2021-02-04 后羿A射日 31280

An online movement is pushing back against the country’s ferocious work culture of long hours for seemingly little gain


On the Chinese microblogging platform Weibo, enthusiastic slackers share their tips: fill up a thermos with whisky, do planks or stretches in the work pantry at regular intervals, drink litres of water to prompt lots of trips to the toilet on work time and, once there, spend time on social media or playing games on your phone.


“Not working hard is everyone’s basic right,” said one netizen. “With or without legal protection, everyone has the right to not work hard.”


Young Chinese people are pushing back against an engrained culture of overwork, and embracing a philosophy of laziness known as “touching fish”. The term is a play on a Chinese proverb: “muddy waters make it easy to catch fish”, and the idea is to take advantage of the Covid crisis drawing management’s focus away from supervising their employees.


The author of a viral post at the centre of the conversation, Weibo user Massage Bear, described “touching fish” as a life attitude.
“[It] is a life philosophy of perfunctory living, letting go of oneself and others at the same time… and that’s the key to living in the moment and being relaxed,” she said.

微博用户推拿熊(Massage Bear)的一篇帖子引起了网热议,推拿熊将“摸鱼”描述为一种生活态度。

Some make a game of it, Quartz reported, aiming to be the employee who uses the most toilet paper, or getting up from their desk whenever any other colleague does.
The deliberate slowdown at work marks a cultural shift among younger generations who are pushing back against unhealthy work hours for little gain, and not seeing the opportunities for upward mobility experienced by their parents.


“The fundamental reason for me to do that is that I no longer believe that I can get a promotion in my current company by hard work and ability,” said one Weibo user.
“There’s a joke in the tech industry, if you work hard before 35 as engineer in a food delivery company, then after 35 you are the delivery guy,” said Suji Yan, a 25-year-old chief executive of a tech startup mask.io.

“科技行业有个笑话,如果35岁之前在一家送餐公司当工程师,而且努力工作,那么35岁之后你能当送餐员了,”25岁的科技初创公司Mask Network CEO阎晗说。

“I’ve heard of people being fired after 35 because they spent less time in the company, because they have families to look after and they have less energy than the younger people.”


The “touching fish” movement has a sense of humour, but behind it is a deadly serious issue. Recent deaths have again highlighted the dangers in China’s “996” work culture – a reference to working 9am to 9pm, six days a week at a minimum, particularly in the tech industry and among food delivery drivers. The 996 attitude is widespread, despite labour laws saying work should be limited to eight hours a day, for an average of 44 hours a week.


Media reports include anecdotes of employees being offered bonuses or fold-out beds for under the desk if they work overtime, fines for missing phone calls, and even signal blockers in bathrooms to stop employees using their phones while on their toilet.


“It’s not that I don’t do my job well,” said one Weibo user.
“Touching fish to resist 996 is nothing more than a kind of nonviolent non-cooperation in a harsh working environment and a difficult process of safeguarding rights.”


In December a 23-year-old employee of e-commerce giant Pinduoduo died after working past midnight, the company confirmed earlier this month. While her death hasn’t been formally attributed to overwork, the company attracted furious backlash over the expectations put upon employees, and it was exacerbated further when earlier this month an engineer – surnamed Tan – took his own life.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Shortly afterwards Pinduoduo also fired an employee, named as Wang Taixu. Wang said he was fired after posting a photo online of an ambulance parked outside the company’s Shanghai officer building with the caption “another brave Pinduoduo warrior has fallen”. Pinduoduo reportedly disputed his characterisation of the medical incident and said Wang was fired for “extreme comments made with obvious malice”, violating company rules, and unrelated to the ambulance video. But another video which he posted after he was fired, criticising the intense work culture at the company, was viewed nearly half a million times according to Sixth Tone. Pinduoduo denied the accusations in the video.


Yan said companies got around labour laws in globally familiar ways: hiring people as contractors rather than employees, and incentivising people like delivery drivers to work long hours more often, with bonuses and games, rather than forcing them to do it.


