2021-02-15 骑着毛驴到处走 13504

Tokyo Olympics chief Yoshiro Mori is to resign after he sparked outrage in Japan and abroad by claiming that women talk too much in meetings, reports said Thursday.
"When you increase the number of female executive members, if their speaking time isn't restricted to a certain extent, they have difficulty finishing, which is annoying," he said.
He apologised for the sexist remarks, while insisting he was repeating complaints made by others, but then dug a deeper hole when he explained that he "doesn't speak to women much"


Having initially said it considered the matter closed with Mori's apology, the International Olympic Committee branded his remarks "completely inappropriate" as the backlash grew.
An online campaign calling for action against Mori has attracted more than 146,000 signatures, while tennis superstar Naomi Osaka slammed his comments as "ignorant".
Since Mori's remarks, around 400 Olympic and Paralympic volunteers have quit.
A total of 80,000 volunteers from Japan and overseas have been recruited for this summer's virus-postponed Games.
Games sponsor Toyota on Wednesday issued a statement by its president Akio Toyoda saying: "It's very regrettable that the comments made by the leader of the organising committee differ from the values that Toyota holds."
Tokyo's governor Yuriko Koike turned up the heat further on Wednesday, saying "I won't be attending" four-party Olympic talks expected to involve IOC head Thomas Bach later this month.
"I don't think a four-party meeting would deliver anything positive," Koike said, without further explanation.
Organisers are already facing public opposition to holding the Games this summer, with polls showing around 80 percent back either further postponement or cancellation.


According to Japanese media, Yoshiro Mori would be replaced by former Japan Football Association president, Saburo Kawabuchi(84)as the next president of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics organizing committee.
However, Mr. Kawabuchi is known for his sexist and chauvinist remarks in the past, too. For example, he once commented that “feminine” name should be given to female basketball team. Then, he dose not hide his love for reading right-wing magazines such as “Gekkan Hanada(Monthly Hanada)” and “Will”.
Both magazines are notorious for its racist and revisionist tendency, denying the historical event such as comfort women issue and Nanking Massacre as “fake” events. The editor of “Gekkan Hanada” once published an article denying the Holocaust Massacre by Nazis.

不过,川渊三郎过去也因其性别歧视和沙文主义言论而闻名。例如,他曾经评论说,女子篮球队应该取“女性化”的名字。他毫不掩饰自己对右翼杂志的喜爱,比如Gekkan Hanada和Will。
这两家杂志都因其种族主义和修正主义倾向而臭名昭著,否认慰安妇和南京大屠杀等历史事件。Gekkan Hanada的编辑曾经发表过一篇文章,否认纳粹的大屠杀。


everyone was talking about in regard to Mori was the concept of 老害 (old people becoming incompetent and causing trouble).

So what did they do? They replaced him with a guy who is even older. 84 years old!
I don't want to discriminate against Kawabuchi simply due to his age, but it would have been a nice gesture to replace Mori with a younger person or maybe (shock horror) even a woman.
However, I really think these old jijis are really holding back Japan. I


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I remember growing up loving Japanese culture. I dressed up as a ninja, watched anime’s, and then later studied Japanese martial arts. I realized after meeting so many people from Japan and visiting Japan myself that I would never want to live or work there EVER! The racism and sexism is off the charts!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Lived in Japan for a decade. Now noone hates that country more than I do. Like I have friends I like that live there but I would celebrate the country's collapse.


Oh here we go. Your weekly thread in r/worldnews about Japan where non-Japanese people and white English teachers who don't even speak Japanese who have lived in Japan for a few years are suddenly experts about Japan and Japanese culture while making racist and stereotypical comments about a country of 125 million people.


It's unfortunate that he's born in japan, if he's born in america, he could be elected as prez / congressman for talking bullshit.


Worked in a place as the only male. I also stand by this statement.


