2022-12-25 龟兔赛跑 3917
As a parent, do you like one of your kids more than you like the other?


Rebecca Baldwin, Raised 3 children. I have 2 children in their 20's


“You always liked Daniel more than us! You loved him more and I KNOW IT”, my 17 year old daughter screamed through her tears. Her brother had been dead a week, and this is what she thought.
I felt sick to my stomach.
Holding my head in my hands from my own grief, I thought, “This can’t be happening”. On top of everything else, my daughter just told me that she believed she and her brother had not been loved as much as the brother who had just died.
Where did I go wrong? I gave them so much of my life, love, and time .
Could it be true? Did I love my first son more?
I went over as many memories as I could to see if I could attribute her exclamation towards me as true. I was more than confident and more than convinced each child received from me 100% of what I had each day.
Yet, something was still nagging at me…was she right after all?
I knew when I had first fallen in love. It was when I first saw my firstborn’s face. It was just him and me as as we fought our way to survive as a single mother and toddler.


As he grew, I watched him emerge into a limitless boy full of humor and curiosity, and I just loved him so much. His presence filled my life.
But with the births of my next two children, I fell in love with them too, each for their wonderful unique qualities. They both enamored me as they grew into remarkable human beings.
But sometimes, yes, there is that one child that we just “get” more than the others, and it's because though unique, they are similar in personality as us. It does not mean we love and like them more. There just seems to be more of a connection in understanding them, and I think this is what she sensed.
Also, in my grief, I could not stop thinking about him, and she viewed that as me liking and loving him more than her and her other brother, which wasn't the case at all.
She's grown now and I can look back and see she was pleading through her tears that she was scared over losing her sibling. She now sees how special she and her brother are to me in ways she is just learning to understand as she raises her own child --but I have always felt badly that she had ever thought such a thing. I frankly don't think she even remembers saying it …
But I do.


Sean Stockemer, Senior SAP Consultant (2012-present)


When I was a kid, my mom loved me more than my kid sister. I used to say this as a joke, when we were little. I was the firstborn, and sis came along 6 years later. Maybe all this is in my head, but we’ve all had a laugh about it a couple of times in the last 25 years, and nobody really stood up against my claims.
It’s not that she doesn’t love my little sister. Of course she loves her daughter, but I’ve always received preferential treatment. So…there’s our background. And that little tidbit doesn’t even approach relevance to the question.
Back to the question at hand. I’m 41 now, and I have 2 monsters of my own (1 boy and 1 girl).
Having not really grown up in an environment conducive to healthy emotional development (absent father and abusive step-father), I had always envisioned having a family ‘unit’. I described that (mostly to myself) as a sort of support network, who would/should always be there to assist when/if necessary. I had pictured us playing board games a couple of nights per week, going on walks in the woods holding hands, etc.


Now little did I know that when I married and we conceived, I had been duped in the cruellest way imaginable. I later came to find out that my (now ex) wife, suffered from a condition known as Borderline Personality Disorder. I wasn’t aware of this when we got to know each other, and I believed her lies throughout the relationship.
So, yeah…one weekend we’re playing with the 2 monsters. Emi was just a baby, and Ell was a toddler. Therefore one could have more fun with Ell. He would parrot words, fetch a ball, sit on command etc. My ex is also a dog-lover, so this sort of came out in her parenting as well. Meanwhile Emi was a bit more high-maintenance. She couldn’t really do any ‘tricks’. She would cry if you put her down…like ever. And she wasn’t the renowned conversationalist that her brother was. Really, at that point, the only thing she did better than her brother was make funny faces.
So we’re all on the floor and I’m playing with Ell, while the ex had Emi on her lap. Me and ‘The Big Mister’ are having fun dancin’ and what not. I think we’d built something out of blocks and knocked it down. We were laughing, the girls were watching and all was good with the universe.


