2021-02-02 兰陵笑笑生 19508
Could you conquer the entire Roman empire with only a single machine gun with unlimited ammo?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tim Bauer
, former Nuclear Engineering and Chemical Technician at United States Navy (2000-2005)
Absolutely you could! Some things you would need. Fluency in both official language(s) and local culture(s) to start. Intimate knowledge of the political workings of those in power would also be quite helpful. Becoming an expert in the history of the era before taking your trip would be immensely valuable.
Next, you don’t try for a military victory. Instead you use your terrifyingly loud death machine to convince people you’re some sort of divine entity.
First step, go to some crappy little town with little or no defenses and tell them you’re either a god or the scion of a god. When they laugh at you, you proceed to kill them all except a sext few. This, in my opinion, is the most dangerous part. You haven’t solidified your reputation and a single stray arrow could end everything before it starts. But, if you succeed, you claim in your divine wisdom that you’ve decided to make the survivors your emissaries/clergy/whatever. Send them out to spread, “your message.” ie I’m here to save you from yourselves, your corrupt leaders, or the sinners, or some such. Whatever catches the attention of the locals. Your “message” should tie into common local problems as well as try to scapegoat the current political leaders and anyone who dissents against you.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Follow your emissaries a couple days behind to whatever villages they go to. Demand everyone kneel and worship and immediately kill anyone who doesn’t. At this point, use your “message” to inspire and capture the hearts of the survivors. Fear, curiosity, and superstition become your weapons. If you’re lucky and good, you can add religious zealotry to your arsenal.
Once your reputation has hit a point more prominent governors have become terrifyingly familiar with your story, you show up on one’s doorstep, perhaps with an escort of loyal followers. Demand an audience, demand to be worshiped, instantly kill all who refuse. The safe bet is to always kill the overarching leaders and all their family, friends, and allies. Leave no one who might try to stage a coup and kill you in your sleep. Use your message to capture the hearts and souls of the survivors (a message of salvation could work wonders, particularly combined with a condemnation of sin). Rinse & repeat until you’re crowned the divine emperor.
If you can use your position of divine lord to actually benefit the lives of the entire populace you might even hold the position for a while. Fair warning, politics is a bitch.


Patrick Kilroy, B.A. from TCD Ancient History & Archaeology W/ Jewish & Islamic Civilisations (2021)
There are a number of key things to consider in answering this question:
1). Roman military capabilities.
2). The size of the Empire and it’s defenses.
3). The political structure of the Empire.
1). The Roman Army was not just comprised of melee footsoldiers. Their auxiliaries, taken from the provinces, included archers, cavalry, slingers etc. The cavalry could ride down on you in force. You would pick off an impressive number of them, but as soon as you need to reload you would be trampled, especially if they attacked from multiple angles which is extremely easy given that you’re just one man.
The archers, although possessing significantly less range on their weapons than you, outnumber you. You yourself may have the range but are less accurate at longer distances. They don’t have to be because they can fill the sky with a volley of arrows in your general direction and guarantee a hit or several.
On the field, these two groups would be attacking at the same time, something a single man, no matter how well armed, would have trouble fending off.

1). 罗马的军事能力。
2). 帝国的规模和它的防御能力。
3). 帝国的政治结构。
1). 罗马军队不仅仅是由近战步兵组成的,他们的辅助部队,取自各省,包括弓箭手、骑兵、弓弩手等。骑兵可以对你实现战争冲撞。你会干掉令人印象深刻的数量,但一旦你需要重新装填子弹,你就会被践踏,特别是当他们从多个角度攻击时,鉴于你只有一个人,这是很容易发生的。

2). The Roman Empire, at it’s height, stretched from Northern England to Iraq. A distance of roughly 4,000km. The entire time you’re in hostile territory.
You may start off in an Imperial province (where the armies were stationed), but even in the Senatorial provinces (the Empire’s civilian heartland) you would doubtless encounter hostility. You can’t outrun a messenger on horseback who would certainly warn all surrounding towns of your approach.
When attacking the army, you’d be up against defences like these ones in South Shields
at worst, and at best many many forts and camps with wood and earth battlements. To assault any one of these would be fruitless. Once locked out, you’re not getting in. Plain and simple. If you try to climb the walls you’re left exposed for the legionaries inside to pick you off.
You’d be safer assaulting the many villas and farms, but entering any settlement of substantial size will force you into close quarters combat in the streets where your range advantage is nullified.

