2023-08-10 兰陵笑笑生 4893
Why was France useless and immediately surrendered to Germany during WWII?


Christophe De Dinechin
, knows French
France never expected to go to war all alone. But then
September 1st, 1939: Germany invaded Poland.
September 3rd, 1939: France declared war on Germany in response.
September 5th, 1939: The US proclaimed their neutrality.
If only the US had entered the war that day to help their allies…
France did fall surprisingly fast, largely because Hitler traitorously defied all the war rules of the time.


Hitler attacked through neutral countries (Belgium and Luxembourg). France obviously had weaker borders with friendly neighbours.
German armies rammed their way through these countries in only two weeks. Nobody but de Gaulle had anticipated this could happen.
France was fighting practically alone. England was on the other side of a sea, and at the time their army was half the size of France’s,
At the highest the British Expeditionary Force in France had 13 divisions, i.e. at most 1/20 as many soldiers as France or Germany.
France had to fight on two fronts, Italy having attacked them from the south on June 10, 1940, which did not take much courage,
France lost their capital city, Paris falling on June 14, 1940. Again, this had not been anticipated. Headless fighting had not been planned.


Despite all this, it took over 9 months for France to surrender (on June 22, 1940). Not exactly “immediate” except for armchair revisionists.
The de Gaulle government in exile in London and the French resistance movement never surrendered and never stopped fighting.
The resistance provided a continuous war effort that Eisenhower compared to that of 15 infantry divisions. Not exactly “useless” either.
Fortunately, England, who at that time proved to be a true ally, declared war on the same day as France. France was not fighting completely alone, but the British Expeditionary Force, while skilled, was not nearly big enough to make any real difference.

抵抗运动提供了持续的战力,艾森豪威尔把它比作15个步兵师的战力。也不完全是 "无用"的。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As for the US, they looked the other way, from afar, presumably eating pop-corn, and did not lift a finger until they, themselves, were attacked at Pearl Harbor, no less than two full years after the invasion of Poland. Ask any Pole or any Jew on December 1st, 1941 who had been really useless in the war so far…
Of course, de Gaulle remembered all this very well when he became the French President. Why do you think he never trusted the US anymore after such a fiasco? Why do you think he never accepted to be under their “protection” through NATO, but insisted instead on having his own nuclear deterrent?
All these ignorant memes about French waving white flags are a confounding show of stupidity, but more importantly a real insult to the memory of

当然,戴高乐当上法国总统后,对这些都记得很清楚。为什么你认为他在经历了这样的惨败之后,再也不相信美国了?为什么你认为他从来没有接受通过北约接受他们的 "保护",而是坚持拥有自己的核威慑力?

the 3 million soldiers, mostly French, who fought valiantly for months,
the 60,000 French soldiers, 7,500 from Belgium, 3,500 Brits who died fighting,
the 21,000 French civilian, 6,000 Belgian civilians who also died as a result of the fights,
the 123,000 French soldiers, 15,850 Belgians and 13,600 Brits who were wounded fighting,
the 10 millions of civilians refugees, displaced by the war,
the 250,000 French resistance fighters who kept fighting despite being considered as mere “terrorist” who could be tortured or executed,
Bottom line: I’m quite proud of what my country did during these very hard times, and I really wish other countries had been half as courageous at the time.

60,000名法国士兵,7,500名来自比利时, 3,500名英国人在战斗中牺牲,

Michael Wilton
We may have had our issues over the centuries Christophe, but we in the UK and you guys over in France are like brothers … we might fight like cats and dogs, but that’s nothing to what is unleashed on whoever gets in the way of our sibling rivalry.
We have not only shed each others blood, but we have shed blood for each other … and that is a bond that no tinpot dictator will ever sunder.
It is also interesting to note how many of these Quora questioners bring up Dunkirk as a British failure while hailing Normandy as an American success … almost as if they want to cherry pick the parts of history that look best in Hollywood.


Robin Lee
April 26
It was a team effort to send evil back to hell. Each effort and sacrifice is indivisible for the victory over evil.