Then their mom decided that she was jealous. She wanted to have fun and laugh and play with Ell. So she gave me Emi, and scooped Ell up and placed him on her lap. She then proclaimed that Ell was hers and that Emi would be mine.
Of course the statement was made in jest, but in the days, weeks, and months that followed that statement sort of proved to become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Their mom slowly shifted her attention to Ell and began to neglect Emi a little. Of course at this age, Emi was too small to take note but I could see it. Ell would get candy or cake (something that I was never fond of, because I don’t think that toddlers need candy or cake in abundance- rather as a treat maybe once per month) and Emi would get dried bread-crust. Seriously. It sounds cruel, but their mom discovered that Emi enjoyed chewing on these crusts so whenever Emi got upset or cranky, their mom would throw her a piece of crust to gnaw on. Meanwhile she would then spoonfeed Ell a cup of yogurt or share an ice cream with him.
I made up for the deficit by cooking for Emi. To be perfectly honest, I cooked for all of us, but I would choose foods that Emi could eat and especially those that she liked best. Her favorite meal was grilled chicken and cheesy mashed potatoes with roasted carrots (I would caramelized the carrots a bit with some apples).


Emi was much more emotionally needy than her brother was at that age. He would sit content in his crib without making a sound for periods of time when he woke, but when she woke up she needed to be taken out and entertained immediately. We could just lay him down and walk out of the room, but she needed to be carried and rocked to sleep before being gently laid in her crib. These tasks were then delegated to me. I didn’t obxt or even mind. I loved spending time with her and with her in my arms. Eventually my ex proclaimed that she could no longer perform these tasks, because Emi had grown to know my arms and refused to be comforted by her mother.
I never wanted to give up on my dream of our family being a cohesive unit, though, so I spent every moment possible with Ell. I really try to give them each equal attention, and love them both equally.
But the honest to goodness truth is that it’s simply not possible. Emi owns my heart. After I spent a year seeing her being ‘neglected’ and trying to make up for it, it’s just hard to break that habit.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

shley Bodnarchuck, studied at School of Hard Knocks

就读于Hard Knocks学校

You know what, I’m going to be honest.
Yes I do sometimes like one over the other, and vice versa.
Today my kids came home from school. Snacks are made and we sit down to talk about the day.
(Let me preface by saying that my 12 year old has recently begun to eagerly demonstrated how much more she knows about the world than her younger (nearly 7 year old) brother.
Me, so did anything exciting happen today?
A, “Nope.”
L, “Mommy I didn’t see the hedgehog today! I asked Mme Sonia but then I-she-I-she-I think she forgot.”
Me, “That’s alright. Maybe try again tomorrow?”
L, “Yeah. That’s what I was thinking! You know the hedgehog is in the classroom right beside mine?”
Me, “Oh my gosh. How delightful AND convenient! Well maybe your teacher will get a few minutes to take you in to see the little creature tomorrow.”
A, “The hedgehog is in Mme Julia’s class and that’s downstairs from you DUDE*.”
L, “No! He’s in the class next to mine!”
A, “No dude.” *patronizing tone inserted*

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“It’s downstairs.”
This is where I throw my hands up and say, “You know what? Maybe the hedgehog is in fucking Narnia for all I care.”
Yes. I drop f bombs with my kids.
No, they haven’t ever sworn, and I’m not sure when they will. Maybe when they’re 18? I’ve told them time and time again when they know the right audience and proper context they can use whatever word they feel appropriate, but that hasn’t happened. My daughter feels uncomfortable saying the term Shutup, let alone f bombs and shit.
Anyways. Today I like the 7 year old just a shimdgen more. Because he annoyed me less.
Here’s the thing. I love both of them equally in different ways. I would never tell them I dislike/don’t love them. I would never say one is irritating me more than the other.
Though I have no problem telling the both of them when they’re irritating me, because if I don’t tell them how exactly will they know?
And I seriously prose this question.
We live in a society (or so it seems) where there seems to be a lack of common sense. I teach my kids it’s okay to be irritated/upset/sad/mad/whatever feeling towards someone or something. It’s HOW you express your feelings that’s the important part.
My son can drive me up the wall with his over the top sensitivity. I love him to the moon and back of course, and I would never change him. I do tell him at least once a week; “You’re entitled to your emotions. You’re NOT entitled to act like a jerk because of your emotions.”
…In my head I say asshole though. Because I’m classy like that.
*Dude is a euphemism for my boy’s name.


