2021-01-27 根就是韭菜就是根 27495

I'm African American and trying to leave the USA. I'm looking for a country that treats black people right and that speaks English. Where should I move?


Charles Underwood Farley
, Sticking it to the Man since forever and a day
Originally Answered: I’m African American and trying to leave the USA. I’ m looking for a country that treats black people right and that speaks English. Where should I move?
If you think you're suffering prejudice in America, and you want to move abroad to get away from that, and you want an Anglophone country, unless you goto West Africa or the Carribean, you're in for a disappointment. The problem with Africa or the Carribean is, how you gonna make a living? The only choice out of those places where that is possible really is South Africa. Where you’re going to run into race issues as well, more than likely. Unless subsistence farming or nomadic herding is your thing, there isn't any other options. If you have enough money to live on for the rest of your life, then go for it, I guess.
You're going to find racism in UK, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, Canada, and in non Anglophone countries its often worse.
Frankly, if that's your only reason to emigrate, I’d think about just moving to another area in the US. As much as the media leads you to think otherwise, it's not as bad in the US as it is in a lot of places. The only caveat is the cops. Cops in other countries are much less inclined to go straight to violence. Now if that's your reason, it's a valid one. Just don't expect to magically no longer encounter racism, because inevitably you will. It just might not be as heavy handed.


But if that is your reason, your're probably poor. Cops in the US pick on the perceived poor people of any color. You will need a skill set they require in order to get a long term visa in any Anglophone country outside of the developing world. Western counties lord over their borders with vigor, and if you don’t have some skill they need, a pile of money, or are not a refugee from Syria, you’re not staying legally. Staying illegally will have you ending up worse han you would be in Africa, as you’ll be working for peanuts in an expensive country, and if you're a rather visible target to get your papers checked so you'll be looking over your shoulder in perpetuity.
In many Third World countries you often can extend your visa indefinitely, but again, that does give you a pass on racism. Even at one of those borders, don't be surprised if the customs officers thinks your US passport is a fake. I've seen it happen. Find a skill that is in demand in the country you wanto go to that locals cannot do. In all Anglophone countries, that is well sewn up in common fields. Just like in the US, they don't like the idea of you going there taking jobs the locals can do. You might consider a non English speaking country and teaching it. But in Europe that can be difficult for non EU citizens, which now means Irish are the predominant people teaching English in Europe, as unlike you they don’t require a visa. Schools are going to hire one of them over you any day to avoid that headache. If you're set on an Anglophone country, consider a student visa and figuring it out from there. This can be an expensive way to go, however. But it is likely your only option in some countries like Australia.


Tom Smith
Originally Answered: I’m African American and trying to leave the USA. I’ m looking for a country that treats black people right and that speaks English. Where should I move?
Good luck. A good read is the August 2020 issue of Fortune Magazine - America’s Black Brain Drain: “Why Black American professionals are moving abroad- and staying there”. The article seems to focus on Black expats in Europe. From the article it is quite evident that Blacks find rampant racism in Europe (see excerpts below). Yet some still find it more refreshing - that being Black in America is exhausting - it is the burden of race always being present. I am including two excerpts from the article below

祝你好运吧。以下是《财富》杂志2020年8月1日的一篇好文 -- 《为何美国黑人专业人士正移居海外并留在国外?》。这篇文章关注的似乎是欧洲的黑人侨民,从这篇文章中可以很明显的看出:黑人在欧洲发现了猖獗的种族主义(见以下节选)。然而,让人更耳目一新的是:在美国、作为黑人已经让人精疲力竭,种族负担一直是存在的,我摘选了此文的两个段落:

