2023-07-23 骑着毛驴到处走 3726
With the coronavirus pandemic, school and work disruptions and a contentious election season contributing to countless sleepless nights, sleep experts have encouraged people to adopt a variety of measures to overcome their stress-related insomnia. Among their recommendations: engage in regular exercise, establish a nightly bedtime routine and cut back on screen time and social media.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But many people may be overlooking another important factor in poor sleep: diet. A growing body of research suggests that the foods you eat can affect how well you sleep, and your sleep patterns can affect your dietary choices.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Researchers have found that eating a diet that is high in sugar, saturated fat and processed carbohydrates can disrupt your sleep, while eating more plants, fiber and foods rich in unsaturated fat — such as nuts, olive oil, fish and avocados — seems to have the opposite effect, helping to promote sound sleep.


Much of what we know about sleep and diet comes from large epidemiological studies that, over the years, have found that people who suffer from consistently bad sleep tend to have poorer quality diets, with less protein, fewer fruits and vegetables, and a higher intake of added sugar from foods like sugary beverages, desserts and ultra-processed foods. But by their nature, epidemiological studies can show only correlations, not cause and effect. They cannot explain, for example, whether poor diet precedes and leads to poor sleep, or the reverse.


To get a better understanding of the relationship between diet and sleep, some researchers have turned to randomized controlled trials in which they tell participants what to eat and then look for changes in their sleep. A number of studies have looked at the impact of a diverse array of individual foods, from warm milk to fruit juice. But those studies often have been small and not very rigorous.


Some of these trials have also been funded by the food industry, which can bias results. One study funded by Zespri International, the world’s largest marketer of kiwi fruit, for example, found that people assigned to eat two kiwis an hour before their bedtime every night for four weeks had improvements in their sleep onset, duration and efficiency. The authors of the study attributed their findings in part to an “abundance” of antioxidants in kiwis. But importantly, the study lacked a control group, so it is possible that any benefits could have resulted from the placebo effect.


Other studies funded by the cherry industry have found that drinking tart cherry juice can modestly improve sleep in people with insomnia, supposedly by promoting tryptophan, one of the building blocks of the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin. Tryptophan is an amino acid found in many foods, including dairy and turkey, which is one of the reasons commonly given for why so many of us feel so sleepy after our Thanksgiving feasts. But tryptophan has to cross the blood-brain barrier to have any soporific effects, and in the presence of other amino acids found in food it ends up competing, largely unsuccessfully, for absorption. Studies show that eating protein-rich foods such as milk and turkey on their own actually decreases the ability of tryptophan to cross the blood-brain barrier.


One way to enhance tryptophan’s uptake is to pair foods that contain it with carbohydrates. That combination stimulates the release of insulin, which causes competing amino acids to be absorbed by muscles, in turn making it easier for tryptophan to cross into the brain, said Marie-Pierre St-Onge, an associate professor of nutritional medicine at Columbia University Irving Medical Center and the director of the Sleep Center of Excellence at Columbia.


Dr. St-Onge has spent years studying the relationship between diet and sleep. Her work suggests that rather than emphasizing one or two specific foods with supposedly sleep-inducing properties, it is better to focus on the overall quality of your diet. In one randomized clinical trial, she and her colleagues recruited 26 healthy adults and controlled what they ate for four days, providing them regular meals prepared by nutritionists while also monitoring how they slept at night. On the fifth day, the subjects were allowed to eat whatever they wanted.


The researchers discovered that eating more saturated fat and less fiber from foods like vegetables, fruits and whole grains led to reductions in slow-wave sleep, which is the deep, restorative kind. In general, clinical trials have also found that carbohydrates have a significant impact on sleep: People tend to fall asleep much faster at night when they consume a high-carbohydrate diet compared to when they consume a high-fat or high-protein diet. That may have something to do with carbs helping tryptophan cross into the brain more easily.


