2021-02-04 Kira_Yoshikage 10579

Dan Scanlan, Small Business Owner
I think it is a good thing for everyone, except for some hedge funds who got power drunk and decided to push a no brainer win so much they caused movement and put themselves in such a vulnerable position.


Very bad things happen when the stock market people think they can’t lose. They can literally bring down the world and have.


Perhaps this will prevent another 2008 or cause another. We don’t know yet but many billionaires are crying about unsophisticated investors wrecking things. So maybe we got to it early enough. If the government starts writing checks it means it was too late.


As a capitalist I want these hedge funds, that took such huge risks to burn.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One, for the sake of the system if you take a huge risk to get a huge reward you must pay the price. If we do not punish bad moves then more bad moves will be made in the future.


Second, this type of manipulation can result in a socialist revolution. People will feel the system is rigged and want it torn down.


The system only works if everyone plays by the same rules. People may be jealous of the 1% but if they know the rules apply to them also, it’s not enough to start burning down the country.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Once they see that the 1% has the ability to avoid consequences of being stupid or arrogant the 99% will want blood. They will lose hope in following the rules to get ahead and take the only course of action available.


Jonathan Naisbitt
They will just rewrite the code so they can sit and watch their money grow again. Computer was not ready for this contingency, now it is. This whole legend thing is ludicrous, access to high cost algorithm software has rigged the markets.


Not the people, not the system, it's the tech, microseconds, statistics and who controls it.


Dan Scanlan
What happened here was not because of the high frequency trades and custom direct fiber connections. This was just sheer hubris on Melvin. They had a sure thing and instead of taking the win for a reasonable profit, not shorting 120% of the market, they pushed it to its limits. I wouldn’t doubt it was to impress the CEOs(of Melvin) buddies at the next cocktail party.


They system itself is stacked against the little guy. Although not perfect this does not mean it’s bad either. The problem comes from when the wealthy start to compete with each other and make risky and riskier choices until the blow it up and we the tax payers bail them out.


If on the other hand we saved the institutions they built but made the executives pay for the mistake it would work itself out.


Kate Harkin
Its a good thing now, but it’s likely a lot of people will be hurt when the bubble pops,and not hedge funds

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dan Scanlan
I don’t think so. Few people really think that GameStop is worth it and invested money they can’t afford to lose. Most of the little guy movement is from people putting $500 or $1000 into it. It’s not an amount that will break people, if so they should not be in the market.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Somebody has to get a bloody nose as a message that unbridled greed of shorting 120–140% of the available market is utter hubris. The people who made this choice need to be destroyed. Clear out the CEO and the c-level executives of these organizations. If you can track down the employees that recommended this move they go too.


For the sake of capitalism they need to pay for this.


Kate Harkin
it seems like speculation at this pint to say how much the little guy is investing. It also seeks speculative to say all those active on wallstreetbets are little guys.


While it’s clear over shorting was occurring, I don’t feel it’s productive to say that all people who have a certain job are unethical. Shorting GME has been extremely popular recently thanks to serious questions about their business model, and so it’s quite possible that only a fraction of hedge funds were acting illegally and the stock was still that overdone. I don’t think we should wish financial ruin on people just for being wealthy

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kipruto Bett
No one is wishing financial ruin on people for just being wealthy, a system that protects them from financial ruin for their bad decisions and gambles is what is being questioned! Why should the rules apply differently for them?


Right now, a 1.9 Trillion Dollar Bill to help Main Street is being questioned as to excessive while a tax bill that in the long term will cost 2.85 trillion sailed through with pomp and circumstance.


Kate Harkin
“For the sake of capitalism, they need to pay for this”. That’s your claim. You made that claim not in regards to people who have been shown to have done anything wrong, but just at all hedge funds who have shorted GME. So yes, it’s exactly what you said


Dan Scanlan
It was not the act of shorting that is the problem. They took a huge and stupid risk by shorting so much it caused a ripple that was caused attention to the move. I am sure if it paid off they were not going to send checks to everyone who lost money. They would have just giggled with their friends about it at the next cocktail party.


They want it both ways. Take a huge risk and the payoff but if doesn’t work they don’t want to pay. If some yahoo in his basement made the same move no one would be here defending him.


We have rules and everyone must abide by them.


