2021-01-25 凌☆♂宇 9410

What is the reason people live alone?


the reasons can be categorized into 3 categories. ( I would answer in the concept, why would someone become a “loner”)
1)people who lack social skills
while people who have bad social skill can also make friends and relationships. they’re very prone to end up alone or to stay alone for a long while.
they’re not good at maintaining friendships/relationships and obviously starting them. this is the first level. people who can’t attract others. not good at first impressions.
usually, people who are autistic/Aspergers or were raised in specific environments, making their mindsets a specific way and very intelligent people fall under this category.


2)people who have mental problems.
things like social anxiety, depression.
introversion is a personality trait, just like extroversion, and it’s not a mental problem in any way. introverts would have personal prefers.
these people can end up as loners by choice as well.
being raised in a negative environment will make people see others and life in a different way. ex: schizoids, avoidant personality disorder.
and this type can be charming and charismatic in first impressions.


3)people who are loners and should always be like that. (this is related to point 2 as well, but I decided to separate those type of people)
this type of people can be actually very charming and charismatic. only, on the surface level.
they are either:
1) incapable of forming deep relationships. it’s either because:
they don’t have the emotional capacity for this(psychopaths, narcissists, Machiavellians) could be a good example. but they can have a lot of “acquaintances”. but they don't have the emotional bonding, so they would need any closeness to others.
they had a traumatic childhood, that made them form some traits. making them unable to understand how to form a close relationship.
2)they are destructive.
the people who get close to them, get hurt in a way or another, intentionally or unintentionally. so, these people leave them, and probably spread a bad reputation about them.



原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

a bonus point,
hurt people. this type of people usually have had many relationships in their past, and are capable of forming deep relationships when they find someone “suitable”.
and I don’t mean “hurt people” as someone who got cheated on.
hurt people, people who felt betrayed by everyone they knew. they lost faith in others. so they decided it’s better to stay alone, building walls between them and others. this type of people could be someone was formerly had many relationships and made many people like him. then things happen, and they just change. they get disappointed.


a big myth that I see here in many answers, that should be addressed.
introverts and being a “loner” are not correlated AT ALL. introverts would have few but very close friends. being a loner is always a result of a problem. and that problem would be classified as any of the 4 points above.
someone could be “alone” for a combination of the past 4 points.


if your question is about” living alone, as in house alone”
it could be because they wanted to separate from their parents and start to depend on themselves.
or, because someone who is focused on other things in life other than getting a partner.
this person’s parents died.
this person’s family died(wife/ children).


I like to live alone. Why? Because:
I like to keep my surroundings clean. More people= more mess and most people don’t even get bothered.
Cuz I am too much in love with doing things my way, be it cooking or dressing up or doing any of the household chores. I hate when people tell me to do a certain thing in a certain way.


I offend people. I am better left alone cuz I can be a real pain in the ass sometimes.
I like to be naked sometimes. I hate to get dressed up in the bathroom and then come out after a bath. I like to just wrap around a towel and come in my room. You cannot do that with other people in the house, especially when there’s no bathroom attached to your bedroom or if you don’t have your own bedroom.
I hate interruptions while I am in the middle of something, even if it’s just staring at an empty wall or ceiling. I get disturbed easily.


I don’t talk my heart out and I don't expect people to just get what I want or get what I am feeling and act accordingly. It’s an unrealistic expectation to have and it causes a lot of misunderstandings.
I love silence. I don’t like any kind of background noises, be it television or people talking or whatever.
I am more productive when I am alone. I cannot even make a phone call in front of anybody, even if it’s a family member, no matter how important that call is supposed to be. I get very conscious and awkward.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

For me, I was a dumb and socially awkward kid. I barely had any social skills, so, I ended up doing self-containing hobbies like Photoshop, coding or did some crappy painting from time to time!.
Although, I really like core aspects of introversion such as solitude, private time, reading and so on. I don’t want to spend my rest of my life as an introvert.
If you’re a hardcore introvert just like me, then you could really make sense of what I’m trying to say here.
If you’re an introvert, you may spend most of your time on overthinking, rationalizing or over analyzing crap about others. Especially, pay more attention for what others said to you.


Also, things like traumatic episodes, daydreaming are real time killers. Once you caught up into this rabbit hole of thoughts. You’ll never come outside into the physical reality..
So, hiding behind the excuses won’t get you any positive result. So, I’m gonna go out and start living my life alongside others!.
If you want money, no matter how good you’re at the skills you have. If you’re reluctant to socialize then you’ll really struggle to make a penny!.


