2021-01-28 龟兔赛跑 6766

Why do you like helping people?


Garrett Murphy, Father, friend, coder, skeptic, goofball
Combination of factors.
First, it feels good, to me, to know I helped somebody. There’s that bit of ego-stoking that comes with knowing that you did the right thing and helped somebody out, a bit of a superiority boost comes with that.
Next, in many cases, I tend to help people because it’s necessary, and I like feeling needed. Short person in the grocery store? Sure I’ll grab that thing off the top shelf for you. Wimpy dude has a flat tire and can’t get his lug nuts loosened? Step aside, wimpy dude! Need help with homework? Check out the brain on this guy here!
But, I think the bigger reason is that I still hold out hope that our world can be a better place. We’re currently in a world that is very much in a “me me me” mindset, and I have a feeling it’s going to get a bit worse in the coming years.


Black Friday is coming in two days here in the USA, and I’m steeling myself to see all kinds of depravity of people stampeding through stores, fighting each other for the last of a certain toy, people trashing displays and so on. But I remember, a couple years back, seeing a tiny little woman, less than 5′ tall, struggling in a Wal-Mart to get to some innocuous, silly thing that was on a massive discount, surrounded by a mob of lunacy…I watched for a moment from a distance, saw the lack of any civility or decorum, watched as this woman was pushed away repeatedly…and I didn’t have to wonder the right thing, I walked up, asked her, “Which one do you need?”, got the answer, and just jammed myself into that scrum, coming out with exactly what she needed.
I saw gratitude and acknowledgement (by doing this, I may very well have lost out on one of the Black Friday deals, and any minute of delay would end up as more time in the busy cash register lines), and I hope that maybe, just maybe, she may be able to return the favor for somebody else. Maybe, if people will start doing nice things for one another again, we can reverse direction a bit on the path we’re going down.
I know, I know…keep dreaming…but, I still have hope.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Shailesh Prajapati, Quora's Silent Editor
The only problem with this answer is, no matter how much I try not to, still it’s gonna sound like I am bragging about myself. But, I am just stating the facts which is the need of this answer.
Yes, I do!
I am a helpful person by nature. I have been helping others to my best possible extent.
I do small donations to the NGOs every year, usually for the kids’ welfare. My office sexts NGO every year and circulates email to all employees, and immediately, I do my bit without having any second thoughts about it. This year, I have donated some school stationery and some money.
I have been helping my office colleagues as well. I train them for software and for work related matters. In fact, I am very good at mentoring people. I help them in troubleshooting something that they can't figure out themselves.


I also make short macros for them, so that their work gets done quicker. Mind you, things like this don't come under my job profile. It is just that I know some things better, so they ask if I can think of something quick that would reduce their time and effort in repetitive work. I am a very approachable person.
Sometimes, I get poem requests from my colleagues for their kids as well. Writing poems for them makes me a kid, too. So, I enjoy it very much.
On Quora, I am the ‘Silent Editor'. I edit other users’ answers, either on my own, or on request by users to check and edit their answers. I enjoy doing this task very much.
I provide guidance to many new users here on Quora. Some of them have turned pro now. My help includes helping them understand the importance of grammar, dos and don'ts of writing, explaining function of Quora, and troubleshooting.
Some of my answers here are intended to help new users with their writing. Some are helpful for existing users, too.
Helping, in general, helps me learn a lot of new things which I may not have known without being helpful. I am always looking for situations where I can challenge my existing skill sets, or just utilize my skills for helping others.


