2021-02-11 汤沐之邑 11726

Why do most poor people remain poor?


Soul Goodman, former Business consultant (2018-2019)
The BBC’s documentary The Up Series recorded a phenomenon: the children who had wealthy family became affluent, and the children who had poor parents became the poor, except the two who finished high-end doctoral degree. In another word, both wealth and poverty can inherit.


The poverty origin: thinking mode
The first dilemma faces to the poor is the limitation of thinking. The American economist Sendhil Mullainathan and psychologist Shafir discovered that the reason why most of the poor stayed in poverty was derive not from lazy, but from the “scarcity mindset”. They are easily to ignore the more important things if they care the money too much. The scarcity of physical resources trap people’s brain and obstruct their cognition. People’s view will become narrower along with the scarcity mindset, and shape limited outlook eventually. As a result, they are only able to see a few things via their limited views, and ignore the events occur outside their cognitions.
India has a prosperous koyambedu vegetable market. Its dealers restock inventories via borrowing 1000 rupees from affluent every day. They will take back 1100 rupees after selling products. After that, they will payback affluent 1050 rupees and only earn 50 rupees for themselves. In fact, according to compound interest law, these dealers would have been able to stop borrowing money from affluent if they save 5 rupees daily, lasting for 50 days. After that, their income will considerately increases. Wealth isn’t closer than now, but all dealers still insist to borrow money from wealth and pay 50-rupee daily interests. Time goes by, the wealth become richer and richer without work; and the poor still live in slum with hard-working routines. According to Sendhil Mullainathan, “the poor who stay in long-term scarcity will consume much attentions by scarcity mindset. Their judgement and cognition are curbed since they much concentrate on present issues and no leftover attention to consider the long-term investment and sustainable development.”
The scarcity mindset will result in serious poor foresight, and make people only see present benefits. They may only find a job to payout their credit card statements, and try best to work overtime; however, they still lack long-term career plans and effective self-improvement strategies, say nothing of managing incomes and conduct valid financial investments.

穷人面临的第一个困境是思维的局限性。美国经济学家森德希尔·穆莱纳坦(Sendhil Mullainathan)和心理学家沙菲尔(Shafir)发现,大多数穷人之所以生活在贫困之中,不是因为懒惰,而是因为“稀缺心态”。如果他们太在乎钱,他们很容易忽视更重要的事情。物质资源的匮乏困住了人们的大脑,阻碍了他们的认知。随着稀缺心态的形成,人们的视野会越来越窄,最终形成有限的视野。因此,他们只能通过有限的视角看到一些事情,而忽略了那些在他们认知之外发生的事件。
印度有一个繁荣的koyambedu蔬菜市场。它的经销商通过每天向富人借1000卢比来补充库存。他们出售产品后将收回1100卢比。于是他们偿还1050卢比,自己只赚50卢比。事实上,根据复利法,如果这些交易商每天节省5卢比,持续50天,他们就可以停止向富人借钱。在那之后,他们的收入将大幅度增加。财富将超出现在很多,但所有交易商仍坚持借钱,并支付50卢比的日利息。随着时间的推移,富人无需工作,也变得越来越富有;而穷人仍然生活在贫民窟里,过着勤劳的生活。Sendhil Mullainathan认为,“长期处于稀缺状态的穷人会因稀缺心态而消耗大量注意力。他们的判断力和认知受到了限制,因为他们非常关注当前的问题,从不考虑长期投资和可持续发展。”

The poverty origin: trap of “rat race”
There is a famous question on social media: why do abundance of young wealth state “money comes from earning rather than saving”, but Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger still recommend frugal lifestyle?
The rich enjoy life after becoming rich; however, the poor enjoy life before becoming rich.” The story of rat race is that: Rats are running on the reel, but they don’t know the faster they run, the faster of the reel rotate. These rats have to stop after running out of energy.
The underlying reason why the poor away from financial freedom is they locate in the trap of “rat race”.
The older you are, the higher income you own, and, concurrently, the larger desires you will have. You will face more complex life issues and higher-degree family responsibility, and, you consume more and more money.
Your income has explicit ceiling; however, your expenditure doesn’t. You can easily find corresponding lifestyle when income increases. I have a friend who have been working for four years, and his incomes also tremendously increase from $3k per month to $8k per month. However, he still have neither balances in saving account nor leftover at the end of every month. His bills (New York based), for both when he was fresh graduate and now, are as following:


Monthly bill in 2015
Rent: $1200 per month (one room in a shared 3B2B apartment)
Transportation: $200 per month (public transportation, and Uber when emergency)
Food: $500 per month (primarily cook at home)
Utilities: $30 per month (shared bill with roommates)
Clothes and shoes: less than $200
Phone bill: $40 (Family plan)
Shopping: $100 (buy necessary shampoos, body wash, toothbrush, etc..)
Romantic relationship: None
Entertainment: $100 (for monthly subscxtion of Apple News, some-time PS4 games)
Social network: Less than $100 (go necessary dinner with potential future employers, managers, and friends).
Others: $300-$400, based on needs.


