2021-02-12 辽阔天空 8267

Do you care when people hate you?


Rob Hayes, Freelance Journalist (1996-present)
There are a few people I’ve met in my life who I really can’t stand, so it brings me great joy to know that they regard me with the same contempt. In that sense, I suppose, I do care. Reciprocal hatred can be thoroughly satisfying.
There was a time in my life when I felt the need to be liked and if someone didn’t like me, it hurt. However, over the years I’ve come to realise that, for the most part, I don’t really care what people think of me. I am an opinionated person who is not afraid to express his views. I don’t think the list of people who actually hate me is particularly long, but I’m sure there are plenty who dislike me and it doesn’t bother me in the least. I stay true to myself. I stand up for what I believe in. If I incur hatred in the process, so be it.
I’d only really care if the person who hated me was someone I loved, and that’s a situation I’ve never encountered in my life. I had three serious relationships before I met and married my wife. All of them ended amicably. I’m still friends with two of them. I’ve had people I’ve cut out of my life, and a couple who have cut me out of their lives, but none whose absence wounds me in any way. I suppose there’s a period of mourning when any relationship ends, and during that period I might care, but I tend not to dwell too long.
I have all the friends I need and all the love I can endure.


Jacob Jones, I answer questions. What's not to love?
I personally do not really care if somebody dislikes me or hates me. My belief system, as shown to me by one of my teachers, is that I cannot control what others think of me directly, and that I cannot force them to like me or dislike me. People will formulate their own thoughts and opinions based on what they observe and how they take what they observe.
There have been occasions where this may have bothered me, however as time has passed, I have become more accepting to the fact that somebody dislikes me or hates me. I simply choose not to think about it, and allow them to live out their lives as they wish to without trying to change how they think. Since I started doing this, fewer people seem to dislike me, and those that do have simply left me alone.
Choosing not to let it bother me has allowed me to live my life in a more open and carefree manner, as I am not worrying constantly about what somebody thinks of me. I do not need someone else's approval to approve of myself.
In short, let the haters in short, let the haters hate, and continue being yourself. Thank you for the question!


Jan Viana, BSN Nursing, West Coast University (2021)
In my opinion, if someone hates you, you're doing something right with life.
I'm a firm believer in balance in life. You can never have good without bad, bad without good. It applies to essentially everything you come across; try it out for yourself. For example, a car is great for going long distances, but if it runs out csr then it's just a hunk of metal. Water is essential to your well-being, but excessive water intake will lead to a condition called hyponatremia, which isn't good at all.
When I published my second book, my first two reviews on the book were one stars. Upon further investigation, I realized that they were two of my acquaintances that had a personal vendetta against me. It got to me at first, angry that they would rate my book so poorly without even reading it, accusing me of being money hungry and having the writing level of a high schooler. Eventually I realized three things: they weren't happy with their life and wanted to express their anger out on someone; they were furious that I was doing something that they couldn't accomplish; they want attention.
Haters are there for a reason. Keep doing you, achieve more, surround yourself with the right people, and you will go far in life.


Anjali Adhikari, Technology Architect (2011-present)
Ask yourself why people hates you. If it’s a valid reason may be your behaviour ,temper or some habit then there is no issues in adapting a change because it good for us.However if some hates you without any reason , do you think its worth enough to give a thought as well. It’s a big “No”. Its a scientific-fact that everyone know themselves completely. God has given us a conscious which makes us realise what is right or wrong. Therefore as per my opinion at least give a thought, analyse the reason if its really making sense and if not, chuck it off and be like the way you are because you will always find people who can find 100 reasons to hate other homo companions but life should be dedicated to those who need no reasons to smile at you. :)


John Gillis, M.S. from Brandeis University (2019)
Hate, or even having a grudge, is like drinking poison and hoping for your enemy to die.
No, personally I don’t care. Hate ages you prematurely and I prefer not to hate. If someone causes me to resent them, I’ll either take action to rectify the issue in a positive fashion or just ignore that person. Hate takes up too much energy. If that individual hates me, he likely doesn’t understand why he does.


