2023-01-22 骑着毛驴到处走 7677

Zeph Smith, A student of society and humanity
Suppose you are eating lunch at a fast food restaurant, or awaiting an appointment in an office building, on an ordinary day with dozens of ordinary people around you. What are the chances that your life may be in danger in the next few minutes? Usually extremely small;
Now suppose that an un-uniformed stranger carrying a military style rifle and a large ammo clip walks in and starts looking around.
More likely than not, you will remain unharmed; they may be a responsible gun lover promoting open carry and looking for a restroom, or there may be other innocent explanations. There are way more law abiding open carry advocates than mass killers, after all.
But rationally, did your chance of being harmed soon just drop or rise, on the whole?


That vigilance/nervousness is not a misfiring instinct based on ignorance, it's consistent with rational self protection. If you don't get more nervous, there's something wrong with your amygdala and your survival instincts need tuning.
Let's take it a bit further. Suppose you had a traffic scuffle and an angry confrontation ensues; you are really upset and want the other person to take what you think is their responsibility, which they are not doing. If the other person is carrying a holstered pistol, how is that going to affect your behavior? Is it going to cross your mind that this fellow citizen just might use that pistol in their anger? Or would you be wise to trust that outcome to be highly unlikely and nothing to be nervous about? Does your answer substantially vary if you own and like guns (but are unarmed now)?
Basically any time a stranger openly carries around the means to kill or mutilate you in seconds - deliberately or accidentally - and you have no context of relative safety (eg: a gun range or hunting trip), it's survival positive to be wary. Just as you'd be wary if there were a 50 foot deep hole in your living room with no railing


Richard Russell, Cross-Functional Alignment Expert - ex-Amazon & Google
I think nervous is the wrong word. Concerned is more like it.
My level of concern is proportional to the "weapon-ness" of the obxt a person is carrying. If I see a construction worker carrying a claw hammer in their toolbox, I can see a good reason to have that, and it doesn't bother me. If I see a guy with a new hammer in a DIY-shop bag, that makes sense too. If I see a group of guys walking down the street with hammers and hoodies, it bothers me a bit. More if they look angry or drunk. It's possible they're just going to use the hammers as constructive tools, but it's more likely that there is something malicious in their intent.
While a hammer has many constructive uses, a handgun has none. The only use it has is to kill or threaten to kill or injure someone against that person's will. Likewise, if someone were carrying a flick-knife, knuckledusters, or nunchucks. There are few legitimate reasons to carry them. It's most likely that they are to be used as weapons.
Of course, the gun owner, the hammer gang and their flick-knife, knuckleduster and nunchuck owning friends could be carrying their weapons in some misguided sense of self-defence. Their intent may not be malicious, but I can't tell what their intent is.


As someone who lives in the UK and grew up in Australia, where we have no such thing as "open carry", the only people I see with a gun in the street wear police or military uniforms. If I ever see someone else with a gun or other weapon, I report them to the police. There is never a good reason for a civilian to carry a gun, and it is illegal to do so. Therefore all civilians carrying guns in the street in the UK, are by definition, criminals.
The fact that there are places where civilians are allowed to carry a gun in public baffles me. Just think about it. They are carrying a device whose sole purpose is to kill people or threaten people that they could be killed if they don't submit. I don't want to be near people who feel like they need such a device. I distrust their judgement.
If I was in the US, and saw a civilian with a gun, it would remind me of the fact that I'm not in a place that respects my personal safety (hence, my right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness). It would remind me America places the right to have weapons designed to kill people is above the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It would remind me of the 10,000 people a year killed by unnecessary guns. That doesn't make me nervous, it makes me angry.


Lukas Bollack
Let me answer this from my standpoint. Living in Switzerland, the only openly carried firearms are hunting rifles (when people actually are hunting) and soldiers going on leave or coming back from it.
You see, Switzerland still has conscxtion, every able bodied male is supposed to join the army although there are ways to get around that. Also, females can join if they want to. Traditionally, every soldier would get a service weapon and take that weapon home with him, in case the germans or russians decided to invade.
We changed the law a couple of years back, so now you don’t get to take any ammo with you. This means the whole thing is purely traditional by this point. You can buy the ammo at the store or steal it from the armory, so it’s still possible to use your gun to kill yourself or your spouse or to go and kill random strangers (which happens every couple of years).
Just a side note, what never happens is people using those guns to fend off germans or russians .


Now am I uncorfortable when I meet soldiers at the train station with automatic weapons shouldered? Not anymore, since they don’t carry ammo. But I used to when they did. Those are just 18–20 year old boys who got handed a deadly weapon. Why should I trust them not to harm me or others with it? I don’t know them, after all. A couple of years back one of them decided to shoot a random girl at a bus stop, just to know how it is to kill someone, so it’s not like this never happens.
If you ask me, the practice should be abandoned, those weapons belong in the armory. You’re not going to stop an invading army with a bunch of lone guys with assault rifles. The only thing you’re going to get is a civil war type situation.
I also don’t buy the whole self defense or preventing crime argument. Crime is a result of poverty and a lack of perspective, not of a lack of guns.
I think people buy guns to make themselves feel safer and more in control, even though the numbers show the opposite effect. It’s like people taking the car rather than the airplane to feel safer because they feel more in control, even though statistically it’s a lot safer to fly than to drive.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Brian White, B.Ag.Sc. Plant Physiology, University of Queensland (1988)
Social inequality makes an unsafe society. This is why people feel they must arm themselves. There is another way.
If you Americans had a functioning peaceful society then open carry would not be necessary. .
Nobody except our police “packs heat” in public. Occasionally there are fist fights, sometimes a stabbing, but rarely shootings except amongst the middle-eastern gangs we imported 30 years ago because someone thought that was a good idea. We are currently deporting these fools as quick as possible to keep our country safe. This is the Australian way.
Anyone carrying a loaded weapon in public in my country had better have a great reason, if not, they go to either the Psych ward for an indefinite stay, or prison, or the first two PLUS deportation if they were not born with Australian citizenship. They will most likely lose their firearm, and the privilege to own and carry one.
When there is an accident or a natural disaster, our citizens spontaneously help, and look out for each other. After a flood, a bushfire, a hurricane (Australians have Cyclones) The Country Womens Association will set up a big tent and start serving tea sandwiches and scones. The men strip down to their shirtsleeves and start fixing stuff and cleaning up for total strangers. It’s how we roll.
We see how you do things there and just shake our heads in wonder how such a powerful country can get the basics so horribly wrong

