2021-02-02 Kira_Yoshikage 16627

The current Wallstreet could be worse than 2008


Let Me Tell You What's Happening


This isn't financial advice and my opinion and analysis is presented for entertainment value, whether you have a long or short position in the market today or are just watching what's happening and trying to understand it, try to have some fun and appreciate the unprecedented historical events happening.


Before making any investment assess what level of risk you can take and do your own research and find a financial advisor you can trust.


At the center of the current situation in the stock market is GameStop stock. The reason GameStop is at the center is because it was a struggling business which hedge funds (large organized investment institutions) figured was going to go bankrupt, so they short sold the stock to try to make a profit (they borrowed shares of the stock and then immediately sold the stock, agreeing to deliver the stock at an unspecified date in the future, anticipating being able to buy shares later at a lower price and profit.)


The short sellers who did this trade shorted over 100% of the available shares, about 140% of the float of shares were shorted when this story started picking up steam.


Contrary to some media reports, this short interest hasn't been covered, its actually expanding, financhill.com reports that 250% of the float is currently shorted, meaning existing shorts actually doubled down.


You might ask how is it even possible that 250% of the float got shorted in the first place. The answer should be that it shouldn't ever have been, it was extremely risky to do, it possibly was illegal to do, and it most definitely should have been illegal to do. But it happened anyways.


Now, back in the summer, a few smart value investors like Michael Burry of the Big Short fame and RoaringKitty on YouTube saw this level of short interest and decided to start buying stock, recognizing that the price of the shares had been artificially driven down by the high level of short interest and that the fundamental qualities of the business were actually a lot healthier than the share price reflected, so they started buying up stock.

好,那么在去年夏天,像《大空头》的人物原型之一Michael Burry,以及YouTube上的RoaringKitty都看见了如此庞大的空头净额,决定开始买入,因为他们意识到股价是被人为压下来的,而这家企业本身的质量要比股价所反映的要好得多,所以他们决定买入。

Then once these smart investors made these purchases, other people started to follow suit, either because they saw their analysis of the stock and agreed with it and bought in, or simply because they saw the stock trending in an upwards direction in bought in. Doesn't really matter.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Then other events happened which drove the stock price up higher, like Chewy executives getting involved with the company and GameStop having a good winter because of the new console launches.


At no point in this situation did the short interest decrease significantly, in fact its only increased relative to the float. And the price has absolutely skyrocketed during that time.


Because the short sellers are contractually obligated to buy the stock back at some point, those holding the stock can essentially dictate the price that needs to be paid for it through the market.And since the short interest is so high, those obligated to buy back the stock might not even have enough money to even cover it if they started buying immediately.


Now you might ask, if the funds who were short on gamestop cannot cover their obligations, what happens. Well, because they are contractually obligated, if they cannot continue to post collateral with the institutions they sold the stock short through to cover their rising debts (meeting the margin call), they will be forcibly liquidated in order to try to cover. But since they are short well over 100% of the stock, they can't cover. So even after they are liquidated, there will still be an unfulfilled obligation, which would be assumed by their prime broker.


Prime brokers are investment banks who take on risks like this for hedge funds in the event that the fund makes bad trades and is forcibly liquidated. Because of the 2008 crash (when Bears Stearns failed) counterparty risk is now usually spread out, it's not assumed just by one bank on behalf of one fund, but by multiple banks to reduce the risk of any one bank failing because of bad trades made by one hedge fund.


However, the level of current exposure the banks have is actually mind blowingly large, and I'll explain why.The fund who took the most prominent short position against GameStop in the media is Melvin Capital.


.Melvin Capital is one of the most known hedge funds that specialize in short selling. They have historically been very profitable for their clients, to the point that there is such a demand from investors (called limited partners in this situation) that the fund has turned away many clients in the past because they don't need them.


This led to a rise in copycat funds who essentially just copy everything that Melvin does and get people who want to invest with Melvin but can't to invest with them.


So if Melvin's risk is absorbed by 2 or 3 banks acting as prime brokers for Melvin, the counterparty risk for the trades made by Melvin actually spreads out to increase exposure to potentially every large investment bank which acts as a prime broker for hedge funds, because if they don't have exposure to Melvin's risk, they likely have exposure to other funds which copy Melvin.


But the story doesn't stop there. Because the price squeeze on the GameStop short sellers is enormous and theoretically infinite, GameStop stock is essentially just a money printer which has continually rising value in the market. Because the value of the equity continues to increase, GameStop shareholders are able to borrow more and more money against GameStop stock on margin through their brokers.


Recognizing the financial reasons why this trade has gone so successfully in their favor, many of these traders are now using either more of their money or more money borrowed against GameStop stock (which is effectively a money printer) to also buy up stock in other heavily shorted companies to also apply pressure to those short sellers.


So the situation is quickly becoming one where the short sellers cannot cover even their position in GameStop let alone all of their other short positions because they just don't have enough money.


As long as the stock holders continue to hold, the short sellers will not be able to meet their obligation, the value of the stock will continue to increase, the amount of money that can be borrowed against GameStop stock will increase, that borrowed money will then be used to further increase the pressure on other short sellers.