David Schneider, Professor Emeritus of Psychology & Cognitive Sciences


It can happen, and I suspect does more often than we’d like to admit. As Jae Starr points out liking is not the same as loving. Many parents have expectations for their children — selfish or not — and it’s easier to like the kid who seems to be meeting them. Also there’s often a compatibility issue. Some children are simply easier to get along with than others. Sometimes that’s just a matter of resistance on the part of the child or being argumentative. But sometimes it’s just a matter of personality similarity. But your love often transcends all that. One of my daughters was a difficult child — willful and opinionated and very focused on what she wanted — while the other was easy and accommodating. I found it (and still do) much easier to relate to the first because we share more interests and fundamental values. The second had a more difficult time coming to grips with life and made some semi-serious mistakes. In a sense I think for a while I loved her more because I felt so bad for her, and, yes, a little guilty that I had done something wrong. But they are now both accomplished and happy adults with accomplished and happy children of their own; I still find it easier to talk with the one, but I see the other more often and have a very warm spot in my heart for her.

这是很有可能会发生的,而且我怀疑这发生的频率比我们想象中的还要多。正如 jae starr提出的那样,喜欢和爱是不一样的。大多数的父母对他们的孩子都有期望,不管自私与否,人们更容易喜欢那些符合他们期望的孩子。此外,还经常存在兼容性的问题。有些孩子就是比其他孩子更容易相处。有时,这只是孩子在抗拒和起争执,但有时这只是性格相似的问题,但你的爱常常超越了这一切。我其中一个女儿是个很难相处的孩子,她任性、固执、而且非常专注于她想要的东西。而我另一个孩子则很随和、包容。我发现我和前者建立联系要容易得多,直到现在仍然如此,因为我们有很多共同的兴趣和基本的价值观。而第二个人在面对生活的时候就困难得多,她犯了很多严重的错误。在某种意义上,我觉得我有一段时间更爱她,因为我为她感到难过,而且,我对自己好像做错了什么而感到内疚。但他们现在都是成功、快乐的成年人了,他们也有自己成功快乐的孩子了,我仍然觉得我和其中的一个孩子交谈更容易,但是我看向另一个孩子的次数更多了,并且对她的内心充满了热情。

I might also point out that feelings between parents and children change and sometimes dramatically over time. It is, I think, one of the great psychological mysteries of life as to how we manage parent-child relationships after all the changes that take place with kids (and sometimes adults as well). It’s very hard for parents to accommodate themselves to the fact that their children mature and to try to realize that they’re no long children. And sometimes it’s hard for children to accommodate themselves to the realization that parents have lots of flaws, perhaps more visible as the child ages, and that, yes, indeed, they did screw up sometimes in raising said child. It’s right up there with the mystery of how two people can stay married to one another for a long time. Speaking as one who has been married over 50 years, it still is a mystery.


aylor Schoen, Intake & Reimbursement Liaison (2013-present)


During my senior year of High School, I took a course called Human Relations. During class one afternoon, the instructor had mentioned that if there is more than one child in a family, there is a favorite child. She said some parents don’t notice or see it, while others do and just deny it, but that it is very well true.
I cannot speak on behalf of parents, but I can tell you my family’s favorite is the firstborn, my older sister. There is definitely hardships for me, family wise. I am the middle child and the second daughter. My sister is the firstborn and the first daughter. My brother is the baby and the first-and-only boy. Can you see my predicament? My parents used to brush off all my complaints as “middle child syndrome” and would make jokes with everyone about it. Now that I’m a young adult, I’ve learned it will never change. I could be POTUS and they would still find some way to gush about my sister..
I wish some people would be more honest. We all see it. We are not blind. Sh*t like this is why we grow up and act out or do things the way we do.
I know I will never be able to get my parent’s attention the way my sister does. Maybe one day I will come to terms with it. In the meantime, I have decided I wont bring anymore than one child into this world. I wouldn’t want them to feel the way I did growing up.
It’s like toast. You only get so much jam to spread on the pieces of toast. There’s always one piece that gets more. (Usually the first because you underestimate and give the first one a lot, only to realize you don’t have enough for the other).


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