2021-02-07 年华转身lily 18264

Recently there is a group of female socialites in China who have an extremely luxurious life. Or at least they appear to. They wear different designer clothes every day, live in a variety of five-star hotels and enjoy luxurious afternoon tea. A blogger exposed their secrets after covertly joining this mysterious group.

最近,中国有一群女性名媛,她们过着极为奢华的生活,或者至少她们看起来如此。 他们每天穿着不同的名牌服装,住在各种各样的五星级酒店,并享用豪华的下午茶。 在秘密加入这个神秘组织后,一名博主揭露了她们的秘密。

China has the largest Internet celebrity population in the world. Many people want to be Internet celebrities as it is the only job that can get rich quickly and change the life of the grassroots in a short period of time. Is this a chance or a catastrophe for China?


The real wealthy ppl i know would never show off their wealth in such a superficial way for their security comes first


“She used the pregnancy to sabotage the family happiness” NO!!!!!!!!! NOOO!!!!!!! A married man betrayed his wife and destroyed the happiness of his own family.

“她利用怀孕来破坏家庭幸福” 不 !!!!!!!!! 不 !!!!!!! 一个已婚男人背叛了他的妻子,破坏了自己家庭的幸福。

American: Influencers here are so fake.
Chinese: Hold my Gucci second hand panty hose.


Damn, China is just another planet to me at this point


Trying to get a billionaire husband? Only to find out he also came out of a training camp.... LOL!


I didnt like the way u said "she was sabotaging a happy family" if the affair is true then he stepped out of the marriage he shoulf be blamed


6:00 are we just gonna pretend the cheating husband is innocent? “Sabotage the happiness of his family” my ass, he’s the one who got her pregnant


Ah, Chinese photo apps...the ones where you can literally turn a goat into a Victoria Secret model.


The training camp was literally like "How to have a Sugar Daddy"


"young people want to be rich quickly" I think it''s not only happened in china


So young women all over the world, not just western countries, are obsessed with image above anything else. What a world we live in.


Is anything even real in China??? They have “pretty” girls that are actually middle-aged women using filters and now this?????? Idk if one of my rich pretty Chinese online friends have been honest with me


I assumed most of those luxury girls just had rich boyfriends or parents. Had no idea they were forming highly structured scamming organisations. That''s next level.


Sometimes being an influencer can be a taxing job. Imagine that you have to be ''your image'' 24/7. Atleast with traditional jobs you can separate yout life and free time from actual work time...


"Second hand gucci panty hose"
I don''t know why i laughed at this.


China is a country where its people are so committed to their goals they are totally brazen about it, with zero inhibitions.


You’re not talking about Chinese only, you’re telling how the internet platforms work. Million of people going to extreme to compete themselves while the platforms push more and more.


Lol who said "working hard"= being rich.


The modern day “influencer” is such a strange concept. It seems like every young person wants to become internet-famous / appear rich / appear like the kardashians online...it’s such an empty goal


This has been a problem almost everywhere. Instagram thots calling themselves as "models", posting heavily edited pictures. YouTubers uploading fake reaction videos etc. To this day, I still can''t figure out how the Kardashians became famous..


The issue isn''t young people trying to get rich fast it''s the society that''s made it impossible for them to get a living wage on ''normal jobs''. The work industry is a labor industry. No one makes a million dollars they take it. Don''t be mad cause these ''kids'' have found a route around being a labor mule for the shit industry the world is now. It''s not easy being an online influencer. This was so biased.


Damn, things in China are counterfeited so much that even "rich" people are fake

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

On a lesser scale, it''s the same for "influencers" in France. The agencies rent some apartment in Paris with a good view on the famous parisian roofs or on the Eiffel tower and that''s how you have this typical "posing at the window over Paris" on hundreds of instagram accounts.


They absorbed the absolute worst values of western capitalist culture.


Most of the young people is working very hard to pave their road to prosperity and success. There is always someone looking for shortcuts. Not need to generalize.

大多数年轻人都在努力工作,为繁荣和成功铺平道路。 总会有人在寻找捷径。 无需一概而论。

When the existing system is dominated by the wealthy and stacked against you, what else can you do?


If you see a man with unbranded polo with shorts that have 4 pockets with glasses in the pocket and a pen look again because that''s probably a billionaire in a camo


I don’t think the US is any different, a lot of people especially young people aspire to get rich fast. I think you see more cases in China because they have a larger population.

我认为美国没有什么不同,很多人,尤其是年轻人都渴望快速致富。 我认为您在中国看到的案例更多是因为它们的人口较多。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As if the billionaires accumulated their wealth "honestly" .. this video is the "poor" version of a payback !! Deception and dishonest is the game !!


I bet they also have a training camp for young men to find a rich girl!


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