2023-08-22 辽阔天空 2156

What's your love story?


I am a 54 year old single father to two amazing, out of the world, wonderful daughters.
My wife died during the birth of my second daughter. That was 25 years ago. As much as I was broken from inside I had to be strong enough to raise my little angels and give them a good life. Their lives were totally dependent on me. I didn't even get time to grieve over my loving wife's untimely death.


While not a single day passes by when I don't remember her, my daughters have helped me tremendously to hold on.
Kids, they are such a blessing! I see a little bit of her in both of them. Infact my younger one, who is a little rebel, is a carbon copy of her mother.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But things were very difficult in the start. My elder one was 5 year old and she would always miss her. She was always a mumma's daughter. There was also a lot of pressure on me to get married again. My mother particularly was very adamant as I had my whole life to look forward to.
But I never gave in and stood firmly on my ground. Because one, I knew marrying again would divide my love and second, although I would always miss her, I never felt like she had ever left us. I always felt her presence around. She was my first love.
Seeing my stand my parents stepped in and joined me in the Herculean task of raising 2 young girls. Right from waking them up for school, their breakfast, their tiffin, and everything else my mother was my biggest support.


Time just flew and in no time my elder one was in her teens. A fews years later my younger one joined her.
In a tremendous reversal of roles I found my daughters taking care of me as if I was a little child. And I was enjoying every moment of that. I would sometimes cry out of happiness.
The elder one would never be a minute late while coming home. She knew that would worry me.


Academically also they both were pretty strong, one went into medicine while the younger one took finance. They have really made me very proud.
A few more years passed and both of them got married. Both are very happy now and settled in their respective lives.
Apart from losing their mother at a very young age the only regret that they have in their lives is that I didn't marry again and denied myself on having a life partner.
On the other hand I am very glad I didn't.


My life is complete now and there is nothing left for me to achieve. I look very well after myself as I have my old parents to look after. They have done so much for me and my daughters I don't think that I can ever repay them, not even a fraction.
And now that I get a lot of time for myself I sometimes cry and grieve over my wife which I couldn't do with my daughters around. She left me too early. She left a hole in my heart and I still miss her. The only thing that keeps me going is that I know that one day we will meet again and I will fall into her outstretched arms and cry my heart out, never to be seperated again.


The success : Met her in 2008. We immediately hit it off and had a very nice start to our relationship. She loved me like no one else. It was the kind of stuff you only read in books.I was in love with her and was in a happy relationship for 6 years.
Everything was going well. We had to move to different states due to commitments.
The last one year was very difficult. She kept getting distant and I kept making attempts at my end. I realized that things had changed, but I didn't know that they were very bad. I would have tried to communicate a lot more. It's not that i didn't do my best. I would've somehow done a bit better, now that I look at the past.


The failure: She broke up with me in April,14 saying that she was unsure about what she wanted in life.
I was broken. But I kept calm. I thought she would come back, I waited, and last week, when I got in touch with her again she told me that she is in a relationship from May,14 with a guy she met in Dec,13. This is what prompted her to dump me. I am shattered.
6+ months of new infatuation, exciting conversations, sparkling chemistry triumphs over 6+ years of love, ups and downs, hardships, long hour chats, innumerable smiles and tears. Probably the lights of the relationship had faded at her end.
Is this a failure? Yes. a big one. I, no longer believe in God or in any way believe that there is a special someone for everyone. I am devastated.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My routine(for one week since the failure): I live away from my family or childhood friends. I talk to a few friends on phone. I have been advised to 'move on' , to 'divert myself'. I try.
I am a little sensitive and I find it difficult to sleep. Once I sleep, I am constantly disturbed by weird dreams and nightmares. I wake up in the middle of the night and cannot sleep again. Every time I get up, I don't believe that what has happened has happened for real. I cry, shiver and find myself choked each morning before I get ready to go to office. I go to office and by the end of the day, I somehow start accepting what has happened. But then, in the night, I am tortured by the past and i try to sleep.


And just when I think that the next morning will be different, I go into the same state of denial followed by the same cycle each day. I sometimes shiver and choke at the thought of what has happened. I eat a little food many times a day as I start to puke if i eat a lot. I didn't know I was so weak. I fail to see how it was so easy for her to move on and get into a new relationship. I can accept that she has stopped loving me. But for me to see that she didn't work on our relationship and dumped me and waited only two months before she got into a new relationship is what hurts the most. I still love her. I am aware that eventually the day will come when I will move on. But I fear not falling out of love with her in the future.


Solution? : Quoraing helps. Also, I bought myself new speakers today and have started learning the guitar from a couple of days. I am trying to put my attention to better things than to ponder on the past or worry about the present. There is no moral from this story. I don't know if reading it will help anyone. But writing this down has definitely helped me a little. I FEEL a little light. And this is all that I need to survive this day.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Edit: It's been almost 20 days since I wrote this and I realize how broken I was when I wrote this. But now, I am a bit stable. I don't have those moments in the morning. Now, I try to be occupied all day and sometimes, go in trance thinking about the past. But then, I listen to some music, play 2048 and also concentrate on work. It makes me happy. I've realized that I need to be in the company of good people and also have some time alone for myself.
I no longer trust people in the same way as before, and in the long run , I believe that this will do more good to me. I read in a lot of questions that to "fully" move-on, I need to 'forget and forgive'. I don't think it is possible right now. It's just too difficult. I try and not over-analyze or self-pity, and it is helping. Also, thanks for the motivating comments.


