2021-02-01 wuhaowsh 17807

Biden elevates White House science post to Cabinet level


President-elect Joe Biden is elevating the director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to a Cabinet-level position, a move that highlights the emphasis the incoming administration plans to put on science as it inherits a public health crisis.


Biden on Friday named Eric Lander, a principal leader of the Human Genome Project, to the post and announced several other key members of the White House science team.
"Science will always be at the forefront of my administration -- and these world-renowned scientists will ensure everything we do is grounded in science, facts, and the truth," Biden said in a statement. "Their trusted guidance will be essential as we come together to end this pandemic, bring our economy back, and pursue new breakthroughs to improve the quality of life of all Americans."

“科学将永远走在本届政府的最前沿—让这些世界知名的科学家,确保我们做的一切都是科学的、事实的、真理的。” 拜登在一份声明中说。“他们值得信赖的指导将是至关重要的,我们将一起结束这场大流行,恢复我们的经济,并寻求新的突破,以改善所有美国人的生活质量。”

Lander will be the first life scientist to serve as presidential science adviser, according to the news release. In the same rollout, Biden indicated that Francis Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health, who was appointed by President Barack Obama during his first term, will stay in that role.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The President-elect, who ran on a campaign that promised to prioritize science, made clear his aspirations for Lander''s responsibilities in a letter he wrote to the new director.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Drawing from one of his role models, Biden told Lander that President Franklin D. Roosevelt penned a letter in 1944 to his science adviser asking him how science and technology could "best be applied to benefit the nation''s health, economic prosperity, and national security" following World War II.


He tasks Lander with a similar responsibility, asking him and his team to work to provide his administration with recommendations that can set the country on course for the next 75 years.


Biden asks him to consider five main questions, including what lessons can be learned from the pandemic, how scientific breakthroughs can influence climate change and economic growth, and how the United States can ensure it is competitive with China in its technological growth.


"I believe that the answers to these questions will be instrumental in helping our nation embark on a new path in the years ahead—a path of dignity and respect, of prosperity and security, of progress and common purpose," Biden tells Lander in the letter.


In addition to Lander and Collins, Biden''s team has announced that Alondra Nelson, a researcher whose work focuses on science, technology and social inequality, will serve as deputy director for science and society.


Frances H. Arnold and Maria Zuber will serve as the external co-chairs of the President''s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.


So, I''m Canadian, and our cabinet positions are very fluid. Does this mean that it will be a permanent position from here on out?


Once someone sets the precedent, it''s likely to continue


It’s only as long as presidents keep it that way. UN Ambassador has shifted in and out of being Cabinet-level with the last several presidents. Yes he requires senate confirmation because the position is specifically Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy.


So I as an american am confused about what is and isnt a cabinet position and how cabinet positions are designated. I used to think that it was just people with secretary in their title, but I learned other positions like white house COS, DNI etc are part of it. As far as line of succession no this new position will not affect line of succession because that is established in the presidential line of succession is explicitly enumerated in the presidential succession act of 1947.


I wasn''t 100% sure on this, so I looked it up, and it seems yes. To be a member of the cabinet is to be the head of a department of the executive branch, which has to be confirmed by the Senate.
Last time I was aware of this happening was Bush Jr. and the Secretary of Homeland Security, but I admittedly may just not be aware of others.


Most presidential appointees require confirmation, “cabinet level” or not. What this means is that they will be at cabinet meetings and be on the same “level” as cabinet officers in the administration.


Of all the news to come from politics these past years, this one has me super thrilled! Also, Secretary of Science sounds pretty badass a one-up on PHd types lol. Perhaps we''ll soon have telescope on the Moon because working in an observatory on Earth is kinda "meh!"

在过去几年的所有政治新闻中,这一条让我超级兴奋! 而且,科学部长听起来很厉害,比博士级别的人强,哈哈。也许我们很快就会在月球上安装望远镜,因为在地球上的天文台工作有点“无聊”!

There was an election add that said Biden would listen to the scientists.


Sadly this is desperately needed. Not to promote science in the US in gereral, but to have one person on the Cabinet who is obliged to tell the president when something bat-shit crazy is being proposed as truth.