However, like everything else, there are always downsides of being helpful as well. There are a few (read: just a few) people who think (and behave) like I am available just for them to be ‘used' the way they like (for their benefit).
But, my thinking is, if 9 people out of 10 are genuine in asking for my help, I am gonna ignore that 1 greedy person, and continue doing what I usually do - being helpful.
Is there anyway I can help you?
Smiles! :)


Usha Aron, Musician, Dreamer, Doer
Why not?? It’s the easiest thing to do. I look for people and places to help, thankfully not to my own detriment. Have I gotten hurt? Mostly no (bloody happy to report!) but have I gotten hurt at some point? Out madame. I have. Your ego must feel satisfied that it found a fault didn’t it? Hear me out: Apparently once you turn adult not everything is black and white. So here’s what I follow.
There is a principal that makes a lot of sense “Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good?” - I Peter 3: 13. You see there is a very large difference between hurt and harm. Sure there are interlixs between them but you cannot confuse the two. Likewise there is difference between your being wise and your being smart.
Being wise helps you show kindness without making it a business. It serves you well in the long run. Being smart makes your kindness a business. It serves you well temporarily. Later people come collecting. Being smart in any area means that you know what questions to ask. Being wise is all about whether to ask that question in the first place. This logic is no different in the area of hospitality. ALWAYS CHOOSE WISDOM OVER BEING SMART.

有一则经文很有道理,“你们若是热心行善,有谁害你们呢? “——《彼得福音》。你看受伤和伤害有很大的区别。当然它们之间有联系,但你不能混淆。同样,明智和聪明之间也有区别。

As a human being make the deliberate choice to understand your audience. Understand that people are not perfect. At the same time also understand that your spiritual, emotional, financial, physical reserves are limited. You have only that much energy per day necessary for you to tackle that day’s challenges. Be wise.
Because humans aren’t perfect your past hurt should have taught you well that not everyone treats you like you do yourself. Hurt is their way of expressing their lack. I hurt because I trusted them not to hurt me. Those who treat you better than you treat yourself or just as equally deserve your company. You can’t ask for a better filter in your company than this. Learn to be sextive and choose your battles wisely. Proves me point about who can harm you when you are eager to do good. Yes?
People who expect a hand in and not a hand out are people I stay a galaxy and an universe away from. They are only takers. Giving is too much and too expensive for them. They have the poorest self esteem and will use their own faults and exploit them against you. Such people are not worth a dime. You have to know yourself very well and add tax to your worth to such people. Otherwise don’t be too surprised that you done got usurped.


There are people who are worth the suffering. If they are worth the suffering then any help given will be remembered and highly blessed. Why? Because people remember not what you did for them but how you made them feel. You will be surprised at just how life comes back to bless you. The fact that you receive unmerited and undeserved favour at home, profession, life… isn’t coincidence. The fact that someone you rarely knew defended you or helped you without expectation at just that particular moment in time isn’t coincidence at all. That is life and heaven blessing you just as you have blessed someone. Especially when they didn’t deserve it.
There is nothing romantic about helping people. It is only a mark of your character. As long as you have life inside you there is always room for improvement. As long as you believe that God is for you expect your life to be blessed. Always be in the business of acquiring wealth not riches.
I hope this helps. Thank you for personally asking me to reply. Many HUGS!!!


Parthib Ghosh, Indian. I love to interact with people. Always a learner.
I’ll give you an example. I’m just a student who gets his limited pocket money from his parents.
A few days back I went to a juice shop with my friend. I had cough and cold and I was just accompanying my friend who was having a glass of mango juice (the main reason was, I didn’t have enough money for a glass of juice). A small girl child with messy hairs and dull clothes to my friend asking for money. My friend scared him away saying, “I don’t have money, just go away” like many others. She was skinny and weak. I took no other second, asked the child to come with me to a nearby shop. I asked the shopkeeper for a large packet of biscuits. I gave it to the child.
I asked the shopkeeper if it’s okay if I pay him the money the next day, for which he happily agreed (the shop is near my college and I use to go there almost everyday and he knows me very well).
The child took the packet of biscuits and gave a happy look and went away with it, eating biscuits.
*The look which she gave me before she went away with told everything. She was hungry, maybe for days.
On my way back to hostel, I saw that child sitting with other 2 children near a rickshaw stand and sharing biscuits with them. I wish I could have done something better for them.
I help others not to expect anything from them. I help others because I feel happy. The smiles which I see after helping someone makes my day. When I feel lonely, I recall about them and I smile. There are many less fortunate people around us. Even a small step can make them feel special.


