusual movie I have ever seen. I am a die hard Sci-Fi buff and found myself wondering why no one has released a movie like this before. I was totally engrossed... the story pulled me in like a Black Hole, I found myself wanting more and more.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

This film is tantalizing, not to your eyes, not to your ears, but rather where it counts the most...your brain. What a breath of fresh air, I felt satisfied in the end and invigorated. If I had paid 50 dollars to see this film I would not have been disappointed.


For anyone who has an intellect, is open minded and ready for an adventure born of thought, Ideas and possibilities, make absolutely certain you do not miss this film.


2、A minimalist sci-fi drama.

8星 短评:一部极简主义科幻片

I saw this movie when it premiered at the Rhode Island International film festival. It was the main attraction of a sci-fi block that I went to without any knowledge of what the file was about, save the IMDb plot summary. What I saw was much different than what I expected, and I must say that I was pleasantly surprised.


The film starts very simply with the main character John packing his truck, and then joined by colleagues of his who have come to wish him farewell. His colleagues, however, cannot help but express how puzzled they are about him leaving, since he has established himself very well as a professor and is well liked. Each time he is asked, John either avoids the question or gives an evasive answer. He eventually responds to them by posing a hypothetical question to the group (which by now have been established as Ph.D.s in fields including anthropology, biology, and history) about what a man would be like if he had lived since prehistoric times and had the appearance of the same age for sixteen-thousand years. This question starts an innocent discussion, but changes in tone as John implies more and more that the situation is not hypothetical. The group all have diverse reactions that become more intense as they pose questions to John regarding the story he has put forth.


One of the producers who was in attendance described the film as a science fiction Twelve Angry Men, and I found that statement to be very apropos. The focus of the story was the interaction of the people in the situation, rather than the situation itself. You will find that as an audience member you are put in a similar position as John's colleagues in thinking about the logistical aspects of living for such a long time and what you would say if a friend came to you with the same story. The writer, the late Jerome Bixby, did this well by presenting people that could analyze the finer points of the hypothetical situation by being experts in many relevant fields. I highly recommend this film if you enjoy the more human side of science fiction, or if you like pondering what-ifs.

其中一位出席首映式的制片人将本片形容为科幻片版的《十二怒汉》,我觉得这么说非常贴切。这个故事把焦点放在了这些人在情境中的互动上,而不是这种情境本身。你会发现,作为一个观众,你被放在了和约翰的同事们相似的位置上,会像他那些同事一样去思索,有没有什么符合逻辑的点能支持他活了那么久,以及,如果有朋友来到你身边讲出了同样的故事,你又会怎么说。原著作者,已故的杰罗姆·比克斯比非常好地做到了这一点,他呈现给我们的人物都是诸多相关领域的专家,他们有能力分析这个假想情况中的细枝末节。如果你喜欢科幻小说中更贴近人性的一面,或者你喜欢开脑洞琢磨各种 "万一",那我强烈推荐这部电影。

3、brilliant story

9星 短评:出色的故事

...every so often you will see a film or hear a story that will take your breath away and leave you wondering...this is one of those stories.


That said it is probably not for everyone. If you don't want your believes challenged you should probably stay away from this one. The film is all about the characters and their dialog, it is what makes or breaks the film, and I must say they did an excellent job, it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time, wanting to hear more. All this topped with great acting makes this a film really worth seeing.


It goes to show that you can make great films these days without explosions and simple yet so effective. Great movie!


4、Simply mind-blowing...

10星 短评:简直太烧脑了

After seeing this movie I must say I certainly became a Jerome Bixby fan.This movie changed my whole perspective on life and religion.The way David Lee Smith managed to capture the essence of the feelings and opinions an undying man would have is equaled only by the clarity and logical time progression of the distortion of historical facts.

看完这部电影后,我不得不说,我毫无悬念地成为了杰罗姆·比克斯比 的粉丝。该片改变了我对生命和宗教的所有看法。男主角大卫·李·史密斯成功捕捉到了一个不死之人所拥有的情感和观点的精髓,其手法之精妙,只有以清晰且符合逻辑的扭曲了历史事实的时间进展才能媲美。

This movie manages to present somewhat insane ideas from a relevant point of view thus making those ideas relevant to the spectators.I love the way the main actor knows that his story goes far beyond the normal psychological,historical and even scientific guidelines,but because he doesn't feel that way he forces everybody to judge their on beliefs whether they're scientific or religious ones.