And with so many short squeeze situations simultaneously happening, it is likely that every single bank who acts as a prime broker for these different short sellers who are sold short on different stocks has exposure to all of this risk. Risk that they cannot even cover themselves. So the end result of all of this is likely going to be that every single investment bank in the country with exposure to this risk, which could be every single investment bank in the country, is forcibly liquidated.


It's an even worse situation for the banks than the housing crash because in 2008 their level of exposure was actually limited, in this situation it is theoretically unlimited.


Check all of the big investment bank stocks, they've all been down for several days in a row. At this point in the game, it seems very likely that they're going straight into the ground. Power to the players.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The public is pissed, no more bailouts


So I’m all for sticking it to the man, but isn’t a collapse of the financial system worse than 2008...bad?


Fuck ‘em.


They undid regulations for their greed. Shorters wrecked many a company. Just watch the 80s movie Other People’s Money with Danny Devito.


Banking used to be only 5% of our economy, with making stuff and farming being much higher. What is it now? 25%? Financial wizardry bullshit.


2008? Is that where they privatized the gains and socialized the losses?


Fuck ‘em till they bleed.


The discussion on food pricing was very interesting. The farmer gets almost nothing, and the middle man takes the vast majority of the price paid. From grain to bread the mark up is like 50 times. And beef farmers are only getting a dollar something a pound. There is no real marker anymore, just a lot of middle men doing nothing.


I think so.


But I suppose if you are going to build a building on rotten foundations it's best if it collapses when there is as few floors built and as few people moved in as possible.


This could happen down the line anyway when more things are tied to it causing an even bigger problem.


They are going to be trading water futures etc soon who knows what else could be affected if this happens in 10 years instead.


Obviously yes, but the whole premise is that you have to go through bad times in order to create good times. You have to drag the current system away kicking and screaming in order to replace it with something better. (Or worse, who knows.)


It's bad for everyone, specially fat cats, instead of everything else which is bad for everyone except the fat cats. I say, burn it all down.


Exactly. We have literally nothing to lose. Nothing. No houses and so many even have no job. Fuck these billionaires, fuck the while system of inequality they created and burn the whole fucking thing to the ground.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Complete collapse is disastrous, and yet its the only way anything will change for the better in the long term.


Minor "collapses" and "corrections" always somehow end up benefiting those at the top while everyone on the bottom gets shat on even more.


The only way to change the system is tear the whole thing down, bring everyone down to ground level, and then rebuild using some of the good ideas we've come up with in the last few years.


And ignore the militant capitalists who insist on recreating the same damn system that fucked us to this point.


Can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. You can expect similar crashes to 2008 on a roughly 10-year cycle - perhaps more frequently - unless Wall Street and banks are brought to heel and forcibly made to stop gambling with other people's money.


This collapse is in fact a good collapse. It will remove all the rotten foundation leaving us only good.


We should thank wallstreetbet for their efforts in making the world a better place.


No wonder the media is going apeshit trying to discredit, blame, and attack the private retail investors buying and holding GME. Hedge funds don't gamble with their own money, they have clients who expect a cash return. This event could end up being one of the largest wealth transfers of all time. Depends on who is left holding the inflated stocks at the end.


Honestly, if this collapses the financial system, they had it coming. The information about the insanely risky short-selling was public information. All it took was for people to read the market data and then share that info on social media. Get reddit/4chan involved and they'll nuke the economy from orbit for the lulz.


Our covid crash alone is already worse than 2008 for all the non-elite people.


This is just bringing the system down further. (and it's good)


Definitely worse for the general public than the rich though, I have no doubt they are insulated from this.


It's crazy isn't it? The brokers like robin hood and the hedge funds engaged in open illegal market fraud this week by trying to artificially tank the stock price. They don't care because the repercussions are pathetic. They have lost $70 billion dollars this year already on all these short plays so why does it matter if they get fined $100 million?


Best part is the price tanking didn't even work and they are still absolutely fucked and running out of even illegal things to try.


Yes, this is a nuke and they are trying to defuse it, hopefully they won't be able to do so. Fuck hedge funds and shorters.


Big .Gov will apply a "Fix®". It's only a question of what stupid 'solution' they attempt.


The Big Bail-In: Everyone's assets/deposits ("Hoarding") will be confiscated and applied to support the banks.


"Printers go brrrrrrr": Germany-1923 and Zimbabwe-grade hyperinflation.


Regardless; this is the end of the "Financial Flash Mob": The Cyber-Patriot Act will be rammed into 'law' before Valentine's Day.


So what does this mean for the less-than-average, lower class American who has no direct stake in the stock game? Higher interest rates on borrowing in the future? This is the part I don't understand - the effect this will have on me, the little "poors" worker bee.


If this is an accurate read on the situation, and I am a dipshit who doesn't know if it is, then presumably a 2008-style recession. And given how shaky the economy is right now due to COVID, it could get ugly.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

it could get ugly.


it is* gonna get ugly


this is the collapse, we're never going back to normal after this.


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