Daniel Thomander, Teacher (2009-present)
Not a great one, I'm sure compared to others. Yet this story is true and was fundamental in formation as an adult.
I was a pretty wild teenager - lived just outside NYC - was an easy trip on the train/subway into the city. I always had money because I was a hard worker, and at every opportunity I enjoyed playing with it. I spent money like crazy and had a lot of fun.
At this time I had absolutely no interest in school, much to my parents chagrin. I was skipping school and basically failing all my classes, even though they were easy for me. I simply had no vision of my future self.


There was a certain girl in school - a good girl. She came from a good family and got good grades. She was exceptionally pretty - all my friends and I were afraid to even talk to her because we just knew she was out of our league. She was my secret crush through several other girlfriends for over a year and a half.


Anyway, I finally got up the nerve to approach her and ask her for her number. I couldn't believe she gave it to me. I called and asked her out - can't remember what it was I asked her to do - something simple like go for a walk after her softball game. We started seeing each other. There was definitely a mutual attraction, although we didn't do much beyond holding hands (maybe a kiss - can't really remember anymore). Anyway, it was an amazing several weeks for me. We began talking every night on the phone. One night we had the longest conversation - it was something like 3-4 hours long and when it was over I knew she was the girl for me.


The next day in school, my friend came up to me. He told me that my girlfriend didn't want me to call her anymore. He said that her best friend told him to tell me. I didn't believe it. I needed to hear it from her directly. So after school I approached her - told her what I had heard, and asked if it was true. She said it was.


I was heartbroken. Devastated.
I don't remember how I got through that week - only memories of pain and sorrow remain. At the end of the week my friends convinced me to go out and drown my sorrows with them. I did - to the point where I fell asleep at a friend's house. This is the story they relayed to me.


They'd decided they needed to help me, so they called up this girl at her house. They explained how devastated I was, and asked her to explain why everything seemed so great, and the next morning it was over. She said that she was really falling in love with me and her parents and friends staged an intervention of sorts - letting her know she was making a huge mistake. She said they convinced her that I was a total loser, that I had no future, and that she needed to break it off with me immediately since I was only trouble.


When they told me that story I went through a range of emotions and a highly unusual revelatory experience where I was able to finally see the future I was headed toward. I accepted that they were correct. I really was headed down the path of utter ruin. I remember going downstairs and telling my parents that I wanted to go live with my grandparents in California, because I didn't believe I could make the changes I needed to while living with my friends.


The end of this story is that I went on to become a straight A student and learned to love learning. This story of love and broken hearts led was the trigger to my changing for (the) good.


Lia Peters, Public Safety (2014-present)
It all started when I was working security at the mall in my city, and at that point I had been there for over a year now. I was quite good at my job, so I along with other senior officers were tasked to take new officers around with us on calls to both participate and learn. A couple days prior, my boss tells me that he hired a new officer, one that didn’t have security experience but had military experience.
Considering the people he’d been hiring prior to this one, I was a little skeptical about whether or not they would just work for a week then quit. So, I took it with a grain of salt and was just excited to train someone new for the team.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That Saturday finally rolled around, and I just came into the office and had been changing into my uniform before I got on shift. While I was doing so, someone started unlocking the locker room so I called out “someone is in here!” since I primarily worked with males. When I opened the door to see who it was, I saw it was the new officer and I said “I was changing in there!” jokingly, and he said “so what??” back to me jokingly as well. I laughed a little, and my boss introduced me to him and we shook hands. I liked him from the start, he had something dorky yet strong about him.


The longer time went on and I was tasked to do lockup with him every night, I noticed that although I thought he was attractive, there was just this protective quality about him that drew me to him. However, I didn’t want to get involved only because I have dated a coworker before and it wasn’t too smart of me. But, while he could have left since I was the last to leave every night, he always stayed and did my final lockup with me and we would just talk and talk. At this point I knew he was interested, and despite my attempts to not be tempted, we shared a hug that set our hearts on fire one of those closing nights. We almost kissed, but both became so bashful we left it at that; it blew my mind it happened, because that’s not something I would do, and certainly not something I thought a manly guy like him would do. The next night after shift, we shared a similar hug, looked into each others eyes, and both went for a kiss that sent me flying. It felt like a first kiss even though it was far from it, and there were sparks stronger than I have ever had with a guy. He was so sweet afterwards getting all bashful and stuttery, hesitating then coming back for another kiss and so on. I can still remember the day so vividly, and from then on we hid it from our jobs but there’s only so much you can hide since we would exchange looks deeper than lust and handle calls together. A couple weeks after he left for another job in another city, I also had put in my 2 weeks notice because I was moving with him and admitted to the affair.


When I met him he was homeless and living in his car, smoked weed and didn’t want to be with another girl and would rather be alone. When he met me I was an uptight hopeless romantic, carried no appreciation for recreational anything, that only had one true committed love:my career. He saw me and fell apart, he even told me that day he went to his friend whom he was homeless with and just gushed over me more than he ever did over a girl. I wouldn’t consider someone with that descxtion any other day no matter their looks, but I was so enamored by who he was that I wasn’t just dismissive. Today, we are now married and just as in love with each other as those first days of knowing we existed.


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