Kate Harkin
Except they didn’t take a huge risk. They shorted a failing company and then a bunch of people online agreed to artificially prop up said companies stock value in an act that would be certainly illegal if done by those same hedge funds and will likely result in new laws regarding the markets. Again, this all seems to boil down to “Youre richer than me so you must be evil!” which isn’t exactly a reasonable stance.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dan Scanlan
They shorted 120% to 140% of the stock available in the market. That’s a huge risk. If they did not turn it up like that they would not have been vulnerable. I don’t fault people for getting rich or taking risks. They played the game and lost. Next time they will not take such a huge risk.


As for what WSB being illegal; it was all based on publicity available information. No insider information was disclosed and anyone could have taken advantage of the situation.


You would have a hard time making a conspiracy that consisted of thousands of people talking in public saying why they liked a stock. As far as I know there is no law against taking advantage of someone else dumb move.


Kate Harkin
No, “they” didn’t. As I’ve said before to you, just because the stock was over shorted does not mean every hedge fund, or even most of them, was doing that. I’m REALLY unsure why you can’t seem to understand this, besides the obvious “screw the rich!” vibe

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I really can’t help but laugh at your second paragraph. The fact that they acted based on publicly available info is so irrelevant it makes me question why I’m even having this conversation with you.


And it’s not a conspiracy lol, what are you even talking about? Again, shorting a failing business isn’t a dumb move, it’s an extremely common and effective stock strategy that only failed because of an unprecedented, organized attempt to artificially inflate the market.


You’re right there is no law, which is exactly what I said in my previous comment, you know, the one where I said they will likely be adding regulation over this in the future? You clearly are just bitter other people are more financially successful


Donovan Mealhouse
The hope is that the people left holding the bag will be the hedge funds who were severely manipulating the price of the stock by sorting more shares than existed. At some point the hedge funds will have to buy back all those shares. Who profits and who suffers depends at what price they will cover, and whether the hedge funds can manipulate the price down low enough to stay solvent.


Kate Harkin
It’s not helpful to pretend all people who have the same job are unethical. Were some hedge funds illegally shorting stock that didn’t actually exist? It certainly looks like it. How many were? We have no idea right now.


Shorting GME had become extremely popularly in recent years thanks to the clear decline of their business model, so all it would take is some of the larger hedge funds breaking the law to result in the over-shorting.


As to who will suffer, it will certainly be a mix of both hedge funders and everyday people. I fear the everyday people are going be more likely to end up suffering worse. They may have less significant losses, but the hedge funds have far deeper pockets


Donovan Mealhouse
I don't believe I said all hedge fund managers are unethical. There are plenty of hedge funds who own GME, and others who were buying the wider market drop during the days when the short hedge funds were deleveraging to cover their losses.


Hedge funds are supposed to be a safe, reliable harbor for pension, retirement, public and institutional funds. People trust them to be able to do much more advanced research than retail traders and mitigate risks.


Hedge funds who took wild risks with this stock broke faith with their customers as well, and it's unfortunate many retirees and workers with 401ks will suffer losses as a result. Those hedge funds were the ones behaving unethically, and those are the ones who would be punished by a short squeeze.


Kate Harkin
Saying the hedge funds should be left holding the bag, as far as I’m concerned, is the same thing. While some hedge funds were breaking the law, we have no idea how many. Saying they ALL DESERVE to lose tons of money because of this is… I don’t want to get BNBR’d, so I’ll let you use your imagination.


Also, the hedge funds in no way took out excessive risk. At all. GameStop is a failing company with an outdated business model. The only reason the hedge funds lost out was because of an unprecedented, organized attempt to manipulate the markets and hyper-inflate the stock far past its value out of spite.


That’s like blaming you if you walked outside onto your front lawn and got hit by a drunk driver. You took the risk of leaving your house, right? It’s your own fault right?


John Crosby
I agree Kate. It’s easy to rail against the big money hedge funds, but it’s just as easy to forget some of those hedge funds are part of ‘everyday peoples’ portfolios.


Thor Johnson
Hopefully… this will tell “everyday people” that they need to know what their portfolio managers are doing.


But… that’s not likely. People give their money to money managers so they wouldn’t have to worry…


Donovan Mealhouse
Agreed. There is truly no safe harbor in investing, only ways to mitigate risk. Abdicating your responsibility to keep an eye on your investments to someone more informed and capable might seem like a good idea, but it opens up risks of its own as we've seen in the past few days.


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