2). 罗马帝国最鼎盛的时候,从英格兰北部一直延伸到伊拉克。大概有4000公里的距离。整个过程中,你都在敌对的领土上。

3). But let’s say that against the odds you are able to survive in this state, foraging in the wild for food and sneaking through the forests and hills. You intercept the Emperor as he is travelling on the road and mow down his entourage. You drag his corpse through the doors of the Senate house, or maybe up on the rostrum, and proclaim yourself Emperor. Surely they will bow before your might? No. You will meet thorough resistance from all quarters. Hardwired into the Roman psyche is a hatred for tyrants of any colour. If you try to impose a different way of life on the people you’ll be attacked by a furious mob and beaten to death, likely thrown into the Tiber.
If you fight back with your gun you will lose any and all chance of remaining Emperor and you’re back to the state described in part 2). And even if your accession is not immediately reviled, you will rapidly accumulate rivals who denounce you as a murderous usurper and plot your demise.
So you will have to play the Roman political game. You must appease the people and incentivise the army to be loyal to you. You will have to install new provincial governors or risk deep-seated insubordination. You must perform a plethora of strange and unfamiliar religious rituals to maintain the ‘pax deorum’ and legitimise your rule through successful conquests or social reforms. Doubtless you will be dreadful at all of these tasks given that you don’t understand any of them, and will end up a lackey to your advisors as you pawn off your powers to them, and all this is assuming you can speak Latin. But even if by some miracle you manage to pull all these things off ……. have you really conquered the Roman Empire, or has it conquered you?

3). 但假设你能够在这种逆境状态下生存下来,在野外觅食,在森林和山林中潜行。终于,你在皇帝行进的路上拦截他,并扫射杀死他的随从。你把他的尸体拖进元老院的大门,或者登上讲台,宣布自己为皇帝。你确定他们肯定会在你的威势面前俯首称臣?不,你会遇到来自各方面的彻底抵抗。罗马人对任何肤色的暴君都恨之入骨。如果你想把不同的生活方式强加给人民... ...你就会被愤怒的暴徒攻击,被殴打致死,很可能被扔进台伯河。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

David Surface
TL;DR is basically - Yea, you can conquer the empire in some sense of the word, but not the way you think, and it has rather little to do with your magical toy and more to do with the knowledge you bring which is inherent to coming from the modern era. you can't conquer the empire with force, but if you help the empire, you can ascend to a high ranking position, but trying to kill everyone will get you killed if you aren't careful enough, and certainly won't get you on the throne.
No, you couldn’t, but you could hurt the empire and hasten the decline of the empire by a few centuries. Assuming you use guerrilla warfare tactics instead of line battles, you might take out a few entire legions before disappearing. assuming you killed off the entire group sent to kill you, it would take a good deal of time to find you, allowing you to sleep and continue your reign of terror.


But why do that? you could become so useful to society in their wars against the Sassanids, Germanic peoples, and everyone else they were fighting at the time. give them ammo to study, as well as the skills to make the guns. get them to learn modern English to communicate with you and eventually, you can learn Latin, you could spread the technology of firearms to the Romans, making their empire a nearly unstoppable juggernaut for a few more centuries, if not until the modern era.
Hey, if you did a good enough job of helping people with other sources of knowledge from the modern era like the simple yet very important knowledge that germs exist, and killing them off is as simple as regular bathing. you could lead to an industrial revolution singlehandedly by spreading the knowledge leading up to it, which could gain you enough favor in the empire to get to the upper echelons of government, possibly even becoming emperor one day.
You couldn't conquer the empire with a machine gun and infinite ammo alone, but that, as well as common knowledge of the modern era, would create enough favor and goodwill by both the military, political, and civil establishments that you could become emperor without firing a single shot.


Kane Schlichting
, Experience shooting and lots of lessons
You know, a lot of people forget the difference between “defeat” and “conquer”.
You can completely annihilate an entire enemy government, render it incapable of fighting militarily, and destroy its ability to wage war…
But, unless you have an occupying army, you’ve just destabilized a region, you haven’t conquered it. You haven’t made it clear you’re in charge, you haven’t occupied the territory and actually taken control.
Estimates suggest that for successfully occupying (AKA conquering and keeping conquered) a nation you need at least, in modern day terms (automatic weapons, aircraft, naval presence, artillery and tanks and all), 1 occupying soldier for every 40 civilians. And considering the peak of the Roman Empire, its population was 65,000,000 people, your occupation force to actually conquer it would be 1,625,000. That’s 30 DIVISIONS more than the entire modern US Army. With MODERN equipment.

你可以彻底消灭整个敌国政府,使其丧失战斗力,摧毁其发动战争的能力... ...

Considering that if you didn’t have access to an entire industrialized, militarily mobilized modern nation’s armed forces to do the task, well, you’d need to do a lot of recruiting- But just getting around is a pain. Why? Because you don’t have modern transit or the logistics to even use a modern vehicle. So by and large, your ass is riding a horse, and even at a breakneck pace, getting from Edinburg to London could take a WEEK, to say nothing of getting from northern Gaul to the Middle East to drum up support and ensure your goal was completed. Oh, and horses carrying couriers was the only way to get messages around long distance those days, sooo…
Also, you’re probably going to draw the ire of the entire Empire, seeing as you (presumably) murdered the Caesar in cold blood and shot at an entire Legion, hope you have plenty of cocaine to not fall asleep, because when you do, you’re not waking up. Someone is going to see to that. And no-one’s going to stop this from happening.