He said as a chief executive he understood the pressures companies were under to increase output, but disagreed with the systematic culture of overwork, and saw the touching fish movement as a form of safe resistance.


“People do that because they have no way of talking to the management.”


Current leading business people are still fans of 996. Alibaba founder, Jack Ma, has said the practice is key to being successful in competitive industries. Xibei Canyin chief executive, Jia Guolong, said people should in fact be working “715” (15 hours a day, seven days a week). In 2019 a Huawei executive boasted that employees asked to work past 10pm. But it has drawn opposition from state media, including Xinhua news and the Communist party mouthpiece, the People’s Daily.


Yan said the tech industry was having a reckoning with how it was enabling the 996 culture, for example by building the technology which exploits delivery drivers. Github, a software development hosting site, has a project called 996.ICU (work 996 and you’ll end up in the intensive care unit), which documents companies enforcing excessive overtime. Yan suggested the project, co-created by his wife Katt Gu and other IT developers and to which he contributes, was in part a way for engineers to make amends.


“There are more and more engineers who are like the Github starters and want to contribute something to society, not to create algorithms to kill more delivery guys,” he said.
“There’s progress. I think my generation, when they become employers and CEOs they’ll have more humane ways of management, they’ll try to fix the system.”


Any company that "needs" people to work overtime as part of its basic operating state is just badly run by idiots (and generally terrible people) who use exploitation to compensate for their own poor management practices and, frequently, miserliness.


I have lived in China for the last 20 years. You just described a Chinese working environment in a nushell. Overtime is unpaid, mandatory, and many people (including my wife) often work 80-90+ hours per week for a 40 hour salary. She has Master''s Degree and struggles to make more than £1000 a month. It''s awful and I feel for young Chinese trying to make a living and better themselves in such a toxic environment.


715? Utter lunacy.
It sounds like China needs to embrace socialism.


Asians are very work focussed in general. I have had Indian bosses and I have seen Chinese overseers of construction works (infrastructure projects in Africa) and they are very demanding and think any subordinate that does not see work as the sole purpose of life as lazy. My greatest fear is that this is how it will have to be because it is the only way to produce cheaper things otherwise local companies in Africa and the West will never compete against Asian businesses. I think this is an important reason why globalization has led to falling wages in the west. For whatever reason, people in Asia are willing to work very hard for very long hours for very little pay.


"I think my generation, when they become employers and CEOs they’ll have more humane ways of management, they’ll try to fix the system.”
If only that was true. Unfortunately, the only way they will achieve becoming CEO''s is by dancing to a different tune than one that''s concerned about the welfare of others.


''Touching fish'' brings to mind my twin daughters when they were toddlers.
There''s a large hot house in the local park. In the house there''s an ornamental pond stocked with large goldfish. A hand held just above the water brings the fish close enough to the surface to be gently touched.
''Can we go and pat the fish, daddy?''
Happy days.


I burned out badly around my early thirties. I enjoyed working long hours, but I gradually, and then suddenly, realised that I''d effectively removed any semblance of a personal life from the equation.


After a while it became a vicious cycle––I worked longer hours because I couldn''t bear the emptiness that confronted me whenever I went home, or at weekends.
I regret doing this very much. It took a year off work, as well as medication, to even begin to right the ship.


It was discovered in Victorian Britain that the harder and longer people worked after a certain limit, the less productive they became, mistakes, accidents, lack of concentration etc. It seems all that has to be learned again. Over time lessons of the past eventually get forgotten.


been happening in japan a long time
But there''s one uniquely Japanese term you don''t want to relate to: karoshi, which translates as “death by overwork”. Reports of the nation''s corporate breadwinners, known as “salarymen”, dropping dead from overwork have been making headlines for decades.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But Japan is a far far nicer country. In every way


Don''t be fooled. Depression and anxiety is rife in Japanese daily life but it''s locked away behind closed doors. Tatemae has a lot to answer for when it comes to the nation''s mental health.