Whether you find the story this movie tells relevant or not I guarantee it will be one of the best movies you'll ever see.



10星 短评:大成功

This is a brilliant tale and a writers triumph over the thirst of hearing a good story! At first i was not sure of what a was to expect from the movie but like the characters i was drawn into the story. As the film goes on it shorter to the end, i don't under stand why it is necessary to write ten lines about the film, i just wanted to say a few words about it. I don't think it will do very well in the cinema because most people don't appreciate a good story for just that. They want to see some action in the film, but this film does not have much of that in the physical sense,but maybe in the intellectual :) grate movie....

这是一个绝妙的故事,编剧们也成功满足了观众想听到一个好故事的渴望! 一开始我不确定该片能让我期待些什么,但我很喜欢这些人物,也被拉进了故事之中。随着剧情的进展,越接近结局越让我觉得它太短了,我不明白为什么我要为这部电影写上十行字,我只是想针对它说点什么。我不认为它在票房中会有上佳表现,因为大多数人并不会为了欣赏一个好故事而去欣赏一个好故事。他们希望在电影中看到动作场面,但这部电影在动作方面并没有什么着墨,但在智力上或许还是有大量着墨的:)伟大的电影....。
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

6、Superb! A movie for endless discussions and deep thinking

10星 短评:一部超凡绝伦的电影!能带给人无尽的讨论和幽深的思考

It's been a really long time since I saw a movie that captured me, mind and soul, that much. Even since the very beginning, when the whole concept of the movie (a 14,000 old man?) seems too fictional, you can sense the difference in the atmosphere, the escalating emotions, and the question keeps pop into your mind: "could it be actually true?" And the fact that everything is taking place in a small living room in front of a fire place among a small group of people -like in the theatre- makes it even more special. It is certainly one of the movies that will provoke endless discussions. Some may hate it due to the controversial issues that it is dealing with, but if you watch it with an open mind, you cannot but admit that "everything is possible". After all what is history and religion other than our current knowledge of what happened thousand of years ago and how it was captured through the eyes and hands of other people. Even the science that we know today is just a way to interpret the natural phenomena with the knowledge that we currently hold, knowing pretty well that if the situations change or new discoveries will be made then we will have to discard the old knowledge and adopt the new one. Overall I believe the movie is truly ingenious and mind challenging and I strongly recommend it to those who keep seeking alternative answers to long standing questions that are dealing with history, religion, science!

真的是很久没有看到能如此虏获我心魂的电影了。哪怕从一开始整部电影的概念(一个一万四千岁的老人?)显得太虚无缥缈了,你能渐次感觉到气氛的不同,情绪的升级,然后你的脑海里便会不断地跳出一个问题。"这有没有可能是真的?" 而事实是,一切都发生在一个小小的客厅里,发生在壁炉之前,发生在一小群人中间,俨然是在剧院里看戏一样,这一点也让它更为独特。这无疑是那种会激起无尽讨论的电影。也许有人会因为它牵扯到的争议性问题而讨厌它,但如果你以一种开放的心态去看它,你就不能不承认 "一切皆有可能"。毕竟,除去今天的我们对千年以前发生的事情的认知,历史和宗教的本来面目是什么呢,别人又是如何通过自己的眼睛和手去捕捉它们的呢。即使是今天我们所熟知的科学,也只是用我们目前所掌握的知识去解释自然现象的一种方式而已,我们非常清楚,如果各种情况发生变化或是有了新的发现,到那时我们将不得不抛弃旧的知识而采纳新的知识。整体上看,我觉得这部电影确实富有独创性,而且能挑战你的认知,我会强烈推荐那些一直在涉及历史、宗教、科学的问题上求索另一套答案的人去观看它!

7、Thought provoking

10星 短评:振聋发聩

This movie doesn't have any action, CGI special effects, all it has are just a bunch of college professors sitting around a fireplace, discussing some really mind boggling ideas.


I really enjoyed watching this movie. It's rare that you can stumble upon a thinking person's movie nowadays.


What if you are as old as humanity itself, what if you have stood witness the evolution of mankind from its birth to the present day, what would you have done, which chapters in mankind's history would you have written.


The concept of immortality is as old as mankind itself, but never before have I seen this concept explored with such, thoughtfulness and philosophy.


One minor thing I did not like about the movie is the prolonged overly dramatic outright hostility towards John's confession. I don't think the incredulity is really necessary here, especially amongst a bunch of intellectuals.


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