2021-02-01 Cristal 11565

A Moment of Romance (1990)


This film leaves a lasting impression


This movie introduced me to the HK movie industry 15 years ago and it proves that it is in no way inferior to that of Hollywood. There is fantastic acting and the story is truly original, especially for its time. The characters feel real and the passion pours through the screen. I have since been a loyal Andy Lau movie fan, rarely disappointed by his 100 + movies.


The story involves romance, loyalty, friendship, and trust. I actually saw this movie when I was 10 years old and I knew nothing about love, but yet I felt the great emotion in the film. I highly recommend this film. It is 15 years old, but is a great romantic drama, as I still vividly remember it till this day.


Unforgettable Drama of Romance


'A Moment of Romance' is undoubtedly one of those old HK cinematic gems, but to appreciate and applaud the movie utmost, one should really understand and familiar with the origin of the movie itself. By the time around late 80's to mid 90's, plenty of HK movie appeared in theme dominated not far from Triad Flick, a sad ending love story, hard boiled gun fight action or some silly comedy (mostly by Stephen Chow) AMOR in this case still follows the mainstream, combining the tragic love story in the midst of underground Triad affair. The main lead Andy Lau around that time enjoyed the peak of his popularity that he did starred in not less than 10 movies a year while the main lead Jacklyn Wu rolled in her very first debut which propelled her to stardom. Andy played Wah Dee, a young and rebellious triad member with some remorse within, while Jacklyn played Jojo, an innocent young girl come from a rich family.


The plot actually flows so lightly and in some way over dramatically, yet it never get you boring and leave a mesmerizing impressions. A coincidence encounter between Wah Dee and Jojo in a robbery went wrong lead to an endearing feeling between them. And when a love story happens between a triad member and the only heir of a wealthy family, it doesn't take a genius to get the idea of how it wasn't a silky smooth romance, amidst the conflict occurred between Wah Dee and fellow brutish gang leader Trumpet(Tommy Wong) in account of Jojo. The friendship between Wah Dee and Rambo(Richard Ng), an all time loser who normally nobody would even took a glance at, added some depth to the story and put an implicit character depiction of Wah Dee himself.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

The thing that differs AMOR from movie alike is the chemistry that was too well built between characters, and on top of all is the beautiful score and unforgettable soundtrack(by the remarkable HK band Beyond and Shirley Yuen), which were perfectly fit into each scene. Andy himself never look better and perfectly match the character of a prince charming figure on a 500cc racing motor-bike, with his heart-robbing eye glance, charismatic and intriguing good-looking, in my opinion is those of very rare to be leveled even after decades. Jacklyn herself who portrays an innocent young girl in love is truly convincing both by her looks and demeanor. In short way : Perfect casts! And despite the seeming a little aged action scenes and some lines, it still delivers a powerful gesture all the way.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

In conclusion, for those who are already familiar with classic 90's Hong Kong cinema, AMOR has placed itself as unforgettable cinematic experience, type of cult which you grew up with, and for those who are still unfamiliar, AMOR would be a fine introductory.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

-Very Highly Recommended-


Awesome Hong Kong movie classic


This movie had impact, and to this day is one of my (if not the) favorite Hong Kong movie. Andy Lau is an orphan motor bike gangster but ends up taking Jin Lin Wu hostage while attempted robbery. he's ordered by his boss to kill her because she can identify them, but Andy Lau refuses. It turns out that Jin Lin Wu is an only daughter of a wealthy family. They feel the connection from the get go and Jin Lin Wu tries to find Andy Lau after she's returned safely to home. sound's like a typical guy who has nothing meets girl who has everything story, but there's more to this movie than that. I was so affected by this movie that I almost went out and bought a motorcycle after seeing this movie.


Everybody says this movie is great, and there must be a reason for it. Acting is top notch, scxt is great (so great that two more movies by the same title followed), and introduced now famous actor Jin Lin Wu to the world.


It's one of the best Hong Kong movie ever made, and you'll be left with a bitter sweet taste after seeing it. Truly awesome movie classic.


Andy Lau's Best Picture


I was lucky enough to pick this film up in Vancouver, and I am glad I did. This is one of the best foreign films I have ever seen, and I have seen a lot. This movie plays out like a modern-day Romeo and Juliet. Andy Lau is a gangster who falls in love with a good-girl. This age-old formula is applied very well however, and is played out brilliantly. This film is by turns beautiful, violent, energetic, contemplative, and heart-breaking. The violence is visceral and unflinching, and the film is rooted strongly in reality. Andy Lau turns in his career-making performance and the female lead is excellent as well. I highly recommend this film to anyone who is looking for a well-made Hong Kong flick.


a melodrama pur


A surprising gem that reaches the highest standard of genre storytelling, pushing its limits into the realm of true art, that which challenges AND moves its viewer. It may be Andy Lau Tak-wah's best role to date. The plot involves gangster Lau's affair with a young rich girl. The melodrama however, quickly reveals itself as the profile of a man desperate to salvage the last scrap of his own moral code. The foolish but romantic character of the upper class teenaged may is best seen as the flesh and blood manifestation of Lau's secret wish for a clean, happy life that he can never have. She represents his own moral potential that could never have flowered in a life devoid of family love and filled instead with poverty, corruption and desperation. Rising just enough above his fellow gangsters to know that he has missed something precious, he recognizes his own lost innocence in the young girl he has taken hostage. His gang brothers demand that he kill her. But, unable to overcome the last vestige of decency left in him. He lets her go instead. This choice, this one act of honor has profound unforseeable consequences for his life and his character. This film delivers hard boiled action, a fragile love story and and a pithy character set for Lau. It explores the personal cost of embracing moral action, the responsibilities of caring and ultimately asks what defines a worthy life.


