2023-05-27 凌☆♂宇 3396
What are a few bitter truths of life?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

No matter how hard you try to bring equality in world, it's not going to happen because we are born different. We dont do the same things why expect equality?
Life is always unfair, some complain about money, relationships, society etc. Dont expect everything to be nice and perfect, just face the reality and learn from it
Angels exist on earth - we just neglect to see them. They are not flying in air with a magic wand. They are normal humans doing more humane things.
People lost are lost for ever. Never miss a chance to say final good bye to a dying person or a pet. You'll regret it for the rest of the life


Money makes many things. However, there would be a day we’d realize how these pieces of papers have influenced our lives and want to kill its user
No one is perfect and you're wasting time if you're trying to be one. Try your best but dont get sucked into its vortex . I have OCD btw so I can feel it.
Time is a constant - you can decide to be a vegan, non religious, hippie, monk, entrepreneur, doctor or whatever but time is same for everybody. It could age you out before you know it
Kindness is considered weakness - a lot of people act tough and rude because of that.


We came to life with nothing, we will take back nothing while leaving
All humans have 1 common color - blood is always red unless you're an alien.
People who love you the most could hurt you the most. We are vulnerable that much to them
Proper sleep could sometimes solve health issues than a visit to doctor


Nature have abundant resources to give everybody food, water and shelter . We drew boundaries and restricted our movements. We live in a world where 1 in 7 person is hungry where we waste only 20–30% of food we make.
Limitations of social media - A friend fell down and got admitted in a hospital , close friends are sending wishes on social media than visiting her in person. Its pathetic!
Everybody have the power to change their lives but only a few even try!
You will enjoy your life to the fullest only if you keep doing the things you like, keep spending time with people you like. Dont waste time just express your love .


Nothing is free. Nobody can give you anything for free in the corporate world. There is always an intent behind that , it could be money, motive or impression etc.
Lastly, if someone tries to end their life thinking it would put an end to all of their misery. The moment you decided to end your life, your past is dead just move on and live it differently!
Life is a mystery ; 7+ billion people are living it with no clue about what happens next. So be grateful about wherever you fit in and live to the fullest!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That many come into the world being unloved, abused and neglected. Child abuse is common.
Most people, (not all), are prone to selfishness and will do what is best for them and what they want regardless if it harms other people
When you stand up for what is right which is the hard and only road to lasting happiness, people will attack and persecute you as it is what they cant do.
Most people are fake and superficial conforming to the popular fads of the day in society. They are brainwashed.


Not everyone that you love or display kindness to will love and be kind back. Love them anyway
Not all have the same equal opportunities for a better quality of life. Be grateful and make the most of your lot regardless and be happy.
Most people will abandon you in your darkest moments. Don't give up, keep going anyway to greater things.


Countless of innocent millions have been and will continue to be killed or maimed in war and genocide; wars mostly caused by the agenda of power, greed, hatred, revenge, madness and corruption
Your loyalty to others may be rewarded by a double edged sword - stabbing you in the back. Be loyal anyway holding your head up high.
Most people will suffer mental ills at some time in their life caused by the unrelenting stress and pressures inflicted by modern society; or from being abused, traumatised, irreparably hurt, betrayed
With the rising pollution levels and the use of chemicals to chase profit and greed, diseases will become even more prolific and more dangerous ones will mutate; also eventually destroying the sustainability of our environment to support life.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Supported killing will become a answer to suffering/disease. It can relieve the suffering of patients that makes the end comfortable.high standard palliative compassionate care - that gives the sufferer true dignity and worth right.
Killing the problem will become the cheaper alternative; - is not offering human dignity - all it it offers is a convenient death; (with many potentially standing to benefit monetary wise from it). It will not be offered only for the terminally ill - but the mentally ill, disabled and for anyone who finds temporary suffering difficult or just being tired of life. anyone will have the right to die for any reason as life becomes cheap and no longer seen as the sacred gift it is.
You will die one day - no one escapes it or knows when their time is up. Some will live longer than others. But this life is short for all as it is but a blx of an eye compared to eternity.Does not believe in a higher power, an afterlife or justice/rewards therein.


There are three kinds of people in this world. 90% are ignorant and selfish; 8% are intelligent and selfish; and 2% are intelligent and caring. These 2% are all the stands between us and complete societal collapse.
Most of what you are and where you are in life is due to sheer luck. A person doesn’t choose to be smart or stupid, industrious or lazy, healthy or sick, brave or cowardly, have loving or abusive parents, or be born in Sweden or Somalia.


