2023-07-11 龟兔赛跑 3510
Does eating fat actually make you fat?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jeff Dege, M.S. Software Engineering, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The fundamental question is when the body stores fat, where does it come from? Do we store fat we eat? Or fat our bodies create? Or some mix of the two?
We've known for a long time that it's a mix of the two. All animals can create fat from carbohydrates through a process called de novo lipogenesis (DNL). The question is, how important a pathway is this in the human body.
Back in the seventies, a group did a study on this question, feeding people radioactive-tagged carbon, so they could see where it went. Almost none of the dietary carbohydrates ended up converted to fat, which convinced the scientific community of the day that DNL was not a significant metabolic pathway among humans.


From this came the popular "knowledge" that you wouldn't gain weight, if you stuck to a low-fat diet.
The problem with the study, as with most of the metabolic studies done during the period, was that they assumed everybody's metabolisms worked pretty much the same way. And what we've learned since is that they really don't.
The study was repeated, in the nineties, using people of ordinary weight, and people who were overweight with and without insulin resistance, on low-fat and on low-carb diets. And they found that DNL was minimal, among normal-weight people, and in overweight people on a low-carb diet. But that in overweight people on a low-fat diet it was significant, and in people with insulin resistance on a low-fat diet a very large proportion of the carbs ended up stored as fat.


So, can eating fat make you fat? Yes. And so can eating carbs. So, for that matter, can eating protein, because the body can convert protein into carbs.
Which isn't to say that the calorie-is-a-calorie position is correct, and that they're all interchangeable. They're not. But how each is handled in the body depends upon the particular hormone balance in your body, which can be very different from one person to another.
For some people, eating low-carb works best for losing and maintaining weight. For some, eating low-fat does better. It all depends upon your insulin sensitivity.


Rory Blake, Inventor and author of the Biological basis of Adult Wellness and aging


Yes. Aging and weight gain are closely related.
The Facts: Over a century ago, Metchnikoff showed that aging decline is caused by rogue gut bacterial colonization of the colon. This process causes obesity beginning even early in life. The researchers of the era discounted this theory because they couldn't find a toxin produced by these bacteria.
Metchnikoff is known as the father of natural immunity for his discovery of macrophages and correct descxtion of phagocytosis. Even Pasteur was against him on this, early on, but he persisted. Metchnikoff invented Gerontology, the concept of probiotics and won the Nobel Prize in 1908.


Meanwhile, Specifically about fat…
Metchnikoff proved that bacteria were unnecessary to the colon. Bacteria that begin living there become essentially immoral. They now have no function or duty. They have no competition. They just live and multiply. The human gut can hold many bacteria. (There are around a trillion individuals in each pound of bacteria.) Explosive growth of these bacteria causes major problems. Overeating is the major trigger of this.


The human body has a natural mechanism to control explosive growth. It breaks down two classes of amino acids within the gut to keep bacteria from obtaining all twenty of the necessary amino acids. Otherwise, Bacteria can double in as little as every few hours.
Losing the competition for resources has the same effects on the body as would any toxin. The bacteria are closest to the food. They attempt to uptake all of the protein …but always allow us to absorb the fats.


The Results: When this process kicks in, the body essentially accepts a slow and gradual decline, over time, to prevent an explosive bacterial infection. Breakdown of essential amino acids in the gut is a drastic step. When the body needs these specific amino acids it must steal them from internal structures. In all of this …the body has no trouble absorbing fats and carbs.
For manufacturing of peptides to control bodily functions …certain amino acids must be borrowed from muscle, collagen, skin and joints. Aging is the exact same as starvation in that way ….just a more prolonged starvation.


Many old people do look to be starving. Older individuals begin to display loss of structure consistent with loss of protein from collagen and muscle. However, many of the same individuals are also overweight -consistent will good fat and carbohydrate absorption.
The process can begin at an early age. Most of the time it begins in an individuals 20's. This accounts for the wide range of variations in rates of aging.
Metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypertension and all disease of aging spring from lack of amino acids to make control peptides.
This is not just about weight gain.


