2021-01-28 兰陵笑笑生 29472
What was the most perfect royal palace of all time?


Through the years I have visited a large variety of representative residences built for monarchs and rulers across many different cultures and time periods. These estates were usually built, not only to offer the royal family a life of comfort and luxury, but would usually serve a whole host of functions, including physical security, mental relief from the strains of ruling, acting as a symbol of central power to both impress and scare subjects, acting as a strategic base camp for controlling an area or group, and to serve as HQ for a governing or in times of war. So, in my opinion a good palace would need a highly strategic and impressive location as well as a symbolic yet functional architecture. Taking these various things in to account, what was in your opinion the most perfect royal palace of all time?


If I think about the most famous ones I'd argue that there are always some weaknesses to be found. The Versailles for instance was very impressive and had a clear function of weakening the nobility of France. But in terms of comfort the palace was perhaps too large. It was in a rather unimpressive site (no rivers, lakes, mountains or seas) and its long distance from Paris arguably made the monarch quite invisible to the people and also left the ruler a bit ignorent about the state of the realm. And even though the Sun King considered himself too powerful to bother with walls, the palace turned out the be quite difficult to defend.
Or take the Topkapi palace in Istanbul: conveniently located downtown, within the city walls. Filled with nice gardens and terraces which also gave the monarch a pleasant and strategic view towards the Bosporus. But the palace arguably lacks an iconic presence and architecture to convey the supreme power of the sultan. The Topkapi doesn't really conjure up an image in anyone's heads.
So, did any palace ever achieve it all?


The Alhambra is still amazing. Beauty, power, architecture, dazzling gardens and views. A functional royal court and fortress on a hill.


Alhambra gets my vote too!


Islamic architecture is truly the best. Some of the most complex and geometrically satisfying art I've ever seen. Looks gorgeous and beautiful

伊斯兰建筑确实是最好的。 一些我见过的最复杂和几何上最令人满意的艺术。看上去又漂亮又悦目。

Isn't it located in a very isolated place? That would prevent it from being "perfect".

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

No it’s not isolated at all. It’s just up the hill ( maybe a mile ) from Granada.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It’s in a city of over 200,000 people, with multiple rivers, and it’s not far from the ocean.


It's up on a defensible hill near Granada. The feeling of isolation comes from the dense forest surrounding it and the beautiful gardens.


You are underselling Versailles. While the natural site wasn't spectacular, the man-made landscape architecture is beautiful and a jaw-dropping amount of effort. In effect, the landscape architecture helped reinforce the divine right of The Sun King- look at how he could even bend the natural world to his will.
As far as size goes, it is the center of the French monarchy, not just a palace for the King. That means you need rooms for courtiers, officials, servants as well as the numerous nobles and their entourages. You need spaces for large gathering, small gatherings, barracks, along with residential suites. The scale was meant to reinforce the power and wealth of Louis, but it wasn't purely symbolic- it was needed to function as the seat of government.
And it was sited specifically to keep it away from Paris and "the people." In that sense, it did exactly what it was supposed to do. The idea that a monarch should be in touch and among their subjects is a modern idea, and one that most historical monarchs and emperors, from ancient Egypt and Rome well into the 19th century would have found absurd.


I puked on Versailles when I was 8 and then felt great and had a popsicle while running through the back gardens. Good times.


I like to wonder how many little french princelings also puked in the palace? You can vomit like a king!


Interesting, I was also violently ill the one time I holidayed in France. They must have some weird stomach bugs floating around there


It didn't even have toilets. That would use a corner and get some servant to clean it up.


they used chamber pots


It was actually a concept in Ancient Rome, especially during the early principate, that the emperor should be attuned to the needs of the people of Rome. Bear in mind that Rome was no stranger to riots when the people were angry and that Augustus carefully styled himself first amongst equals.
We can debate as to whether the people had any actual power but at the very least, the idea of the people of Rome was a powerful thing.


Some emperors certainly did believe they had a duty to provide for the people of Rome, but if you look at how the conducted themselves, very few were "among the people" and they certainly didn't mingle with the common plebs. Most emperors were more than happy to stay within the confines of the extensive Imperial Palaces in Rome, military camps, or if really pushed, to palaces like Hadrian's Villa or the Villa Jovis on Capri.