People are NOT equal. They never were and never will be. Some people are smart and some are stupid; some are hardworking and some are lazy. Some are courageous and some are cowards. Some are civilised and some are not. That is also true at group level. It makes sense since a Brit will more likely marry and have a child with another Brit, a Bantu with a Bantu, a Burmese with a Burmese, so over the course of time certain traits (positive or negative) will become more prent within that group. That is not racism, that is a fact.
Men and women are NOT equal and should not be. They should have EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES.


The word ‘racism’ has been greatly overused and misused and, in most cases, should be replaced with ‘culturism.’ And racism isn’t about skin colour. Brazil is 50% mixed black and white, Mexico and Spanish-speaking American countries are 70% mixed Native Indian and white. All research in fact indicates that we tend to be attracted to people that look different. What we discriminate against is behaviour, values, and ideas. I do too. If, for example, you come from a culture that believes it is OK to torture animals, considers women to be second-class citizens, and regards spitting and littering as something normal, I am going to discriminate against you. What you look like is irrelevant to me. Think of the Germans and the Japanese. Seventy years ago they were the most despised peoples in the world. Today they are among the most highly respected and their passports among the most valuable. They haven’t changed their skin colour or eye shape; what they’ve changed was their behaviour. So don’t try to bleach your skin, dye your hair blonde, or have eyelid surgery to gain acceptance. Just change your behaviour and mentality. Even if people discriminate against your own group, they will not discriminate against you as an individual.


Your life is not worth more than that of a dog, an insect, or a tree. Humans are the only species who take more from nature than they give. By the time s/he turns 4 or 5 years old, a human will have consumed more than s/he will ever give back to the world.
Those of you who refer to the coronavirus as a ‘crisis’ are an embarrassment to your great-grandparents who went through war and famine. Are you whining because you’re no longer allowed to get drunk in public and because your supermarket has run out of your favourite cereal? You have internet, 200 TV channels, family, etc. If nothing else, get some bloody war books and read, or watch some good documentaries so that you can learn something and stop being so ignorant.


Most people working for the Church are not religious at all.
If your priest tells you that’s it’s ok to be poor because that’s what God wants, what he really means is that you’re stupid.
People who drive fast or practice American football or other similar sports are not tough. The really tough ones are long-distance cyclists and hikers/climbers and mothers who work 9 to 5 and still have time to raise a family.


If you buy a nice car because you want to ‘turn heads’ remember that it is your car that makes the heads turn, not you.
To mortals like you and me rich people’s problems may not seem like real problems (e.g. ‘This year I made only one million instead of the usual ten’), but to them they are as real as our own problems. Remember that the problems may be different, but unhappiness is the same.
It is wrong to judge a country by how tourist brochures, the media, or tourists will portray it. Visiting a country and living in it are two very different things. You might discover that, say, Australia isn’t so safe or scenic after all, or that, say, Mexico is much safer and more cultured than you thought.


When it comes down to it, you’re all you’ve got. People come and go and no one truly cares about you the way you wish they would.
People will judge you for your personal choices.
Children aren’t born innocent. Some have inherently malicious natures.
Money is necessary for survival.


Marriage can be a lonely, bitter, and loveless experience. Your spouse may often disregard your feelings entirely, and never apologize.
Your parents may be immature at times, and they may not always have your best interest at heart.
Even though you may possess talent and ambition, still you may find it difficult to succeed in the areas you’d like to, for numerous reasons.
People may only like you if you align with them politically, socially, religiously, and morally.


There are very few, if any, truly nice people who just want to be your friend and communicate with you often.
What types of foods you eat are very important to your health, especially as you hit your middle years.
Fear is the most crippling of emotions.
If you want something bad enough, you must swallow your fear and go for it. You very well may fail, but the important thing is to get back up and keep trying.


Your fantasies of love and sex may never come to fruition. Marriage can feel like a cruel trap.
Seeing a doctor is often not your best option. Most every doctor visit I’ve made in my life has wreaked havoc on my body, outside of emergency care.
There are lots of con artists out there. Trust no one and take no one at their word.
Don’t believe anything you read or hear. Dare to think for yourself, challenge the status quo, and formulate your own opinions.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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