考虑到你无法通过整套工业化的、军事动员的现代国家的武装力量来完成这项任务,好了,你需要做很多的招聘工作 - 但四处走动也是很痛苦的。为什么?因为你们没有现代化的运输工具,也没有现代化的物流,甚至连现代化的车辆都没得。所以大体上,你的屁股是骑着马的,即使是以最快的速度,从爱丁堡到伦敦可能也需要一个星期的时间,更不用说从高卢北部到中东去鼓动支持,以确保你的目标完成了。哦,马匹驮着信使是那时候长途传递消息的唯一方式,所以... ...

Grant Nichols
, Generalist by nature, Specialist by necessity.
No, Culturally
The Roman Empire was first and foremost a Culture Super Structure. Don’t look up that term, I just made it up. The point of it is to emphasise that Rome’s strength, from the western frontier (Scotland) to the eastern frontier (Armenia), was its self-identity and way of being. The military was a part of that, but so was the engineering, the education, the religious tolerances, the Romanising of conquered nations, the pervasive values, the government infrastructure . . . all these and more. Rome was, as we say, even greater than the sum of these parts, because “empire” was so important to its sense of “what we are”, that all elements were cohered as part of conscious or unconscious social engineering.


Part of my reason for calling the Roman Empire a Culture Super Structure is that a large part of its cohesion and solidarity came from building on top of Alexander’s Greek Empire. Alexander’s method of conquest was to defeat the enemy in battle - measured by how quickly the opposing leader surrendered - and then welcome then into his kingdom with open arms. He let them continue to govern themselves, but also gave them the Greek language and culture to unite them. He even incorporated their best military into his own, to fight side-by-side with him. This is why Rome had Latin as its official language, yet Greek was widely used throughout the Roman Empire as well.
Consider Britain. It was conquered by the culture and civilised life that came as standard with the invasion. The Roman lifestyle, the wealth, the literacy, the connections with the Mediterranean, and the baths! When Rome withdrew almost 400 years later, it was the the removal of that cultural lifeline that caused Britain to all but revert to previous ways of like, including the loss of widespread literary skills.
You cannot destroy, or conquer, a Culture Super Structure like the Roman Empire with a machine gun - not even with a thousand.


No, Technologically
The Roman Empire had engineering genius in its DNA. Not only that, they were problem solvers of the highest order. Furthermore, they did not handle losing very well.
I have little doubt that if faced with a hostile machine gunner, it would not be long before they devise and deploy a suitable means to counter it. An example that I consider well within reason, would be an armoured chariot, with protection offered for both horses and riders. I can’t help but think they wouldn’t be too different to some of the WWI efforts. Add to that some external elements devised to inflict damage on the shooter, and Rambo will be history. Obviously terrain, and the shooters desire to move will have influence. Of course, just setting fire to the region surrounding the shooter would do the trick too. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I’m wondering why I’m doing this.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Archie Meijer
All by yourself with no one helping you? No. A machine gun would be a force multiplier in the ancient world, but you have to stop and eat and sleep at times and you have to reload. Your enemies would take advantage of this.
You could be a very successful thief or assassin if you had a machine gun in the ancient world, but alone you couldn’t conquer anything.
However, if you managed to get people’s loyalty perhaps by claiming the machine gun was magic (and since you specify that it has unlimited ammo in this scenario it clearly is magic) and sent from the gods then you could conquer the Roman empire. But that’s going to take more than just force, you would need charisma and to appeal to people’s desires. For instance you could rouse an impoverished town and show them a demonstration of your power to get them confident enough to band together to take on the empire. Or you could liberate slaves and get them to join your army. It’s helpful if you can speak like a religious prophet to gain credibility and if you know how to perform magic tricks so people think you have powers.


If you know how machine guns work, how metallurgy works, and can figure out where to get those resources then you’d have an even better chance, since you could arm and train an army. But you better reward your supporters, or you could face treachery and then the enemy has machine guns too. Even a lost battle could mean the technology gets into enemy hands when they raid the battle field. If someone smart enough took a look at it that means the rulers you are trying to usurp could make their own and arm their own armies with machine guns.
EDIT: Another option is to take power not by challenging the Roman establishment but by joining it. You could impress the Caesar, Senators, and high status patricians and pretend to be some sort of wizard. You could be granted a post as general and lead your own army, and then if you did well enough there eventually seize the position of Caesar with the support of the Roman ruling class.


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