2021-02-15 Kira_Yoshikage 19945


That's so fucking rough. Heartbreak fucking sucks.


Seems like he needs something to shake him out of it. Maybe a therapist or an outlet of sorts


Went down this road myself 3 years ago. Best thing for him is support. He might say no I don't want to game, or hang out, or come drink, but you hitting him up with options that his brain doesn't even consider right now is super helpful.


He will get over it with time, really. That’s the only thing that helps though. About a year ago my ex and I split after my brother died, couple weeks go by and my childhood best friend of over 10 years up and blocks me on everything out of the blue, no reason given. Yesterday I found out they’re dating, it hurts really bad, worse than anything. But I know from the past year of progress that things do get better, even if it takes years.


yea it does. im worried my best childhood friend from high school is gonna off himself because of a breakup that he thought was the one, but she lied/cheated. Literally all i can tell him is it gets easier but only with time, but it's been months now and he's still not an ounce over it. Idk what else to say.


Never realized how much I enjoy solitude until I moved in with my gf. I love her and the time we spend together, but being alone rarely ever happens anymore. Grass is always greener.


Idk I genuinely love being alone. It gets lonely every now and again, but being single and free to do what I want and how I want is a pleasure I’m not ready to give up.


Alone =/= lonely

独身 ≠ 孤独

My family could not wrap their heads around that. After my first serious relationship at 23, I was 28 when I entered my current one. The first 3 of the 5 years in between I didn’t date anyone. I just did my thing and worked. I was thoroughly enjoying being alone. But my dad was constantly hounding me about meeting someone and almost trying to convince me that I was lonely and depressed. Always trying to trick me into visiting him when there would be “a pretty girl” at his house for one reason or another.


When I finally did decide to date and start seeing someone, I didn’t even want to tell him.


Tell anyone this and they immediately think there is either something wrong with you or you're in the closet.


People just don't understand that solitude can and is a wonderful thing.


I had a girlfriend for a short bit but the constant pressure to talk to her and spend time with her, which really wasn’t a lot, was just too much for me. I liked being able to do nothing but my work for days at a time. I think talking to people is exhausting.


I used to approach women like "wow I hope I can get her to like me and then keep liking me" and then I figured out that's why I get bored or tired of the relationship. You gotta find someone you actually enjoy not someone you're just gonna be happy that you're able to date.


It's really hard to notice how superficial you're being until the patterns start to show.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yup. You always see stories where the husband like to play video games or watch sports and the wife doesn’t and how that causes a big rift in their relationship that they try to work past when the real answer is that you should marry a girl who likes what you’re into as well. Marry a girl who like hiking like you do. Or painting. Or tea collecting. Don’t just start a relationship for the hell of it.


Yeah, but how do I find a woman that's into hentai tentacle porn


Sarcasm aside, I have meet a few who are into it unironically and sometimes end up more lewd than the regular guys on the group.


Its about tact, not being a weirdo and finding the right circle of friends that understand proper respect and boundaries.


Yup. Every girl I've ever dated was secretly or not-so-secretly into hentai tentacle porn. Zero exceptions. As well as much kinkier stuff. Just have to know how to approach it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Honestly I felt the same way. When my wife and I started dating I felt like I really missed being alone. However, after a while when we got used to eachother and moving in together stopped being new I noticed that we could be "alone" together. I'll be on my computer and the passive noises she makes just being home feels like normal and when she's away it feels weird now. Its hard to explain well and I'm not sure I'm doing a very good job.


One time my mom was out of town, and my dad mentioned how he wasn't sleeping well because he's not used to sleeping without her. Which, was odd to me at the time. I've shared a bed with girlfriends before and it's sweet but man do you sleep terribly. I guess it's kind of what you're talking about, where over a long time you get so used to that person's little distractions that it feels weird to be without them. Like your partner turning in bed might keep you up the first 100 nights, but after the 1000th night it's just weird not having it.


My gf went to another country and didn't even wait one whole month before cheating on me. That was a year ago. To everyone who has ever gone through or are going through something like this, just hang on. It gets better, it's really tough but it will get better.


I never understood how people so easily just start dating someone who openly cheated with no reservations. A few years back I met a girl and she had a boyfriend, she was a coworker. She kept sending me nudes and asking to hook up, I said no, I'm not that guy. I consider people who knowingly assist someone in cheating to be complete scumbags.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A year or so passes and her and that guy have split up. She reaches out and wants to hook up, I said sure, no problem, but I told her we will NEVER officially date or be a couple. She was shocked and said I was an asshole. Well, we still ended up hooking up for a few months though so whatever.


So towards the end of this hookup period of time, we get drunk and the night is winding down. We go to sleep and she says she loves me, ruh roh. I pretend not to hear it and go to bed. She wakes up and apologizes for saying she loves me, so I told her "no problemmmm, I've told hundreds of people I've loved them while I was drunk, I get it". She says that she wasn't mad that she said she loved me, she was mad that she admitted it whilst she was drunk. Omega ruh roh.


I cut things off shortly thereafter, it was obvious she wanted a lot more than I was willing to offer.


Good for you to cut things off. Every person has their reason for cheating and each situation is different but idk if I knew a girl was cheating on her bf with me or rather trying too, that'd be a total turn off for ever wanting to date them. Cause it would really make me think every male friend, coworker, classmate, is now a possible fuck buddy for them. Good on you to break it off and stop it when you know it was getting serious on her end.


what justifications are valid for cheating?


None really but I've known some girls that cheated cause the situation was shit and then really found the love of their lives. Like idk. My mom cheated on my dad because he was a total fuckin asshole and she didn't handle it right. But my step-dad and her have been married 15 years and she ain't never even thought of cheating on him. Not every girl is "once a cheater is always a cheater" same with dudes.


Yeah theres a difference between cheating on your "normal" partner and cheating on your "abusive" partner. We always need to know both sides of the story before judging the cheater


How can an average man not have trust issues now a days?


I found out my ex gf and childhood best friend (3rd grade- college) have been together for almost a year hiding it from me, so that’s nice I guess.


A long time ago a very good friend of mine broke up with his girlfriend for good (They were always off and on, but this time was the real deal). I was just as much a friend to her as I was to him, and after a few months I began to really miss hanging out with her. During this time we were flirting a little bit over FB and after a while she was starting to lay it on pretty heavy. Eventually one night she called me up drunkenly and insinuated she wanted to do more than just hang out. Well at the time I was still good friends with her ex, and after a little internal struggle I decided to do what I felt was the right thing and decline her offer. It was tough because I was really attracted to her, she was very beautiful and we had a lot in common.


I look back on that decision with a mix of regret. I still feel like I did the right thing, but I do sort of wish I did it. I wish I did it because that her ex ended up doing and saying some very scummy things to me and we are no longer friends. Looking back on it, I feel like I had a misplaced sense of loyalty to him at that time. It was misplaced because as I found out the feeling wasn't mutual and he wasn't a person who deserved loyalty in the first place. My chance with her is gone now since she found someone else and has been married for a number of years.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I wonder where the girls go (that had this happen to them)? Do they also post stuff like this on 4chan


Probably talk with the girls or post a TikTok saying how trash their partner was... from my experience


Its also a lot easier for them to find another guy right away, many times they have them on the back burner anyway


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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