2021-01-29 后羿A射日 25237
Chinese Air Force way ahead of IAF


The collapse of the Soviet unx in 1991 proved to be a boon to China and the PLAAF. Apart from a formidable enemy being neutralised, many displaced scientists, engineers and technicians from the erstwhile Soviet unx found employment in the Chinese military industrial complex. The Russian aircraft industry struggling to survive, was more than willing to sell modern aeroplanes and technology to China. And the booming Chinese economy could afford to import the best that was on offer.


PLAAF : An Emerging Aerospace Power


A visionary, long-term and time-bound approach to military modernization, supported by a strong and innovative military-industrial capability has transformed the Peoples Liberation Army Air Force(PLAAF) of China, from an antiquated, derelict, poorly trained and over-sized force to a modern aerospace power with increasing proficiency to undertake its stated missions in the 21st Century. The Indian establishment, especially the Indian Air Force (IAF), needs to absorb this reality and restructure its modernisation plans. The Indian security environment is being continuously impacted by China’s rise, militarily and economically as a global power.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The foundations of China’s long term plan for its modernisation programme were laid in 2010 and aims at major progress by 2020. By 2050 China would accomplish its strategic goal of building an ‘informatized’ (net-centric warfare enabled) armed forces capable of winning wars. Perhaps the unstated obxtive of the plan is to expand China’s ‘comprehensive national power’ beyond the existing regional status. China’s plan to ‘lay a solid foundation by 2010’ appears to have been achieved as demonstrated by the large-scale exercise ‘Stride-2009’ held to coincide with 50 years celebration of communist rule in China. 50,000 troops were moved from regions in the West to the East. The obxtive of Stride-2009 was to test the ability to move forces on a large-scale from the areas they had trained in to areas they were unfamiliar with. Another aim was to subject the massive rail, road and air infrastructure created over the years to heavy military movement pressure and examine if such pressure adversely affected civilian population. The PLAAF played an important role in this exercise.


In 1999, PLAAF operated over 3500 combat aircraft comprising mainly the J-6 (MiG-19 equivalent) and the J-7 (based on the MiG-21). A deal with Russia saw the induction of 100 Su-27 fighters. PLAAF also had in its inventory the H-6(Tu-16 based) bombers. China had no precision-guided munitions(PGMs) and only the Su-27 was BVR compatible.


Modernisation of the PLAAF has been propelled by China’s astounding economic growth. The 21st century has witnessed the acquisition of 105 Su-30MKK from 2000 to 2003 and 100 upgraded Su-30MKK2 in 2004. China produced more than 200 J-11s from 2002 onwards. The PLAAF also bought a total of 126 Su-27SK/UBK in three batches. The production of the J-10 combat aircraft began in 2002 and 1200 are on order. The H-6 bombers (Tu-16 Badger) were converted into flight refuelling aircraft. In 2005, the PLAAF unveiled plans to acquire 70 Il-76 transport aircraft and 30 Il-78 tankers to significantly upgrade strategic airlift capability and offer extended range to the fighter force. The US Department of Defense has reported that Su-27 SKs are being upgraded to the multi-role Su-27 SMK status.

中国惊人的经济增长推动了空军的现代化。进入21世纪,2000年到2003年中国购买了105架苏-30战斗机,2004年购买了100架升级的苏-30战斗机。从2002年起中国国内生产了超过200架歼-11S战斗机。中国空军还分三批购买了126架苏-27SK/UBK战机。2002年以来,中国已经开始生产歼-10战机,后续又订购了1200架。轰-6轰炸机(图-16“獾)被改装成战斗机加油机。2005年,中国空军宣布将购买70架伊尔-76运输机和30架伊尔-78加油机的计划,以显著提升战略空运能力,并向战斗机部队提供更大的射程。美国国防部报告称,苏-27 SKs正在升级为多功能苏-27 SMK。

The PLAAF is also organising a combat air wing for a future aircraft carrier group, possibly based on the Su-33, which is a carrier capable variant of the Su-27. Many existing fighters are being upgraded, some for night maritime strike role, permitting carriage of Russian weapons, including Kh-31A anti-radiation cruise missile and KAB-500 laser-guided munition. China is also developing special mission aircraft including the KJ-2000 AWACS based on the Il-76 platform. The Y-8 transport planes are being modified to undertake a variety of roles of Airborne Battlefield Command, AEW and intelligence gathering. PLAAF’s aim is to have a primarily fourth generation air force. JH-7/7A will be the backbone of the precision strike force with large numbers of J-10 and J-11 in the air superiority role. The interceptor role will be undertaken by the JF-17 which is under production now in China. The transport force will have Il-76, Il-78 and Y-9 aircraft. China has a variety of helicopters and other aircraft to undertake specialist missions and routine tasks. With a fast developing C4ISR and its shift to joint operations, the Chinese military will be a formidable force to reckon with even by a well prepared adversary. In this process of modernisation the PLAAF has improved exponentially, though it has yet to be tested in actual operations.


