2021-02-08 地平线123 32734


Thuong Tran, lives in Vietnam (2002-present)居住于越南(2002——至今)

There''s many similarities but also key differences between Vietnam and China, saying Vietnam is the next China economy has some truth to it, but I don''t think so completely.
· Communist, socialist states which have opened up to free markets ever since reforms
· Very similar political system (both have a Communist party)
· Large populations
· Rapid GDP growth
· Etc.
· China’s population is around 15 times bigger than Vietnam’s
· Etc.


You may have noticed that I only listed one thing in the differences section, and yes, that was on purpose. The key factor to why Vietnam will not become the next China economy is because Vietnam does not have as much potential as China does based on population. Whilst Vietnam’s population is huge espieically considering the land mass, Vietnam just doesn''t have the manpower to grow like China has. In fact, it is often argued that the major reason to why China has been so economically successful, is purely due to its crazy huge billion plus population.
I definitely think Vietnam can grow tremendously, but I doubt we will be able to have an economy as big as China’s, however I do believe Vietnam will become possibly a mini-China. In other words, whilst not being as big as China in economic terms, Vietnam could definitely be as successful and prosperous as China considering the size of Vietnam.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Karen Ip
HM~~ I’m not so sure if I should agree with you on the part of huge population. I actually think that the reason of China’s growth lies to their long-term investment on raising literacy rate starting from the 50s and 60s to the recent decades focus on R & D. Huge population is actually a tremendous burden to China government, or so that was what I was told during high school, be it on job creation, social security and stability, or education.


Joey Li
The population difference is beside the point. Saying Vietnam is the “next China” is like saying China is the “next South Korea”. Vietnam can definitely catch up with its northern neighbors on a per capita level and that is already very good.


David Paul Hensbough
“the major reason to why China has been so economically successful”
India cried


Dongxu Li
We certainly can’t compare India with China.
India is far far behind China now.
Form India’s GDP growth rate, we don’t see it gets any closer to China. Yes, India has a lower growth.


Yep, India told us that people without job cannot create money, just cost resource without any payback.


Lu Yuchen
Just as Karen says, huge population without education is useless. Take India for example. When the literacy is too low, the population becomes burden.


Thuong Tran
I agree with you, however, Vietnam’s literacy rate is quite high, 98.5% roughly. Roughly 96.4% in China and so the difference isn’t at all significant in comparison.


Đại Nguyên Trần
Vietnam as a member of many major free trade areas in the world, with large area, diverse population, cheap labor and in the center of the three big Asian countries (China, India, Indonesia), offers major advantages.
The economy of Vietnam is the 47th largest economy in the world measured by GDP (norminal) and 35th largest in the world measured by GDP(PPP). According to a forecast by PricewaterhouseCoopers, Vietnam may be the fastest-growing of the world''s economies, with a potential annual GDP growth rate of about 5.1%, which would make its economy the 19th largest in the world by 2050.


Being grafeful for what we have today doesn''t mean we have to have that forever.
British Empire used to be the number one in the world .
Soviet unx used to be the 2nd largest economy in the word.
China had been helpless, tormented, abused, hammered down during their modern history.
Japan was a backward country before Meiji’s innovation.
Can Vietnam become the next China or USA? Can Vietnam become a superpower?
I dont know for sure. Who knows what will happen in the future.
100 years , 200 years ,…1000 years, 100 000 years. Age after age
Do you dare to assert that Vietnam can’t become a superpower in the remote future?
I think that 200 years ago not too many people would imagine that Japan can become an advanced country .


Robert Nguyen
And no one knew few hundreds years ago that Vietnam would survive as an independent country. and expanding after being attacked by China (many times), Mongols, Japan, France and the US. No one knew that the Roman empire, the Hapsburg, the Mongols empire …are no more for a long time.


Quora User
I''ve been to China a few times. When I bought some clothes it said “made in Vietnam’. Some global people said the working conditions and quality is better than China.


Sonei Fu
Vietnam is still about 10–20 yrs after China, pretty like China in 2000s now.


Siau Liu
Vietnam will become middle sized power in the Asia Pacific region rivaling Indonesia and Malaysia and even South Korea.


Quora User
It’s cant be, 10 years for me is too fast. here’s my reasons
Vietnam spend 10 years war with Cambodia and much destroy Vietnam economic it-self.
Vietnam population is much smaller than China
Vietnam land are much smaller too. China landscape surround by big economics countries include Russia,India,Korea and Vietnam it-self.


Ngoc Diep Hoang
No way if Vietnam keeps on with the current political structure (that has last for the past decades).


Under the Vietnamese Communist Party (VCP)’s policies, Vietnam''s economic development has gradually depended on China, currently ~90% of Vietnamese manufacturing industry is depending to Chinese''s suppliers of raw materials for manufacturing. Unfortunately, China will not be able to keep on supplying raw materials to Vietnam as China is facing more and more shortage of resources for its own needs. At the same time, Vietnam''s own resources (mainly agriculture and aquaculture) are gradually reducing due to loss of harvestable lands and waters. Vietnamese manufacturing and exporting foreseeable future is as dreary as one can imagine.


Vietnamese Communist Party (VCP) is getting bolder in land-grabs and corruptions, one of the indications is the unstoppable national debts.
Even if the trade-war between USA and China gets worsen and both USA and China will lose quite significantly, Vietnam will still depend on China''s supplying sources, and most likely with the Chinese Communist Party C’s dictates on the VCP, Vietnam will be one of the many small platforms for the Chinese to sell its products to the world.
Of course, if the current political structure in Vietnam is quickly changed, then Vietnam may have a chance to grow. But that is another issue.


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