Smh dude just wanted to go home but the office ladies kept yammering .
You're lying if you've never met people who don't seem to get the hint that it's time to shut the fuck up and end the meeting.


I bet what actually happened was
This dude: proposes moronic idea
Woman at meeting: disagrees, points out all the ways in which his idea is moronic and proposes something less moronic
This dude: "women talk too much in meetings!"


Japan’s old dudes make America’s look like paragons of gender equality.


I agree, women talk too much in meetings. Can we please just get the meeting over and done with and go back to pretending to work?


Some countries are overly romanticized. I mean Japan is a cool country but it definitely sucks for work. France is a romanticized country too by Americans but they have a lot of political problems themselves. India too, romanticized by some when in fact a lot of the country is very poor .
And some countries are overly negative when they don't deserve so. Especially Latin America and Middle East.


when I visited Japan, one thing that struck me was how every TV host, announcer, anchor, etc. was a 70 something dude and always paired up with a very young girl.


Only weebs fetishize Japan. And this is coming from someone who calls themselves an Otaku.


Its Japan. Its not a very open society. Its extremely rigid.
The lost decade (now up to what...its 20th year?) cause the Japanese economy and society to become very conservative. This sis why its still a cash heavy society, fax machines are still common, and other weird things.
And as someone that has to regularly work in the country, I am constantly amazed how a lot of Americans fetishize living and working in Japan.
Like if you think US work culture is fucked, its wonderful compared to the shit that is Japan's work culture.


Fax machines are still common in the USA too. The medical, legal, and real estate sectors all rely on them heavily. I have to fix them all the time at my job


Fax machines are used for secure document transfer. No one anywhere is emailing their bank account number around.


A Korean-Canadian friend of mine only lasted a few months in Japan, as she said she felt more discriminated against than she'd ever felt in her life.


Perhaps on the basis of being Korean? There is still a lot of animosity due to history.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

10 hours ago
That's really fucked up but I can see that it happens. We do suck at getting along with foreigners in all sorts of ways, but even then Koreans and Chinese will definitely get a different look as they're the biggest target by our racists. (And Taiwanese will get extra friendly treat by racists for whatever reasons.)


I have a Taiwanese friend who’s a PhD botanist and works as a researcher in a Japanese lab. He told me they respect him for being fairly fluent in Japanese and his willingness to assimilate but treat other Asians differently. Not in an outright racist way but just different. Then again, his line of work is also fairly unique so probably not representative as well.


I worked technology, but it was servicing the construction and logistics industry. The Japanese really, really value education, expertise, and achievement. So by default your friend is going to be treated better than most professionally. Beyond that, like every culture the quickest way to a Japanese's heart is to make an effort to learn their culture. If you do this, and also happen to be high on the education, expertise, and achievement side it makes you look humble, your faux pas allow your less successful Japanese peers to save face, and it goes a long way towards endearing yourself with everyone around you.
On the flip side, if you happen to be a migrant brought in for manual work in construction, or shipping transportation, you are basically a second class citizen, and all bets are off on how you'll be treated..


And don't get me started on the corporate drinking culture. I hate that shit.
Fuck, our sales/account rep from a big Japanese corporation I won't mention is the most alcoholic person I know (while still being absurd lightweight), and I'm fucking Czech. Her and her boss have been going on business trips to us every 3 months or so just to drink as much wine as they can here.
Never seen less productive business meetings and more drunken company dinners


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Advanced alcoholics typically are lightweight. When you reach the end stages of alcoholism your tolerance bottoms out entirely and you’re ability to handle alcohol completely collapses. An alcoholic may be able to a medium sized bottle of vodka a day for 10 years and then eventually a single shot will be enough to intoxicate them. It is a strong indication that you’re about to run out of time and die.


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A lot of younger people don't like it so new companies tend to not do it, but generally your expected to go out drinking after work with your boss and co workers.