I don''t think so. Having visited both China and Japan I would say whilst Japanese people are politer, they are less sincere and you can''t form genuine and deep friendships with them like you can with Chinese people.


In every way? I suppose you were being ironic? At least I hope that you were.


Yeah, people think that if they visit. Once you''ve lived there for a few years and experienced the sheer brutality of the average workplace, with its long hours and bullying as standard, you soon change your mind.


One of my earliest memories is of falling into my great-uncle''s pond trying to touch the goldfish. I''ve been disinclined to ambition ever since.


So you failed to touch fish?


Succeeded in nearly drowning. My dad was minding me at the time and he got a complete bollocking from my mum apparently.


Having spent some time working with tech companies in China and sometimes working out of their offices, it''s a very strange setup. The 996 seems to be more about appearances rather than actually getting work done - I would say from my perspective there wasn''t any more output than a standard 37.5 hour week here. Lots of long meal breaks, the after-lunch nap (this is probably something that would be actually useful here!) and in general the days felt disjointed and hard to get into a rhythm.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The people I worked with were all pleasant and pretty fun - but the workplaces generally a bit depressing, quite poorly lit and with inadequate HVAC to cope with the heat and humidity. The queues for lifts were something else! You''d waste 20 mins every day getting into the building and up to the right floor.


I bet there are many in the Conservative party who would love to impose a 996 culture on the British work force.


I lived and worked in China for a couple of years and didn''t come away with the feeling that the Chinese worked hard (at least those in a white collar, office setting). They might be forced to sit at their desks for long hours but, in my experience, at those desks they were frequently asleep, browsing Taobao, or watching videos. Very little work actually seemed to get done!


This is because if you expect people to work longer hours, typically less gets done because concentration starts to slip, etc. Shorter shifts tends to enhance productivity, there''s been studies, including stuff like a four day week.


Workers everywhere, rise up against this needless toil and misery! And the day of the sloth will surely come!


Curious that people often complain about being treated like a machine. Machines are lovingly cared for, serviced regularly, not allowed to overheat or subjected to too much strain and turned off at night. I dream of being treated like a machine.


Having lived and worked in China, the saddest thing about this over-working culture is that it turns many innocent, little, happy-go-lucky 3/4 year olds into imagination-less droids by the time they are about 7.


I''ve seen it and even met and talked to a good few.
Really early rise in the morning, school for 7 or 8am, sometimes 12 classes a day (often taught by rote) - home for dinner, study, sleep. Repeat. Even at the weekend.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Me and the lady used to play with the little ones in parks - all wide-eyed and hilariously happy, chasing bubbles, playing with toys etc...
A few years later, it''s almost like their childhood is being brainwashed out of them.


My first job out of school was in a warehouse with a satanic "you must be working every millisecond" manager. Down the back of the warehouse, high in the racking was a load of dead or slow-moving stock. So we hollowed out an "igloo" for illicit kips, card games and the odd beer. 25 years later on a plane saw the film "Employee of the month" where the characters were doing the same thing. Made me chuckle.


It seems to be the same story wherever on this world. People made to work silly hours for the benefit of the upstairs 1 or 10 %, disguised under whatever paint of "incentives for longer hours", making employees self employed aka pushing responsibility downstairs without giving them freedom in decisions, just forcing them "either you do it or you are out of a job". What for, is the question. Only money? More money? Growth of the economy? I am so tired of this, the world is facing climate change and currently Covid ravaging but still upwards faster faster we go. Do we have to?


There was a story in China around 10 years ago about a young lady that died from overwork. She was with one of the big four accountancy firms, I don''t remember which one.
But here''s the kicker. When she was in hospital, hooked up to intravenous drips and pretty much on her deathbed and surrounded by her family, her employer visited to bring her the tasks she was behind on. Her family essentially told them to fuck off.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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