Pierre Doussiere, former Semiconductor Laser Designer at Intel


Of course it does if you eat too much of it. I think the recent trend for Keto diet had made people think that you can eat ax much fat as you want because it is sugar that makes you fat. This is a grossly misleading way of simplifying things. What makes you fat is first and foremost too much calories wether they are in form of fat , carbohydrates or even protein. Now, the way that you metabolize fay or carbs vary from person to person, some people do very well on high carb diet (usually physically active people) and other don’t. The thing is that fat doesn’t increase you blood sugar so doesn’t trigger the vicious cycle , sugar / insulin / hunger / binge eating. But fat rich food can be very addictive like cheese for example. Keep in mind that fat contains twice as much calories per pound than carb or protein.

Vincent Esposito, MS, DC Nutrition | Nutrition Solutions | Podcast Co-Host理学硕士,营养学|营养解决方案|播客联合主持人

Eating the wrong fats could. Fats have a variety of uses in our bodies and play a crucial role in many biochemical processes. Fats are the building blocks for the cell membrane’s lipid bilayer. Every single one of our cells is wrapped in a coating made mostly of fat.


Lipids have a number of functions, including:
· Creating a variety of hormones and hormone-like substances. They are incorporated in many of the chemical messengers that allow cells to communicate with each other.
· Allow for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K).
· Provide us with energy (9kcal/g of fat; 4kcal/g of protein or carbohydrate).
· Fat coats the nerves in our bodies, allowing us to think, react, move, and perform any activity we can think of.
· Fats are required for proper absorption of minerals.
· Protects organs.
· A myriad of other metabolic processes.


Lipids are responsible for a vast number of functions in the body. They are not readily given up and used as energy in the body. Mostly glucose and glycogen stores will be used up before fats are broken down for energy. From an evolutionary perspective this makes sense: Early humans went long periods without food. Fat stores were used as energy during these times.
Now, not all fats are created equal, and quality is of utmost importance.
Avoid all processed oils and hydrogenated fats. They will do nothing but deplete vitamin and mineral stores and increase the chances of developing a serious disease.
Stick to traditional oils, like cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, fatty fish (like salmon or mackerel), nuts & seeds, and others listed on the shopping list provided. Try to enjoy whole eggs, the yolks contain good fats and other essential nutrients not found in the whites.


If you are cooking high-quality meats, do not be afraid to eat the fat pieces attached to the bones (occasionally). These parts include high levels of collagen. The main structural protein found in connective tissue like skin and muscles.
Studies show the Mediterranean diet has great benefits in reducing the risk of heart disease, autoimmune diseases, cancer, arthritis, allergies, and diabetes while increasing longevity. Part of this is due to incorporation of healthier fats and optimizing an omega3:6 ratio.


The traditional Mediterranean diet incorporates these attributes:
· Olive oil (mostly extra virgin) is the main source of fat; the diet has a high monounsaturated-to-saturated fat ratio.
· Foods are processed minimally, if at all.
· The diet is based primarily around consuming plant-based foods, such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts.
· There is a focus on seasonality, eating foods only that are readily available naturally.
· Fresh fruit is seen as a typical dessert. Honey and other natural sweeteners are eaten only a few times a week.
· Red meat is consumed in low amounts (in some cases, as infrequent as once per month).
· Dairy products, most of which are yogurts and cheese, are consumed in low amounts or not at all.
· Fish is consumed on a regular basis, while poultry and eggs are consumed somewhere between 1-4 times per week.
· Wine (mostly red) is usually consumed with meals in low-to-moderate amounts.
· Get daily exercise!


Olive oil is composed of mostly the monounsaturated fatty acid oleic acid, but it also has many other health benefits. Olive oil contains a plethora of antioxidants that account for its health benefits. Olive oil is known to be a viable agent for protection against heart disease. It has been shown to lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels, and increasing the beneficial high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels. Olive oil protects LDL cholesterol from damage via free radicals. It has also been shown to contribute to maintain and stabilize high triglycerides, which are a common symptom found in diabetics.
Be sure to invest in quality products, as they go a long way in improving your health in the short and long term.
Hope this helps!