You work your 9-5, but the boss hasn't left yet, so you absolutely cannot or you look like an uncommitted slacker who doesn't care about the company.
six...seven... eight... ah! He came out before Eight! Now it's 7:30pm and the boss wants everyone to go out to the izakaya. So you do - you don't want to seem like not a team player!
So you go there, and it's a round of drinks! And another round of drinks. You don't much care for alcohol, but it's a bonding experience. You wish you could go home, but what's that? Another round of drinks!
It's finally 10:00-11:00pm and everyone's heading home. By the way, be sure to be in at 8am the next day to do it all again - and possibly Saturday, too.


also newer employees, especially women, are expected to wait on higher ups and pour their drinks all night.


I believe there was an article that suggest koreans on average drank 21 shots of soju in a week or something.


I've gone out drinking with coworkers maybe 5 times in the last decade. There is almost always a fist fight or a broken bone.


Man, I'm so glad my division is run by an American with European laxness. We get to clock out as soon as the clock ticks over to 5:30PM because our division is "not Japanese". Nomikai? Don't gotta join those either.
I've been working in Japan for 4 years now and it still kills me to see fresh grads who arrive at 9AM, and have to stay till 9PM just to write up a daily report of what they did and report to their senpai. I've considered moving up the chain and get promoted to a managerial position but just the thought of having to deal with the other divisions, with people fucking about doing nothing in meetings and attending nomikai? It sure takes the wind out of my sails.


I have considered going to Japan to work after graduating from uni (my parents are from Japan and my grandparents still live there). In the first career talk I attended, the speaker explicitly said that women are expected to work for a few years to meet a man to marry and quit. I’m glad the speaker was honest enough because it definitely dissuaded me from the idea.


Once you get a job, you are expected to show up before you supervisor and you are expected to leave after him. So if the CEO decides to stay late, everyone must stay late regardless of whether or not there are tasks to do.
In regards to paternal leave, if you take it, you are seen as putting yourself forward over the company. This is the same for other forms of vacation time.
Now it is true that in Japan, it is EXTREMELY difficult to get fired from these firms. Instead they shun you. You will stop getting tasks. You will stop getting assignments. Your coworkers will not acknowledge you exist. You become an isolated ghost. This continues until you finally just leave.
And to be clear, you will not get a job in the same industry. You will be seen as damaged goods.
There is a highly unhealthy drinking culture in Japanese business. So for example, I was commissioning a facility in Nagasaki. Once this job was done, myself and my coworkers were taken out for a celebration dinner. You are expected to eat and drink on your supervisor's dime. But you are expected to excessively drink.
And by excessive, I mean to the point that you can suffer to alcohol poisoning.
I'm an alcoholic and I refuse to drink anymore as a promise to my wife and son. And honestly for my own health and sanity.
This is not seen as a justification for not getting shitfaced drunk in front of my Japanese supervisors. Its offensive to them that I will not drink until I am pissing and vomiting all over myself. So to get around this, I leave the project a week prior to its completion.
Its basically brutal corporate hazing.


Why are 80 somethings always in charge? Why is it all the men?
Japan, since forever, has been a vertical society ridden by hierarchies. Not only do you address whoever is superior to you with a different language to show respect, but you are expected to anticipate their wishes and do what pleases them.
2. What’s with the racism and discrimination against foreigners?
I would say there are different reasons why Japanese people are rude to other Asians and other foreigners who are of other races. Against Asians: this is actually real racism. Some Japanese people genuinely think Chinese and Korean people are less-than.
Another facet of Japanese culture is the “islander culture” where there is the heavy distinction between who is an insider and an outsider. In every insider group there are HUNDREDS of unspoken rules and norms and social cues that is not visible to the outsider. I’m talking about the country as a whole as well as subgroups within the country. To be an insider you are expected to conform to these subtle unwritten rules. Anyone (even if you’re Japanese) who transgresses the rules will be given a cold stare. Regarding all foreigners who are not familiar with these rules, you might get the cold state more often.


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