But the quality of carbs matters. In fact, they can be a double-edged sword when it comes to slumber. Dr. St-Onge has found in her research that when people eat more sugar and simple carbs — such as white bread, bagels, pastries and pasta — they wake up more frequently throughout the night. In other words, eating carbs may help you fall asleep faster, but it is best to consume “complex” carbs that contain fiber, which may help you obtain more deep, restorative sleep.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“Complex carbohydrates provide a more stable blood sugar level,” said Dr. St-Onge. “So if blood sugar levels are more stable at night, that could be the reason complex carbohydrates are associated with better sleep.”


One example of a dietary pattern that may be optimal for better sleep is the Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes such foods as vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, seafood, poultry, yogurt, herbs and spices and olive oil. Large observational studies have found that people who follow this type of dietary pattern are less likely to suffer from insomnia and short sleep, though more research is needed to confirm the correlation.


But the relationship between poor diet and bad sleep is a two-way street: Scientists have found that as people lose sleep, they experience physiological changes that can nudge them to seek out junk food. In clinical trials, healthy adults who are allowed to sleep only four or five hours a night end up consuming more calories and snacking more frequently throughout the day. They experience significantly more hunger and their preference for sweet foods increases.


In men, sleep deprivation stimulates increased levels of ghrelin, the so-called hunger hormone, while in women, restricting sleep leads to lower levels of GLP-1, a hormone that signals satiety,


“So in men, short sleep promotes greater appetite and desire to eat, and in women there is less of a signal that makes you stop eating,” said Dr. St-Onge.


Changes also occur in the brain. Dr. St-Onge found that when men and women were restricted to four hours of nightly sleep for five nights in a row, they had greater activation in reward centers of the brain in response to pepperoni pizza, doughnuts and candy compared to healthy foods such as carrots, yogurt, oatmeal and fruit. After five nights of normal sleep, however, this pattern of stronger brain responses to the junk food disappeared.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Another study, led by researchers at King’s College London, also demonstrated how proper sleep can increase your willpower to avoid unhealthy foods. It found that habitually short sleepers who went through a program to help them sleep longer — resulting in their getting roughly an hour of additional sleep each night — had improvements in their diet. The most striking change was that they cut about 10 grams of added sugar from their diets each day, the equivalent of about two and a half teaspoons.


The takeaway is that diet and sleep are entwined. Improving one can help you improve the other and vice versa, creating a positive cycle where they perpetuate one another, said Dr. Susan Redline, a senior physician at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and a professor of sleep medicine at Harvard Medical School who studies diet and sleep disorders.


“The best way to approach health is to emphasize a healthy diet and healthy sleep,” she added. “These are two very important health behaviors that can reinforce each other.”


Strikes me that as we get older, sleep becomes trickier. when I was younger I could eat before bed and sleep through the night, no problem. However, now, eating before bed does not affect my ability to GO to sleep, but it does affect my ability to STAY asleep. I'm typically up a few hours later. I read somewhere that it has to do with insulin or cortisone that are secreted after eating.


I agree. I think Age plays a role, but overall health does even more, from my pov. Like, I'm 35 now, when I was slimmer I could eat things and sleep with no issues, but I've shot up 30+ pounds (over the covid19 holiday) now it's harder to sleep. I think certain foods and your overall digestion speed also factors in. Even if you're young, eating a bunch of meat ( or something else that needs longer digestion) requires the help of gravity... From my pov. So laying down could create some issues. Just using what we know, we know that everyone's body goes thru a process, Temp chages etc, for digestion.


How does one get used to this? I seem to get peckish after 2 hours - maybe a big meal 3 hours before bed would be fine?


Someone once told me when I was hungry late at night/wanted seconds: try drinking water. Maybe you’re just thirsty? Changed my entire life from that moment on. room temp water helped me soo much from feeling like I wanna have a big meal. Also switching from drinking cold water to room temp water has helped significantly; I am less hungry.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I can't sleep when hungry, either. I just had a lightish dinner then couldn't get to sleep and wound up getting up to eat more. I don't know how these people do it. I mean, obviously it works for them, but not for me.
I don't think that there's one answer for everyone on this.


