2021-02-03 Leo Loo 17172

SpaceX has performed the latest high-altitude flight test of its Mars-bound Starship spacecraft, resulting in a huge explosion upon landing.


The Starship SN9 prototype launched from SpaceX’s Boca Chica facility in Texas on Tuesday, reaching a height of roughly 10km before belly flopping back to Earth.


Before reaching the landing pad it performed a complex landing flip manoeuvre but failed to right itself properly and crashed on the landing pad.


A previous attempt to launch and land a Starship prototype in December also resulted in a fiery explosion after a botched landing.


Another attempt to launch and land a Starship prototype is expected in the near future, with SN10 already situated on a nearby launchpad.


SpaceX’s Starship SN9 exploded on landing in Boca Chica, Texas, on 2 February, 2021The Starship SN9 and SN10 prototypes at SpaceX’s Boca Chica facility in Texas ahead of Tuesday’s test flight
The Starship SN9 and SN10 prototypes at SpaceX’s Boca Chica facility in Texas ahead of Tuesday’s test flight

”在周二的试飞之前,位于德克萨斯州的博卡奇卡的SN9 和 SN10 原型太空船。“

SpaceX emphasized both the importance and difficulty of achieving a safe landing for Starship in a post on its website ahead of Tuesday’s launch.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

“A controlled aerodynamic descent with body flaps and vertical landing capability, combined with in-space re
filling, are critical to landing Starship at destinations across the solar system where prepared surfaces or runways do not exist, and returning to Earth,” the post stated.


“This capability will enable a fully reusable transportation system designed to carry both crew and cargo on long-duration, interplanetary flights and help humanity return to the moon, and travel to Mars and beyond.”


SpaceX CEO Elon Musk previously stated that he hopes to manufacture up to 100 Starship crafts every year, each capable of carrying up to 100 people.

SpaceX首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)此前表示,他希望每年制造多达100艘星际飞船,每艘飞船最多可搭载100人。

The technology billionaire has frequently spoken of his ambition to transform humanity into a multi-planetary species and hopes to send the first humans to Mars as early as 2024.


Tuesday’s test was only the second major high-altitude flight of a Starship craft, and despite achieving a lift-off and controlled descent, the landing attempt was not as good as SN8’s effort.


The setback is unlikely to deter Mr Musk, who last year made the development of Starship SpaceX’s “top priority”.



A complete waste of money while children are starving on earth.


This is great stuff. It took dozens of attempts to get a simple locket to launch reliably, so being able to do a vertical landing will be huge step.
Incredibly difficult, yet Space x have managed it reliably on their earlier machines.

这是很棒的事情。为了能可靠的发射一个简单的火箭,我们进行了数十次的尝试才成功。因此能够垂直起降将会是一个巨大的进步。难以想象的困难,然而space x 已经在他们早前的设备稳定的掌控了

I am pretty much convinced that Elon Musk is an alien lifeform trying to return to his home planet.


Two catastrophic landing failures, no emergency eject features and engines that rely on turbopumps. Any volunteers for a mars mission? lol


This is the year 2021, not the 1940s or 1950s. Things should have moved on a bit.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Yep we should have just taken a 1950''s spaceship and gone to Mars in it - I mean they are all the same aren''t they


很赞 4