2021-02-07 wuhaowsh 22903

India cuts Internet near Delhi as hundreds of farmers begin hunger strike


India blocked mobile internet services in several areas around New Delhi on Saturday as protesting farmers began a one-day hunger strike after a week of clashes with authorities that left one dead and hundreds injured.


Angry at new agricultural laws that they say benefit large private food buyers at the expense of producers, tens of thousands of farmers have been camped at protest sites on the outskirts of the capital for more than two months.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

At the main protest site near the village of Singhu on the northern outskirts of the city, there was a heightened police presence on Saturday as hundreds of tractors arrived from Haryana, one of two states at the centre of the protests.


“Many farmers’ groups have joined the protest site since last night,” said Mahesh Singh, a 65-year-old farmer from Haryana. “They have come to show their support and more farmers are expected to come in the next two days.”

哈里亚纳邦65岁的农民马赫什·辛格表示:“自昨晚以来,许多农民团体都加入了抗议活动。” “他们是来表示支持的,预计未来两天会有更多农民来。”

India’s interior ministry said on Saturday internet services at three locations on the outskirts of New Delhi where protests are occurring had been suspended until 11 p.m. on Sunday to “maintain public safety”.


Indian authorities often block local internet services when they believe there will be unrest, although the move is unusual in the capital.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Farm leaders said the hunger strike by hundreds of protesters, primarily at Singhu and two other protest sites and designed to coincide with the anniversary of the death of Indian independence leader Mahatma Gandhi, would show Indians that the demonstrations were non-violent.


“The farmers’ movement was peaceful and will be peaceful,” said Darshan Pal, a leader of the Samyukt Kisan Morcha group of farm unxs organising the protests. “The events on January 30 will be organised to spread the values of truth and non-violence.”

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Agriculture employs about half of India’s population of 1.3 billion, and unrest among an estimated 150 million landowning farmers is one of the biggest challenges to the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi since coming to power in 2014.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Eleven rounds of talks between farm unxs and the government have failed to break the deadlock. The government has offered to put the laws on hold for 18 months, but farmers say they will not end their protests for anything less than full repeal.


In the past week, a planned tractor parade on Tuesday’s Republic Day anniversary turned violent when some protesters deviated from pre-agreed routes, tore down barricades and clashed with police, who used tear gas to try and restrain them.


Sporadic clashes between protesters, police and groups shouting anti-farmer slogans have broken out on multiple occasions since then.


Literally the largest protest in human history, and it's barely been covered in western media.


but india is the worlds largest "democracy"


God bless farmers


In certain regions of India, internet has been restricted to 2G for the past few months, almost over a year. Before that they weren’t even able to access that, there was a total shutdown, no cable, no internet.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Scarier still is hindutva (hindu extremists) are blaming protests on Sikh minority (1.5% of India’s pop) and are openly calling for a repeat of the genocide done to them in 1984. It’s pretty freaking scary that there might be another genocide in India.


And yesterday they were glorifying the guy who assassinated Gandhi as a nationalist hero


farmers represent a larger part of the population than 1.5% so that doesn't makes any sense


Can you please share some source to back your claim that extremists are openly calling for a Sikh genocide like the 1984 one?


I mean, the protestors are primarily Sikh are they not? But yes, the BJP is a terrible organization that is, in my mind, basically just a Hindu Fascist party. A a guy who was born in India and raised a Christian, it makes me very upset to see them have so much power.

我的意思是,抗议者主要是锡克教徒,不是吗? 是的,印度人民党是一个可怕的组织,在我看来,它基本上就是一个印度教法西斯政党。一个在印度出生,成长为基督徒的人,看到他们有这么大的力量让我很难过。

Just to elaborate on the facts...Indira Gandhi ordered a military assault on one of the most sacred temples in Sikh culture because of fear that there were separatists organizations gaining strength there. This caused her body guards (who were Sikh) to assassinate her.
The assassination caused riots targeting Sikh civilians and over 3000 died.
Today, the Hindutva and many other groups believe these farm protests are a front for Khalistanis (a Sikh separatist movement) to promote violence and discontent against the government. They suspect this because the actual farm bills impact only a small minority of farmers, and several known separatists have been sighted among the protestors. They are calling for the arrest of Sikh people and an end to the farm protests and many fringe groups are calling for violence.


