2021-07-02 不如狗 10715

What's the most outdated thing you still use today?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Evan Stamurgatroyd
My Playstation 2.


Kenya Carter
Definitely our home phone.


Stu Feldt
I still use a notebook almost every day

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Gutenberg Petit-vil
My life


Tessa Murray
A flip PHONE they are like dinosaur bones

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My TV is a 27 inch Toshiba CRT.
Installing it into the wall unit caused one hernia. I'd pay $50 for someone else to remove it from the living room AND take it away.
The other problem is that the biggest LCD TV that will fit in the same space is a 32 inch LCD, and that's not big enough. I'd take 50 inches and put it on a TV cart.

But, what would I do with the big, empty, square space in the wall unit? Maybe an aquarium...


John Enfield
I still use my ClickFree Automatic Backup gadget to back up my computer files. They haven't made one in years and the company itself is out of business, but the gadget still works better than newer backup devices that I've used from other companies.
I also still use a push button cell phone. It's 4G but it doesn't browse online and you can't download apps to it. I like it though because it had big, easy to use buttons, has a long battery life and is much more durable than a smart phone. It was cheap too. Less than $10.

我仍然再用着免费自动备份(ClickFree Automatic Backup应该是某备份软件名称)小工具来备份我的电脑文件。它们已经一年没开发了,公司也已经破产。但是这个小工具依旧比我使用过的其他公司的备份软件要好用。

Billie Panic
My son still has his 20’ tube TV going in his room. He won’t let me buy him a small flat screen. I think it’s because he doesn’t really watch it, it’s just background noise.
I still use my 25 year old alarm clock because ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’.


Dr. Kleiner
The most Outdated thing I use is probably the Xbox One, I used to play Grand Theft Auto IV on the Xbox One before I accidentally destroyed it because I was too addicted to it and played for over a Month.

可能我用的最过时的东西就是Xbox One(一款微软的游戏机)了。在我意外弄坏它之前,我一直用它来玩侠盗猎车手4。我沉迷了一个多月。

Seema Singh
Its been 8 years. My elder brother brought me Sony Walkman Player(red color) from Dubai. Still I'm using it. In last year I buy new data USB charger cable for it because the old one is not working properly while I used as car player. It didn't get attached with my car player. What about you, which is most outdated thing you used ?


John Enfield
You might say that the wooden pencil is 'outdated', since there are now metal and/or plastic mechanical pencils, computer hardware and software pairings that let you write and draw, etc. However, when I sketch, whether it is the first draft of a landscape design or a piece of art (even if it may eventually become a painting), I always use wooden pencils. I like the feel of them and I like being able to change the shape of the pencil tip (graphite 'lead' and surrounding wood) to achieve different effects in line thickness and darkness, shading, etc. that you can't do with a mechanical pencil or pen. I've tried drawing using a Wacom tablet on a computer with a stylus but I find it less intuitive. The difficulty of learning how to manipulate the software saps my creative energy. By the time I've figured out how to make it do something I want to do, I've often lost some aspect of the creative idea that I initially had.
I feel that way about writing too. When writing a short story, I do the outline and first draft on paper with a wooden pencil, then type it into a word processor program like Microsoft WordPad which is so simple that it doesn't get too much in the way of creativity as I begin to piece my hand written notes together. Then, I copy and paste that into a full-fledged program like Microsoft Word for editing. I can only begin writing something on a computer if it is very short and doesn't involve a lot of creative thinking.

我在写作上也有这种感觉。但我写一篇短篇故事时,我会在线下用木制铅笔在纸上打个初稿, 然后在十分简单的类似微软的写字板的文字处理程序中录入进去,当我开始拼凑我手写的笔记时,它并没有太多地妨碍我发挥创造力。

Logan smith
Some outdated items include:
Watches. ...
Answering machines. ...
Taxis. ...
The personal computer (PC). ...
Department stores. ...
Record stores. ...


Du Nguyen
Well there are many things like food and devices.
The 2 things we can all still use i honey and Vegemite though.
You can leave Vegemite outside and it won't grow mould same with honey!


I use my Coolpad Note 3 plus mobile which is almost a 5-year-old phone. I think it's the most outdated thing that I still use to date.
And it's working finely even though it didn't get even a single upxe.

我用了5年的酷派Note 3 plus手机。我想这是我至今为止用的最过时的东西。

Well we still use out dated things like a radio in the car.


I'm not sure if the air is outdated or not, but air does back to when the earth was created!


windows 7 i have it but now i use windows 10 more tho i will still use 7 every now and then

我有windows 7,但是现在我使用windows 10更多,我仍然会时不时地使用windows 7

I still use my xbox 360 to play minecraft though i have it on my pc and switch

我仍然在用xbox 360虽玩我的世界,虽然我在PC和switch上都有下载它。

I use a Gameboy advance SP. I just love the old stuff.

我用的是Gba SP,我喜欢旧的东西。

Many More things like:
keypad mobile phone (not exactly outdated)
Diaries for maintaining monthly home expenses.


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