2021-02-05 Leo Loo 30977

TOKYO -- Japan's population shrank by a record 420,000 people last year, government estimates show, as the coronavirus pandemic dealt a heavy blow to an influx of foreign workers that had helped offset the country's ongoing natural population decline.


The total fell for a 12th straight year, shattering the previous record of 329,000 set just a year earlier. The health ministry estimates Japan's population at 125.57 million as of Jan. 1, based on confirmed data through July and estimates based on births, deaths and foreign arrival and departure data.


The drop owes in large part to a 60% plunge in foreign arrivals that has kept the labor market tight even though the pandemic has slowed the economy and eliminated many jobs.


The natural rate of decline -- or the difference between births and deaths -- was about on par with 2019 during the first seven months of the year. But net foreign arrivals to the country tumbled more than 40% over that period to 115,000 amid entry restrictions aimed at curbing the spread of the virus.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The influx of foreign workers in recent years had alleviated labor shortages in a range of industries, including restaurants, convenience stores, manufacturing and construction.


"If the inflow of foreigners continues to be disrupted, the labor shortage will quickly worsen," said Takuya Hoshino of the Dai-ichi Life Research Institute.

第一生命研究所的Takuya Hoshino说:“如果外国人的流入继续受到干扰,劳动力短缺将迅速恶化。”。

标题是:日本人口和涌入的外国人 (百万计)
注: 蓝色的是外国人进入日本数 绿色是人口变化

Data from the Bank of Japan shows that employers remain short-handed despite the pandemic.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In the December edition of the quarterly Tankan survey of business sentiment, the diffraction index of employment conditions came in at minus 10, indicating that more companies said employment is "insufficient" than "excessive." Readings were negative in all 12 nonmanufacturing industries, particularly construction, information services and retail.


Even the hard-hit restaurant and hotel industry reported a labor shortage, with a reading of minus 3, after spending June and September in surplus territory, though it may have swung back in the other direction during the current state of emergency.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The entry of foreign workers is expected to pick up again once vaccines and other measures quell the outbreak. But "wages are rising in China and elsewhere, so it's not clear if there will be as many [people] coming to Japan as before," Hoshino said.


This year is expected to see a significant drop in birth rates. Reported pregnancies fell 5.1% on the year to about 727,000 for the 10 months through October, according to the health ministry, with a particularly steep decline starting in May.


Dai-ichi Life Research and the Japan Research Institute both see births falling below 800,000, beyond 2019's record low of 865,000. The accelerated population decline may continue into next year.


Is it just me or did this article strike anyone else as somehow utterly bizarre?
Soo, births are down due to the lack of foreigners coming into the country?
Not to put too fine a point on this, but...
Because there aren't enough tourists and foreigners coming into Japan, there aren't enough Japanese women getting pregnant????
Please tell me that I'm somehow reading this wrong...
[edit] The best way I can read this is that the only reason Japan's population is remotely breaking even, is because of the influx of foreign workers immigrating and having kids.
Still, the whole tone of this article feels really weird...


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

-I think the point about the foreigners not coming in is more related to the fact that a fair number of foreign workers live in Japan for a set period (often 1 - 3 years), and while they live here, they are counted as part of the labor market (since they are working/studying).
A number of these foreigners probably returned to their countries, and they couldn't be replaced because of entry bans. So it represents a net population loss for the labor market. This is compounded by the fact that the Japanese population is naturally declining, and this year in particular had a decreased birth rate (due to fears of covid? economic uncertainty? unsure).


Rather confused by it as well. Maybe they are including their resident foreign population as well? But oddly it points out significantly declining birth rates without putting it in a separate context.
So yeah, it's a bit of a mess that dumps a bunch of numbers without much needed context.


Because there aren't enough tourists and foreigners coming into Japan, there aren't enough Japanese women getting pregnant????
No, it's because Japanese people in general have a low birth rate, and that has been offset by immigrants coming in (and those immigrants bringing their children or having children with other immigrants). Because of the pandemic, immigration has dropped (in fact foreigners aren't allowed in at all right now), so the population (which includes immigrants) is also dropping.

笔者注:这是日经 nikkei asia的报道。

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