You are away from all the bullshit the world has to offer. Yes, gossip, backbitching is far to common than you'll realise. And trust me every one is a hungry wolf nowadays. So let them cut one another out. “I love to be the spectator” to their little game
You have more time to yourself: Now, this is fabulous. You can now work on yourself and be incharge of your own mind instead on someone else's mind.
You are self reliant, now, this one's really great. You're self sufficient and pay your own bills.


You start to find joy in some of the most minute things of life. For example I love the process of making my own coffee and having it as I do my work. The feeling is just amazing. Or reading a nice book.
You focus on what's important. Yes as stop following the stupid trends of life. You become more responsible and mature. You'll take your craft more seriously. And yes that reaps all kinds of fruits.
You invest in meaningful relationships. For example, I have this friend and we have been friends for years now, and yes. Almost nothing has changed.


I can only tell you why I like to live alone. First of all, I’m an introvert and am quickly depleted by being around others. The constant noise and stimulation wears me out, and gets on my last nerve. When I start getting this way and am unable to get away, I get very crabby and short-tempered. When I was married, twice, I was always trying to find a place to be alone, away from the incessant drone of the television that my husbands turned on the moment they arose, and didn’t turn off until they finally went to bed. It was like fingernails down a blackboard for me. That’s when I started taking hours long hot baths. They were my escape, even though ex #2 constantly disturbed me out of spite. He wanted me to sit with him while he watched television programs that had no interest for me, and was mad that I wouldn’t, so did spiteful things to get even.


This brings me to my second reason for preferring to live alone: other people’s expectations. All tolled, I was married for 25 years of my life, and dated or was in relationships when I was single. It always involved their having expectations of me that I might not agree with or like. Even making plans for dinner or a party a few days in advance became annoying. When the appointed day came, I may look forward to the date, but I’m just as likely to not feel like going, staying home in my jammies streaming a good movie. This always lead to problems. Because of my introversion, men told me I was the least demanding woman they ever knew. They loved that about me, until they decided it meant I didn’t care for them. I know most other women accept expectations and demands, or obligations, as what one does to maintain a relationship. But, my personality type, ISTP, is fiercely independent and freedom loving. Being bound by obligations makes me feel claustrophobic, gasping for air. Although men who come on strong wanting to spend every free moment with the obxt of their desire makes most women feel loved, it made me feel imprisoned. I broke up with more than one guy for this reason.


I know my feelings aren’t common, but there are a few others out there like me. We live alone because it’s our "default" setting. Living with others feels too restrictive, like tight clothing, and downright irritating. I’ve been living alone since I divorced my second husband 20 years ago, and I’ve never been happier. Frankly, I can’t understand why anyone would want to live with someone else.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Let me tell my reasons for living alone
But before that, I’m an extrovert !! So how is it that I like to live alone more despite being an extrovert ??
I do have a lot of friends no doubt . A lot of people do say so too. But in reality they’re only people I know! I don’t keep people really close to me . So my friends usually talk about their shit or us talking about kpop or anime in general or we do gossip. Well gossiping is something which is not worth to hear and I don’t wanna gossip but , I’m still involved in their talk. So hearing stuff like" This girl is a big hoe , she sucks dick a lot or this that etc ”, it sounds fun hearing this but as you mature these talks sound silly. So I’m tired of hearing such stories , I like to hang out on my own , probably run into trouble and have an adventure alone.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Talking about hanging out alone , Having a person over or just having a roommate in general , he or she or it have certain habits which I won’t like. Of course I have to sext carefully, but some behaviours can’t be explained until you notice them. Just imagine you living with a person who has weird habits or has a lust for vodka or cigarettes, meanwhile I’m a non smoker or drinker? Yes!! Could make me be like them?? 90% yes! Now I know why my grandparents tell me to avoid being friends with smokers or drinkers.
I love cosplaying a lot, I started cosplaying this year !! It’s so much fun.!! So I love to have my own personal space to make my costume ..


I’m happy lgbt!. Last two months a friend of mine tried to convince me I’m a bisexual … me being old enough to know and she ain’t gonna change that. I stoped talking to her now , and yeah it’s 2019 , people can get offended easily now , so me alone also equals not being known within lgbt community.
I did mention I like living alone, there are something’s you can do which outweighs the disadvantage! Those can be like coming out of bath naked without having to dress up inside the bathroom or dancing with your bias whole night or reading some fan fics or devoloping some hobbies !! Possibilities are endless !! And since you’re alone there ain’t gonna be anyone disturbing your sleep ,and no one gonna make disgusting faces when you make some food !!


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