Michael Wilton
April 26
Agree absolutely Jacque, which is why these questions annoy me to an extent … as far as the war effort went, there were no nationalities, only Allies and Enemies


Vasily Paharukov
May 23
Try saying that to all the haters of the Russian people


Tom Appich
Another factor that I think was at work for the French in 1939 was war weariness carried over from WWI. Much of that awful conflict was fought on French soil, which was very painful in many senses, and the casualties were horrendous: over 700,000 men on both sides, 300,000 of whom were killed. A whole generation of young men lost. The French were, I think, suffering from collective “shell shock”. When Germany invaded Poland in September 1939, the French must have groaned and said to themselves: “Oh, no! Not again!” This is to take nothing away from the bravery of the French soldiers who fought on and especially the Maquis, who risked a lot to help downed Allied airmen and to sabotage the German war effort.

我认为1939年对法国人起作用的另一个因素是一战遗留下来的战争疲劳。那场可怕的冲突大部分是在法国的土地上进行的,这在许多意义上是非常痛苦的,而且伤亡是可怕的:双方有70多万人,其中30万人被杀。整整一代年轻人都失去了。我想,法国人当时正遭受着集体的 "炮弹冲击"。当德国在1939年9月入侵波兰时, 法国人一定会呻吟着对自己说: "哦,不! 不要再来了!" 但这丝毫不影响法国士兵的勇敢,他们继续战斗,特别是马基人(注:二次大战中抵抗德军的法国游击队或其队员),他们冒着很大的危险帮助被击落的盟军飞行员,破坏德国的战争努力。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Regolo Gellini
Thank you so much for putting into perspective what France did . Any remarks of the kind put in the question denote ignorance and the typical attitude of people nourished by the false myths created in Hollywood, the propaganda arm of MIC, Military Industrial Complex, that continues to create enemies in order to survive and make profits regardless of human life .


Eric Kaplan
I agree with you, Christophe, that the French have been unfairly maligned. They did fight valiantly to defend and take back their country.
I do take exception to your characterization of America as useless until Pearl Harbor. When one considers how difficult the decision was to enter WWI and our resolve never to intervene in a European conflict again, surely you understand our reluctance. We were not bound by any alliance to support any of WWII’s belligerents. And do you consider our Lend-Lease program useless? Britain and the Soviet unx found it quite helpful, thank you very much.


John Kontrabecki
I admire your patriotism and accept the facts as you have stated them. However, I argue that France’s political leadership failed the country and threw in the towel when they should have done what De Gaulle did and established a government in exile, moved the French fleet to Britain, evacuated the troops to North Africa, and continued to resist. Instead they gave up and gave in. Thank God De Gaulle rejected their decisions and carried on the fight.


David Weihe
What makes you believe that either France or Britain were officially allies of the United States of America AT THAT TIME? Friendly Powers, maybe, but we were still friendly with Germany, too. The only power that we weren’t particularly friendly with was Japan, because they were occupying a lot of China (which we liked to think of as our friend), and that had not gone so badly that the scrap metal embargo had started.
Why don’t you bitch that no one in South America sent troops to France, either, or Switzerland, or Norway, or etc...? At this time, Germany was a bit aggressive at reclaiming what it lost after WWI, and had a nasty anti-Semitic streak that was about as bad as most State Department employees had, but it didn’t have any colonies in Africa or the Pacific, either, did it?


Guillermo Jensen
France could have easily defeated Germany in 1939. They invaded Germany and then pulled back to the security of the Maginot Line. Hitlet was right in his assessment of the French: ‘Nobody plans an offensive if they had previously built an impressive defensive line’
Their lack of initiative cost them a humiliating defeat and occupation. Regarding De Gaulle, he fled his country instead of fighting for it. It was easy for him to bark and make threats from the ‘security’ of the British Isles


Piotr Bernat
We will never 100 % find out if the story would have been different with the French and British forces really attacking Germany in 1939 to help their ally…


Fergus Hancock
Most folks (esp in the US) have no idea how much suffering and death was inflicted on France in 1940. Too many mistakes were made by the French military leadership, but they could not militarise the borders with Belgium or the Netherlands. Germany’s actions during the invasion and in retreat in 1944 was disgraceful; ask any Hollander about the imposed famine and the million or so Dutch who died in 1944.