Monthly bill in 2019:
Rent: $3000 per month (one 1B1B apartment)
Transportation: more than $500 per month (include parking fee and car fuel.)
Car insurance: $100 per month
Food: at least $2000 per month. (most time eat out. Even sometimes cook at home, use organic products only).
Phone bill: $50 per month
Clothes and shoes: at least $1000 per month, mostly sext middle-level brands such as Coach.
Romantic relationship: at least $400 (does not have fixed partner, regularly date with different girls).
Gym: $70 per month.
Utilities: $100 per month (pay bill by himself)
Social network: more than $500 per month
Shopping: more than $300 per month (buy branded shampoos and body care products)
How do you feel of these two sets of bill statements? When your income increases, you are likely to make higher-level consumptions since you own sufficient buying powers to fit these desires. You want to move to a set of luxury apartment and run away from noisy roommates as early as possible. Everyone desires high living standards; however, do you really need these things?
The prominent issue of poverty is not low-level income, but high-level expenditures.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The poverty origin: rarely share.
It is impossible for people to success by themselves. When we look at the experiences of the wealth, we will find that all the succeeds come from cooperations. One person has limitation in views, capacity, and professional knowledge, etc., and sharing your resources with others can exchange something that you do not have. For example, the student A who has high score in mathematics study coursework by himself, and he dislikes to share any knowledge to others. Student B who has relatively lower score shares everything he knows to classmates, and exchange back the teaching sessions from others who good at English, Physics, and Chemistry. Upon graduation, student A is still rank 1st in mathematics, but he has neither close friend nor positive social impressions from classmates. In the contrast, even though student B does not have high score in mathematics, he is elected as the class monitor, owns large social circle via different social activities, and everyone are happy to give him assistance as needed.
What will happen when we analogy this phenomenon in society?


So, how do the wealth break out the thinking limitation?
In fact, It is not difficult break the “thinking mode of poverty” and jump on the ship to affluence: learn to become the boss and invest in those assets which can automatically bring you income. In another word, build your own financial moat by valuable assets.
In the year 1974, Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonalds, gave presentation in MBA class at Texas State University. He asked students with smiles “Do you know how I expand my wealth?”. Deservedly, students answered: “selling the burger, of courses”. Kroc said “I know you guys will answer in this way. But I am not a simple burger maker, I sell real estates.”

1974年,麦当劳创始人雷·克罗克(Ray Kroc)在德克萨斯州立大学(Texas State University)的MBA课程上发表演讲。他笑着问学生:“你知道我是怎样发财的吗?”. 学生们理所当然地回答说:“当然,卖汉堡。”。克罗克说:“我知道你们会这样回答。但我不是一个简单的汉堡包制造商,我卖的是房地产。”

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Why? And how?
The largest portion of McDonalds’ revenue come from leasing McDonald’s subbranches to franchisees. Kroc always focuses on the restaurant locations, and he is even willing to invest most of the revenues to buy land. In this way, every restaurant can generate high leasing revenues. Time goes by, McDonalds has become the biggest independent real estate agent and it owns more properties than popes have.
The underlying asset that generates cash flows for McDonalds is the reusable land rather than one-time hamburger. This is the real wealthy thinking mode. On the one hand, Kroc breaks out the “scarcity mindset”: make long-term strategy which jumps out of money itself. On the other hand, he gets rid of the “employee mindset”. The money has ability to hatch more money, however, most of people always try to “earn money” from a 9-5 job position without any other income. The wealth thing mode focuses on investing most of money to buy valuable assets, and enjoy higher life standards by these passive incomes.
A lot of people attribute their poverty to social factors: resource scarcity, poor education, and increasing consolidated social hierarchical system. However, along with the development of the technology, the costs of acquiring knowledge and education have declined a lot. In my perspective, the real difference between the wealth and the poor is the executive power. When a new idea comes up, the poor usually thinks “Oh, it is impossible for me to achieve”; however, the wealth will think that”how can I make it possible?” It is totally ok for the poor to find a stable job first, but they are supposed to have plans, and finish these plans step by step.
In conclusion, the society develops all the time, and the wealth are the people who consciously adapt these changes and enjoy corresponding benefits, and the poor are ones who march on the spot and reject to learn. It is true that education is important for human development; however, the real education comes from every aspects of your life, include the books you read, the bar you come, and the people you meet. Education is never an excuse for self-renunciation.
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为麦当劳创造现金流的基础资产是可重复使用的土地,而不是一次性的汉堡包。这才是真正富有的思维方式。一方面,克罗克打破了“稀缺心态”:制定长期战略,跳出资金本身。另一方面,他摆脱了“员工心态”。钱有能力孵化出更多的钱,然而,大多数人总是试图“挣钱” 除了朝九晚五工作没有任何其他收入。财富物化模式主要是把大部分的钱投入到购买有价值的资产上,通过这些被动的收入享受更高的生活标准。