Jesus....can we please stop throwing around the word genocide. It's a fucking open country. They police kill 1 Sikh and it'll become a PR disaster for the government. Not to mention, many countries are already observing the situation, especially ones with Sikh diaspora.
Not a single farmer has died due to police action. On the contrary, a section of farmers (not all) rioted on India's Republic Day by sieging the Red Fort and coming at policemen with swords.


Man, the amount of racism in the comment section is disgusting.


India’s government needs a change of leadership at the next opportunity.


Not a chance, unfortunately.
It's a democracy, hindu supremacists / fascists have popular public support. Modi has moved on from a leader to a demi god.


If farmers were smart they would just trade between them selves and keep the food.


What’s the point when the majority of farmers grow the same or similar crop? They still need funds to purchase other necessities


That wouldn't last very long considering one farming interest can produce enough product to sustain a large city.


Points is that there are not enough farmer for that most of them are rich farmer. Who are basically land owner with labours working for them


I perfectly agree. But at the same time they should forgo all loan waiver, government subsidy, free electricity, tax-free income and other advantages.


Y’all don’t think the US has been doing the same damned thing lately through their corporate Silicon Valley proxies? Do you think it’s just the “other” party, and not your own “team” that does this?
I know nothing of the plight of the people out there, although it sounds legit enough. Silencing them is a terrible idea. When words cannot be heard, people often remember that gunshots are loud.
I don’t care where you live - China, France, India, Canada, Belgium, or the US - if someone is trying to silence you, they are attacking you.

你们不认为美国最近通过他们在硅谷的代理公司也在做同样的事情吗? 你觉得是“另一方”而不是你自己的“团队”干的吗?

We talk about everything China does (even the tiniest thing) against its citizen (rightly so), but a democratic country doing worse things barely makes the news. It's not the first time India has done this, I've seen/heard this happen in many states, many times. Does India not have a right to communicate in its constitution?


This explains it. I live in an area with quite a large thriving Indian population and I've been seeing "Support Farmers" graphics on tons of cars. Which is weird because its a very urban area. I've actually seen groups of young people demonstrating on the streets as well.


This is not new. They did this a couple of years back when people protested the Sterlite factory in Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu and police opened fire on the peaceful protesters, killing many.


The Indian Governments reaction to every uncomfortable situation where it's being a dick is to cut the internet.


As long as there is this fascist government things like this will continue happening but it's the people who've elected it and keep electing it so I guess reap as you sow.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They're also going to ban cryptocurrencies but will shill a shitcoin called modicoin or something on us. Fuck modi and fuck bjp.


No matter how many minorities India oppresses just know you’ll see a bunch of lame ass Hindu nationalists defending their actions at any moment.


no talk about any human rights violations from the west. if this was Russian and China the west would be using “genocide” right now. haha, more and more are awake now. Damn hypocrites slowing drowning in their own shit.


Turned off your internet huh? Well that's one way to ensure you are never respected by the rest of the world or your people ever again.

关掉你们的网络? 这是一种确保你永远不会被世界其他地方或者你的人民尊重的方法。

Another critical issue being mishandled by Modi. This man is taking India is a closed alley where there’s no returning back.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Psst... Wanna hear an opinion that's not going to sit well with both the Indian left wing and the Indian right wing?
Farm bills = Free Market = Good
Suppression of internet and reporters = India lacks certain basic liberties and limits on government = a dictatorship of the majority


Free market is only good if both supply side and demand side can be controlled. Farmers can't control when they sell their produce, as it needs to be sold as and when it gets produced. So the price is entirely controlled by buyers. Another example is of medical costs. If hospitals were allowed to charge whatever they want and no public hospitals existed, then people would get royally fucked as you can't argue over price while your limb is bleeding from an accident. Same will happen with farmers.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Free markets are only good when regulated intelligently. Without regulation, the environment is destroyed, wealth inequality worsens, and markets ultimately fail in recessions.


Ha take my internet and I have even more reason to go protest since I have nothing to distract me at home now


People who don't know shit about India are behaving like experts on India! Wait.... this is Reddit, my bad!


every year is worst if you keep focusing on news.