Richard Pagano
November 25
The French incurred great losses during WWI and since much of the fighting was on French soii, they also suffered great property and financial loss. These losses haunted the French and demoralized their political leaders. The French had developed decent fighter planes and tanks and had a formidable navy. What they lacked was a military doctrine to replace the static warfare of WWI. Both the French and the British leaders tried to maintain peace with Germany even if it meant sacrificing the Czechs in the process. The French lacked the vision which the Germans had both in tactics and strategy. The French fought gallantly but were out maneuvered. The price they paid for the weaknesses of their leaders was six years of Nazi exploitation and occupation. Be vigilant, be ready and do not fight tomorrow’s battles with the last war’s weapons and tactics.


Laurent Decker
“If only the USA have helped…”
Don’t even dream of it : in may-june 1940 US Army was “as weak as Portuguese Army”, as an american historian told me, and as figures proove it.
The US Army started its fantastic re-building, departing from France's defeat, helped by this experience.
USA had still ambassies in Berlin and the French facist Vichy, to december 41 .


Evžen Ltsak
You should have been more couragous and not sign the Munich treaty. Then I would respect your nation more. For me your government was and always will be the treacherous one. No difference of the US one. We had alliance with you and you threw us over to Germans. And then our tanks helped them destroy your army. Kinda sad


James LaBare
People forget it was a French blocking unit near Dunkirk that made the British evacuations possible. Also they forget German casualties went up AFTER the British evacuations and before the French surrender.


Mark Stratton
A good reply but for one thing. You consistently refer to “England” when you should be referring to the United Kingdom. England is one country of four that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and all four of them were at war with Germany.

你的回答很好,但有一点。你一直提到的是 "英国",而你应该指的是联合王国。英格兰是组成大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的四个国家中的一个,而这四个国家都曾与德国交战。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ahrvid Engholm
France had an army as strong as or perhaps even stronger than Germany’s. She eg had more tanks.
The problem was wrong tactics and not realizing that the Ardennes could be used for an offensive.
The French Army didn’t understand how to use tanks, that is to concentrate them in mobile armoured divisions to use as spearheads into enemy lines. Instead the tanks where sprinkled out among all units. (De Gaulle was one who did understand modern warfare, but he wasn’t listened to,)
While the British Expeditionary Force was small, the British air force contribution was very important.

法国陆军不明白如何使用坦克,即将坦克集中在机动装甲师中,作为矛头直插敌军防线。 相反,法国人将坦克都分散在所有单位中。 (戴高乐是一个懂得现代战争的人,但他的意见没有被听取)

John Guthrie
As is so often the case, stubbornly inept leadership had much to do with it. That and not having a sea between France and Germany.
The attack on Pearl Harbour still did not bring the USA into the War. It was Hitler’s declaration of war on the USA a few days later that did that.


Elfrad Bockholt
I agree with most of what you say. However, contrary to what you imply the French expected the Nazi armies to go through Belgium. The French high command expected a repeat of the German attack in World War 1. That is why they moved most of their best troops into Belgium after the German attack began on May 10, 1940. What the French and British did not expect was that the German armoured units would advance through the Ardennes forests. This was not deemed possible given the lack of proper roads, etc.,. These German forces would subsequently trap the British Expeditionary Force and many French troops in Dunkirk. I have read a number of accounts of these events and I have realized, among other, that the Germans were extremely lucky, while just about everything that could go wrong for the French did. Still, the most important factor in the 1940 defeat was the French adherence to the military thinking of World War 1, certainly not the lack of courage on the part of French soldiers.