Carol Cotton
It’s very very hard to lift oneself up from poverty. Poor culture is very different from affluent culture. The poor really don’t understand the value of a dollar the way the affluent do. A poor person looks at a buck and knows that’s as far as the “accumulation” of funds is going to go—they don’t visualize other dollars piling on top of it over time, if saved and/or invested. So, they blow that dollar on something very fleeting, of low value, like junk from the dollar store.
Also, there is peer pressure to spend that dollar. I’ve seen and heard poor people laugh at their friends and family and mock them for being “cheap” because they don’t want to blow their hard-earned money on inexpensive useless trinkets. I’ve never heard the affluent accuse each other openly of being cheap. They save that word for material obxts that are mass produced with imprecision, substandard materials, sloppy workmanship, etc.
I’ve seen “poor” people buy new Nike’s every couple of months. You rarely see a “poor” person with rundown or dirty sneakers. They replace them before they ever have a chance to get run down. It’s a status symbol. I’ve seen some rather wealthy people who dress like paupers—old (expensive) shoes, well-worn work shirts around the house or out at a pub, etc.
“Keeping Up Appearances” is extremely important to those who are striving, either psychologically or materially, even the well-established middle class. They are insecure in their lack of riches because of the messages the commercially supported media sends.
If a “poor” individual wanted to lift himself out of poverty without going to college and learning a marketable skill—s/he would have to forego having children, first and foremost. Kids are naturally expensive, anyway, but once they get sucked into their peer group culture, they won’t give you a moment’s rest until you supply them with all the accouterments that will gain them access to the “in-crowd”. Unwittingly, by playing into that, parents are setting their kids up for a lifetime of living on the surface of a commodity value system with no stores of real wealth.


Secondly, a poor person would have to give up his/her social network of spendthrift friends and associates who will pressure them into spending down to their last penny, living paycheck to paycheck. The best thing one can do to escape poverty is to find ways to squirrel away cash, cut out excess non-essential expenditures, learn what it means to sacrifice, and then watch the results in their bank account over the course of a year. They need to see it with their own eyes. And that’s almost impossible to achieve with other non-achievers nipping at your heels.
There are so many things that the poor either don’t understand or don’t even know about. They don’t seem to recognize the importance of building credit and having a good credit rating, for example. Or, how to even go about it. They need to learn to develop a broader vision of their future in terms of needs, security, and possibilities.
I had a married aunt with 3 daughters. She knew they could never afford to change their living circumstances, but what she could do was change their summertime living circumstances. she stashed away a few dollars here and there, whenever she could, with the goal of buying a tiny cottage on the lake where she and her daughters could spend the entire summer vacation.
Her husband loved to gamble and was always trying to find out where the money was hidden so she was always squirreling small amounts in little nooks and crannies in the basement, the attic, etc. Within 5 years she had enough money for a down-payment on that cottage. She and her daughters enjoyed many, many summers there all through their school years. But…something else, an unexpected surprise, happened as a result: Her husband had a total shift of perception of the possible just by seeing what his wife accomplished.


He had a back-breaking job delivering cases of beer to bars and package stores. The pay was dismal and his back pain was making life miserable. But, he never asked himself if he could do better. His first job as a young teen was delivering cases of soda and over the years he graduated to beer. It was, to him, the normal and inevitable trajectory of his life.
One day, as he was delivering beer to a package store in a very seedy neighborhood, the owner told him he was going to be selling the entire building—the package store on the first floor, and two income-producing apartments on the second floor—for less than $30k! Incredible. This man would have never allowed himself to even fleetingly consider buying something like that—before he saw what his wife could do with a little discipline and determination. He bought it.
And it changed the rest of his life. He went from borderline poverty to being “quite comfortable.” They took cruises. They moved into a nice house in a wooded neighborhood with a back deck that faced the sunsets. Many years later, when he died, he left his wife and 3 daughters a nice little nest egg that would generously supplement their incomes for the rest of their lives—providing they spent wisely.
It’s not easy to educate yourself on what needs to be done to escape poverty. The rich people have Fortune Magazine and The Wall Street Journal. There’s a book entitled, The Millionaire Next Door, that might be helpful. It requires a sea change—cultural, personal, perceptual, psychological—the effort needed for such an upheaval is not to be underestimated.
“Why do most poor people remain poor?” For the same reason most walkers don’t attempt mountain climbing, scuba diving, sky diving, figure skating, but remain walkers.

有一天,当他把啤酒送到一个非常破烂的街区的一家套餐店时,店主告诉他,他要把整栋楼卖掉——一楼为套餐店,二楼为两套出租公寓,售价不到3万美元!简直 不可思议。因他之前看到妻子只要有一点纪律和决心就能做些什么,他毫不犹豫的买了下来。
“为什么大多数穷人仍然贫穷?“出于同样的原因,大多数步行者不去尝试爬山,潜水,跳伞,花样滑冰,仍然 只会当一个步行者。

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