2023-09-01 yzy86 3963

The wolf’s effective hunt of large prey and striking, soulful appearance have attracted both haters and lovers of this wild predator.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Wolves were so despised that the U.S. government established a bounty program that helped to eliminate all but a few hundred wolves in the United States by the 1930s. But thanks to the Endangered Species Act, the wolves are successfully being reintroduced to their place in nature, and it is the raven who loves its new ecosystem partner.


Much like their human counterparts, ravens and wolves have formed a mutually beneficial relationship in which they seem to both respect and engage each other in playful activities.


Although many animals benefit from a wolf pack’s kill of an elk or deer, the ravens are first on the scene. Yellowstone National Park biologists have closely studied the gray wolves which were reintroduced to Yellowstone in 1995 and found that it is the raven who has benefited the most from the wolves. The average number of ravens present at a wolf kill is 30 – and up to 135 have been recorded to eat from the leftovers. Adirondack Wildlife, Inc. has reported a new study suggests that the real reason wolves hunt in packs is “to minimize the portion of a carcass lost to ravens!” These birds constantly carry away chunks of meat and can steal up to one-third of an animal carcass.


While it may appear that the ravens just take advantage of the wolves, Bernd Heinrich, author of Mind of the Raven: Investigations and Adventures with Wolf-Birds, writes that the ravens repay their wolf benefactors: “At a kill site, the birds are more suspicious and alx than wolves. The birds serve the wolves as extra eyes and ears.”


Ravens may also lead wolves to animal cadavers or to nearby prey. It is believed that the wolves may respond to the ravens’ calls or other behavior that indicates food. Sometimes when the ravens fly, the wolves will follow. Ravens have even been observed leading wolves to animal carcasses too tough for the ravens to penetrate with their strong, sharp beaks.


When not competing for their next meal, wolves and ravens also play with each other. Observers have seen ravens dive at the wolves and then quickly fly away. Ravens may peck at the wolves’ tails to get the wolves to chase them, or the ravens may be teased themselves by wolf cubs chasing after them.


While their relationship with ravens has certainly produced an odd couple in nature, wolves have also created a staggering effect on the natural ecosystem as a whole. The Yellowstone National Park wolf restoration program has been intensively studied and the wolves have provided a greater understanding of the importance of their role as a predator in maintaining the integrity of the entire ecosystem. They remind us that “in nature everything is connected to everything else” (from “The Wolves of Yellowstone,” Brooks/Cole division of Thomson Learning, Inc.).


1、Who would have thought that Wolves had air support.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

2、I read somewhere we're all huge AI ships carrying entire civilisations of microorganismes who created us as their vehicles, watercrafts, aircrafts to be used for their own comfort and protections.


Enemy species are usually also inhabited by enemy microorganismes dominating the hosts, and same thing for ally species.


Very similar to what humans' future spacefaring with super huge spaceships could be.


3、New insight into Game of Thrones.


4、I can absolutely confirm this weird connection between Ravens and Canine fam.


I used to work pretty far up north in Canada drilling and blasting in an open pit quarry. There was a "quarry" dog, snagle toothed, no owner, god knows how old. There was also a pit Raven. In the bottom of the pit at lunch they would both get fed scraps.


It seemed the pit dog did not like to eat cheetos for whatever reason but didnt want to give them up right away to the raven. The dog would approach the chetto at about 5 feet, the raven would do the same on the other side. The dog would move one foot forward, the raven one foot back. Dog would back up one foot, the raven moved forward 1 foot.


It was like a dance, the dog clearly did not want to harm the Raven, just enjoyed the company.


5、As a guess, I bet the wolves would rip up any carcass making it easier for the ravens to eat.

(回复1)Without the wolves to rip open the carcass, the ravens best bet to get into it are through the eye or the asshole.
(回复2)Yeah, in the article it mentioned that ravens make a lot of noise around carcasses. A signal to larger predators that there is a dead animal to rip open for them!

6、Same thing with Bats and pigs. Bats will lead pigs to their dung heaps where truffles grow, the pigs forage, thereby cleaning the cave and allowing the colony to grow.

(回复1)I wonder if they name their favorite pigs.

7、My old favorite character to play in Diablo 2 was a Druid... He could summon both Ravens and Wolves. Kind of interesting, and makes me wonder if the relationship was known by those creators, or if they were just accidentally insightful.

(回复1)This was my first thought too. I feel bad only putting one point into the Raven skill now.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

8、I work in an open pit mine. And we have a trio that hangs out together. A Raven, coyote, and magpie. It’s like a sitcom. They play and Eat together. It’s really cute to watch


9、I wonder if this is why they are Odin’s companions. Two ravens; Two wolves.


10、My dad believes they are two halves of the same animal.


11、The magpies in my area would play with my dog. They’d walk behind her while she was laying down give a gentle yank to her tail and she’d get up and chase them and go lay back down. Then the process would repeat. It was the cutest thing ever.


12、It’s almost like nature is interconnected, and any small changes we make screw with the balance. Who would have thought.


13、This explains a lot! We do a lot of outdooring with our dogs and it's very common to have ravens "play" with our dogs, even so much as one time when we were overlanding we had a raven follow the trucks for the better part of two days, interacting with the dogs at every stop.


14、This is more concerning than you might think at the onset.
This means that wolves have technology to develop drones.
They must be stopped.


15、Even lone wolves need friends.


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