Assuming they actually elect a scientist to the position... And that they know what they''re talking about.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think there should be a Dept of Science and Technology. You could fold NASA, NOAA, CDC, etc into them.
Then again, I think we need Cyber Force too!

我认为应该设立一个科学技术系。你可以把NASA(美国国家航空和宇宙航行局), NOAA(美国国家海洋和大气局), CDC(美国疾病控制与预防中心)等等纳入进去。

Honestly Cyber Force would be more actually useful at this point than Space Force.
We may need a version of Space Force in the future but not just yet imo.


We absolutely need a cyber force. I think that''s what Space Force is supposed to be... but it doesn''t seem to have a super clear obxtive yet.


Actually, it should be a fourth branch of government, immune from executive branch meddling. Could mandate it with longer budget cycles and task it with the realization of obxtive truth and excellence, with firm firewalls against subjective areas such as religion, race and nationality.


Why would you pull the CDC from the department of health?


I suggested this a long time ago. (I am a semi-retired senior scientist for the federal government.). But it will likely never happen because each organization wants to keep its own staff and budget, as well as do whatever research they think is best. There is some valid argument for competition between agencies, which should increase innovation as long as duplication is minimized.

我很久以前就提议过了。(我是联邦政府的一名半退休高级科学家。) 但这可能永远不会发生,因为每个组织都想保留自己的员工和预算,以及做他们认为最好的研究。机构之间的竞争有一些有效的论据,只要尽量减少重复,就能够增加创新。

Up until now I''ve mainly liked Biden because he wasn''t Trump. But, I''m really starting to like him now. It''s almost joyous to have a President that values science


Hopefully he’s self aware that he’s not seen as a the ‘popular choice’ but as the candidate who ain’t Trump.
The best thing about that, all he needs to do to win and focus on core policies that appeal to those who only voted for him because he ain’t Trump.
He’s got the House & Senate Democrats available to do so too.


Hopefully. I mean his career is so conservative he may as well be a 1995 Republican but he''s a registered Democrat/not Trump so we call him a savior.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I count myself as a conservative, and this is amazing news


Republicans generally dislike science because it directly contradicts decisions they make in the pursuit of money.


Good. It''s time to do everything possible to bring an end to the suffering that so many chronic patients are going through.
Hopefully we will see a lot of breaktroughs in medicine and may them be awarded with nobel prizez.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

We need to re-institute the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, and expand it to cover all science issues, not just technology.


Science is our future. I am glad we have a leader who thinks the this way.


America needs to decrease the military budget and bring the focus more on A.I R&D as well as Space development. Other countries such as China could easily surpass them. So as an American i''d appreciate if Joe would do that. Not that a country surpassing the US is a bad thing as im no patriot. But to see science & technology at the forefront is a critical linchpin for any civilization to progress.
I know many of the military budget goes into this already but I would like less guns, and tanks and more scientists and engineers.


We wouldn''t be here today without science, and we certainly won''t make it past this century without it too. Hopefully this administration will understand this and use that influence for the betterment of humanity and nature.


Biden: I''m going to listen to the scientists.
Scientists: We need to ban fracking.
Biden: I''m not going to ban fracking.
Scientists: Oh...well a lot more beside that needs to change anyways.
Biden: Nothing will fundamentally change.
Trump was always and will always be extremely shitty, don''t get me wrong. Just don''t go to sleep because you think the ''good guys'' won this time around. We still need to hold these people accountable. If we don''t, then it''ll be business as usual, and that''s what we need to be wary of.
If you care about science, and especially climate change, then badger your congress people to push aggressive climate policy that goes far beyond the Biden plan. Science has told us that the gradual approach should''ve started in the mid to late-20th century; instead we have been insanely charging the other direction. We need to be much, much more aggressive about this now and the gradual shift to a "green" energy economy alluded to in the Biden Plan is suspiciously reminiscent of the last several decades of climate inaction. We can''t let career politicians like the current President-elect get away with reassurances alone, because they absolutely will if they can.


Fracking will not be banned because of a fundamental scientific principal:
$MONEY>Environment to politicians.