Allan Muise
Saying the US “did not lift a finger” before Pearl Harbor is not accurate. Remember Lend Lease? The US occupied Iceland and Greenland. The US escorted convoys to Iceland and then the British escorted them the rest of the way to Britain. US destroyers and aircraft battled German U-Boats . The USS Kearney was torpedoed and the USS Reuben James was sunk. The US traded 50 destroyers to Britain for the “right” to occupy some British bases, making it so Britain could reduce their manpower at these bases.

说美国在珍珠港事件之前 "没有动过一根手指头"是不准确的。还记得"租借"吗?美国占领了冰岛和格陵兰岛。美国护送船队到冰岛,然后英国人护送船队到英国。美国的驱逐舰和飞机与德国的U型潜艇作战。美国海军 "科尔尼"号被鱼雷击中,"鲁本-詹姆斯"号被击沉。美国用50艘驱逐舰向英国换取了占领一些英国基地的"权利",使英国可以减少在这些基地的人力。

Mike Clarke
Look in the mirror the reason france did so bad was their arrogance sitting behind the manginot line and never once considered that the attack would come thru Belgium just like in the first world war. And what was the British expeditionary force to do when the french collapsed like a house of cards Germans to the front germans to the sides the only option was to retreat and hope the french line would stabilize but it never did.


Marc Salien
March 8
"Despite our overwhelming numerical superiority, the French counterattack in several points. I can not understand how these soldiers, sometimes fighting 1 in 20, find the strength to storm. It's amazing. I find in these soldiers the same ardor that those of Verdun in 1916. We do not pierce anywhere and we suffer terrifying losses. [...] Dunkirk brings me proof that the French soldier is one of the best in the world. The French artillery, so dreaded already in 14-18, once again demonstrates its formidable effectiveness. Our losses are terrifying: many battalions have lost 60% of their strength, sometimes even more! "
General Von Küchler commandant of the XVIII army
during the last stand of the french army to cover the british at Dunkirk.


Gary Ervin
The war probably wouldn’t have happened had not the British and French fourth the horrendous Versailles treaty against Germany at the end of world war one. And at that time the United States felt that neutrality was what it had to do. And it’s not like we didn’t help, lendlease


Peter Chisteckoff
Christophe, Christophe, where to begin. First, President Roosevelt was held in check by most American’s aversion to getting involved in another European war, and many politicians who were looking for any reason to replace Roosevelt as they kept saying he would get us into a European war.
Also, France did not resist for 9 months. There was the “phony war” that existed after Poland was defeated in 1939 and the German attack through the low countries and Ardennes in 1940. So lets stick to 6 weeks. The French soldier may have been courageous, but the French Army was badly led. The Maginot line ended at the Belgium/Luxembourg border. French Generals thought they would be fighting a defensive war, like WWI, so were unprepared for the German armored Blitzkrieg.
As for the US looking the other way for a full two years, you forget the 50 destroyers sold to Britain, the lend lease supplies sent to Britain and probably some made it to the French troops in Britain. Roosevelt was sticking his neck out to do this, especially when he used US Navy ships on convoy duty half way across the Atlantic to Britain.

另外,法国也没有抵抗9个月。1939年波兰战败后存在 静坐战",1940年德国通过低地国家和阿登进攻。所以让我们算你们坚持了6周。法国士兵可能很勇敢,但法军的领导能力很差。马奇诺防线在比利时和卢森堡边境结束。法国将军们认为他们会打一场防御战,就像一战一样,所以对德国的装甲闪电战毫无准备。

The US military in 1939 was not the 800 lb Gorilla it became in 1944–45. Declaring war on Germany would have accomplished nothing to help France or Britain. We did not have the trained manpower or the ships and industrial might at that time. Remember, we had to split our naval and military forces for not only Germany, but Japan also. Even at that, we agreed to the European theatre for priority on war materials and manpower…although most America hated the Japanese way more then the Germans in 1941.
Finally let me say we know French naval and land troops were the tipping point that helped us get out freedom from the Britain the 1780s. After the sacrifice of so many British and French troops…and their commonwealth and colonial allies in WWI, Our inexhaustible American manpower in WWI was probably what tipped the Germans to surrendering.


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