00001. Working abroad, these executives say they left behind the fatigue that many described as routine for Black people in corporate America: the exhaustion brought about by being asked to solve your company’s diversity issues; living by the unwritten rules that dictate how you present yourself at work; having to prove every day that you deserve to be in your role. Once abroad, with the weight of their companies behind them, many Black expatriates said they felt instantly valued and treated with a level of respect and deference from their colleagues they had not known in the U.S.
00002. Over a decade, Léger says he tried repeatedly to secure a full-time role with the UN, or as a corporate communications executive with a multinational company. Léger, who is Haitian-American and speaks both English and French, says at the UN he was repeatedly passed over; the jobs ended up going to Brits who were not perfectly bilingual—a supposed prerequisite for those roles. In the corporate world, interviews abounded, but he says the leads would turn cold once he showed up in person. One would-be employer went as far as explicitly citing his race as an issue, he says, telling him, “Our investors will have a problem with a Black spokesperson.” Eventually Léger started following the European practice of putting his photo on his résumé to spare himself the grief. Once he did, even the interviews dried up.
00003. Léger attributes part of his struggle to a lack of formal or informal support structures. The number of top Black executives in the U.S. is woeful, but in Europe Léger found the situation to be far worse. “

Léger 说,在过去十年里,他反复努力争取在联合国担任全职职务,或者在一家跨国公司担任企业公关主管。Léger 是海地裔美国人,他会说英语和法语。Léger 说道,在联合国、他屡次被忽视,这些工作最终都被完全不懂双语的盎撒人接手,这被当成了担任这些职务的先决条件。在企业界、他也进行了大量面试,但他表示,一旦他亲自出现、潜在的雇主就会变得冷淡。他说,一个潜在的雇主甚至明确将他的种族看作一个问题,并告诉他:“我们的投资者会对一位黑人发言人有意见的!”最终,Léger 开始效仿欧洲的做法,将自己的照片放在简历上,以免使自己难过。但他这样做了之后,就连面试机会也没有了。
Léger 将自己的苦难部分归因于缺乏正式或非正式的援助体系。美国黑人高管的数量令人遗憾,但在欧洲,Léger 发现情况还要糟糕得多。

So consider what it is you gain when you move abroad - other comments in the article is that when moving over seas the interviewees said that they were seen first as American and second as Black. If you think people will no longer see your skin color - I suspect that is the wrong reason to go to a foreign country. If you are tired of everything being perceived as about race and feel many consider you to speak for all Blacks in America or your community and you are tired of the constant expectations- you may do very well over seas. Wish I could recommend the perfect place for you; but I can not. I can only hope you are able to weigh advantages/disadvantages and wish you good luck.


Timothy J Bradley
Jason Neal
, BS Engineering & Mathematics, The United States of America (1999) and
Andy Matsumoto
, lives in The United States of America (1993-present)
Originally Answered: I’m African American and trying to leave the USA. I’ m looking for a country that treats black people right and that speaks English. Where should I move?
British colonial Africa - Kenya,for example. They are black and speak English, plus some tribal languages. But I warn you - black Africans (as opposed to African-Americans) will place no premium on your black skin. I worked for many years with an African woman from Cameroon and NONE of the African-American women in my 15 years experience extended any “kumbaya” good will toward her. Don’t be lookin’ for a “safe place” for your dark skin to call home. Don’t take this personally, but I think you have been poorly schooled in your race-relations education. The USA has spent years trying to atone for the harm done by black African captors, selling their captives to white European traders to work the fields owned by mostly, but not all, white folks in both the US, the Caribbean, and South America. Oppression is equal opportunity - money was the motivator, not racial hatred or even prejudice. The traders were mostly north African, Moslem blacks, as a matter of historical fact. The captors were the stronger African tribesmen. You will find that most black Africans are poor, and work very, very, hard, so your “black Af- Am privilege” won’t get you very far with them, as you have been very well cushioned in this “racist USA” system. I wish you well, it ain’t your fault that you have been brain-washed that the USA is racist