Short answer: it depends.
Animal fat (found in all animal-based foods, including fish) does contribute to overweight and obesity, but not because it accumulates in your midsection and thighs. Over years, if you make animal foods the star of every meal, every day, the fat accumulates in your muscles and prevents your insulin from getting the sugars you consume into the muscle tissue to be used for energy. This condition is known to doctors who recognize it as Insulin Resistance. In short, sugar that does not convert to energy in muscles, instead gets converted to fat for “later use”, but we never use it…So it depends:
Are you eating a “normal” amount of animal fat? (normal as in Standard American Diet=excessive)
Are you also eating a “normal” amount of refined starch and sugar?
Do you neglect to eat whole, plant-based foods?


Elwin Stankiewicz, I am writing my first sci-fi novel.


I actually need to increase my fat intake in order to successfully diet. But yes, fat is high calories and can contribute to blowing the daily balance. On carbs though, esp easily digestible carbs like fruit or rice cakes (some people’s diet favs) I get fat. What happens is if I eat an apple and nothing else, my sugar crashes and then there is no choice, brain says screw diet, we have brain cells dying, so I stagger to the fridge and eat whatever will restore my sugar levels fast, even if I know it’s just for a little while. But if I eat the same apple with celery, walnuts and olive oil, then no problem. Fat is my diet “trick”.
Some people claim downing a tablespoon of raw unprocessed coconut oil a day makes them slim down. I can’t make myself swallow a spoonful of oil (yuck!), but if I saute some vegetables in it and it does stave hunger of. Just be mindful what fats. Things like fresh hempseed oil or flax oil, consumed raw of course, are really good.

我实际上需要增加脂肪摄入量才能实现良好膳食,但是,脂肪的卡路里含量很高,可以促进每日的平衡。不过,在碳水化合物上,尤其是容易消化的碳水化合物,例如水果或年糕(某些人的饮食习惯)会使我发胖。如果我吃了一个苹果,别的什么也没吃,我的糖分就会崩溃,随后则别无选择,大脑在暗示螺旋减肥法,我们的脑细胞快要死了,所以误导我打开了冰箱,吃任何能使我的糖分水平快速恢复的东西,即使我知道这只是一小段时间。 但是,如果我将同一个苹果与芹菜,核桃和橄榄油一起吃,那就没问题了。 脂肪是我的饮食“绝招”。
有人声称每天要食用一汤匙未加工的椰子油,这会使它们变得苗条。真糟糕! 我不可能吞下一勺油,但是如果我用它炒蔬菜,它确实可以消除饥饿感。 只是要注意脂肪的种类。 像新鲜的大麻油或亚麻油这样的东西,当然是要生吃,口感真的很棒。
Aria Williams, studied Computer Science at University of Michigan (2006),在密歇根大学学习计算机科学(2006年)

It has long been known that fats are not inherently bad.
In general, a distinction is made between unsaturated and saturated fats, which in the past were often labeled with the labels “healthy” or “unhealthy” - a distinction that is now considered obsolete.
People need both types of fat every day for metabolic processes in the body.
They are required for the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and
k, ensure a natural feeling of satiety, are required for the functioning of hormones and enzymes and reduce fluctuations in blood sugar levels
Reduced-fat diets don't work

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Anyone who has set out to lose weight with a low-fat diet will most likely fail - at least in the long term.
Because low-fat light products are less satiating.
Possible consequence: a constant feeling of hunger.
Need an example?
While yogurt with a 3.5 percent fat content can make you feel full, yogurt with only 0.1 percent fat definitely won't fill you up.
And that applies very often to reduced-fat products.
: “If there is one thing we know about fat, it is that fat consumption does not cause weight gain.
On the contrary, it can even help shed a few pounds.


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