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Christopher Smith, lives in The United States of America
I personally do not like open carry but I do not disagree with those that want to do it. I have a permit to carry concealed. One really good example is where I Live. In North Carolina. I live just outside a very large city. There are small towns outside the city. Many of them have been around a long time.
In the City, open carry (depending on the area) typically results in folks looking and even a call to the police depending on the behavior of the individual.
In the more rural towns, it is very common to go shopping and run across folks with a pistol on their hip. Nobody even says a word, that is unless the person is acting nuts, which I have not seen yet.
The police in that area do not really hassle open carry folks that I am aware of. I am sure it has happened from time to time but not like in the city.
I think in general people are afraid of guns. They are more afraid of a gun in the hands of someone they do not know. One reason I avoid, some of the local gun clubs or firing ranges is just for that reason. I do not want to be next to someone firing a weapon, who I do not know. I have no clue if they are mentally stable or not.


It is stated repeatedly that we have a gun problem in this country. What we really have is a mental health problem. At the Federal and State level the public mental health system is falling apart. People who commit crimes that are mentally unstable are put in county jails. The county typically does not have the ability to deal with this. The DA and the Judge do not want to deal with it, and Probation does not want to deal with it. In many cases, the person does not have any income so they cannot afford the fines or probation to start with. They cycle through the system over and over until they end up in prison or dead. If they end up in Prison they typically come out more screwed up than they were when they went in.
This is why it is vital that mental health checks should be performed for fire arm purchase. No, it will not solve the world’s problems but it will help.
The other realistic answer is that guns equal huge profit. Firearms are a large part of the history of this country. There is a lot of distrust in the government and many see this as the pinnacle right that stacks on top of all others. There is big money in making sure the manufacturers and the NRA and all the constituents are happy.
People are more apt to be nervous about rifles than side arms. I know there those that want to be able to carry a rifle around town, why I really do not know, but they do. You have the right to do so however the folks that go out on purpose to force an encounter with law enforcement are simply doing things in reverse.


Michael Darrow, former Long-Haul Trucker
Back when I lived in Arizona, on our way to the lake, I stopped at a Circle K convenience store to buy some ice for my cooler. I left my girl friend in the car and went in. I got the bag of ice and got in line behind a biker. He was wearing his colors and looked like any other biker, except he was small. Most bikers seem to me to be big guys and girls. But he was a small person.
He had a pistol in a holster on his hip. (This was Arizona, remember.) My only reaction to the pistol was me thinking, “Damn, that’s a really small pistol. Must be a .22”
So this tiny biker turns to me and says. “Isn’t that your white Camaro out there? I saw you come in. I think your girlfriend wants you.”
I look out in the parking lot and sure enough, there she is waving frantically, bouncing up and down in the seat enough to make the whole car move around. I’m thinking, “What the….? Maybe there’s a bee in the car or something.”
I put down the ice and rush out to her.
“HE’ GOT A GUN!! HE’S GOT A GUN!!”, she screams.
I try to calm her down. I point out that this is Arizona and guns are legal to carry here.
“Get in the car!! Let’s get out of here!!”
“OK, OK, I’ll just get my ice and be right back.”


“No! No! Let’s go! Let’s go!”
So I left her there blubbering on and went to get my ice. I hate hot beer. The biker guy is on his way out and asks, “What was that all about? Is she OK?”
“Yeah, I guess she doesn’t like guns.”
“Oh this little gun? It isn’t even loaded.”
“It’s not loaded? Why do you carry it?”, I ask.
“Well, you know, I got tired of being hassled all the time. Little guy like me on a big ole’ Harley, sometimes people would just mess with me. Once I started wearing this, the trouble stopped. I think of it more like a fashion accessory, not like a real gun.”
So we parted ways, I got the ice, and went to the car.
“Why were you talking to him? He had a gun!!”
I told her the story. That made her sort of confused.


William Thackrey, NRA Life Benefactor, Firearms enthusiast, 3-Gun competitor
When I’m away from home, I’m nearly always carrying concealed (I have a CCW permit), so the sight of someone carrying openly and safely doesn’t make nervous, as much as it makes me angry. Nearly always, the person is trying to inflame the public to make a political point about their Constitutionally protected right to bear arms. More often than not, they’re brandishing an AR just to freak people out. I recently had an AR-weilding asshat sweep me with his muzzle TWICE while I was trying to eat my waffle at my local Waffle House. I was carrying concealed at the time. As I was leaving I told him “You need to pay attention to that muzzle. The last time you pointed that rifle at me, you nearly died bleeding out on the floor of a Waffle House.” No I did not brandish my Sig. That would have been illegal, and was unnecessary. He took his hands off his rifle and let it hang by the sling.
I am a very vocal supporter of the Bill of Rights, very much including the 2nd of those rights. Carrying a shiny-new DPMS AR-15 into a restaurant just to make a political statement, is just stupid, and is not going to win any support for gun rights from the general public.


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