Recently China unveiled its fifth generation fighter, the J-20 which represents a significant step in the evolution of the Chinese aerospace industry. The new aircraft displays stealth features and indicates a determination on China’s part to shape new military capabilities in the period ahead. China is determined in developing modern military aerospace capabilities. Having generated a certain quantum of expertise in the field, including learning from the designers, technicians and scientists imported from CIS countries where they had been rendered unemployed post the break-up of the Soviet unx, China invested significantly in the aerospace sector and the benefits are visible now. The progress has been much faster than predicted by western analysts. The phenomenal growth in its economy permits China increased investments in innovation and the result would be that by 2020 or so China will become the world’s most important centre for innovation, overtaking the US and Japan.


The Chinese Aerospace Industry


A short foray into the history of the growth of China’s aerospace industry would reveal the transformation achieved. Initially, the Soviet unx extended assistance to the fledgling PLAAF in the early 1950s and helped the People’s Republic in setting up its aircraft production facilities. The PLAAF pilots were trained in Soviet tactics and some took part in the Korean War against the USAF. By the late 1950s, Chinese factories were assembling, under licence, aircraft in large numbers. These were MiG-15(J-2), MiG-15bis(J-4), MiG-17(J-5 and the MiG-19(J-6).


The break in relations with the Soviet unx dealt a double blow to China. The aircraft industry nearly collapsed and a new and powerful enemy appeared on the northern flank, though the PLAAF was not involved in any border skirmishes with the Soviets. The industry, however, began to recover by 1965 and China produced its first indigenous fighter, the J-8, a mix of various Soviet designs. Development of the PLAAF was adversely affected as budget priorities were skewed in favour of missile and nuclear forces of the PLA. Exploiting the rift between the Soviet unx and China, the western nations extended considerable aid to the PLAAF in the late 1980s. Western avionics were incorporated into the J-7(MiG-21 copy), the J-8 and the A-5 ground attack fighter. Western technology also helped in development of the B-6D bomber, the HQ-2J high altitude SAM and the C-601 air-launched anti-ship missile. Support from the West ended abruptly in 1989.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The collapse of the Soviet unx in 1991 proved to be a boon to China and the PLAAF. Apart from a formidable enemy being neutralised, many displaced scientists, engineers and technicians from the erstwhile Soviet unx found employment in the Chinese military industrial complex. The Russian aircraft industry struggling to survive, was more than willing to sell modern aeroplanes and technology to China. And the booming Chinese economy could afford to import the best that was on offer.


Today, the Aviation Industry Corporation of China has under its umbrella a large number of entities engaged in the production of aircraft and associated equipment. The PLAAF classifies its aircraft as J for fighter, Q for ground attack, H for bomber, JH for fighter-bomber, Y for transport and JZ for reconnaissance aircraft and Z for helicopters.


The Changhe Aircraft Industry Corporation is dedicated to helicopters and produces the WZ-10 Attack, Z-8 Heavy Transport, CA-9 Utility, Z11J and Z-11 Light Utility helicopters. The Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation produces the JJ-5 basic trainer(exported as the FT-5), J-7 lightweight interceptor, FC-1/J-17 Thunder lightweight multi-role fighter, J-10 medium weight multi-role fighter, and the latest J-20 fifth generation fighter with stealth capabilities. The Hongdu Aviation Industry Group specialises in trainers and produces the CJ-5 tandem two-seat military primary trainer, CJ-6 basic and advanced trainer, K-8 basic trainer, JL-8 and the L-15 supersonic trainer.


The Guizhou Aircraft Industry Corporation produces the JL-9 trainer(MiG-21U) and a host of UAVs, The Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Corporation makes helicopters including the Z-5,Z-9, Z-9W/G, Zhi-15 and HC-120.The Shaanxi Aircraft Corporation is into producing transport aircraft and makes the Y-8 variants(AN-12 based), Y-9 whose capabilities compare with the C-130J, Y-7 and the Y-20 four-engine tactical support aircraft expected to fly in 2012. The Shenyang Aircraft Corporation produces the J-8, J-11(variant of Su-27), J-15 carrier -compatible fighter based on Su-33, J-XX fifth generation fighter under development, co-produces the J-20, H-6 bomber(Tu-16 Badger) and some UAVs. The Xi’an Aircraft Industrial Corporation makes the H-8 strategic heavy bomber and the JH-7 twin-engine fighter bomber.

贵州飞机工业公司生产JL-9教练机(米格- 21u)和一系列无人机,哈尔滨飞机制造公司生产直升飞机包括直-5、直-9、直-9W、直-15和HC-120直升机。陕西飞机公司正在生产运输机,并生产运-8改型(基于安-12),运输能力与C-130J相当的运-9、运-7,以及预计2012年试飞的四引擎战机的运-20。沈阳飞机公司生产歼-8, 歼-11(苏-27的改型),基于苏-33的歼-15航母兼容战斗机,第五代歼-XX战斗机正在发展,联合生产的歼-20,轰-6轰炸机(图-16獾)和一些无人机。西安飞机工业公司制造轰-8战略重型轰炸机和歼轰-7双引擎战斗轰炸机。

Apart from these, there are a large number of factories involved in manufacturing civil commercial aircraft. Many foreign manufacturers like Boeing, Airbus and Eurocopter find it profitable to outsource part or complete production to Chinese factories. This helps the Chinese industry to absorb new technology and much of it is dual-use.


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