2021-02-13 wuhaowsh 19809

UK care workers use up leave to avoid losing pay while sick with Covid

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Some UK care workers are having to take holiday when they are off sick with Covid or see already low wages fall to £96 per week, raising fears they may not self-isolate.


Staff on the minimum wage claim to have been offered only statutory sick pay when ill with Covid or self-isolating. This contravenes government policy that they should be paid in full to limit infection spread.


One care worker involved in an ongoing outbreak at a nursing home involving several fatalities told the Guardian the employer does not provide sick pay, so the worker and other infected colleagues had to take holiday to prevent their earnings falling. One colleague took holiday pay to maintain earnings while very ill with Covid in intensive care, the care worker said.


The trade unx Unison, which represents care workers, said it had been contacted by multiple staff complaining about the practice, which appears to affect a minority of care workers, with many employers offering full pay for isolation or sickness.


“Almost a year into the pandemic, many care workers are having to survive on less than £100 a week should they fall ill or need to isolate,” said Gavin Edwards, a senior national officer at Unison. “Low-paid staff shouldn’t be losing money they can ill afford when they’re poorly or stopping home to avoid spreading the virus. The system isn’t working. Every care worker who has to be off work during the pandemic must be paid their wages in full.”


One affected care worker, who requested anonymity, said: “You have a lot of women whose partners have lost their jobs so they really can’t afford not to come in. There are people who don’t want to work because they are scared, but they can’t afford not to.”

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Department of Health and Social Care established a £1.1bn infection control fund last year partly to fund full pay for self-isolating and sick care workers. It said the fund was to ensure “staff who are isolating in line with government guidance receive their normal wages and do not lose income while doing so”.


“Self-isolation is vital to stopping the spread of the virus,” said a DHSC spokesperson. “Our hardworking care workers should not lose income if they are required to self-isolate. We expect adult social care providers to pay full wages to care workers who need to stay at home to self-isolate and we have made £1.1bn available through the infection control fund to support this.”


Bespoke Health and Social Care, a home healthcare operator where workers receive £95.85 statutory sick pay, said service commissioners only provided enough funding to pay one worker for an individual’s care package.

Bespoke Health and Social Care是一家家庭保健运营商,员工的法定病假工资为95.85英镑。该公司表示,服务专员提供的资金仅够支付一名员工的个人护理套餐费用。

“We simply cannot afford to pay the staff member who was off sick,” said Chris Walsh, its chief operating officer.


She said the company had recently been alxed that it may be able to claim from the infection fund and that if successful it would reimburse affected workers.


The issue emerged amid continuing outbreaks in care homes and levels of reported Covid deaths not seen since last May. At Mossview care home in Lochgelly, Fife, 10 residents have died in an outbreak in which 25 residents and 43 staff have tested positive, said NHS Fife officials.


“Our thoughts are with their loved ones at this difficult time,” they said in a statement.


Seven people have died with Covid at Falcon House care home in Hertfordshire, where the majority of residents became infected in another outbreak starting in late December.

赫特福德郡的Falcon House护理中心已有7人死于新冠病毒,那里的大多数居民是在12月底开始的另一场疫情中感染的。

Covid deaths in care homes in England and Wales surged to their highest level since last May with 1,719 residents dying from the virus in the week to 15 January – more than doubling the death toll since Christmas. The figures bring to more than 26,000 the UK death toll from Covid in care homes when data from deaths registered in Scotland and occurring in Northern Ireland covering the same period is included.


Remember that when Conservatives talk about “cutting red tape” it is usually laws that protect people being screwed like this.


Neoliberalism is rampant with hypocritical rhetoric. It talks about individualism, the strength of the individual, the right to speak against your government non reliance on government and demonisation of anyone who is but in reality enacts the exact opposite as it produces a bigger surveilance state and demands obedience to the ruling part. No questioning is allowed of government whatsoever and it will be defended via nationalism or the new age calling card of the British strong person....victimhood....
It tricks and uses individuals to promote their own strength by gutting them and having them fight for their right to be gutted by the elite while they pretend they are at war with them.


Government funding is in place to prevent this, councils are providing grants. If care workers still don't receive full pay, it's the company who is likely at fault.


