2021-02-06 翻译加工厂 24648
-------------译者:冬天来了--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

If you''ve never tried Chongqing''s famous ''Xiaomian'' - street noodles, before, well, go out and get some! They''re spicy, full of flavour and potentially the most addictive noodle on this planet


-------------译者:冬天来了--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Blondie & Parents, I thoroughly enjoy and appreciate your being open to and exploring Chinese food as best you can during these times. As a Chinese person raised outside of China, this channel has been a wonderful way to explore China & Chinese regional cuisines which are pretty much non-existent in Western countries. I appreciate the efforts to identify, explain, and cook them. Along with the explanations that define and highlight certain regional cuisines. Thank you for sharing them!


Tie Jocky
Don’t watch this video when you are desperately hungry.


Some of the combinations like “gongbao chicken + noodles” cannot be found anywhere else. Interesting ?


Paddy Man
When Anthony Bourdain visited China couple years ago, he said, “you stay in China for five years and only scratch the surface of its food culture.” Miss his TV show: No Reservation. ???

-------------译者:冬天来了--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

The Tears of Jungkook
Amy I love you so much! You sparked my love and interest for China and Shenzhen and I am learning Chinese very well now! I have also made many native Chinese friends who help me learn about the culture and I often speak to them about your videos! Actually your videos always brightened my mood when I was in high school and stressed or upset! Thank you so much for making these videos they mean so much to me! Your bright and positive personality and smile is so infectious!??? I love you!!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“You Can’t Sleep Until You’ve Seen Us Try Chongqing Noodles”
Done, loved it, off to bed now! :D


You''ve tried much more Chinese traditional, delicious foods than me, a Chinses living in China for 30 years! Hahah

-------------译者:冬天来了--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Henggao Cai
2020 was a rat of a year. ? Your dad’s sense of humor is legend-dairy!


Rico Sun

You can eat Chongqing noodles 重庆小面. in the VIP lounge of Chongqing airport :) And you see all those people in their Gucci and LVs lining for noodles. .. : P

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You have amazing parents - It is so cool that they are joining you on your culinary adventures - and I love your dad''s philosophy on fusion ??


Ng Brian
I am surprised that there are so many beautiful Chinese dishes in Australia

-------------译者:冬天来了--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

tsai winsor
One thing about Sydney is that it is such a diverse metropolitan city. Love it. Actually, same goes for Melbourne.


Steven H.
When I was young, I remember having a friend over my home for meals on occassions.
He was white and everytime we served him steamed rice, he just wants to add a ton of soy sauce over his rice.
It just completelyed baffled my family.
When I grew older, I would visit Indian restaurants and ask for a huge bowl of Raita and just add all that over my basmati rice and that would just baffle the Indian server.
Life is great.


Lawrenz Ng
You mentioned 2021 being the Year of the Rat. Not exactly, Jan 2021 is actually the tail end of the Year of the Rat. The Chinese horoscope is dictated by the Chinese Lunar Calendar, not the Gregorian calendar. So, come the first day of Chinese New Year on 12 Feb 21, we will usher in the Year of the Ox.

-------------译者:冬天来了--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Letting the camera eat first is the common courtesy of modern days'' food culture. Dining experience is not the same without this ritual


John Thomas Abroad
This was just such a fun and educational video. So many great dishes! So interesting to learn about the adjustment of the spices. Now I’m hungry! ?


Amy, can you do a crash course/summaries of all the provinces in China? I would love to learn a few fun facts about each province in China.


Blondie, your apperence is so cute after tasting the Suanlafen,by saying“that is what Suanlafen actually taste”,I know it may not taste good to you, but you still try to persuade your parents that it just tastes as it is.LOL

-------------译者:冬天来了--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Nathan Chong
I’m surprised how well your parent accepting Chinese cuisine! Impressed

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Norman F Birnberg
The toning down of the flavor Amy and her parents observed, isn’t unique to Chinese cuisine. All immigrant dishes get adjusted to the Western palate. While they may not be completely faithful to the original, it gives people an appreciation for foreign food snd culture they wouldn’t otherwise acquire. There is merit to be said for it. Bon appetit!


Kenneth L
Amy, I think your boyfriend will love the schnitzel noodles! He is probably drooling in Germany over these noodles.


Your taste buds is already more Chinese than most Chinese.

-------------译者:冬天来了--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Al F.
I thought Sichuan hold that rep of being on the spicy side.


Kenny Hu
Imagine getting a heart from Amy..


Chris F
I''m so hungry after watched this.


Hans Weissmann
Man, I am so jealous now! It’s taking me to the dark side....Ok, I’m outta here....
Never thought my visit to shanya back in Dec 2019-Jan 2020 would have been my last so far.....The virus response here in Holland is a joke!

-------------译者:冬天来了--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Jason Lee
If China and Australian doesn''t get into a full-blown trade war, Amy has 50% of the credit. Thanks for doing what you are doing, you deserve a Nobel peace prize!


Joseph Young
What a great family. These family excursions are my favorite videos on your channel. I think your subs/fans would seriously pay to eat with your Mum & Dad. They should really consider this as a side hustle after the pandemic is over. LOL!


Patrick Leung
Amy I have been following your channel for nearly one year. I am so impressed for what you have done to your audience and also being an active media in between China & Australia. Thumbs up ?? BTW. I also like your dad. He is so funny!?


stephen Wu

Go Chinese desserts!Most western people around me do NOT like sweet congee (八宝粥)or sticky rice cake (糯米糍)I really hope you guys can try it and let our western know what you think
-------------译者:冬天来了--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

I have seen those tea at Citi Super, Townhall.


Gandolf Witchard
0:59 hey buddy envious ? well you can smell my noodle on the other side of my phone...?


James loves a peaceful world
I AM STARVED!!!! it is 11:35 PM in Canada!!!!

-------------译者:冬天来了--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

shu jiang
They speak the best English among all restaurants’ owners so far


Allen Lau
Who are the 10 people who disliked it?!


Yafei Zheng
Good to learn how to introduce chinese food in english.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

larry ge
Excellent editing Blonde! Your timing is always spot on. Great pace. You really know how to keep it interesting. You have developed a real talent. And I''m in the post biz and very impressed.
Thumbs up for all the parent videos and your family Christmas. Good people!
Makes me want get out of the crazy states and move to Australia or New Zealand ?

-------------译者:冬天来了--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Mahrukh Khan
Your videos have this lovely vibe I am so involved in them. I am in Xi''an now I will go to local restaurants and ask for Chongqing Xiao Main. Love from a Pakistani living in China!


Chinese man on Earth and Mars

missing my hometown 重庆food

Having the best of both worlds, what a life!!!


jasmine tea with no sugar, one of my favorites tooooooooooooo! Easily addicted.

-------------译者:冬天来了--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Spanish, tea and chat
Oh... She is Australian. :D


When are you going back to china? Are you still aloud to travel there at the moment or are you just choosing not to?


Mary Lee
As a Chinese living in Canada for 45 years, your vlogs inspire me to try out other regional Chinese foods I have never heard of. Thank you. ???


Esperanza Liang
I lived in Chongqing for 4 years. This video bring me back to the old days.


很赞 5