Agreed, these criticisms of Versailles seem flat to me. One can easily argue that by today’s standards, Versailles is not especially useful. But did Louis XIV really have these issues? When did he ever have a difficult time defending his palace?
Certainly Paris fell in the Franco-Prussian war, but that was 200 years later, and after the 19th century industrial revolution advanced military technology far beyond what it had been. Are we really only measuring palaces by how well they predicted the military technology of the 19th and 20th centuries?
And the palace was large by design - he wanted to undermine provincial nobles and force everyone to come to Versailles to do business. Louis XIV loved large gatherings and he wanted to be on display - did his palace not achieve this?
And it was far from Paris by design - no Parlement of Paris bringing the Fronde to your door. His moving the palace in a lot of ways helped stopped such civil was in France - does that not count as a major achievement?
It’s definitely fair to say that removing the palace from Paris posed challenges over the years, especially when you have Louis XVI who largely didn’t travel and refused to use his army to defend himself. But this seems like an unfair meterstick to use as a measurement for any palace.
Does a palace have to be perfect for all generations of rulers, regardless of their goals and personalities or national policies, for 300 years? By that definition, we would have to judge the Russian palaces of Peter I by gauging how much they met the needs of Nicholas II in 1913.


When did he ever have a difficult time defending his palace?
Did Louis XIV even have any serious domestic wars that threatened Versailles at all?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That is a good question...I know he made war on the Dutch and Spanish but those may have finished by the time he had built the palace.


The Habsburgs had a beautiful winter palace in Innsbruck that was renovated several years ago.
Got it to see it on holiday (it was either free or super cheap) and it blew mine and my brother's mind - this was just A winter palace, not their main residence.
Was really great to see how Austrians respected their history and heritage while providing relatively cheap and educational tourism.
The opulence of the Habsburgs is really understated in general history (I studied in the UK) so seeing this palace and later the silver mines that provided their wealth really opened my eyes to kind of inequalities that were part of life in that era of history


The Hapsburgs loved the Baroque style, and that style was near the height of their powers and wealth, too.
The Schonbrunn Palace in Vienna is quite good as well.


I love Schönbrunn and the the gardens that surround it, and that was just their summer Palace. The Hapsburgs had some really nice palaces.

我喜欢美泉宫和环绕它的花园,那只是他们的夏宫。 哈布斯堡真的有一些非常漂亮的宫殿。

The Forbidden City and adjacent Zhongnanhai maybe?
The Forbidden City is huge. Double the square footage of Versailles.
It is architecturally significant.
It's in the middle of Beijing so the people see it all the time.
Adjacent is the Zhongnanhai garden and temple complex which was beautiful. It's almost twice as large as Central Park.


I concur. Having visited the Forbidden City, it’s pretty spectacular. It’s centrally located and an architectural marvel. It must have been pretty impenetrable. Also any seasonal palace in China was mind blowing and beautiful, and there are plenty.


It's not just centrally located, but it's actually symmetrical on the central line of Beijing. That's a big deal in traditional Chinese culture.
Anyhow, the Forbidden City today was rebuilt in the 16th Century when the Manchurian entered the city. The Forbidden City palace of Ming dynasty was burned down by the rebel who entered the City before the Manchurians. All the previous palaces in different cities in China were all burned down in the same manner. It's a shame because supposedly the Qin dynasty palace built around 300BC was spectacular. You can see what the Tang dynasty palace was like in Kyoto still, but nothing left in China after 1400 years of burning and killing.


Bloody bastards from Manchester. Always fucking stuff up when they go abroad.


Why would there be a Tang palace in Kyoto?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It's not a Tang palace per se, but Kyoto can be basically considered a replicate of Chang'an. Chang'an since then have been destroyed, while castles in Japan were preserved better.


Imo best seasonal palace is the Summer resort of Chengde. About five times the size of the Forbidden City, representing the architecture and terrain of all of China, and surrounded by huge and impressive temples. It also acted as the second capital of the Qing during its earlier period. Massively underrated for international tourists.


And then you realize the Forbidden City is one of the smaller palaces in Chinese history.
The Old Summer Palace was much bigger (8x the size of the Forbidden City), more grand, and filled with more diverse architecture. The [regular] Summer Palace was also bigger. The Daming palace from the Tang Dynasty was 4-5x the size of the Forbidden City. The Epang Palace of the Qin Dynasty and Weiyang Palace of the Han Dynasty were all supposed to be larger than the Forbidden City.