It's always been like this - wife worked as a care assistant in a private nursing home for almost 8 years. I worked as a carer in my student days about 10 years ago - was the same then.
No sick pay, unless you are off for more than the 7 days and have a Doctor's Sick Note (Statement of Fitness to Work) - in which case you get the statutory government sick pay. She was off long term due to non-COVID related issues last year - while waiting for the surgery.
The number of times she has been forced to go to work despite not being fit to work is insane. It's the same for my mum who works as a nurse in a nursing home (same company) - and it's the same.
Same for almost all of the industry as well - I have family and friends who are nurses and carers - unless they work in the NHS, they don't get paid sick leave.
In the end, my wife has finally resigned from the nursing home and is now in her first year of Nursing after completing her NVQ. This was the end goal for us, and the Nursing home did help her with the NVQ. But the state of the private care sector is such that she may decide to stick with the NHS after her nursing degree is over - despite having friends in the nursing home.

事情一直是这样的——妻子在一家私人疗养院做了将近8年的护理助理。大约10年前我还是学生的时候,我做过护工,和那时一样。没有病假工资,除非你休息超过7天并且有医生的病假证明(适合工作的声明),在这种情况下,你可以得到法定的政府病假工资。去年,由于covid - 19相关问题,她在等待手术期间长期休假。

One of the reasons the pandemic hit the U.K. so hard is how crap sick pay is for many. Plenty of people have very tight budgets and can’t really afford even a day unpaid, so they come in unless they’re physically incapable of getting out of bed due to illness. Covid is infamous for being at most a mild illness for much of the working age population; they’re not going to miss ten days of pay for a cough. This results in outbreaks.
Even NZ has felt some of this too. Sporadic cases resulting in crazy speculations about contaminated frozen food imports.

疫情对英国影响如此之大的原因之一是很多人的病假工资都很糟糕。很多人的预算都很紧张,甚至连一天没有工资的日子都负担不起,所以他们会来上班,除非他们身体上因为生病而不能起床。Covid - 19臭名昭著的是,对于大多数工作年龄人口来说,它至多是一种轻微的疾病,他们不会因为咳嗽而少付十天工资的,这就导致疫情爆发。

It's a disgrace.
The companies will still be raking in the thousands and thousands


They're really not, I can't speak of everyone but the company I work for has been absolutely dying this year, there's tons of vacancies and very few people wanting to move in right now, even a couple of empty rooms hits profits hard


I can only speak of the company I work for but we are paying out 100% for Covid related absences.


They get paid fuck all anyway


Care worker here. Can confirm we get paid fuck all. I was lucky. My work was on the ball and we all got our full pay, and on time too. Had this have not been the case, there is no way I could have missed 2 weeks of work.


Managers who force people to choose between working while sick and going hungry should go to prison in my opinion. The harm they do is immeasurable.
But I will also add this - what the fuck are the likes of Unison and Unite doing about it? This has been a problem for decades, yet the unxs do absolutely nothing to force the issue. Teachers, doctors, postal workers etc get full pay while they’re off sick thanks to the efforts of their trade unxs, yet care workers get ignored by the very people they pay to represent them.

但我还要补充一点——像Unison和Unite这样的公司到底在做什么? 这个问题已经存在了几十年了,但工会绝对没有采取任何行动来推动这个问题。在工会的努力下,教师、医生、邮政工人等在病假期间都能拿到全薪,但护工却被他们花钱雇来代表他们的人忽视了。

What can the unxs do? Any unx is only as strong as its membership. For various reasons, not least because they care about their patients, I’m sure that they’re generally much less prepared to stick together and take action, and their managers know it.


Big difference between health sector (NHS dominated with strong unxs) and the healthcare sector, which is mostly privately ran or local councils ran.
There is even a big difference of funding, as NHS is getting the lion’s part, while to get financial help for care is quite hard (basically you need to have less than 27,000£ of net worth to be admitted at public’s charge in a care home to handle your dementia).
So basically the funding is so dependent on the generosity of the local council that there are issues in the funding of healthcare.
This is also amplified by the lack of available care staff.


But I will also add this - what the fuck are the likes of Unison and Unite doing about it?
Too busy swanning it up and playing politics. Len would rather spend time having a pop at Starmer than actually helping the workers he represents.
Len Mccluskey is one of the most detestable men in Britain.