Arie Pratama, Product Manager at noora-analytica.com.
In general, I like helping others. In case of how hard and how much level of energy required to solve other people's problems, it depends on my condition on this time, like my fitness level, mood, etc.
Helping others can be fun. Energy that we give to solve others problem, somehow will back to us in beautiful and unpredictable way.
Don't try to think about egoistic people don't like to helping others. According to benefit of helping people is we get the benefit too, the most helpful people in the world is the most (altruism) egoistic people in the world.
Conclusion is, if you feel you are egoistic people, don't try too hard to change your personality for being nice. Just redefine the meaning of egoistic itself.


Dusty McGarry, lives in Oregon (2011-present)
Drowning (both literally, and figuratively) people can easily drown you as you try to rescue them.
I'm preprogrammed to literally dash to help others in physical need. I can catch glasses of water falling off of tables, push people out of the way of forklifts, and catch people about to fall off a cliff/balcony.
I grew up in a small town, where It was simply a given for my mom to make lemonade/iced tea for firemen a block or two away, then sending me, a 5-9 year old girl to serve the glasses in a tray to the melting volunteers, bring the empty glasses back, and take more full ones out, while mom washed the returns to refill. We had 5 fires a block radius away in 5 years. I don't know what caused 2 of the fires, but one was set by the building owner to collect insurance after the post office stopped renting due to water dripping on the mail, a 2nd by twin children of the hotel's widowed owner, and a 3rd by the mayor's grandchild -- both of these playing with matches - the first was a window curtain that destroyed the entire hotel, her only source of income.
Our propensity to help others put us at risks no city person would dare. My mother, on her way to pick me up at school to rush to a scheduled doctor appointment, stopped to give a ride to our hitchhiking town drug dealer, Matt, because he was trying to get to his one mandatory English class for senior year. I was just a little girl and I still tore her up one side and down the other for doing that, but she said he was trying to rehab himself. Of course this didn't last. Mere weeks later, Matt stole our mayor's wife's family heirloom jewelry while indoors from swimming in the in ground pool with their son, supposedly just to go to the bathroom -- their son later burst into Matt's dad's place and found the few items Matt hadn't instantly sold for drugs yet.
One thing I soon learned what that becoming friends with absolutely everyone was not a good idea.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Why would some one not like to help ? If you are good at something or capable of contributing at least some thing back why hesitate ?
What if one fine day our Mother Earth realises that it has helped us enough in providing us with oxygen, water, etc and it stops that.
We cannot survive in isolation. Each one of us need help in some or the other way. Despite knowing that we will also need help from others at one point of time we still turn selfish and do not pay any heed to any hand needing help.
However we should help others not because we seek help in return but just to carry forward the principle of humanity. To make others realise that they are not alone.
“I believe the world is a big family and we need to help each other” and also “No one has ever become poor by giving”.


Alexandra Wolf, B.A. Journalism, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University (2022)
To be honest, yes. I don't like most people because they're not as self-aware as me. If you ever see me doing something for someone else it is in order to feel good about myself. I'm very self-centered.


Monisha Prasad
I think Gratefulness and Helping go hand in hand.
Once you are grateful for something you already have, accepting it on the whole with all the flaws you experience a feeling of sublime happiness which you want another human to experience as well.
You tend to observe any person in the hunt for the feeling and you now want the person to experience the same joy. That is when you become selfless and offer anything to make him succeed.


Pooja Sharma, Software Engineer at Tech Mahindra (2018-present)
Yes i do love doing that in what ever way it is possible . Helping others makes me feel happy and satisfied . If i’m good at something i definitely use it to help others. Though i helped my friends in explaining them the tough topics before exam as i was expert in grasping things quickly . And i hope i help many in near future as i dream of .


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