Forbidden Palace definitely could be a strong candidate, but if you look at Chinese history, the most magnificent palace has to be one of Epang Palace(Qin Dynasty), Weiyang Palace(Han Dynasty) or Daming Palace(Tan Dynasty). There were many research on the size of these palace and many believed they were 5-20 times larger(in terms of area) than Forbidden Palace, but we would never now how marvelous they were. Consider that Chinese Palace are mostly wooden structures and the frequent war when dynasty changes, they were all destroyed.


The fact that it's called a City and not just a Palace is a testament in itself. Also I would love to see what the Old Summer Palace was like... but, ya know

事实上,它被称为一个城市,而不仅仅是一个宫殿,这本身就是一种证明。 我也想看看圆明园是什么样子.....但是,你懂的

I was hoping someone would chime in with a non-Western example. The Forbidden City doesn’t strike one as a palace in the European sense, but is so grand nonetheless

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Forbidden City doesn’t strike one as a palace in the European sense
It's not, but that is a reflection of a cultural difference in architecture.
I'm sure this is a huge over simplification, but European buildings for the rich tend to be a large compact building with open grounds surrounding. Chinese buildings for the rich tend to have a courtyard or gardens in the middle with the rooms around the periphery.


I really love the summer palace as well. Further outside the city but the grounds, the landscaping, the arrangement of all the buildings... lovely. Acting as a center of government maybe not so much, but as a palace - absolutely stunning.


I do not know if this counts, I would vote for the whole Vatican City. The place is a royal palace of the Roman Catholic Church. The place is 109 acres and it's own country.
When you look at the art, the wealth, the buildings, the whole thing, the place is legendary.


Plus it has a handy escape passage to the more imposing Castel San Angelo


Unfortunately, that escape route costs 189 Swiss Guard to use :(

不幸的是,189名瑞士卫队的生命牺牲在了这条逃生路线上 :(

Wasn't the Vatican a compromise to stop the full eradication of the temporal papal power?


The Vatican (the city and the palace in the city) was built/maintained during the Papal State period. It survived numerous sieges and sacks by various French and German kings.
The city state of the Vatican was a compromise solution to Garbaldi's quest to unite Italy in the 1800's


I’m pretty sure the city-state status wasn’t there until Mussolini. Prior to that, but after Garibaldi it was pretty much just part of Italy. I don’t think the Popes liked that much.


Technically, we're both right. The Popes didn't surrender, while Italy didn't try to take Vatican itself, just the surrounding city of Rome - effectively turning the Vatican into a prison for the Pope. The situation was only resolved by Mussolini in 1929.


It was an interesting solution, they conquered Rome and then just kind of ignored the Vatican and didn't even try to assert any authority over it.


Today I Learned
Putin's newest $1.2B palace is beautiful. Honestly though, I've always been impressed with the old palaces of the Tsars.


It has an airstrip, helipad, open sea dock and probably an entire electronic and conventional warfare facility hidden in the cliffs. I'd say it is about the best defensive location possible!


Is say Prague castle, it’s on a river and is very memorable.


If we're just going on memorability, I'd give it to Edinburgh Castle.
It's exactly like all the cartoonishly imposing castles that Americans show in kids' cartoons. It looms over the entire city. I'd seen a ton of European castles by the time I finally went to Edinburgh and I was still like "Wow that's literally towering over everything."
It's not even that big or impressive on the inside but the location is jaw-dropping.

它就像美国人在孩子们的动画片中展示的所有卡通式的宏伟城堡一样。它耸立在整个城市的上空。当我终于去到爱丁堡的时候,我已经看过一大堆欧洲的城堡了,但我还是情不自禁地想 "哇,那简直是耸立在一切之上"。

Without a doubt, the City of Angkor, capitol of the Khmer Empire and specifically Angkor Wat. the architecture and complexity is truly unrivaled in my opinion.

毫无疑问,吴哥城,高棉帝国的首都,特别是吴哥窟。 在我看来,其建筑和复杂性是无与伦比的。

I recall visiting Paris and Vienna in quick succession. I was underwhelmed by Versailles (too large, too gaudy, and, as you mentioned, in a strange location). However, I thought Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna was truly spectacular. Beautiful architecture, reasonably sized, and I thought the interior was elegant but not gaudy. It's location was perfectly matched to its style and layout and seemed to reflect the understated power of the Hapsbergs.
Also one that should definitely be on any list is Neuschwanstein castle in Bavaria. It's style and scenic beauty are incredible.
And finally, Japan has several great examples - Himeji Castle is one but also Kumamoto Castle and Osaka Castle. Like Neuschwanstein, they marry a scenic and notable location with a powerful but beautiful architectural style.


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