Derek Wong, Student
Personally, I don't care if someone likes me or not as it is impossible to please everyone. We should care more about what we can do to improve our lives and not about what others perceive of us. However, if it is someone close to you, you can try and find out the reason, and reflect on your actions. More often than not, people closer to you will give genuine feedback, and you should try and change your ways if possible. However, I would personally recommend that you not listen to too many opinions of others as it can be really depressing.
In conclusion, listen to those who really care about you. Some people will hate you on purpose due to jealousy. Jealousy from others is unavoidable. Just do what you do, and ignore such toxic people.


Dallas Rasmussen, studied at Stages of the World Wide Web
Ha! As a senior, I can respond that, generally speaking, no I don't care. However, that depends on who the hater(s) is/are and whether they act on their hatred or not.
The haters are much more uncomfortable than I am, as it takes a lot of energy to hate. Usually, I laugh to myself because there's not a thing they can do about their hate except be miserable. I don't intentionally try to irritate people, so often haters are usually jealous or hating something petty. It's the fact that they can't do anything about it


Angela Carleton, AA Business Administration & Psychology, Miami Dade College
If I put so much time in worrying about what other people care about me especially if they hate me I would never get anything done.
Someone is bound to dislike me or talk behind my face and tell others about me. That’s okay since that is their prerogative.


Yasahme AL-Satiif, Been there, done that.
I’m Muslim so a lot of people probably hate me…. No, I don’t care. That is their choice and as long as they don’t confront or insult me, they can hate all they want. I live my life on my terms regardless of what anyone thinks or says. When one starts stressing over whether someone likes, loves or hates them they are spending too much precious time wasting brain space. As long as those that I love and care about don’t hate me, I’m good.


Kirsten K, Ba Registered Nurses (2009)
I seem to as much as I wish I did not! It seems to be of a certain skill to ignore the depth of someone hating me. Such an intensity of emotion. One can not hate a person without initially having much more love then willing to I’m sure admit, and it makes me ponder that in order for that one person to feel such intensity of emotion toward me what was it to drive them to such an intensity of negative emotive state in which they now hate me? Curiousness never usually helps in these things as the person holding such hatred usually isn’t enthusiastic at offering the answer to this question of ‘why’!

我倒希望我不在乎!忽视别人对我的憎恨程度似乎是一种技巧。恨是一种十分强烈的感情。我敢肯定,如果一开始没有更多的爱,那么一个人是不可能恨一个人的,它让我思考, 这让我思考,是什么原因让驱使他们产生这样一种消极而又如此强烈的情感状态,他们现在为什么恨我?在这些事情上,好奇心通常起不到什么作用,因为怀有如此仇恨的人通常不会热心回答“为什么”这个问题!

Deepa Suresh, former Teacher
Yes I used to feel bad if someone known to me suddenly started hating me for no reason. But now I am not bothered about the person who hates me because they are born to psychologicaly hurt others and then they enjoy after their pray is hurt.


Nick Ales, Author/Founder/Former CEO at Ales Publishing Company
I care if I have done something that has caused them to hate me. For instance if it’s something I deliberately. The other way around, if I did nothing to provoke them hating me, I really can’t do anything about it… unless I were to sit down and talk about our differences, which usually the person who hates you won’t want to sit down and talk it over. So if I’ve done something to them, I’ll care and try to mediate the situation. Again, if I’ve done nothing to them nor said anything about them, I try not to care. Realize some people just hate without reason, and you can’t stop that. All you can do is walk on in life. :)


Karen Sang
Honestly, at this point, no. Although there is no one that hates me, I know that there are some people who dislike me. I’m too tired to care, the same people who dislike me are the ones who have done me wrong and made my life hell.

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Sanjana Saneja, BSc In Physics, Statistics and Mathematics, Hislop College (2019)
The simple answer to that will be no. I don't care what people think of me or how they see me or how they are judging me.
But when it's people close to me, about whom I care, I make sure to know their reasons, introspect and try becoming better than I'm. There's no harm in that. We should always change, adapt and upgrade ourselves.


Prashant Deshpande, lives in Ruwais
So long as that person is not causing any harm to me or my loved ones physically or spoiling our reputation, I won’t bother about his/her existence.
But if someone actually confronts me and tells me that he/she hates me then I’ll surely ask the reason and correct myself. I’ll also apologize for my mistake(s) and ask for forgiveness. If possible, will have coffee or dinner with him/ her.


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