到英国(前)殖民地非洲去吧,例如肯尼亚。他们是黑人、说英语,还说一些部落语言。不过我要警告你 -- 非洲黑人(相比于非裔美国人)可不会欣赏你的黑皮肤。我与一位来自喀麦隆的非洲女性共事多年,在我的15年工作经验中,没有任何一位非裔美国女性对她表示过善意。不要觉得为你的黑皮肤找到一个“安全的地方”、就能把这个地方当成家。
别当真,但我认为你在种族关系教育方面受的教育很差。多年以来,美国一直在努力弥补黑奴贩子带来的伤害,这些人贩子将俘虏送往美国、加勒比和南美洲大部分白人拥有的土地上工作。压迫是实现平等的机会 -- 金钱才是动力,而不是种族仇恨甚至偏见。据史料记载,这些人贩子大多是北非的穆斯林黑人,抓捕者则是强壮的非洲部落人。你会发现大多数非洲黑人都很穷,而且工作非常、非常的努力,所以你的“非裔美国人特权”也起不到什么作用,因为你在“种族主义的美国”已经被磨平了锋芒。我还是祝你好运,你被洗脑、认为美国是个种族主义国家,这也不是你的错。

Alea Samos
, studied Counseling & Spanish at Master of Science Degrees (1991)
I suggest Ghana or Southern Nigeria (Northern Nigeria if you are Muslim). Liberia also has a lot of potential - it was founded by former American slaves and has a special trade agreement with the USA. Egypt is facinating.
You could also choose Brazil, but will have to learn Portuguese - which is a beautiful and rich language. Here you could be an English teacher (get your BA in English and teaching credential for High School).
If you like animals perhaps being a tour guide for photography Safaris. Kenya, South Africa and Namibia have these. Many speak English there.
Most Important is WHAT can YOU offer the citizens of these countries? Make sure you are educated in something they need in those countries: nursing, doctor, engineering, business, teaching, etc. You of course will have to work. No welfare in these countries. Make sure you learn the history, arts, cinema and politics of the country you want to move to. Be respectful of their laws and customs.
Please understand that though many of the nations in Africa use English as their teaching and governmental language - most African people are bi-lingual with their Tribal-languages and English. If you get married there or hopefully get many friends - try to learn the local language as well. It will help you become closer to your new friends and family.

我建议你去加纳或尼日利亚南部(如果你是穆斯林,就去尼日利亚北部吧)。利比亚也有较好的潜力 -- 它是由前美国努力建立的,与美国有一项特殊贸易协定,埃及也很有吸引力。
请你理解,尽管许多非洲国家使用英语作为他们的教学语言和官方语言,但大多数非洲人都说双语 -- 即说部落语言和英语。如果你在那边结婚或者有很多朋友的话,也需要努力学习当地的语言,这会帮助你与你的新朋友和家人更加亲近。

Nana Togonmesi Abloklu Danfira Adedufira
, A 26 year American Army veteran ministering to the Spirits of Africa.
Originally Answered: I’m African American and trying to leave the USA. I’ m looking for a country that treats black people right and that speaks English. Where should I move?
“I’m African American and trying to leave the USA. I’ m looking for a country that treats black people right and that speaks English. Where should I move?”
So a lot of answers are from the “America is the best” crowd.
Here's some things to consider; what languages do you speak?
Do you know anyone in a foreign country?
Are you prepared for culture shock? The first time I went to a bar in Germany I was shocked when the cashier put my change in a bowl instead of in my hand.
The trick to expatriating is not being “the Ugly American”, the stereotypical American that goes to other countries and complain that they aren't like us.
I personally recommend Ghana or Togo. Beautiful scenery, lovely people, decent cost of living, and Ghana is one of the African nations to institute the Right of Return, encouraging professionals in the diaspora to return.
A word of caution. The naysayers got one thing right. In a land where skin color is not an impediment, character is everything. Whether you go to Europe, Asia, Oceania, South America or Africa the trajectory of success relies on your adherence to local cultural norms and your ability to positively affect the economy.


