2021-01-28 Kira_Yoshikage 14605


If they’ve ever been hungry and broke they certainly would sing a different tune.


Idk my uncle grew up like that, became a doctor, and he thinks anything that can help people break out of poverty is a waste of money.


Yeah, a lot of people view "making it" as a status symbol. They'll just pull up the ladder behind them.


It's called survivorship bias




Survivorship bias is a very real thing. Most people are not self aware enough to understand that luck plays a part. You can work as hard as you want, but if you get hit by a drunk driver or catch a rare disease, all that hard work can easily go away.


I am doing well now but I know that a few bad events could have turned my life upside down.


Exactly this. Most of the people that I know that are the strongest opponents to Government Assistance are people that had rough childhoods and are doing OK now as adults. I know a number of these types that are strongly opposed to helping anyone because they feel like they succeeded on hard work alone and "didn't get any help."


The Just World Hypothesis in action - everything I have, I earned without luck, and deserve it, therefore if you don’t have as much as me, you can’t have worked as hard or be as deserving.


People often discount the role of luck in their own success. The result is that they think anybody could be in their situation, if only they worked hard enough.


No they wouldn't. Plenty of rich people have been broke before & still chosen to screw over the poor.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Right, Mitch McConell has a 22.5 million net worth. Plenty of other politicians are in similar situations. They are ignorant to suffering and even with it right in their faces the lack of empathy makes it even more disgusting.


Not to mention his wife’s parents are billionaires


Have you ever met a middle class Republican? They’re not going to give money to anyone. Rich, business tycoon Republicans are way more likely to increase unemployment insurance or send out stimulus checks than other Republicans. Or, just look at how support for the relief bill is playing out. Sanders is way richer than Biden, but wants to send out more money. Dems think they can get Romney, a literal Republican capitalist, to support it, but Paul, a Republican eye doctor, definitely won’t.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The idea that middle class people are going to make decisions that help the poor and middle class, while rich people only want to help other rich people, sounds good if you don’t think too hard about it, but it’s not how people in the real world behave.


Poor people can’t afford to run for public office. They can’t afford the time away from work. The US Constitution was written by rich white men to benefit rich white men.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Slaver's Constitution should have been scrapped and totally rewritten after the Civil War. That hypocritical document was obviously inadequate for the needs of working class people considering the, you know, civil war that had just taken place.


That is the problem. It takes ENORMOUS amounts of money to run for office. It is hard for working or poor or moral people to stand a chance of running.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think 1/2 of the senate seats should be like jury duty. Draw X many names per seat and vett them, and have a vote for one of them that pass vetting. No advertising outside of official channels.


I've felt for a long time that I would love to see a president (or someone in any important position really) who's been to prison and been rehabilitated. I want a leader who's been poor and knows what it's like to struggle survive in this world. I want someone I can relate to, not someone who has always lived a rich cushy life and hasn't experienced what most of america does. why are we so heavily represented by people who live such vastly different lives than the majority of us? also prison reform is high on my priorities list so I would be so so grateful to see leadership from people who have seen both sides of that.




Being an influencer and have millions of views around the world(billions of people with internet access) is one thing.


Having close to 50% of retired, working, employees, contractors,, directors, owners, rich, poor, upstate, downtown, every ethnicity, every gender to know your name AND agree with all your polarising choice in one area all in under 6 months with the average attention span takes a LOT of reaching out.


I’ve been trying to work this out in my head for years. Create a general campaign fund for all candidates. All donations go into the general fund and are distributed evenly. No private money can be spent, no direct donations can be taken. Any outlet that sells advertising space must offer all candidates the same rate. Or something..


Ive heard people make the argument that we should be able to gut a congressperson's pay. And normally, id agree with that, only a lot of congress get their money outside their congress salary, so gutting pay like that would hurt the non-millionaire representatives like AOC. I feel like congressmen shouldnt be able to hold office if their networth is in the 6 figures--period. That means, they wouldn't be able to accept deals from lobbyists, or invest in the stockmarket or come from generational wealth. They'd be actively incentivised to make life easier for working class people instead of CEOs. Because if we get fucked, they get fucked too.

我听见有人说我们应当砍国会议员的薪酬。通常来讲我暂称这一观点,但是因为太多的国会议员都会拿工资以外的收入,所以砍他们的薪酬的话反倒会伤害到AOC(译注:民主党议员Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)这种不是百万富翁的议员。我觉得假如议员的身家超过了六位数,那他们就不应该再接着在国会任职。这意味着他们就不能和利益相关的游说者签合同,也不能拿公家的钱去炒股。他们就会有正向的激励来为工薪阶层,而不是CEO们,改善生活质量。因为假如我们过不好,那他们也过不好。

Well congressman’s pay $174,000 which is six figures but I don’t think they shouldn’t be allow to run or hold office if the make 6 figures or more. I think we should have equal representation amongst individuals of different social economic backgrounds


That it is. And its too much. Cut that ish down down 90k minimum. The only way the pay cut will be effective is if every representative is forced to have a networth of under that threshold. And lol equal representation of ALL socio-economic backgrounds? Fine, let's be governed by ppl who know what its like to be poor or middle class. But no one on this subreddit is interested in being represented by someone who owns three properties. The rich/ upper middle class have way too much representation as is, and let's face it: when life gets better for poor, everyone's else's quality of life gets better. But when the stock market goes up, minimum wage stays the same and rent is due.


level 2
The cost of living in DC & having security consumes most of the non wealthy members current salaries. If an elected official is truly working for the people, then we should only allow grassroots/crowdfunding for campaigns with a individual cap of $2k. No more $5k-a-seat political fundraisers and no corporate lobby cash.


The house was supposed to be just that, lawyers, doctors, teachers, doing a quick 4 years for your country and going back home, not a career like it is now


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