A Deep Movie about the Impossibility of Love


Warning: Spoilers


As the title of this film suggest, it is about a romance that does not last. I actually saw the sequel before I saw this one so when I talk about this I am tempted to refer to the sequel than the other way around. Anyway, like the sequel, A Moment of Romance is a dark film about the impossibilities of human relationships, yet it is also about unexplained love. The movies dives into the romance that forms between a Triad gang member and his hostage (the Stockholm Effect I believe it is called).


A street kid is recruited by the Triad to drive the car in a jewelery heist. Unfortunately the police causally pull up behind him, so he distracts them so that the others can escape. While he is fleeing the police, he grabs a woman as hostage and steals her car. Wah, the triad ganger, chooses to protect the girl from the violence of the other gangers and she begins to develop strong feelings towards him.


The woman, Jojo, is an innocent and naive rich girl. She does not understand the streets as she has grown up behind iron gates and in sheltered schools. She has never been involved in drugs or with the people of the streets of Hong Kong, but this hostage situation changes everything. She does not truly understand the people that she is joining with, she does not know their lifestyle or the way they treat others, but her feelings cloud her senses and she is willing to submit herself to humiliation and pain to prove to Wah that she loves her.


Which is interesting because Wah does not kiss her until 80 minutes into the film, and that is because she is going to Canada. She flees to find him constantly but he takes her for granted until he realises that she is leaving never to come back. But he also knows that the life he lives and the life she comes from are incompatible. Her life is one of luxury and pleasure while his is a constant fight for survival against competing gangs who seek to be the master of the others. This is especially seen after the death of the Godfather and that the younger boss, Trumpet, seeks to take control of the gang and to push out all that he does not like, which includes Wah. Wah knows that he won't survive with Trumpet around so it is either him or Trumpet.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

The marriage scene is interesting for it is the culmination of Jojo's persistence. She wants Wah and she feels that she loves him. He knows that all he will do is hurt her but she continues to push to the point of marriage. It should be noted that they never have sex in the movie, even after they are married. Instead he leaves her on the steps of the church to go and confront his adversary. It seems that he refuses to consummate the marriage before he has dealt with his adversary. When he takes Jojo as his wife, he wants to take her with out the burden of the Triad on his back.


This movie is also about escape. Wah, as his relationship with Jojo develops, wants to leave the life of the Triad behind and start anew with her. He knows that he has brought her into his world, but he doesn't want to take that world to her. Instead he wants to escape, and escape involves dealing with his enemies. Yet we know that he cannot escape because not only is he told, but we know that the romance is not going to last. The title says a Moment of Romance meaning that the stronger the passion the greater the pain, and this is expressed at the end with her running down the freeway in a wedding dress.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

One Of Hong Kong Cinema's Finest!!


Produced by by a trilogy of greats - Johnnie To, Ringo Lam and Wong Jing, director Benny Chan's A Moment Of Romance was one of the finest, teen-angst drama, gangster movies of its time. Starring the never ageing and handsome Andy Lau in one of his best roles and performances, the film spawned a couple of sequels and inspired a host of wanna-be's!


Beautiful lighting compliments the great cinematography capturing many night scenes and a raw grittiness of Hong Kong, backed by a great cast, top stunt work and violent action scenes courtesy of Yuen Bun and Bruce Law, with Bun also getting a cameo role.


Although the blend of teen drama, gangsters and romance may have been rife in Hong Kong, Andy Lau was the king of such genre and A Moment Of Romance polishes all the rough edges, delivering a blinding film that is hard to beat. The wonderful Ng Man Tat is as great as always, playing Wah Dee's street uncle who gets picked on by the local hoodlums and likes to annoy the traffic wardens by popping quarters in the parking meters as they are about to run out...


Although many people like to criticise Andy Lau's acting, its hard to deny the man his dues after 30 years of entertaining us with over 170 films (not to mention his TV and music accolades). In the same year as A Moment Of Romance, Lau had made 10 features in all, most of which are considered some of his best and some that I love personally. The man is a machine, and even with that pressure on him in just 12 months, can still provide such an amazing performance like this one.


Tense, emotional, and playing like a modern day Romeo & Juliet - A Moment Of Romance is one of Benny Chan's finest and one of Hong Kong cinema's best. It's darkly violent, intense finale comes with some lump-in-the-throat moments on the stunningly lit streets of Hong Kong. Love it!


Overall: Superbly made and brilliantly acted, A Moment Of Romance is one of Hong Kong cinema's finest examples of a non-martial arts film from the golden years...


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