The people of the UK really need to wise up to this. We have lost track of ourselves and think that our job defines us, mental health and now physical health is pushed aside because "you have to do what you have to do" and "that's just how it is innit". Meanwhile directors and management pay themselves well and work flexible hours or from home while forcing the staff to come in for the sake of the economy and anyone who stands against it is apparently screwing over the others. Well I say the others are screwing themselves, fair enough your grandfather worked all his life great and good for him but he could at least afford to raise a family and buy a damn house while for us today we can work twice the hours and get paid more yet still can't afford the basics. The sad truth is that the upper class don't give a shit and as far as they're concerned we need to keep working regardless how many of us die so they can continue to stay home and safe because ultimately there will still be adequate workers when it's over.


Having a "strong work ethic" is something that needs to change. In our grandparents time it meant you could work your way into a house, kids and disposable income. These days it means you work yourself into the ground for the privilege of hot water and food. Yet if you complain, or unxise, or even vocalise the thought that maybe things should be different you suddenly become lazy, entitled, dishonest, and un-British. If you do your shitty job at the minimum required standard in order to actually have some energy left at the end of the day, or just out of the belief that you do what you get paid for, you get told you don't have the good old fashioned work ethic you should have, and you'll be first in line for redundancies or cutbacks.


I don't have a work ethic, I work because I wasn't born wealthy. I care as much as I have to to be paid. Some people genuinely can't imagine not going to work....


Although almost all workers are being hit, carers do tend to be hit harder than most. Carers tend to be extremely poorly paid, and it's not like they have any choice in social distancing when say for instance, dealing with personal care. I think carers really could do with a huge boost in relation to pay and rights.


I work for priory healthcare and the way staff have been treated is absolutely disgusting. The first lockdown we were all promised we could carry our annual leave over to this year.. alot of staff fell for it and worked through the pandemic.. only to be told december they cant carry it over or be paid out.. they also dont pay anyone sickpay of they have to self isolate.. i started my shift with a cough one day and asked for a test to check i was ok and my DM said to me, no joke
The company is the most disgusting i have ever worked for, hand down..


This isn't just care workers, although I feel they are harder hit than most. It's pretty much every company in the UK.
I can't remember the last place I worked at that pays sick pay.


I work for a supermarket and got paid SSP £91 per week when I had to isolate, genuinely don't think I could afford to do it again


It's the same where I work, not a carer but in the food,& transportation sector, it's quite scarey as there are several people infected who didn't take time off till they were confirmed with covid 19


When sick pay leaves you with £70 a week and you're already being underplayed for being a key worker what do you expect to happen really.
Pay people to stay at home when they're ill, the current system just encourages what's been highlighted during the pandemic.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

5/6 years ago when I was working in a factory in UK, I was sick for 3-4 days with flu, and was told that they considered letting me go, but didn't, and it's my last chance. I was working there for 6 months and those 3-4 days were such a problem.
As far as I know from my friends still in UK, it's even worse now than then, and thousands of factory workers can't afford to go on sick leave. Also, often they are hired by agency which makes it even worse.


Yeah my partner doesn't get sick pay (only ssp), she's debates going in while sick a few times because we need the money... Other people at her work have also gone to work with covid symptoms because of this


This is my exact predicament as a weekend NHS worker. I used to have my unsociable hours enhancements paid when I was off sick. After the recent contract negotiations, I will now lose my enhancements. Which means I lose almost £100 from my wages. Which means I wouldn't be able to afford my rent if I was off sick. Thus, I'm going to have to go in work even if I'm sick. When my pay switches to monthly (coming soon), I will also lose my enhancements even when I use my leave. Which I find ridiculous, because your pay when using leave should be representative of if you were actually physically in work.


it's like this for a lot of companies, especially the lower paying ones.
my mum works for tesco, the amount of times she's gone into work while having a cold, or feeling a bit shit, because she can't take time off with pay. what baffles me the most is how she can easily spread a virus, resulting in more workers being sick, where's the fucking logic??
these companies don't give a shit and some of the most inhumane people run them. I doubt that this will change at all with the trash tory party still leading.


It’s no surprise that the two most capitalist countries (the United States and the UK) have been two of the worst hit by covid.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When i was sick with covid 3 weeks ago, I got paid £25 due to furlough being based on last years wages, which happened to be when i was back at uni not working


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