Dave Turner
, lives in Hell (2020-present)
Originally Answered: I’m African American and trying to leave the USA. I’ m looking for a country that treats black people right and that speaks English. Where should I move?
This may not help but here goes..first of all English isnt common everywhere, also regardless were you go you'll always be American unfortunately. Look past a place that has English, if your willing to accept learning another language it definitely helps
Next lots of places will still treat you as a foreigner however even then you could still have good relationships.
Next and this isn't something majority of Americans will understand but I did time in Asia, asians overseas have a different take on black people that's very different from USA. Black people aren't seen as a bad thing but sometimes more of a curiosity ordeal.
Seeing a black person isn't very common in alot of places, next dark skin means something different in Asia being white or light skin is considered not being a rural farmer or poor. There's tons of advertisement for white skin. Being black to them would more or less have them wondering if you worked outside alot that your skin got dark.
Also understand there are different cultural norms, values overseas to that you have to adapt, you'd need to unlearn american system.
So where ever you move overseas have a child like curiosity. Best of luck

还有一点,并不是大多数美国人能够理解的,但我在亚洲体验过。与 美国非常不同,在亚洲、黑人并不被视为坏人,但有时候你会被人们的好奇心折磨。

Judith Watson
, former Retired at University of Brighton (2001-2018)
Originally Answered: I’m African American and trying to leave the USA. I’ m looking for a country that treats black people right and that speaks English. Where should I move?
If those are your only criteria then somewhere in Africa is an obvious choice. You have a lot of choice: South Africa, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Botswana, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Uganda are all countries where you can move without speaking any languages other than English. You would have to do a lot of research to find out what kind of work you would find there.
Or of course consider the English-speaking countries of the Caribbean: Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Jamaica… various options.
If you want a wealthier country then New Zealand and Ireland seem to have low levels of racism, but you would need to have a job fixed up in advance to meet the criteria for a visa,


Shahab Akhavan
, Marketing Specialist at PromotionLA (2017-present)
Originally Answered: I’m African American and trying to leave the USA. I’ m looking for a country that treats black people right and that speaks English. Where should I move?
Where in the USA are you living in? Come to Los Angeles County, somewhere that has a large black majority. Most people treat black people pretty well here. And Los Angeles has a lot of areas with a black majority. I have many black friends who are doing well here, one is even a supervisor at Water Department, and he's only 42 and he gets paid very well.
Also, how are you not being treated well?
Are you really not being treated well, or you think your not because of what you see on the News?
I feel like you shouldn't be leaving everything behind just because of some hate full minority. There will be assholes wherever you go.
Also, I feel like the media is putting this narrative out there, that if you're a minority and doing bad, it's because others are racist. But is that really the case, what skills do you have? Have you ever started any business? I feel like if you don’t have any skill, and never attempted to start a business, you can’t blame society and say you fail because others are racist. Just look how many whites are homeless compare to Asians, Latinos. If the majority of people were racist, you would have more Latinos and Asians homeless than Whites.
Also, everyone is behind the computer, and don’t know what race you are, when I or other order stuff from the internet, we don’t know what race is behind the website, we just order it accept to receive it in a timely manner. Or any other service that I call. People just want the work done, and don’t care who does it.


Thokozani Maphalala
, Director at Real Estate
Originally Answered: I’m African American and trying to leave the USA. I’ m looking for a country that treats black people right and that speaks English. Where should I move?
If you have money to kick start, I believe you can get well in South Africa and have a lot of advantages. The advantage of the strenght of your US dollar can enable you to buy a nice house in a nice neighborhood and also enable you to invest in any business, prefarably property. Culture shock won’t be an issue since American culture and its people are also admired in South Africa. Language is not an issue either so you may not notice that you have left US. Basic infrastructure like good roads, schools, universities, good hospitals, good shopping malls, communication, national parks, beaches etc are there. The scenary is good as well. Crime is there but manageable like maybe in the US. It’s not as bad as media potrays it. You won’t get frustrated. This is just my personal advice not intended to promote South Africa over other African countries or any other country. You can do your own research.


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