Trump was always and will always be extremely shitty, don''t get me wrong.
I wonder how long it''ll be before I stop seeing this disclaimer. Biden hopes it''ll be a long time, because the more people compare him to Trump, the less he''ll have to do.
He won the election without offering anything. Most of the time, it seemed like he was going out of his way not to offer anything, probably just to cement the narrative that the lesser evil doesn''t have to do anything to win. Now that the election''s over, there''s no mechanism for him to be held accountable.


You realize when you quote the "nothing will fundamentally change" bit you just make yourself look silly and uninformed, right?
That quote was Biden talking to a bunch of rich donors about how their life won''t fundamentally change when he raises their taxes to pay for his social programs.


Just a bit of a clarification on his fracking plan here. He wants fracking to be gone, but he also wants to be electable in places like Pennsylvania so he doesn’t want to be directly responsible for laying off the fracking industry. His plan has been to stop new leases on fracking sites and require really strict environmental action plans across any new fracking facilities. This will essentially starve the fracking industry of being able to open up new sites. Yes, his plan has a very distant fracking ban date of 2050, but it’s kind of irrelevant as fracking sites will run dry well before then with no new economical replacement sites.
It’s not nearly as aggressive as many of us would like it to be and I would vote for a candidate with a more direct plan, but I just thought it’s worth mentioning that there is in fact a Biden Administration plan to end fracking where there wasn’t one before.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nothing will fundamentally change.
Oh cool, you get to learn something new today.
Joe was talking to really rich people one day. He was telling them, to their faces, that he was going to raise their taxes. That he was going to use that money to fund social safety nets. That they knew in their guts it was the right thing to do.
He told them they were so fucking rich that "nothing will fundamentally change" if they paid their fair share.
Do you disagree? Do you think someone like Bezos will be living on the streets if his taxes are raised?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That’s awesome. What a smart move and a cool guy. Maybe we will all get vaccinated sooner!


He really is awesome. Had him as a professor and he was one of the best I had. Very nice guy.


Ok that’s awesome. After these last four years, we need to elevate the importance of science again. Too much pseudo-science and conspiracy theories running around.


my personal fantasy is for the incoming First Lady to organize the First Annual White House Science Fair


The White House Science Fair has been a thing since Obama at least but not sure if the current admin has kept it going. Just checked- nope Trump cancelled it in 2017 giving no reason, but probably something something Obama. Let''s hope Biden brings it back quickly.


I think this is critical for also developing some standards for publishing “scientific study” results. There needs to be a place where the public can have a higher degree of trust in what studies show that are clearly peer reviewed and the study samples sufficient enough to draw reasonable conclusions. Or at least, clearly reported. Everything is reported under the guise of “proven science” and it is absolutely destroying trust in true scientific discoveries.


Based on who he picked, a guy that tried to patent CRISPR technology, this just means that they''ll have some cabinet position aimed at making science a for-profit endeavor.
Lander''s main mission will be to figure out how the admin can (de)regulate in a way that favors biotech corporations. Kinda like the energy secretary figures out how to favor fossil fuel corps, how the FCC commissioner figures out how to favor communications corps, and so forth.
I want to be wrong.


I remember when I was slightly younger and the USA politicians denying climate change (ahem, is was called "global warming" back then) started every news conference with, "Now I''m not a scientist, BUT..." then proceeded to deny the existence of climate change.
F right off with that! I want PROFESSIONALS. If I get medical tests done I don''t want to hear, "Now I''m not a doctor, BUT..." I don''t want these people showing up at my home as it''s burning down going, "I''m not a firefighter, BUT..."
The politicians said that like they''re proud of it. Fine, you do you. But why won''t you want a subject matter expert on the subject? I like having the best! Stay in your lane

去你的!我想要专业人士。如果我做了医学检查,我不想听到“现在我不是医生,但是…” 我不希望这些人在我的房子烧毁的时候出现在我的房子里说,“我不是消防员,但是……”

This is good and all, but there’s always a gotcha for news like this. Sure, it’s great that he’s done this move, but it doesn’t mean there’s vast amounts of change on the horizon. Remember it’s politics so you can do a whole lot of nothing. Meaning you can make it look like you’re doing lots but it’s doing nothing.
Time will tell for sure, but I’m remaining sceptical. Supportive, but sceptical.


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