I eat fairly big meals now, and don't snack -- but I used to. I grew up snacking constantly and did so into my 40s. A few years ago, frustrated with being slightly heavier than I wanted to be, I decided to cut snacking, and I think it's been good for me. (I still occasionally have a snack, but for the most part I try not to). The idea was that I would reduce my average blood sugar which would be healthier, but still, when I sleep I get hungry. Focusing on 3 main meals in the day makes it much easier to eat a higher proportion of healthy food.


I did a gastric emptying test once and was told i could not lay down between “xray pictures” because it would slow or stop the smooth muscle movement of the stomach that aids digestion. So it is my understanding that it is best to wait for as much food to leave the stomach before lying down (4 hrs ish) or else it just sits in there all night.
Edit: I suppose this just impacts the actual digestion and I am not sure how that would affect sleep.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Large meals makes me sleep.


I think size and timing before bed plays a huge role in your sleep. If I know I’m going to eat a large dinner such as 800+ calories, I’ll try to eat it at least 4 hours before sleeping. If I know I’m going to eat a small dinner, such as less than 400 calories, I’ll try to give myself at least 2 hours. When I switched to eating larger breakfasts and lunches, it made it much easier to eat smaller dinners since I already had enough calories from earlier in the day. My sleep has improved significantly when using this schedule.


My experience has been, it depends what I eat as well as when I ate it. For example, the all too many times I’ve had a burrito or something heavy, sleep is atrocious. But sometimes something like a bowl of cereal and almond milk or a little oatmeal have helped me sleep. I don’t recall where I read that some carbs can be helpful for aiding sleep.


Carb-rich meals can boost tryptophan and serotonin, two neuro-chemicals involved in sleep. So people often report falling asleep easier/quicker after consuming starchy carb rich meals.


biology is insanely complex, there is no straight answer and you need to be extremely careful taking advice from online health/nutrition/excercise as they only repeat things that " sound good" and get people to click on the site. Real, factual answers are very complex and boiling them to what is essentially BS is bad. Listen to your body, talk to your doctor, eat real food.
Any source that claims " 2/3 hours before bed is bad" or " eating before bed results in weight gain" is 100% wrong and written by someone copying and pasting "bro science" from sources that are definitely not scientific in order to make $$ and get viewers. Ignore sources like this as it will do more harm then good.
My thoughts:
Everyone who says the line " 2/3 hours before bed is bad" is 100% wrong, that piece of information is like saying " you have to eat breakfast" and "you have to sleep 8 hours a day" and "you have to drink 8 glasses of water a day".
ALL OF THOSE ARE NOT SCIENTIFIC. The only thing that's true about those statements is that we do need to eat drink and sleep,which isn't hard to figure out. be very aware of sources that blast information like there that source is nothing more than "bro science", it sounds nice but factually complete garbage.


I’ve listened to him for many hours on several podcasts talk about his research and I feel like he said repeatedly that the research shows a dip in sleep quality during the first phase of sleep when a large meal is eaten before falling asleep...is there really no evidence of this or anything like it?


Nothing that's consistent, that I've been able to find.for me personally, I like it, helps get a good deep sleep ( sleep monitor watch). Sorry, no simple answer on this topic.
There's plenty of studies showing caffeine is horrible for sleep, while several show caffeine right before bed helps get a better sleep.
Studies like this are not black and white, you have to LITERALLY read the actual study for things like " participants were given 350 mg of caffeine to simulate drinking coffee before bed".
This was a study i read once and I was like , holy fucking shit, you gave people pure caffeine, and an amount equal to 3+ cups of coffee and you say they got a bad sleep? The people who made the study were not idiots, they stated at the bottom (paraphrasing) " we believe we gave too much caffeine and in an unnatural form, and without including the participants caffeine history, we recommend this study is repeated with the following changes".
And obviously this was because one week I saw DOZENS of articles all saying coffee is horrible for sleep, even 6 hours before bed. I actually had to do detective work to find the actual study, after that, never trusted a headline or "health" website. It seemed like not a single one actually read the study.


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