Hunger strikes played important role in India fight for freedom from British rule. It's basically M K Gandhi's peaceful idea to show that we are angry.


Why do hunger strikes work? It seems like they could just let you starve yourself and carry on...


The 2020s may just be the end of an era, and leave room for some very positive courses of action.


This is the biggest protest in human history and isn't getting enough coverage already. Lack of Internet will only escalate the situation.


1980-1990 was the best decade, the problem nowadays is government trying to control people. The new generation is ignorant to this and only care about they’re ego and social media.


This is why I have no trust in governments or corporations. It’s sad how many people put so much trust and faith in these businesses.


Thank you for bringing light to this... everyone around the world should be paying attention to what's happening in India. The farmers aren't going to produce any crops this year if the laws aren't repealed. This will affect not only the Indian people and their food supply, but all countries that import from India


Did someone forget to mention that the protests turned violent resulting in 80+ policemen being injured and the protesters took down india's flag down from the iconic fort in the capital. All this happened on India's Republic day.


They've been sitting there for 2 months freezing their asses off in Delhi, unable to be at home and unable to do work because they're protesting for their livelihoods, yet the government refuses to fully concede. Of course they'd be agitated. I'm pretty sure the government directed them towards the red fort, as you can probably tell that the mob gave Modi a lot of fresh propaganda to use against the protesters.


The government did tell them that they will put the farm laws on hold for 2 years which the farmers refused. They can use these 2 years to come up with laws which benefits farmers as well be satisfactory for the government. The mob was predominantly sikhs and from punjab. Do you really think that BJP or modi can organize mobs from punjab to use them against farmers?


People who post and talk against the govt seem to not mention some key facts. All this happened after the Farmer Protest took a religious twist and people put their religious flag on the Red Fort on Republic Day of India. Police officers were told to show maximum restraint while people were ramming tractors and using swords etc on them. Yet the only farmer who died overturned his own tractor trying to ram into a barricade.
If you thought Capitol Hill riots was abhorrent but make excuses for what happened this week at Red Fort then you need to recheck how you shift goalposts to suit your personal agenda.


2 months of no results, while sitting in a cold city, when everything is at stake for these people is a recipe for a riot.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You are justifying people hurting the police after being allowed by the govt to peacefully protest and put up their religious flags.


One Indian on a hunger strike made Britain back off, hundreds should make a point with the government

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

British PM who visited India after expulsion of british forces from India said Gandhi and his hunger strike had minimal affect on their decision to leave India.
The real reason was mutiny by Indian soldiers who Subhash Chandra Bose brought from Germany (captured as prisoners of war).
Airforce, Navy, and policemen turned against British which resulted in British leaving India. Get your facts straight bud.

真正的原因是Subhash Chandra Bose从德国(作为战俘被俘)带来的印度士兵的兵变。

Reporting with least amount of facts seems to be a thing here about India.
Farmers protests are being allowed but extremist khalistani groups often infiltrate these protests and break out into violence.
Who am I preaching, you guys favor fence around White House but not on your borders.


I remember Modi and Co. criticising cutting off the Internet in Kashmir. Funny how they are doing the same in Delhi.


Shame, supressing people voice because they know laws will benefit corporate and kill more farmers, modi has always been divider of nation, e.g. if you sell to mandi I stead of corporate there is extra 6% tax, isn't this enough proof that it is against farmers


The so called peaceful protesting farmers turned violent on Jan 26th, India's republic day. They destroyed public properties including more than 1500 telecom towers and are now complaining about losing internet. Please people educate yourself about what's actually happening and should we really blame Indian government this time.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A hunger strike after such massive riots, attack on the Red Fort and attacking the police with swords and sticks... Not to mention the 1.5k plus jio telecom towers they destroyed in the area.


You know what incited the riots? 2 months of sitting in a cold-ass city, protesting for their livelihoods, while getting fake concessions from the Government. They were agitated from the lack of results. And it was likely that the government directed the farmers to the red fort, as it gives the government a whole lot of fresh propaganda to delegitimize the protests. You should try protesting for 2 months in the cold and then get beaten by police when you are agitated.


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